Archipelago/worlds/oot/data/World/Gerudo Training Ground MQ.json

102 lines
4.5 KiB

"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Lobby",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Hidden Ceiling Chest": "logic_lens_gtg_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path First Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Second Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Third Chest": "(Small_Key_Gerudo_Training_Ground, 1)",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Pot 1": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Pot 2": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Pot 1": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Pot 2": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Crate": "(Small_Key_Gerudo_Training_Ground, 3) and can_break_crate"
"exits": {
"Gerudo Fortress": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground Right Side": "here(can_use(Bow) or can_use(Slingshot))",
"Gerudo Training Ground Left Side": "here(has_fire_source)"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Right Side",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Dinolfos Chest": "is_adult",
# In the Dinalfos room, shoot the Gerudo symbol above the door to the lava room.
"Wall Fairy": "has_bottle and can_use(Bow)"
"exits": {
# Fire source is checked in the water room itself.
"Gerudo Training Ground Underwater": "is_adult and (Bow or Longshot) and Hover_Boots"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Underwater Silver Rupee Chest": "
has_fire_source and Iron_Boots and
(logic_fewer_tunic_requirements or Zora_Tunic) and can_take_damage"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Left Side",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ First Iron Knuckle Chest": "is_adult or Kokiri_Sword or has_explosives"
"exits": {
"Gerudo Training Ground Stalfos Room": "
can_use(Longshot) or logic_gtg_mq_without_hookshot or
(logic_gtg_mq_with_hookshot and can_use(Hookshot))"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Stalfos Room",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
# Very difficult to fight the Stalfos and Stulltulas under the time limit as child.
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Before Heavy Block Chest": "is_adult",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Heavy Block Chest": "can_use(Silver_Gauntlets)",
"Blue Fire": "has_bottle"
"exits": {
"Gerudo Training Ground Back Areas": "
is_adult and (logic_lens_gtg_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)) and Blue_Fire and
(can_play(Song_of_Time) or (logic_gtg_fake_wall and Hover_Boots))"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Back Areas",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
# The switch that opens the door to the Ice Arrows chest can be hit with a precise jumpslash.
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Ice Arrows Chest": "
(Small_Key_Gerudo_Training_Ground, 3) and Megaton_Hammer",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Eye Statue Chest": "Bow",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Second Iron Knuckle Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Flame Circle Chest": "Hookshot or Bow or has_explosives"
"exits": {
"Gerudo Training Ground Central Maze Right": "Megaton_Hammer",
"Gerudo Training Ground Right Side": "Longshot"
"region_name": "Gerudo Training Ground Central Maze Right",
"dungeon": "Gerudo Training Ground",
"locations": {
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Central Chest": "True",
"Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Side Chest": "True"
"exits": {
"Gerudo Training Ground Underwater": "Longshot or (Hookshot and Bow)",
"Gerudo Training Ground Right Side": "Hookshot"