
744 lines
39 KiB

import logging
import os
import random
import threading
import typing
import Utils
from BaseClasses import Item, CollectionState, Tutorial, MultiWorld
from .Dungeons import create_dungeons, Dungeon
from .EntranceShuffle import link_entrances, link_inverted_entrances, plando_connect, \
indirect_connections, indirect_connections_inverted, indirect_connections_not_inverted
from .InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions
from .ItemPool import generate_itempool, difficulties
from .Items import item_init_table, item_name_groups, item_table, GetBeemizerItem
from .Options import alttp_options, smallkey_shuffle
from .Regions import lookup_name_to_id, create_regions, mark_light_world_regions, lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance, \
from .Client import ALTTPSNIClient
from .Rom import LocalRom, patch_rom, patch_race_rom, check_enemizer, patch_enemizer, apply_rom_settings, \
get_hash_string, get_base_rom_path, LttPDeltaPatch
from .Rules import set_rules
from .Shops import create_shops, Shop, ShopSlotFill, ShopType, price_rate_display, price_type_display_name
from .SubClasses import ALttPItem, LTTPRegionType
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld, LogicMixin
from .StateHelpers import can_buy_unlimited
lttp_logger = logging.getLogger("A Link to the Past")
extras_list = sum(difficulties['normal'].extras[0:5], [])
class ALTTPWeb(WebWorld):
setup_en = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Tutorial",
"A guide to setting up the Archipelago ALttP Software on your computer. This guide covers single-player, multiworld, and related software.",
["Farrak Kilhn", "Berserker"]
setup_de = Tutorial(
setup_es = Tutorial(
setup_fr = Tutorial(
msu = Tutorial(
"MSU-1 Setup Tutorial",
"A guide to setting up MSU-1, which allows for custom in-game music.",
["Farrak Kilhn"]
msu_es = Tutorial(
msu_fr = Tutorial(
plando = Tutorial(
"Plando Tutorial",
"A guide to creating Multiworld Plandos with LTTP",
oof_sound = Tutorial(
"'OOF' Sound Replacement",
"A guide to customizing Link's 'oof' sound",
["Nyx Edelstein"]
tutorials = [setup_en, setup_de, setup_es, setup_fr, msu, msu_es, msu_fr, plando, oof_sound]
class ALTTPWorld(World):
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is an action/adventure game. Take on the role of
Link, a boy who is destined to save the land of Hyrule. Delve through three palaces and nine
dungeons on your quest to rescue the descendents of the seven wise men and defeat the evil
game = "A Link to the Past"
option_definitions = alttp_options
topology_present = True
item_name_groups = item_name_groups
location_name_groups = {
"Blind's Hideout": {"Blind's Hideout - Top", "Blind's Hideout - Left", "Blind's Hideout - Right",
"Blind's Hideout - Far Left", "Blind's Hideout - Far Right"},
"Kakariko Well": {"Kakariko Well - Top", "Kakariko Well - Left", "Kakariko Well - Middle",
"Kakariko Well - Right", "Kakariko Well - Bottom"},
"Mini Moldorm Cave": {"Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left", "Mini Moldorm Cave - Left", "Mini Moldorm Cave - Right",
"Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right", "Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy"},
"Paradox Cave": {"Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left", "Paradox Cave Lower - Left", "Paradox Cave Lower - Right",
"Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right", "Paradox Cave Lower - Middle", "Paradox Cave Upper - Left",
"Paradox Cave Upper - Right"},
"Hype Cave": {"Hype Cave - Top", "Hype Cave - Middle Right", "Hype Cave - Middle Left",
"Hype Cave - Bottom", "Hype Cave - Generous Guy"},
"Hookshot Cave": {"Hookshot Cave - Top Right", "Hookshot Cave - Top Left", "Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right",
"Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left"},
"Hyrule Castle": {"Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest", "Hyrule Castle - Map Chest",
"Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Chest", "Sewers - Dark Cross", "Sewers - Secret Room - Left",
"Sewers - Secret Room - Middle", "Sewers - Secret Room - Right"},
"Eastern Palace": {"Eastern Palace - Compass Chest", "Eastern Palace - Big Chest",
"Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest", "Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest",
"Eastern Palace - Map Chest", "Eastern Palace - Boss"},
"Desert Palace": {"Desert Palace - Big Chest", "Desert Palace - Torch", "Desert Palace - Map Chest",
"Desert Palace - Compass Chest", "Desert Palace - Big Key Chest", "Desert Palace - Boss"},
"Tower of Hera": {"Tower of Hera - Basement Cage", "Tower of Hera - Map Chest", "Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest",
"Tower of Hera - Compass Chest", "Tower of Hera - Big Chest", "Tower of Hera - Boss"},
"Palace of Darkness": {"Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", "Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge",
"Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement", "Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest",
"Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge", "Palace of Darkness - Map Chest",
"Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest", "Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left",
"Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right", "Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top",
"Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom", "Palace of Darkness - Big Chest",
"Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway", "Palace of Darkness - Boss"},
"Swamp Palace": {"Swamp Palace - Entrance", "Swamp Palace - Map Chest", "Swamp Palace - Big Chest",
"Swamp Palace - Compass Chest", "Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest", "Swamp Palace - West Chest",
"Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left", "Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right",
"Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room", "Swamp Palace - Boss"},
"Thieves' Town": {"Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest", "Thieves' Town - Map Chest", "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest",
"Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest", "Thieves' Town - Attic", "Thieves' Town - Big Chest",
"Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell", "Thieves' Town - Boss"},
"Skull Woods": {"Skull Woods - Map Chest", "Skull Woods - Pinball Room", "Skull Woods - Compass Chest",
"Skull Woods - Pot Prison", "Skull Woods - Big Chest", "Skull Woods - Big Key Chest",
"Skull Woods - Bridge Room", "Skull Woods - Boss"},
"Ice Palace": {"Ice Palace - Compass Chest", "Ice Palace - Freezor Chest", "Ice Palace - Big Chest",
"Ice Palace - Freezor Chest", "Ice Palace - Big Chest", "Ice Palace - Iced T Room",
"Ice Palace - Spike Room", "Ice Palace - Big Key Chest", "Ice Palace - Map Chest",
"Ice Palace - Boss"},
"Misery Mire": {"Misery Mire - Big Chest", "Misery Mire - Map Chest", "Misery Mire - Main Lobby",
"Misery Mire - Bridge Chest", "Misery Mire - Spike Chest", "Misery Mire - Compass Chest",
"Misery Mire - Big Key Chest", "Misery Mire - Boss"},
"Turtle Rock": {"Turtle Rock - Compass Chest", "Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left",
"Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right", "Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps", "Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest",
"Turtle Rock - Big Chest", "Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room",
"Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left", "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right",
"Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left", "Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right",
"Turtle Rock - Boss"},
"Ganons Tower": {"Ganons Tower - Bob's Torch", "Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left",
"Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Right", "Ganons Tower - Tile Room",
"Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Left", "Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Right",
"Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left", "Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left",
"Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Left", "Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Right",
"Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left", "Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right",
"Ganons Tower - Map Chest", "Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room",
"Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left", "Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right",
"Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left", "Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right",
"Ganons Tower - Bob's Chest", "Ganons Tower - Big Chest", "Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left",
"Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right", "Ganons Tower - Big Key Chest",
"Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left", "Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right",
"Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest", "Ganons Tower - Validation Chest"},
"Ganons Tower Climb": {"Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left", "Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right",
"Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest", "Ganons Tower - Validation Chest"},
hint_blacklist = {"Triforce"}
item_name_to_id = {name: data.item_code for name, data in item_table.items() if type(data.item_code) == int}
location_name_to_id = lookup_name_to_id
data_version = 8
required_client_version = (0, 4, 1)
web = ALTTPWeb()
pedestal_credit_texts: typing.Dict[int, str] = \
{data.item_code: data.pedestal_credit for data in item_table.values() if data.pedestal_credit}
sickkid_credit_texts: typing.Dict[int, str] = \
{data.item_code: data.sick_kid_credit for data in item_table.values() if data.sick_kid_credit}
zora_credit_texts: typing.Dict[int, str] = \
{data.item_code: data.zora_credit for data in item_table.values() if data.zora_credit}
magicshop_credit_texts: typing.Dict[int, str] = \
{data.item_code: data.witch_credit for data in item_table.values() if data.witch_credit}
fluteboy_credit_texts: typing.Dict[int, str] = \
{data.item_code: data.flute_boy_credit for data in item_table.values() if data.flute_boy_credit}
set_rules = set_rules
create_items = generate_itempool
enemizer_path: str = Utils.get_options()["generator"]["enemizer_path"] \
if os.path.isabs(Utils.get_options()["generator"]["enemizer_path"]) \
else Utils.local_path(Utils.get_options()["generator"]["enemizer_path"])
# custom instance vars
dungeon_local_item_names: typing.Set[str]
dungeon_specific_item_names: typing.Set[str]
