482 lines
22 KiB
482 lines
22 KiB
import typing
from dataclasses import fields
from typing import List, Set, Iterable, Sequence, Dict, Callable, Union
from math import floor, ceil
from BaseClasses import Item, MultiWorld, Location, Tutorial, ItemClassification
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from . import ItemNames
from .Items import StarcraftItem, filler_items, get_item_table, get_full_item_list, \
get_basic_units, ItemData, upgrade_included_names, progressive_if_nco, kerrigan_actives, kerrigan_passives, \
kerrigan_only_passives, progressive_if_ext, not_balanced_starting_units, spear_of_adun_calldowns, \
spear_of_adun_castable_passives, nova_equipment
from .ItemGroups import item_name_groups
from .Locations import get_locations, LocationType, get_location_types, get_plando_locations
from .Regions import create_regions
from .Options import get_option_value, LocationInclusion, KerriganLevelItemDistribution, \
KerriganPresence, KerriganPrimalStatus, RequiredTactics, kerrigan_unit_available, StarterUnit, SpearOfAdunPresence, \
get_enabled_campaigns, SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence, Starcraft2Options
from .PoolFilter import filter_items, get_item_upgrades, UPGRADABLE_ITEMS, missions_in_mission_table, get_used_races
from .MissionTables import MissionInfo, SC2Campaign, lookup_name_to_mission, SC2Mission, \
class Starcraft2WebWorld(WebWorld):
setup = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Starcraft 2 randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld",
["TheCondor", "Phaneros"]
tutorials = [setup]
class SC2World(World):
StarCraft II is a science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.
Play as one of three factions across four campaigns in a battle for supremacy of the Koprulu Sector.
game = "Starcraft 2"
web = Starcraft2WebWorld()
item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in get_full_item_list().items()}
location_name_to_id = {location.name: location.code for location in get_locations(None)}
options_dataclass = Starcraft2Options
options: Starcraft2Options
item_name_groups = item_name_groups
locked_locations: typing.List[str]
location_cache: typing.List[Location]
mission_req_table: Dict[SC2Campaign, Dict[str, MissionInfo]] = {}
final_mission_id: int
victory_item: str
required_client_version = 0, 4, 5
def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int):
super(SC2World, self).__init__(multiworld, player)
self.location_cache = []
self.locked_locations = []
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
data = get_full_item_list()[name]
return StarcraftItem(name, data.classification, data.code, self.player)
def create_regions(self):
self.mission_req_table, self.final_mission_id, self.victory_item = create_regions(
self, get_locations(self), self.location_cache
def create_items(self):
setup_events(self.player, self.locked_locations, self.location_cache)
excluded_items = get_excluded_items(self)
starter_items = assign_starter_items(self, excluded_items, self.locked_locations, self.location_cache)
fill_resource_locations(self, self.locked_locations, self.location_cache)
pool = get_item_pool(self, self.mission_req_table, starter_items, excluded_items, self.location_cache)
fill_item_pool_with_dummy_items(self, self.locked_locations, self.location_cache, pool)
self.multiworld.itempool += pool
def set_rules(self):
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has(self.victory_item, self.player)
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choice(filler_items)
def fill_slot_data(self):
slot_data = {}
for option_name in [field.name for field in fields(Starcraft2Options)]:
option = get_option_value(self, option_name)
if type(option) in {str, int}:
slot_data[option_name] = int(option)
slot_req_table = {}
# Serialize data
for campaign in self.mission_req_table:
slot_req_table[campaign.id] = {}
for mission in self.mission_req_table[campaign]:
slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission] = self.mission_req_table[campaign][mission]._asdict()
# Replace mission objects with mission IDs
slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["mission"] = slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["mission"].id
for index in range(len(slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["required_world"])):
# TODO this is a band-aid, sometimes the mission_req_table already contains dicts
# as far as I can tell it's related to having multiple vanilla mission orders
if not isinstance(slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["required_world"][index], dict):
slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["required_world"][index] = slot_req_table[campaign.id][mission]["required_world"][index]._asdict()
enabled_campaigns = get_enabled_campaigns(self)
slot_data["plando_locations"] = get_plando_locations(self)
slot_data["nova_covert_ops_only"] = (enabled_campaigns == {SC2Campaign.NCO})
slot_data["mission_req"] = slot_req_table
slot_data["final_mission"] = self.final_mission_id
slot_data["version"] = 3
if SC2Campaign.HOTS not in enabled_campaigns:
slot_data["kerrigan_presence"] = KerriganPresence.option_not_present
return slot_data
def setup_events(player: int, locked_locations: typing.List[str], location_cache: typing.List[Location]):
for location in location_cache:
if location.address is None:
item = Item(location.name, ItemClassification.progression, None, player)
def get_excluded_items(world: World) -> Set[str]:
excluded_items: Set[str] = set(get_option_value(world, 'excluded_items'))
for item in world.multiworld.precollected_items[world.player]:
locked_items: Set[str] = set(get_option_value(world, 'locked_items'))
# Starter items are also excluded items
starter_items: Set[str] = set(get_option_value(world, 'start_inventory'))
item_table = get_full_item_list()
soa_presence = get_option_value(world, "spear_of_adun_presence")
soa_autocast_presence = get_option_value(world, "spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence")
enabled_campaigns = get_enabled_campaigns(world)
# Ensure no item is both guaranteed and excluded
invalid_items = excluded_items.intersection(locked_items)
invalid_count = len(invalid_items)
# Don't count starter items that can appear multiple times
invalid_count -= len([item for item in starter_items.intersection(locked_items) if item_table[item].quantity != 1])
if invalid_count > 0:
raise Exception(f"{invalid_count} item{'s are' if invalid_count > 1 else ' is'} both locked and excluded from generation. Please adjust your excluded items and locked items.")
def smart_exclude(item_choices: Set[str], choices_to_keep: int):
expected_choices = len(item_choices)
if expected_choices == 0:
item_choices = set(item_choices)
starter_choices = item_choices.intersection(starter_items)
excluded_choices = item_choices.intersection(excluded_items)
candidates = sorted(item_choices)
exclude_amount = min(expected_choices - choices_to_keep - len(excluded_choices) + len(starter_choices), len(candidates))
if exclude_amount > 0:
excluded_items.update(world.random.sample(candidates, exclude_amount))
# Nova gear exclusion if NCO not in campaigns
if SC2Campaign.NCO not in enabled_campaigns:
excluded_items = excluded_items.union(nova_equipment)
kerrigan_presence = get_option_value(world, "kerrigan_presence")
# Exclude Primal Form item if option is not set or Kerrigan is unavailable
if get_option_value(world, "kerrigan_primal_status") != KerriganPrimalStatus.option_item or \
(kerrigan_presence in {KerriganPresence.option_not_present, KerriganPresence.option_not_present_and_no_passives}):
# no Kerrigan & remove all passives => remove all abilities
if kerrigan_presence == KerriganPresence.option_not_present_and_no_passives:
for tier in range(7):
smart_exclude(kerrigan_actives[tier].union(kerrigan_passives[tier]), 0)
# no Kerrigan, but keep non-Kerrigan passives
if kerrigan_presence == KerriganPresence.option_not_present:
smart_exclude(kerrigan_only_passives, 0)
for tier in range(7):
smart_exclude(kerrigan_actives[tier], 0)
# SOA exclusion, other cases are handled by generic race logic
if (soa_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_lotv_protoss and SC2Campaign.LOTV not in enabled_campaigns) \
or soa_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_not_present:
if (soa_autocast_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_lotv_protoss \
and SC2Campaign.LOTV not in enabled_campaigns) \
or soa_autocast_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_not_present:
return excluded_items
def assign_starter_items(world: World, excluded_items: Set[str], locked_locations: List[str], location_cache: typing.List[Location]) -> List[Item]:
starter_items: List[Item] = []
non_local_items = get_option_value(world, "non_local_items")
starter_unit = get_option_value(world, "starter_unit")
enabled_campaigns = get_enabled_campaigns(world)
first_mission = get_first_mission(world.mission_req_table)
# Ensuring that first mission is completable
if starter_unit == StarterUnit.option_off:
starter_mission_locations = [location.name for location in location_cache
if location.parent_region.name == first_mission
and location.access_rule == Location.access_rule]
if not starter_mission_locations:
# Force early unit if first mission is impossible without one
starter_unit = StarterUnit.option_any_starter_unit
