317 lines
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317 lines
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import os
import typing
import settings
import base64
import logging
from BaseClasses import Item, Region, Tutorial, ItemClassification
from .items import CV64Item, filler_item_names, get_item_info, get_item_names_to_ids, get_item_counts
from .locations import CV64Location, get_location_info, verify_locations, get_location_names_to_ids, base_id
from .entrances import verify_entrances, get_warp_entrances
from .options import CV64Options, CharacterStages, DraculasCondition, SubWeaponShuffle
from .stages import get_locations_from_stage, get_normal_stage_exits, vanilla_stage_order, \
shuffle_stages, generate_warps, get_region_names
from .regions import get_region_info
from .rules import CV64Rules
from .data import iname, rname, ename
from ..AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from .aesthetics import randomize_lighting, shuffle_sub_weapons, rom_empty_breakables_flags, rom_sub_weapon_flags, \
randomize_music, get_start_inventory_data, get_location_data, randomize_shop_prices, get_loading_zone_bytes, \
from .rom import RomData, write_patch, get_base_rom_path, CV64ProcedurePatch, CV64_US_10_HASH
from .client import Castlevania64Client
class CV64Settings(settings.Group):
class RomFile(settings.UserFilePath):
"""File name of the CV64 US 1.0 rom"""
copy_to = "Castlevania (USA).z64"
description = "CV64 (US 1.0) ROM File"
md5s = [CV64_US_10_HASH]
rom_file: RomFile = RomFile(RomFile.copy_to)
class CV64Web(WebWorld):
theme = "stone"
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Archipleago Castlevania 64 randomizer on your computer and connecting it to a "
["Liquid Cat"]
class CV64World(World):
Castlevania for the Nintendo 64 is the first 3D game in the Castlevania franchise. As either whip-wielding Belmont
descendant Reinhardt Schneider or powerful sorceress Carrie Fernandez, brave many terrifying traps and foes as you
make your way to Dracula's chamber and stop his rule of terror!
game = "Castlevania 64"
item_name_groups = {
"Bomb": {iname.magical_nitro, iname.mandragora},
"Ingredient": {iname.magical_nitro, iname.mandragora},
location_name_groups = {stage: set(get_locations_from_stage(stage)) for stage in vanilla_stage_order}
options_dataclass = CV64Options
options: CV64Options
settings: typing.ClassVar[CV64Settings]
topology_present = True
data_version = 1
item_name_to_id = get_item_names_to_ids()
location_name_to_id = get_location_names_to_ids()
active_stage_exits: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict]
active_stage_list: typing.List[str]
active_warp_list: typing.List[str]
# Default values to possibly be updated in generate_early
reinhardt_stages: bool = True
carrie_stages: bool = True
branching_stages: bool = False
starting_stage: str = rname.forest_of_silence
total_s1s: int = 7
s1s_per_warp: int = 1
total_s2s: int = 0
required_s2s: int = 0
drac_condition: int = 0
auth: bytearray
web = CV64Web()
def generate_early(self) -> None:
# Generate the player's unique authentication
self.auth = bytearray(self.multiworld.random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(16))
self.total_s1s = self.options.total_special1s.value
self.s1s_per_warp = self.options.special1s_per_warp.value
self.drac_condition = self.options.draculas_condition.value
# If there are more S1s needed to unlock the whole warp menu than there are S1s in total, drop S1s per warp to
# something manageable.
if self.s1s_per_warp * 7 > self.total_s1s:
self.s1s_per_warp = self.total_s1s // 7
logging.warning(f"[{self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]}] Too many required Special1s "
f"({self.options.special1s_per_warp.value * 7}) for Special1s Per Warp setting: "
f"{self.options.special1s_per_warp.value} with Total Special1s setting: "
f"{self.options.total_special1s.value}. Lowering Special1s Per Warp to: "
