209 lines
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209 lines
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"region_name": "Spirit Temple Lobby",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Left Chest": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Left Chest": "
here(can_blast_or_smash) and (can_use(Slingshot) or can_use(Bow))",
"Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Right Chest": "
has_bombchus or can_use(Bow) or can_use(Hookshot) or
can_use(Slingshot) or can_use(Boomerang)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 3": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 4": "True"
"exits": {
"Desert Colossus From Spirit Lobby": "True",
"Child Spirit Temple": "is_child",
"Adult Spirit Temple": "
can_use(Longshot) and
((can_use(Silver_Gauntlets) and has_bombchus) or spirit_temple_shortcuts)"
"region_name": "Child Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Hammer Switch Chest": "
at('Adult Spirit Temple', (Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and Megaton_Hammer)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Map Chest": "Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or Bombs",
"Spirit Temple MQ Map Room Enemy Chest": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword) and has_bombchus and Slingshot and can_use(Dins_Fire)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Silver Block Hallway Chest": "
has_bombchus and (Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and Slingshot and
(can_use(Dins_Fire) or
at('Adult Spirit Temple', (can_use(Fire_Arrows) or
(logic_spirit_mq_frozen_eye and can_use(Bow) and can_play(Song_of_Time)))))",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Recovery Heart 1": "can_use(Slingshot) or can_use(Boomerang)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Recovery Heart 2": "can_use(Slingshot) or can_use(Boomerang)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Torch Slugs Room Pot": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child 3 Gibdo Room Pot 1": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or (Bombs and can_use(Dins_Fire))) and has_bombchus and Slingshot",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child 3 Gibdo Room Pot 2": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword or (Bombs and can_use(Dins_Fire))) and has_bombchus and Slingshot",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 1": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword) and has_bombchus and Slingshot",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 2": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword) and has_bombchus and Slingshot",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 3": "
(Sticks or Kokiri_Sword) and has_bombchus and Slingshot",
"Fairy Pot": "
has_bottle and (Sticks or Kokiri_Sword) and has_bombchus and Slingshot"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Shared": "has_bombchus and (Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 2)"
"region_name": "Adult Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb South Chest": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and has_explosives",
"Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Lullaby Chest": "can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby) and can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Invisible Chest": "logic_lens_spirit_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Shared": "True",
"Lower Adult Spirit Temple": "
Mirror_Shield and
(can_use(Fire_Arrows) or (logic_spirit_mq_lower_adult and can_use(Dins_Fire)))",
"Spirit Temple Beamos Room": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 5)",
"Spirit Temple Boss Door": "spirit_temple_shortcuts"
# In this region, child reachability really means age-unknown, but with the caveat that child has
# as least entered the dungeon. is_adult means is_adult as usual. All child specific logic must be
# anded with 7 keys to convert child-as-unknown-age back to child.
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Shared",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb North Chest": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 6) and has_explosives",
"Spirit Temple MQ Compass Chest": "
(can_use(Slingshot) and (Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7)) or
can_use(Bow) or
(Bow and Slingshot)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Chest": "
can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot or
"Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest": "
((Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and
(can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot or is_adult)) or
((Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 4) and can_play(Song_of_Time) and (has_explosives or Nuts) and
(logic_lens_spirit_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)))",
"Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb Pot": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 6)",
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 3": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Top Left Pot (Left)": "
(is_adult and (Hover_Boots or logic_spirit_lobby_jump)) or
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Top Left Pot (Right)": "
(is_child and Boomerang and (Kokiri_Sword or Sticks) and (Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7)) or
(is_adult and (Hover_Boots or logic_spirit_lobby_jump)) or
can_play(Song_of_Time) or
(Boomerang and (Kokiri_Sword or Sticks) and (Hover_Boots or logic_spirit_lobby_jump))",
"Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Pot 1": "
can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot or
"Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Pot 2": "
can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot or
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Crate 1": "can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Crate 2": "can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ GS Sun Block Room": "
(logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_gs and Boomerang and
(can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot)) or
"exits": {
"Desert Colossus": "
((Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and
(can_play(Song_of_Time) or logic_spirit_mq_sun_block_sot or is_adult)) or
((Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 4) and can_play(Song_of_Time) and (has_explosives or Nuts) and
(logic_lens_spirit_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)) and is_adult)"
"region_name": "Lower Adult Spirit Temple",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Leever Room Chest": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Symphony Room Chest": "
(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and Megaton_Hammer and Ocarina and
Song_of_Time and Eponas_Song and Suns_Song and Song_of_Storms and Zeldas_Lullaby",
"Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Right Chest": "Megaton_Hammer",
"Spirit Temple MQ Below 4 Wallmasters Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Below 4 Wallmasters Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ GS Leever Room": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ GS Symphony Room": "
(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7) and Megaton_Hammer and Ocarina and
Song_of_Time and Eponas_Song and Suns_Song and Song_of_Storms and Zeldas_Lullaby"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Beamos Room",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Beamos Room Chest": "has_explosives"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Beyond Beamos Room": "can_play(Song_of_Time) and (has_explosives or Nuts)",
"Spirit Temple Shifting Wall": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 6)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Beyond Beamos Room",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Chest Switch Chest": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Boss Key Chest": "Mirror_Shield",
"Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest": "logic_lens_spirit_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Shifting Wall",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Shifting Wall Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Shifting Wall Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ After Shifting Wall Room Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ After Shifting Wall Room Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room West": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7)",
"Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room North": "(Small_Key_Spirit_Temple, 7)"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Big Mirror Room": "can_play(Zeldas_Lullaby)"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Big Mirror Room",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 1": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 2": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 3": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 4": "True",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 1": "can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 2": "can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 3": "can_break_crate",
"Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 4": "can_break_crate"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Mirror Puzzle": "Megaton_Hammer"
"region_name": "Spirit Temple Mirror Puzzle",
"dungeon": "Spirit Temple",
"locations": {
"Spirit Temple MQ Mirror Puzzle Invisible Chest": "logic_lens_spirit_mq or can_use(Lens_of_Truth)"
"exits": {
"Spirit Temple Boss Door": "Mirror_Shield"