75 lines
2.9 KiB
75 lines
2.9 KiB
"region_name": "Jabu Jabus Belly Beginning",
"dungeon": "Jabu Jabus Belly",
"exits": {
"Zoras Fountain": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Main": "can_use_projectile"
"region_name": "Jabu Jabus Belly Main",
"dungeon": "Jabu Jabus Belly",
"locations": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Boomerang Chest": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Deku Scrub": "
can_dive or is_child or logic_jabu_alcove_jump_dive or can_use(Iron_Boots)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Small Wooden Crate": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 1": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hover_Boots)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 2": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hover_Boots)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 3": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hover_Boots)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 4": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hover_Boots)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement Switch Room Pot 1": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Basement Switch Room Pot 2": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly GS Water Switch Room": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Lower": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hookshot)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Upper": "can_use(Boomerang) or can_use(Hookshot)",
"Fairy Pot": "has_bottle"
"exits": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Depths": "can_use(Boomerang)",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Before Boss": "
(logic_jabu_boss_hover and can_use(Hover_Boots))
or jabu_shortcuts or 'Jabu Jabus Belly Floor Lowered'"
"region_name": "Jabu Jabus Belly Depths",
"dungeon": "Jabu Jabus Belly",
"locations": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Map Chest": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Compass Chest": "True"
"exits": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Past Big Octo": "Sticks or Kokiri_Sword"
"region_name": "Jabu Jabus Belly Past Big Octo",
"dungeon": "Jabu Jabus Belly",
"events": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Floor Lowered": "True"
"locations": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Above Big Octo Pot 1": "True",
"Jabu Jabus Belly Above Big Octo Pot 2": "True",
"Nut Pot": "True"
"region_name": "Jabu Jabus Belly Before Boss",
"dungeon": "Jabu Jabus Belly",
"locations": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly GS Near Boss": "True"
"exits": {
"Jabu Jabus Belly Boss Door": "
can_use(Boomerang) or
(logic_jabu_near_boss_ranged and
(can_use(Hookshot) or can_use(Bow) or can_use(Slingshot))) or
(logic_jabu_near_boss_explosives and
(has_bombchus or (Bombs and can_use(Hover_Boots))))"