if starter_unit != StarterUnit.option_off:
first_race = lookup_name_to_mission[first_mission].race
if first_race == SC2Race.ANY:
# If the first mission is a logic-less no-build
mission_req_table: Dict[SC2Campaign, Dict[str, MissionInfo]] = world.mission_req_table
races = get_used_races(mission_req_table, world)
if lookup_name_to_mission[first_mission].race in races:
# The campaign's race is in (At least one mission that's not logic-less no-build exists)
first_race = lookup_name_to_mission[first_mission].campaign.race
elif len(races) > 0:
# The campaign only has logic-less no-build missions. Find any other valid race
first_race = world.random.choice(list(races))
if first_race != SC2Race.ANY:
# The race of the early unit has been chosen
basic_units = get_basic_units(world, first_race)
if starter_unit == StarterUnit.option_balanced:
basic_units = basic_units.difference(not_balanced_starting_units)
if first_mission == SC2Mission.DARK_WHISPERS.mission_name:
# Special case - you don't have a logicless location but need an AA
basic_units = basic_units.difference(
if first_mission == SC2Mission.SUDDEN_STRIKE.mission_name:
# Special case - cliffjumpers
basic_units = {ItemNames.REAPER, ItemNames.GOLIATH, ItemNames.SIEGE_TANK, ItemNames.VIKING, ItemNames.BANSHEE}
local_basic_unit = sorted(item for item in basic_units if item not in non_local_items and item not in excluded_items)
if not local_basic_unit:
# Drop non_local_items constraint
local_basic_unit = sorted(item for item in basic_units if item not in excluded_items)
if not local_basic_unit:
raise Exception("Early Unit: At least one basic unit must be included")
unit: Item = add_starter_item(world, excluded_items, local_basic_unit)
# NCO-only specific rules
if first_mission == SC2Mission.SUDDEN_STRIKE.mission_name:
support_item: Union[str, None] = None
if unit.name == ItemNames.REAPER:
support_item = ItemNames.REAPER_SPIDER_MINES
elif unit.name == ItemNames.GOLIATH:
support_item = ItemNames.GOLIATH_JUMP_JETS
elif unit.name == ItemNames.SIEGE_TANK:
support_item = ItemNames.SIEGE_TANK_JUMP_JETS
elif unit.name == ItemNames.VIKING:
support_item = ItemNames.VIKING_SMART_SERVOS
if support_item is not None:
starter_items.append(add_starter_item(world, excluded_items, [support_item]))
starter_items.append(add_starter_item(world, excluded_items, [ItemNames.NOVA_JUMP_SUIT_MODULE]))
add_starter_item(world, excluded_items,
if enabled_campaigns == {SC2Campaign.NCO}:
starter_items.append(add_starter_item(world, excluded_items, [ItemNames.LIBERATOR_RAID_ARTILLERY]))
starter_abilities = get_option_value(world, 'start_primary_abilities')
assert isinstance(starter_abilities, int)
if starter_abilities:
ability_count = starter_abilities
ability_tiers = [0, 1, 3]
if ability_count > 3:
for tier in ability_tiers:
abilities = kerrigan_actives[tier].union(kerrigan_passives[tier]).difference(excluded_items, non_local_items)
if not abilities:
abilities = kerrigan_actives[tier].union(kerrigan_passives[tier]).difference(excluded_items)
if abilities:
ability_count -= 1
starter_items.append(add_starter_item(world, excluded_items, list(abilities)))
if ability_count == 0:
return starter_items
def get_first_mission(mission_req_table: Dict[SC2Campaign, Dict[str, MissionInfo]]) -> str:
# The first world should also be the starting world
campaigns = mission_req_table.keys()
lowest_id = min([campaign.id for campaign in campaigns])
first_campaign = [campaign for campaign in campaigns if campaign.id == lowest_id][0]
first_mission = list(mission_req_table[first_campaign])[0]
return first_mission
def add_starter_item(world: World, excluded_items: Set[str], item_list: Sequence[str]) -> Item:
item_name = world.random.choice(sorted(item_list))
item = create_item_with_correct_settings(world.player, item_name)
return item
def get_item_pool(world: World, mission_req_table: Dict[SC2Campaign, Dict[str, MissionInfo]],
starter_items: List[Item], excluded_items: Set[str], location_cache: List[Location]) -> List[Item]:
pool: List[Item] = []
# For the future: goal items like Artifact Shards go here
locked_items = []
# YAML items
yaml_locked_items = get_option_value(world, 'locked_items')
assert not isinstance(yaml_locked_items, int)
# Adjust generic upgrade availability based on options
include_upgrades = get_option_value(world, 'generic_upgrade_missions') == 0
upgrade_items = get_option_value(world, 'generic_upgrade_items')
assert isinstance(upgrade_items, int)
# Include items from outside main campaigns
item_sets = {'wol', 'hots', 'lotv'}
if get_option_value(world, 'nco_items') \
or SC2Campaign.NCO in get_enabled_campaigns(world):