self.options.special1s_per_warp.value = self.s1s_per_warp
# Set the total and required Special2s to 1 if the drac condition is the Crystal, to the specified YAML numbers
# if it's Specials, or to 0 if it's None or Bosses. The boss totals will be figured out later.
if self.drac_condition == DraculasCondition.option_crystal:
self.total_s2s = 1
self.required_s2s = 1
elif self.drac_condition == DraculasCondition.option_specials:
self.total_s2s = self.options.total_special2s.value
self.required_s2s = int(self.options.percent_special2s_required.value / 100 * self.total_s2s)
# Enable/disable character stages and branching paths accordingly
if self.options.character_stages == CharacterStages.option_reinhardt_only:
self.carrie_stages = False
elif self.options.character_stages == CharacterStages.option_carrie_only:
self.reinhardt_stages = False
elif self.options.character_stages == CharacterStages.option_both:
self.branching_stages = True
self.active_stage_exits = get_normal_stage_exits(self)
stage_1_blacklist = []
# Prevent Clock Tower from being Stage 1 if more than 4 S1s are needed to warp out of it.
if self.s1s_per_warp > 4 and not self.options.multi_hit_breakables:
# Shuffle the stages if the option is on.
if self.options.stage_shuffle:
self.active_stage_exits, self.starting_stage, self.active_stage_list = \
shuffle_stages(self, stage_1_blacklist)
self.active_stage_list = [stage for stage in vanilla_stage_order if stage in self.active_stage_exits]
# Create a list of warps from the active stage list. They are in a random order by default and will never
# include the starting stage.
self.active_warp_list = generate_warps(self)
def create_regions(self) -> None:
# Add the Menu Region.
created_regions = [Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)]
# Add every stage Region by checking to see if that stage is active.
created_regions.extend([Region(name, self.player, self.multiworld)
for name in get_region_names(self.active_stage_exits)])
# Add the Renon's shop Region if shopsanity is on.
if self.options.shopsanity:
created_regions.append(Region(rname.renon, self.player, self.multiworld))
# Add the Dracula's chamber (the end) Region.
created_regions.append(Region(rname.ck_drac_chamber, self.player, self.multiworld))
# Set up the Regions correctly.
# Add the warp Entrances to the Menu Region (the one always at the start of the Region list).
for reg in created_regions:
# Add the Entrances to all the Regions.
ent_names = get_region_info(reg.name, "entrances")
if ent_names is not None:
reg.add_exits(verify_entrances(self.options, ent_names, self.active_stage_exits))
# Add the Locations to all the Regions.
loc_names = get_region_info(reg.name, "locations")
if loc_names is None:
verified_locs, events = verify_locations(self.options, loc_names)
reg.add_locations(verified_locs, CV64Location)
# Place event Items on all of their associated Locations.
for event_loc, event_item in events.items():
self.get_location(event_loc).place_locked_item(self.create_item(event_item, "progression"))
# If we're looking at a boss kill trophy, increment the total S2s and, if we're not already at the
# set number of required bosses, the total required number. This way, we can prevent gen failures
# should the player set more bosses required than there are total.
if event_item == iname.trophy:
self.total_s2s += 1
if self.required_s2s < self.options.bosses_required.value:
self.required_s2s += 1
# If Dracula's Condition is Bosses and there are less calculated required S2s than the value specified by the
# player (meaning there weren't enough bosses to reach the player's setting), throw a warning and lower the
# option value.
if self.options.draculas_condition == DraculasCondition.option_bosses and self.required_s2s < \
logging.warning(f"[{self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]}] Not enough bosses for Bosses Required "
f"setting: {self.options.bosses_required.value}. Lowering to: {self.required_s2s}")
self.options.bosses_required.value = self.required_s2s
def create_item(self, name: str, force_classification: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> Item:
if force_classification is not None:
classification = getattr(ItemClassification, force_classification)
classification = getattr(ItemClassification, get_item_info(name, "default classification"))
code = get_item_info(name, "code")
if code is not None:
code += base_id
created_item = CV64Item(name, classification, code, self.player)
return created_item
def create_items(self) -> None:
item_counts = get_item_counts(self)
# Set up the items correctly
self.multiworld.itempool += [self.create_item(item, classification) for classification in item_counts for item
in item_counts[classification] for _ in range(item_counts[classification][item])]
def set_rules(self) -> None:
