
512 lines
19 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import multiprocessing
import logging
import asyncio
import nest_asyncio
import sc2
from sc2.main import run_game
from import Race
from sc2.bot_ai import BotAI
from sc2.player import Bot
from worlds.sc2wol.Items import lookup_id_to_name, item_table
from worlds.sc2wol.Locations import SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET
from Utils import init_logging
if __name__ == "__main__":
init_logging("SC2Client", exception_logger="Client")
logger = logging.getLogger("Client")
sc2_logger = logging.getLogger("Starcraft2")
import colorama
from NetUtils import *
from CommonClient import CommonContext, server_loop, console_loop, ClientCommandProcessor, gui_enabled, get_base_parser
class StarcraftClientProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor):
ctx: Context
def _cmd_play(self, mission_id: str = "") -> bool:
"""Start a Starcraft 2 mission"""
options = mission_id.split()
num_options = len(options)
if num_options > 0:
mission_number = int(options[0])
if is_mission_available(mission_number, self.ctx.checked_locations, mission_req_table):
asyncio.create_task(starcraft_launch(self.ctx, mission_number), name="Starcraft Launch")
"This mission is not currently unlocked. Use /unfinished or /available to see what is available.")
else:"Mission ID needs to be specified. Use /unfinished or /available to view ids for available missions.")
return True
def _cmd_available(self) -> bool:
"""Get what missions are currently available to play"""
request_available_missions(self.ctx.checked_locations, mission_req_table)
return True
def _cmd_unfinished(self) -> bool:
"""Get what missions are currently available to play and have not had all locations checked"""
request_unfinished_missions(self.ctx.checked_locations, mission_req_table)
return True
class Context(CommonContext):
command_processor = StarcraftClientProcessor
game = "Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty"
items_handling = 0b111
difficulty = -1
all_in_choice = 0
items_rec_to_announce = []
rec_announce_pos = 0
items_sent_to_announce = []
sent_announce_pos = 0
announcements = []
announcement_pos = 0
async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False):
if password_requested and not self.password:
await super(Context, self).server_auth(password_requested)
if not self.auth:'Enter slot name:')
self.auth = await self.console_input()
await self.send_connect()
def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict):
if cmd in {"Connected"}:
self.difficulty = args["slot_data"]["game_difficulty"]
self.all_in_choice = args["slot_data"]["all_in_map"]
if cmd in {"PrintJSON"}:
noted = False
if "receiving" in args:
if args["receiving"] == self.slot:
noted = True
if not noted and "item" in args:
if args["item"].player == self.slot:
def run_gui(self):
from kvui import GameManager
class SC2Manager(GameManager):
logging_pairs = [
("Client", "Archipelago"),
("Starcraft2", "Starcraft2"),
base_title = "Archipelago Starcraft 2 Client"
self.ui = SC2Manager(self)
self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI")
async def main():
parser = get_base_parser()
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='info', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'])
args = parser.parse_args()
ctx = Context(args.connect, args.password)
if ctx.server_task is None:
ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="ServerLoop")
if gui_enabled:
await ctx.exit_event.wait()
ctx.server_address = None
ctx.snes_reconnect_address = None
await ctx.shutdown()
maps_table = ["ap_traynor01", "ap_traynor02", "ap_traynor03", "ap_thanson01", "ap_thanson02", "ap_thanson03a", "ap_thanson03b", "ap_ttychus01",
"ap_ttychus02", "ap_ttychus03", "ap_ttychus04", "ap_ttychus05", "ap_ttosh01", "ap_ttosh02", "ap_ttosh03a", "ap_ttosh03b",
"ap_thorner01", "ap_thorner02", "ap_thorner03", "ap_thorner04", "ap_thorner05s", "ap_tzeratul01", "ap_tzeratul02",
"ap_tzeratul03", "ap_tzeratul04", "ap_tvalerian01", "ap_tvalerian02a", "ap_tvalerian02b", "ap_tvalerian03"]
def calculate_items(items):
unit_unlocks = 0
armory1_unlocks = 0
armory2_unlocks = 0
upgrade_unlocks = 0
building_unlocks = 0
merc_unlocks = 0
lab_unlocks = 0
protoss_unlock = 0
minerals = 0
vespene = 0
for item in items:
data = lookup_id_to_name[item.item]
if item_table[data].type == "Unit":
unit_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Upgrade":
upgrade_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Armory 1":
armory1_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Armory 2":
armory2_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Building":
building_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Mercenary":
merc_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Laboratory":
lab_unlocks += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Protoss":
protoss_unlock += (1 << item_table[data].number)
elif item_table[data].type == "Minerals":
minerals += item_table[data].number
elif item_table[data].type == "Vespene":