rom_name_available_event: threading.Event
has_progressive_bows: bool
dungeons: typing.Dict[str, Dungeon]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.dungeon_local_item_names = set()
self.dungeon_specific_item_names = set()
self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event()
self.has_progressive_bows = False
self.dungeons = {}
super(ALTTPWorld, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def stage_assert_generate(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld):
rom_file = get_base_rom_path()
if not os.path.exists(rom_file):
raise FileNotFoundError(rom_file)
if multiworld.is_race:
import xxtea
for player in multiworld.get_game_players(
if multiworld.worlds[player].use_enemizer:
def generate_early(self):
player = self.player
world = self.multiworld
if world.mode[player] == 'standard' \
and world.smallkey_shuffle[player] \
and world.smallkey_shuffle[player] != smallkey_shuffle.option_universal \
and world.smallkey_shuffle[player] != smallkey_shuffle.option_own_dungeons \
and world.smallkey_shuffle[player] != smallkey_shuffle.option_start_with:
self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player]["Small Key (Hyrule Castle)"] = 1
# system for sharing ER layouts
self.er_seed = str(world.random.randint(0, 2 ** 64))
if "-" in world.shuffle[player]:
shuffle, seed = world.shuffle[player].split("-", 1)
world.shuffle[player] = shuffle
if shuffle == "vanilla":
self.er_seed = "vanilla"
elif seed.startswith("group-") or world.is_race:
self.er_seed = get_same_seed(world, (
shuffle, seed, world.retro_caves[player], world.mode[player], world.logic[player]))
else: # not a race or group seed, use set seed as is.
self.er_seed = seed
elif world.shuffle[player] == "vanilla":
self.er_seed = "vanilla"
for dungeon_item in ["smallkey_shuffle", "bigkey_shuffle", "compass_shuffle", "map_shuffle"]:
option = getattr(world, dungeon_item)[player]
if option == "own_world":
world.local_items[player].value |= self.item_name_groups[option.item_name_group]
elif option == "different_world":
world.non_local_items[player].value |= self.item_name_groups[option.item_name_group]
elif option.in_dungeon:
self.dungeon_local_item_names |= self.item_name_groups[option.item_name_group]
if option == "original_dungeon":
self.dungeon_specific_item_names |= self.item_name_groups[option.item_name_group]
world.difficulty_requirements[player] = difficulties[world.difficulty[player]]
# enforce pre-defined local items.
if world.goal[player] in ["localtriforcehunt", "localganontriforcehunt"]:
world.local_items[player].value.add('Triforce Piece')
# Not possible to place crystals outside boss prizes yet (might as well make it consistent with pendants too).
world.non_local_items[player].value -= item_name_groups['Pendants']
world.non_local_items[player].value -= item_name_groups['Crystals']
create_dungeons = create_dungeons
def create_regions(self):
player = self.player
world = self.multiworld
world.triforce_pieces_available[player] = max(world.triforce_pieces_available[player],
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
create_regions(world, player)
create_inverted_regions(world, player)
create_shops(world, player)
if world.logic[player] not in ["noglitches", "minorglitches"] and world.shuffle[player] in \
{"vanilla", "dungeonssimple", "dungeonsfull", "simple", "restricted", "full"}:
world.fix_fake_world[player] = False
# seeded entrance shuffle
old_random = world.random
world.random = random.Random(self.er_seed)
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
link_entrances(world, player)
mark_light_world_regions(world, player)
for region_name, entrance_name in indirect_connections_not_inverted.items():
world.register_indirect_condition(world.get_region(region_name, player),
world.get_entrance(entrance_name, player))
link_inverted_entrances(world, player)
mark_dark_world_regions(world, player)
for region_name, entrance_name in indirect_connections_inverted.items():
world.register_indirect_condition(world.get_region(region_name, player),
world.get_entrance(entrance_name, player))
world.random = old_random
plando_connect(world, player)
for region_name, entrance_name in indirect_connections.items():
world.register_indirect_condition(world.get_region(region_name, player),
world.get_entrance(entrance_name, player))
def collect_item(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item, remove=False):
item_name =
if item_name.startswith('Progressive '):
if remove:
if 'Sword' in item_name:
if state.has('Golden Sword', item.player):
return 'Golden Sword'
elif state.has('Tempered Sword', item.player):
return 'Tempered Sword'
elif state.has('Master Sword', item.player):
return 'Master Sword'
elif state.has('Fighter Sword', item.player):
return 'Fighter Sword'
return None
elif 'Glove' in
if state.has('Titans Mitts', item.player):
return 'Titans Mitts'
elif state.has('Power Glove', item.player):
return 'Power Glove'
return None
elif 'Shield' in item_name:
if state.has('Mirror Shield', item.player):
return 'Mirror Shield'
elif state.has('Red Shield', item.player):
return 'Red Shield'
elif state.has('Blue Shield', item.player):
return 'Blue Shield'
return None
elif 'Bow' in item_name:
if state.has('Silver Bow', item.player):
return 'Silver Bow'
elif state.has('Bow', item.player):
return 'Bow'
return None
if 'Sword' in item_name:
if state.has('Golden Sword', item.player):
elif state.has('Tempered Sword', item.player) and self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[