# Set all the Entrance rules properly.
def pre_fill(self) -> None:
# If we need more Special1s to warp out of Sphere 1 than there are locations available, then AP's fill
# algorithm may try placing the Special1s anyway despite placing the stage's single key always being an option.
# To get around this problem in the fill algorithm, the keys will be forced early in these situations to ensure
# the algorithm will pick them over the Special1s.
if self.starting_stage == rname.tower_of_science:
if self.s1s_per_warp > 3:
self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player][iname.science_key2] = 1
elif self.starting_stage == rname.clock_tower:
if (self.s1s_per_warp > 2 and not self.options.multi_hit_breakables) or \
(self.s1s_per_warp > 8 and self.options.multi_hit_breakables):
self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player][iname.clocktower_key1] = 1
elif self.starting_stage == rname.castle_wall:
if self.s1s_per_warp > 5 and not self.options.hard_logic and \
not self.options.multi_hit_breakables:
self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player][iname.left_tower_key] = 1
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None:
active_locations = self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player)
# Location data and shop names, descriptions, and colors
offset_data, shop_name_list, shop_colors_list, shop_desc_list = \
get_location_data(self, active_locations)
# Shop prices
if self.options.shop_prices:
# Map lighting
if self.options.map_lighting:
# Sub-weapons
if self.options.sub_weapon_shuffle == SubWeaponShuffle.option_own_pool:
elif self.options.sub_weapon_shuffle == SubWeaponShuffle.option_anywhere:
# Empty breakables
if self.options.empty_breakables:
# Music
if self.options.background_music:
# Loading zones
offset_data.update(get_loading_zone_bytes(self.options, self.starting_stage, self.active_stage_exits))
# Countdown
if self.options.countdown:
offset_data.update(get_countdown_numbers(self.options, active_locations))
# Start Inventory
offset_data.update(get_start_inventory_data(self.player, self.options,
patch = CV64ProcedurePatch(player=self.player, player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player])
write_patch(self, patch, offset_data, shop_name_list, shop_desc_list, shop_colors_list, active_locations)
rom_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)}"
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choice(filler_item_names)
def extend_hint_information(self, hint_data: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, str]]):
# Attach each location's stage's position to its hint information if Stage Shuffle is on.
if not self.options.stage_shuffle:
stage_pos_data = {}
for loc in list(self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player)):
stage = get_region_info(loc.parent_region.name, "stage")
if stage is not None and loc.address is not None:
num = str(self.active_stage_exits[stage]["position"]).zfill(2)
path = self.active_stage_exits[stage]["path"]
stage_pos_data[loc.address] = f"Stage {num}"
if path != " ":
stage_pos_data[loc.address] += path
hint_data[self.player] = stage_pos_data
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]):
# Put the player's unique authentication in connect_names.
multidata["connect_names"][base64.b64encode(self.auth).decode("ascii")] = \
def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: typing.TextIO) -> None:
# Write the stage order to the spoiler log
spoiler_handle.write(f"\nCastlevania 64 stage & warp orders for {self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]}:\n")
for stage in self.active_stage_list:
num = str(self.active_stage_exits[stage]["position"]).zfill(2)
path = self.active_stage_exits[stage]["path"]
spoiler_handle.writelines(f"Stage {num}{path}:\t{stage}\n")
# Write the warp order to the spoiler log
spoiler_handle.writelines(f"\nStart :\t{self.active_stage_list[0]}\n")
for i in range(1, len(self.active_warp_list)):
spoiler_handle.writelines(f"Warp {i}:\t{self.active_warp_list[i]}\n")