vespene += item_table[data].number
return [unit_unlocks, upgrade_unlocks, armory1_unlocks, armory2_unlocks, building_unlocks, merc_unlocks,
lab_unlocks, protoss_unlock, minerals, vespene]
def calc_difficulty(difficulty):
if difficulty == 0:
return 'C'
elif difficulty == 1:
return 'N'
elif difficulty == 2:
return 'H'
elif difficulty == 3:
return 'B'
return 'X'
async def starcraft_launch(ctx: Context, mission_id):
ctx.rec_announce_pos = len(ctx.items_rec_to_announce)
ctx.sent_announce_pos = len(ctx.items_sent_to_announce)
ctx.announcements_pos = len(ctx.announcements)
run_game(sc2.maps.get(maps_table[mission_id-1]), [
Bot(Race.Terran, ArchipelagoBot(ctx, mission_id), name="Archipelago")], realtime=True)
class ArchipelagoBot(sc2.bot_ai.BotAI):
game_running = False
mission_completed = False
first_bonus = False
second_bonus = False
third_bonus = False
fourth_bonus = False
fifth_bonus = False
sixth_bonus = False
seventh_bonus = False
eight_bonus = False
ctx: Context = None
mission_id = 0
can_read_game = False
last_received_update = 0
def __init__(self, ctx: Context, mission_id):
self.ctx = ctx
self.mission_id = mission_id
super(ArchipelagoBot, self).__init__()
async def on_step(self, iteration: int):
game_state = 0
if iteration == 0:
start_items = calculate_items(self.ctx.items_received)
difficulty = calc_difficulty(self.ctx.difficulty)
await self.chat_send("ArchipelagoLoad {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(
difficulty, start_items[0], start_items[1], start_items[2], start_items[3], start_items[4], start_items[5],
start_items[6], start_items[7], start_items[8], start_items[9], self.ctx.all_in_choice))
self.last_received_update = len(self.ctx.items_received)
if self.ctx.announcement_pos < len(self.ctx.announcements):
index = 0
message = ""
while index < len(self.ctx.announcements[self.ctx.announcement_pos]):
message += self.ctx.announcements[self.ctx.announcement_pos][index]["text"]
index += 1
index = 0
start_rem_pos = -1
# Remove unneeded [Color] tags
while index < len(message):
if message[index] == '[':
start_rem_pos = index
index += 1
elif message[index] == ']' and start_rem_pos > -1:
temp_msg = ""
if start_rem_pos > 0:
temp_msg = message[:start_rem_pos]
if index < len(message) - 1:
temp_msg += message[index+1:]
message = temp_msg
index += start_rem_pos - index
start_rem_pos = -1
index += 1
await self.chat_send("SendMessage " + message)
self.ctx.announcement_pos += 1
# Archipelago reads the health
for unit in self.all_own_units():
if unit.health_max == 38281:
game_state = int(38281 -
can_read_game = True
if iteration == 80 and not game_state & 1:
await self.chat_send("SendMessage Warning: Archipelago unable to connect or has lost connection to " +
"Starcraft 2 (This is likely a map issue)")
if self.last_received_update < len(self.ctx.items_received):
current_items = calculate_items(self.ctx.items_received)
await self.chat_send("UpdateTech {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(
current_items[0], current_items[1], current_items[2], current_items[3], current_items[4], current_items[5],
current_items[6], current_items[7]))
self.last_received_update = len(self.ctx.items_received)
if game_state & 1:
if not self.game_running:
print("Archipelago Connected")
self.game_running = True
if can_read_game:
if game_state & (1 << 1) and not self.mission_completed:
if self.mission_id != 29:
print("Mission Completed")
await self.ctx.send_msgs([
{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id]}])
self.mission_completed = True
print("Game Complete")
await self.ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": 'StatusUpdate', "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
self.mission_completed = True
if game_state & (1 << 2) and not self.first_bonus:
print("1st Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 1]}])
self.first_bonus = True
if not self.second_bonus and game_state & (1 << 3):
print("2nd Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 2]}])
self.second_bonus = True
if not self.third_bonus and game_state & (1 << 4):
print("3rd Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 3]}])
self.third_bonus = True
if not self.fourth_bonus and game_state & (1 << 5):
print("4th Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 4]}])
self.fourth_bonus = True
if not self.fifth_bonus and game_state & (1 << 6):
print("5th Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 5]}])
self.fifth_bonus = True
if not self.sixth_bonus and game_state & (1 << 7):
print("6th Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 6]}])
self.sixth_bonus = True
if not self.seventh_bonus and game_state & (1 << 8):
print("6th Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 7]}])
self.seventh_bonus = True
if not self.eight_bonus and game_state & (1 << 9):
print("6th Bonus Collected")
await self.ctx.send_msgs(
[{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + 100 * self.mission_id + 8]}])
self.eight_bonus = True
await self.chat_send("LostConnection - Lost connection to game.")