item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 4:
return 'Golden Sword'
elif state.has('Master Sword', item.player) and self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[
item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 3:
return 'Tempered Sword'
elif state.has('Fighter Sword', item.player) and self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 2:
return 'Master Sword'
elif self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 1:
return 'Fighter Sword'
elif 'Glove' in item_name:
if state.has('Titans Mitts', item.player):
elif state.has('Power Glove', item.player):
return 'Titans Mitts'
return 'Power Glove'
elif 'Shield' in item_name:
if state.has('Mirror Shield', item.player):
elif state.has('Red Shield', item.player) and self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 3:
return 'Mirror Shield'
elif state.has('Blue Shield', item.player) and self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 2:
return 'Red Shield'
elif self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 1:
return 'Blue Shield'
elif 'Bow' in item_name:
if state.has('Silver Bow', item.player):
elif state.has('Bow', item.player) and (self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_bow_limit >= 2
or self.multiworld.logic[item.player] == 'noglitches'
or self.multiworld.swordless[item.player]): # modes where silver bow is always required for ganon
return 'Silver Bow'
elif self.multiworld.difficulty_requirements[item.player].progressive_bow_limit >= 1:
return 'Bow'
elif item.advancement:
return item_name
def pre_fill(self):
from Fill import fill_restrictive, FillError
attempts = 5
world = self.multiworld
player = self.player
all_state = world.get_all_state(use_cache=True)
crystals = [self.create_item(name) for name in ['Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Green Pendant', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 7', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6']]
crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Eastern Palace - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Desert Palace - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Skull Woods - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Ice Palace - Prize', player),
world.get_location('Misery Mire - Prize', player)]
placed_prizes = { for loc in crystal_locations if loc.item}
unplaced_prizes = [crystal for crystal in crystals if not in placed_prizes]
empty_crystal_locations = [loc for loc in crystal_locations if not loc.item]
for attempt in range(attempts):
prizepool = unplaced_prizes.copy()
prize_locs = empty_crystal_locations.copy()
fill_restrictive(world, all_state, prize_locs, prizepool, True, lock=True)
except FillError as e:
lttp_logger.exception("Failed to place dungeon prizes (%s). Will retry %s more times", e,
attempts - attempt)
for location in empty_crystal_locations:
location.item = None
raise FillError('Unable to place dungeon prizes')
def stage_pre_fill(cls, world):
from .Dungeons import fill_dungeons_restrictive
def stage_post_fill(cls, world):
def use_enemizer(self) -> bool:
world = self.multiworld
player = self.player
return bool(world.boss_shuffle[player] or world.enemy_shuffle[player]
or world.enemy_health[player] != 'default' or world.enemy_damage[player] != 'default'
or world.pot_shuffle[player] or world.bush_shuffle[player]
or world.killable_thieves[player])
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
multiworld = self.multiworld
player = self.player
use_enemizer = self.use_enemizer
rom = LocalRom(get_base_rom_path())
patch_rom(multiworld, rom, player, use_enemizer)
if use_enemizer:
patch_enemizer(self, rom, self.enemizer_path, output_directory)
if multiworld.is_race:
patch_race_rom(rom, multiworld, player)
multiworld.spoiler.hashes[player] = get_hash_string(rom.hash)
palettes_options = {
'dungeon': multiworld.uw_palettes[player],
'overworld': multiworld.ow_palettes[player],
'hud': multiworld.hud_palettes[player],
'sword': multiworld.sword_palettes[player],
'shield': multiworld.shield_palettes[player],
# 'link': world.link_palettes[player]
palettes_options = {key: option.current_key for key, option in palettes_options.items()}
apply_rom_settings(rom, multiworld.heartbeep[player].current_key,
palettes_options, multiworld, player, True,
reduceflashing=multiworld.reduceflashing[player] or multiworld.is_race,
rompath = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)}.sfc")
patch = LttPDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(rompath)[0]+LttPDeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=player,
player_name=multiworld.player_name[player], patched_path=rompath)
self.rom_name =
self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected
def stage_extend_hint_information(cls, world, hint_data: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, str]]):
er_hint_data = {player: {} for player in world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past") if
world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla" or world.retro_caves[player]}
for region in world.regions:
if region.player in er_hint_data and region.locations:
main_entrance = region.get_connecting_entrance(is_main_entrance)
for location in region.locations:
if type(location.address) == int: # skips events and crystals
if lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance[location.address] !=