if get_option_value(world, 'bw_items'):
if get_option_value(world, 'ext_items'):
def allowed_quantity(name: str, data: ItemData) -> int:
if name in excluded_items \
or data.type == "Upgrade" and (not include_upgrades or name not in upgrade_included_names[upgrade_items]) \
or not data.origin.intersection(item_sets):
return 0
elif name in progressive_if_nco and 'nco' not in item_sets:
return 1
elif name in progressive_if_ext and 'ext' not in item_sets:
return 1
return data.quantity
for name, data in get_item_table().items():
for _ in range(allowed_quantity(name, data)):
item = create_item_with_correct_settings(world.player, name)
if name in yaml_locked_items:
existing_items = starter_items + [item for item in world.multiworld.precollected_items[world.player] if item not in starter_items]
existing_names = [item.name for item in existing_items]
# Check the parent item integrity, exclude items
pool[:] = [item for item in pool if pool_contains_parent(item, pool + locked_items + existing_items)]
# Removing upgrades for excluded items
for item_name in excluded_items:
if item_name in existing_names:
invalid_upgrades = get_item_upgrades(pool, item_name)
for invalid_upgrade in invalid_upgrades:
fill_pool_with_kerrigan_levels(world, pool)
filtered_pool = filter_items(world, mission_req_table, location_cache, pool, existing_items, locked_items)
return filtered_pool
def fill_item_pool_with_dummy_items(self: SC2World, locked_locations: List[str],
location_cache: List[Location], pool: List[Item]):
for _ in range(len(location_cache) - len(locked_locations) - len(pool)):
item = create_item_with_correct_settings(self.player, self.get_filler_item_name())
def create_item_with_correct_settings(player: int, name: str) -> Item:
data = get_full_item_list()[name]
item = Item(name, data.classification, data.code, player)
return item
def pool_contains_parent(item: Item, pool: Iterable[Item]):
item_data = get_full_item_list().get(item.name)
if item_data.parent_item is None:
# The item has not associated parent, the item is valid
return True
parent_item = item_data.parent_item
# Check if the pool contains the parent item
return parent_item in [pool_item.name for pool_item in pool]
def fill_resource_locations(world: World, locked_locations: List[str], location_cache: List[Location]):
Filters the locations in the world using a trash or Nothing item
:param multiworld:
:param player:
:param locked_locations:
:param location_cache:
open_locations = [location for location in location_cache if location.item is None]
plando_locations = get_plando_locations(world)
resource_location_types = get_location_types(world, LocationInclusion.option_resources)
location_data = {sc2_location.name: sc2_location for sc2_location in get_locations(world)}
for location in open_locations:
# Go through the locations that aren't locked yet (early unit, etc)
if location.name not in plando_locations:
# The location is not plando'd
sc2_location = location_data[location.name]
if sc2_location.type in resource_location_types:
item_name = world.random.choice(filler_items)
item = create_item_with_correct_settings(world.player, item_name)
def place_exclusion_item(item_name, location, locked_locations, player):
item = create_item_with_correct_settings(player, item_name)
def fill_pool_with_kerrigan_levels(world: World, item_pool: List[Item]):
total_levels = get_option_value(world, "kerrigan_level_item_sum")
if get_option_value(world, "kerrigan_presence") not in kerrigan_unit_available \
or total_levels == 0 \
or SC2Campaign.HOTS not in get_enabled_campaigns(world):
def add_kerrigan_level_items(level_amount: int, item_amount: int):
name = f"{level_amount} Kerrigan Level"
if level_amount > 1:
name += "s"
for _ in range(item_amount):
item_pool.append(create_item_with_correct_settings(world.player, name))
sizes = [70, 35, 14, 10, 7, 5, 2, 1]
option = get_option_value(world, "kerrigan_level_item_distribution")
assert isinstance(option, int)
assert isinstance(total_levels, int)
if option in (KerriganLevelItemDistribution.option_vanilla, KerriganLevelItemDistribution.option_smooth):
distribution = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
if option == KerriganLevelItemDistribution.option_vanilla:
distribution = [32, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
else: # Smooth
distribution = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]
for tier in range(len(distribution)):
add_kerrigan_level_items(tier + 1, distribution[tier])
size = sizes[option - 2]
round_func: Callable[[float], int] = round
if total_levels > 70:
round_func = floor
round_func = ceil
add_kerrigan_level_items(size, round_func(float(total_levels) / size))