class MissionInfo(typing.NamedTuple):
id: int
extra_locations: int
required_world: list[int]
number: int = 0 # number of worlds need beaten
mission_req_table = {
"Liberation Day": MissionInfo(1, 7, []),
"The Outlaws": MissionInfo(2, 2, [1]),
"Zero Hour": MissionInfo(3, 4, [2]),
"Evacuation": MissionInfo(4, 4, [3]),
"Outbreak": MissionInfo(5, 3, [4]),
"Safe Haven": MissionInfo(6, 1, [5], number=7),
"Haven's Fall": MissionInfo(7, 1, [5], number=7),
"Smash and Grab": MissionInfo(8, 5, [3]),
"The Dig": MissionInfo(9, 4, [8], number=8),
"The Moebius Factor": MissionInfo(10, 9, [9], number=11),
"Supernova": MissionInfo(11, 5, [10], number=14),
"Maw of the Void": MissionInfo(12, 6, [11]),
"Devil's Playground": MissionInfo(13, 3, [3], number=4),
"Welcome to the Jungle": MissionInfo(14, 4, [13]),
"Breakout": MissionInfo(15, 3, [14], number=8),
"Ghost of a Chance": MissionInfo(16, 6, [14], number=8),
"The Great Train Robbery": MissionInfo(17, 4, [3], number=6),
"Cutthroat": MissionInfo(18, 5, [17]),
"Engine of Destruction": MissionInfo(19, 6, [18]),
"Media Blitz": MissionInfo(20, 5, [19]),
"Piercing the Shroud": MissionInfo(21, 6, [20]),
"Whispers of Doom": MissionInfo(22, 4, [9]),
"A Sinister Turn": MissionInfo(23, 4, [22]),
"Echoes of the Future": MissionInfo(24, 3, [23]),
"In Utter Darkness": MissionInfo(25, 3, [24]),
"Gates of Hell": MissionInfo(26, 2, [12]),
"Belly of the Beast": MissionInfo(27, 4, [26]),
"Shatter the Sky": MissionInfo(28, 5, [26]),
"All-In": MissionInfo(29, -1, [27, 28])
def calc_objectives_completed(mission, missions_info, locations_done):
objectives_complete = 0
if missions_info[mission].extra_locations > 0:
for i in range(missions_info[mission].extra_locations):
if (missions_info[mission].id * 100 + SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET + i) in locations_done:
objectives_complete += 1
return objectives_complete
return -1
def request_unfinished_missions(locations_done, location_table):
message = "Unfinished Missions:"
first_item = True
unfinished_missions = calc_unfinished_missions(locations_done, location_table)
for mission in unfinished_missions:
if first_item:
message += " {}[{}] ({}/{})".format(mission, location_table[mission].id, unfinished_missions[mission],
first_item = False
message += ", {}[{}] ({}/{})".format(mission, location_table[mission].id, unfinished_missions[mission],
def calc_unfinished_missions(locations_done, locations):
unfinished_missions = []
locations_completed = []
available_missions = calc_available_missions(locations_done, locations)
for name in available_missions:
if not locations[name].extra_locations == -1:
objectives_completed = calc_objectives_completed(name, locations, locations_done)
if objectives_completed < locations[name].extra_locations:
return {unfinished_missions[i]: locations_completed[i] for i in range(len(unfinished_missions))}
def is_mission_available(mission_id_to_check, locations_done, locations):
unfinished_missions = calc_available_missions(locations_done, locations)
for mission in unfinished_missions:
if locations[mission].id == mission_id_to_check:
return True
return False
def request_available_missions(locations_done, location_table):
message = "Available Missions:"
first_item = True
missions = calc_available_missions(locations_done, location_table)
for mission in missions:
if first_item:
message += " {}[{}]".format(mission, location_table[mission].id)
first_item = False
message += ", {}[{}]".format(mission, location_table[mission].id)
def calc_available_missions(locations_done, locations):
available_missions = []
mission_complete = 0
# Get number of missions completed
for loc in locations_done:
if loc % 100 == 0:
mission_complete += 1
for name in locations:
if len(locations[name].required_world) >= 1:
reqs_complete = True
for req_mission in locations[name].required_world:
if not(req_mission * 100 + SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET) in locations_done:
reqs_complete = False
if reqs_complete and mission_complete >= locations[name].number:
return available_missions
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()