78 lines
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78 lines
2.8 KiB
from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Tuple, cast, List, Counter as _Counter
from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from zilliandomizer.logic_components.locations import Location
from zilliandomizer.randomizer import Randomizer
from zilliandomizer.logic_components.items import Item, items
from .region import ZillionLocation
from .item import ZillionItem
from .id_maps import item_name_to_id
zz_empty = items[4]
# TODO: unit tests for these
def set_randomizer_locs(cs: CollectionState, p: int, zz_r: Randomizer) -> int:
sync up zilliandomizer locations with archipelago locations
returns a hash of the player and of the set locations with their items
z_world = cs.multiworld.worlds[p]
my_locations = cast(List[ZillionLocation], getattr(z_world, "my_locations"))
_hash = p
for z_loc in my_locations:
zz_name = z_loc.zz_loc.name
zz_item = z_loc.item.zz_item \
if isinstance(z_loc.item, ZillionItem) and z_loc.item.player == p \
else zz_empty
zz_r.locations[zz_name].item = zz_item
_hash += hash(zz_name) ^ hash(zz_item)
return _hash
def item_counts(cs: CollectionState, p: int) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, int], ...]:
the zilliandomizer items that player p has collected
((item_name, count), (item_name, count), ...)
return tuple((item_name, cs.item_count(item_name, p)) for item_name in item_name_to_id)
LogicCacheType = Dict[int, Tuple[_Counter[Tuple[str, int]], FrozenSet[Location]]]
def cs_to_zz_locs(cs: CollectionState, p: int, zz_r: Randomizer, id_to_zz_item: Dict[int, Item]) -> FrozenSet[Location]:
given an Archipelago `CollectionState`,
returns frozenset of accessible zilliandomizer locations
# caching this function because it would be slow
logic_cache: LogicCacheType = getattr(cs.multiworld, "zillion_logic_cache", {})
_hash = set_randomizer_locs(cs, p, zz_r)
counts = item_counts(cs, p)
_hash += hash(counts)
if _hash in logic_cache and logic_cache[_hash][0] == cs.prog_items:
# print("cache hit")
return logic_cache[_hash][1]
# print("cache miss")
have_items: List[Item] = []
for name, count in counts:
have_items.extend([id_to_zz_item[item_name_to_id[name]]] * count)
# have_req is the result of converting AP CollectionState to zilliandomizer collection state
have_req = zz_r.make_ability(have_items)
# This `get_locations` is where the core of the logic comes in.
# It takes a zilliandomizer collection state (a set of the abilities that I have)
# and returns list of all the zilliandomizer locations I can access with those abilities.
tr = frozenset(zz_r.get_locations(have_req))
# save result in cache
logic_cache[_hash] = (cs.prog_items.copy(), tr)
return tr