er_hint_data[region.player][location.address] =
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
import base64
# wait for self.rom_name to be available.
rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None)
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if rom_name:
new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode()
multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = multidata["connect_names"][self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]]
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
return ALttPItem(name, self.player, **item_init_table[name])
def stage_fill_hook(cls, world, progitempool, usefulitempool, filleritempool, fill_locations):
trash_counts = {}
for player in world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"):
if not world.ganonstower_vanilla[player] or \
world.logic[player] in {'owglitches', 'hybridglitches', "nologic"}:
elif 'triforcehunt' in world.goal[player] and ('local' in world.goal[player] or world.players == 1):
trash_counts[player] = world.random.randint(world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 2,
world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 4)
trash_counts[player] = world.random.randint(0, world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 2)
if trash_counts:
locations_mapping = {player: [] for player in trash_counts}
for location in fill_locations:
if 'Ganons Tower' in and location.player in locations_mapping:
for player, trash_count in trash_counts.items():
gtower_locations = locations_mapping[player]
while gtower_locations and filleritempool and trash_count > 0:
spot_to_fill = gtower_locations.pop()
for index, item in enumerate(filleritempool):
if spot_to_fill.item_rule(item):
filleritempool.pop(index) # remove from outer fill
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item, False)
fill_locations.remove(spot_to_fill) # very slow, unfortunately
trash_count -= 1
logging.warning(f"Could not trash fill Ganon's Tower for player {player}.")
def write_spoiler_header(self, spoiler_handle: typing.TextIO) -> None:
def bool_to_text(variable: typing.Union[bool, str]) -> str:
if type(variable) == str:
return variable
return "Yes" if variable else "No"
spoiler_handle.write('Logic: %s\n' % self.multiworld.logic[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Dark Room Logic: %s\n' % self.multiworld.dark_room_logic[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Mode: %s\n' % self.multiworld.mode[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Goal: %s\n' % self.multiworld.goal[self.player])
if "triforce" in self.multiworld.goal[self.player]: # triforce hunt
spoiler_handle.write("Pieces available for Triforce: %s\n" %
spoiler_handle.write("Pieces required for Triforce: %s\n" %
spoiler_handle.write('Difficulty: %s\n' % self.multiworld.difficulty[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Item Functionality: %s\n' % self.multiworld.item_functionality[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Entrance Shuffle: %s\n' % self.multiworld.shuffle[self.player])
if self.multiworld.shuffle[self.player] != "vanilla":
spoiler_handle.write('Entrance Shuffle Seed %s\n' % self.er_seed)
spoiler_handle.write('Shop inventory shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("i" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]))
spoiler_handle.write('Shop price shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("p" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]))
spoiler_handle.write('Shop upgrade shuffle: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("u" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]))
spoiler_handle.write('New Shop inventory: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("g" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player] or
"f" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]))
spoiler_handle.write('Custom Potion Shop: %s\n' %
bool_to_text("w" in self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]))
spoiler_handle.write('Enemy health: %s\n' % self.multiworld.enemy_health[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Enemy damage: %s\n' % self.multiworld.enemy_damage[self.player])
