187 lines
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187 lines
7.9 KiB
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Lobby",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"exits": {
"Desert Colossus": "True",
"Child Spirit Temple": "is_child or (is_adult and (can_mega or Hover_Boots))",
"Early Adult Spirit Temple": "can_use(Silver_Gauntlets) or can_use(Hover_Boots) or (is_adult and can_shield)"
"region_name": "Child Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Child Bridge Chest": "is_adult or
(can_use(Boomerang) or Slingshot or has_bombchus or can_mega) and
(Sticks or has_explosives or
( (Nuts or can_use(Boomerang)) and
(can_use(Kokiri_Sword) or Slingshot) ) ))",
"Deku Shield Pot": "
fix_broken_drops and
(is_adult or (
(can_use(Boomerang) or Slingshot or has_bombchus or can_mega) and
(Sticks or has_explosives or
( (Nuts or can_use(Boomerang)) and
(can_use(Kokiri_Sword) or Slingshot) ) )))",
"Spirit Temple Child Early Torches Chest": "(is_adult and has_fire_source) or
(has_fire_source_with_torch and (here(is_adult) or
(can_use(Boomerang) or Slingshot or has_bombchus or can_mega) and
(Sticks or has_explosives or
( (Nuts or can_use(Boomerang)) and
(can_use(Kokiri_Sword) or Slingshot) ) ))))",
"Spirit Temple GS Metal Fence": "is_adult or
(can_use(Boomerang) or Slingshot or has_bombchus or can_mega) and
(Sticks or has_explosives or
( (Nuts or can_use(Boomerang)) and
(can_use(Kokiri_Sword) or Slingshot) ) ))",
"Nut Crate": "True"
"exits": {
"Child Spirit Temple Climb": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2) and
(is_child or ((can_mega and can_use(Longshot)) or can_use(Hover_Boots))
"region_name": "Child Spirit Temple Climb",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Child Climb North Chest": "at('Spirit Temple Central Chamber', True)
or is_child or has_projectile(adult)",
"Spirit Temple Child Climb East Chest": "at('Spirit Temple Central Chamber', True)
or is_child or has_projectile(adult)",
"Spirit Temple GS Sun on Floor Room": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hookshot) or
(can_child_damage and (can_live_dmg(0.5) or Fairy or can_use(Nayrus_Love))) or
(is_adult and (can_live_dmg(0.5) or Fairy or can_use(Nayrus_Love)))"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Central Chamber": "has_explosives"
"region_name": "Early Adult Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Compass Chest": "can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby) and
(can_use(Hookshot) or can_hover) and has_projectile(either)",
"Spirit Temple Early Adult Right Chest": "has_projectile(either)",
"Spirit Temple First Mirror Left Chest": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2)",
"Spirit Temple First Mirror Right Chest": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2)",
"Spirit Temple GS Boulder Room": "has_projectile(either) and
(can_play(Song_of_Time) or can_use(Hover_Boots))"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Central Chamber": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Central Chamber",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Map Chest": "can_use(Bow) or has_fire_source_with_torch",
"Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest": "has_fire_source_with_torch or can_use(Bow)",
"Spirit Temple Statue Room Hand Chest": "can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby)
and can_jumpslash",
"Spirit Temple Statue Room Northeast Chest": "can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby) and can_jumpslash and
(can_use(Hookshot) or can_use(Hover_Boots) or can_mega)",
"Spirit Temple GS Hall After Sun Block Room": "can_use(Hookshot) or can_use(Boomerang) or can_hover",
"Spirit Temple GS Lobby": "can_use(Hookshot) or can_use(Boomerang) or can_hover
or can_use(Hover_Boots)"
"exits": {
"Silver Gauntlets Hand": "True",
# access via Early Adult Spirit Temple requires 2 keys (+ jumpslash + explosives)
# access to Early Adult Spirit Temple guaranteed via can_jumpslash from here
"Spirit Temple Beyond Central Locked Door": "can_jumpslash and (
(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2) or
can_hover or
can_use(Hookshot)) and has_explosives",
"Child Spirit Temple Climb": "True",
"Spirit Temple Boss Door": "can_use(Hookshot) and can_live_dmg(0.5) and Mirror_Shield and has_explosives",
"Early Adult Spirit Temple": "can_jumpslash or can_hover or can_use(Hookshot)"
"region_name": "Mirror Shield Hand",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest": "True"
"exits": {
"Desert Colossus": "True",
"Silver Gauntlets Hand": "
can_hover or can_use(Hookshot) or (can_use(Hover_Boots) and can_mega)",
"Spirit Temple Beyond Central Locked Door": "True"
"region_name": "Silver Gauntlets Hand",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest": "True"
"exits": {
"Desert Colossus": "True",
"Mirror Shield Hand": "can_hover or (can_use(Hover_Boots) and can_mega)",
"Spirit Temple Central Chamber": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Outdoor Hands",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"exits": {
"Silver Gauntlets Hand": "True",
"Mirror Shield Hand": "True"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Beyond Central Locked Door",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Near Four Armos Chest": "can_use(Mirror_Shield)",
"Spirit Temple Hallway Right Invisible Chest": "True",
"Spirit Temple Hallway Left Invisible Chest": "True"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Beyond Final Locked Door": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple,5) and
(can_use(Hookshot) or has_explosives)",
"Mirror Shield Hand": "True",
"Spirit Temple Central Chamber": "has_explosives"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Beyond Final Locked Door",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Boss Key Chest": "
can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby) and (can_live_dmg(1.0) or (Bow and
"Spirit Temple Topmost Chest": "can_use(Mirror_Shield)"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Boss Door": "can_use(Mirror_Shield)",
"Spirit Temple Central Chamber": "can_use(Mirror_Shield) or can_use(Hookshot)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Boss Door",
"scene": "Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"exits": {
"Twinrova Boss Room": "True"
"region_name": "Twinrova Boss Room",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart": "True",
"Twinrova": "True"