64 lines
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64 lines
2.2 KiB
import typing
from Options import Choice, Option
class SMLogic(Choice):
"""This option selects what kind of logic to use for item placement inside
Super Metroid.
Normal - Normal logic includes only what Super Metroid teaches players
itself. Anything that's not demonstrated in-game or by the intro cutscenes
will not be required here.
Hard - Hard logic is based upon the "no major glitches" ruleset and
includes most tricks that are considered minor glitches, with some
restrictions. You'll want to be somewhat of a Super Metroid veteran for
this logic.
See https://samus.link/information for required moves."""
display_name = "SMLogic"
option_Normal = 0
option_Hard = 1
default = 0
class SwordLocation(Choice):
"""This option decides where the first sword will be placed.
Randomized - The sword can be placed anywhere.
Early - The sword will be placed in a location accessible from the start of
the game.
Unce assured - The sword will always be placed on Link's Uncle."""
display_name = "Sword Location"
option_Randomized = 0
option_Early = 1
option_Uncle = 2
default = 0
class MorphLocation(Choice):
"""This option decides where the morph ball will be placed.
Randomized - The morph ball can be placed anywhere.
Early - The morph ball will be placed in a location accessible from the
start of the game.
Original location - The morph ball will always be placed at its original
display_name = "Morph Location"
option_Randomized = 0
option_Early = 1
option_Original = 2
default = 0
class KeyShuffle(Choice):
"""This option decides how dungeon items such as keys are shuffled.
None - A Link to the Past dungeon items can only be placed inside the
dungeon they belong to, and there are no changes to Super Metroid.
Keysanity - See https://samus.link/information"""
display_name = "Key Shuffle"
option_None = 0
option_Keysanity = 1
default = 0
smz3_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"sm_logic": SMLogic,
"sword_location": SwordLocation,
"morph_location": MorphLocation,
"key_shuffle": KeyShuffle