spoiler_handle.write('Prize shuffle %s\n' % self.multiworld.shuffle_prizes[self.player])
def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: typing.TextIO) -> None:
spoiler_handle.write(f"\nMisery Mire ({self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}):"
f" {self.multiworld.required_medallions[self.player][0]}")
f"\nTurtle Rock ({self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}):"
f" {self.multiworld.required_medallions[self.player][1]}")
if self.multiworld.boss_shuffle[self.player] != "none":
def create_boss_map() -> typing.Dict:
boss_map = {
"Eastern Palace": self.dungeons["Eastern Palace"],
"Desert Palace": self.dungeons["Desert Palace"],
"Tower Of Hera": self.dungeons["Tower of Hera"],
"Hyrule Castle": "Agahnim",
"Palace Of Darkness": self.dungeons["Palace of Darkness"],
"Swamp Palace": self.dungeons["Swamp Palace"],
"Skull Woods": self.dungeons["Skull Woods"],
"Thieves Town": self.dungeons["Thieves Town"],
"Ice Palace": self.dungeons["Ice Palace"],
"Misery Mire": self.dungeons["Misery Mire"],
"Turtle Rock": self.dungeons["Turtle Rock"],
"Ganons Tower": "Agahnim 2",
"Ganon": "Ganon"
if self.multiworld.mode[self.player] != 'inverted':
"Ganons Tower Basement":
self.dungeons["Ganons Tower"].bosses["bottom"].name,
"Ganons Tower Middle": self.dungeons["Ganons Tower"].bosses[
"Ganons Tower Top": self.dungeons["Ganons Tower"].bosses[
"Ganons Tower Basement": self.dungeons["Inverted Ganons Tower"].bosses["bottom"].name,
"Ganons Tower Middle": self.dungeons["Inverted Ganons Tower"].bosses["middle"].name,
"Ganons Tower Top": self.dungeons["Inverted Ganons Tower"].bosses["top"].name
return boss_map
bossmap = create_boss_map()
f'\n\nBosses{(f" ({self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)})" if self.multiworld.players > 1 else "")}:\n')
spoiler_handle.write(' ' + '\n '.join([f'{x}: {y}' for x, y in bossmap.items()]))
def build_shop_info(shop: Shop) -> typing.Dict[str, str]:
shop_data = {
"location": str(shop.region),
"type": "Take Any" if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny else "Shop"
for index, item in enumerate(shop.inventory):
if item is None:
price = item["price"] // price_rate_display.get(item["price_type"], 1)
shop_data["item_{}".format(index)] = f"{item['item']} - {price} {price_type_display_name[item['price_type']]}"
if item["player"]:
shop_data["item_{}".format(index)] =\
shop_data["item_{}".format(index)].replace("", "(Player {}) — ".format(item["player"]))
if item["max"] == 0:
shop_data["item_{}".format(index)] += " x {}".format(item["max"])
if item["replacement"] is None:
shop_data["item_{}".format(index)] +=\
f", {item['replacement']} - {item['replacement_price']}" \
f" {price_type_display_name[item['replacement_price_type']]}"
return shop_data
if shop_info := [build_shop_info(shop) for shop in self.multiworld.shops if shop.custom]:
for shop_data in shop_info:
spoiler_handle.write("{} [{}]\n {}\n".format(shop_data['location'], shop_data['type'], "\n ".join(
item for item in [shop_data.get('item_0', None), shop_data.get('item_1', None), shop_data.get('item_2', None)] if
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
if self.multiworld.goal[self.player] == "icerodhunt":
item = "Nothing"
item = self.multiworld.random.choice(extras_list)
return GetBeemizerItem(self.multiworld, self.player, item)
def get_pre_fill_items(self):
res = []
if self.dungeon_local_item_names:
for dungeon in self.dungeons.values():
for item in dungeon.all_items:
if in self.dungeon_local_item_names:
return res
def get_same_seed(world, seed_def: tuple) -> str:
seeds: typing.Dict[tuple, str] = getattr(world, "__named_seeds", {})
if seed_def in seeds:
return seeds[seed_def]
seeds[seed_def] = str(world.random.randint(0, 2 ** 64))
world.__named_seeds = seeds
return seeds[seed_def]
class ALttPLogic(LogicMixin):
def _lttp_has_key(self, item, player, count: int = 1):
if self.multiworld.logic[player] == 'nologic':
return True
if self.multiworld.smallkey_shuffle[player] == smallkey_shuffle.option_universal:
return can_buy_unlimited(self, 'Small Key (Universal)', player)
return self.prog_items[item, player] >= count