764 lines
52 KiB
764 lines
52 KiB
BambooGroveDarkShard = "(LoD) Bamboo Grove Dark Shard"
BambooGroveEther = "(LoD) Bamboo Grove Ether"
BambooGroveMythrilShard = "(LoD) Bamboo Grove Mythril Shard"
EncampmentAreaMap = "(LoD) Bamboo Grove Encampment Area Map"
Mission3 = "(LoD) Mission 3"
CheckpointHiPotion = "(LoD) Checkpoint Hi-Potion"
CheckpointMythrilShard = "(LoD) Checkpoint Mythril Shard"
MountainTrailLightningShard = "(LoD) Mountain Trail Lightning Shard"
MountainTrailRecoveryRecipe = "(LoD) Mountain Trail Recovery Recipe"
MountainTrailEther = "(LoD) Mountain Trail Ether"
MountainTrailMythrilShard = "(LoD) Mountain Trail Mythril Shard"
VillageCaveAreaMap = "(LoD) Village Cave Area Map"
VillageCaveAPBoost = "(LoD) Village Cave AP Boost"
VillageCaveDarkShard = "(LoD) Village Cave Dark Shard"
VillageCaveBonus = "(LoD) Village Cave Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
RidgeFrostShard = "(LoD) Ridge Frost Shard"
RidgeAPBoost = "(LoD) Ridge AP Boost"
ShanYu = "(LoD) Shan-Yu Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
ShanYuGetBonus = "(LoD) Shan-Yu Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
HiddenDragon = "(LoD) Hidden Dragon"
ThroneRoomTornPages = "(LoD2) Throne Room Torn Pages"
ThroneRoomPalaceMap = "(LoD2) Throne Room Palace Map"
ThroneRoomAPBoost = "(LoD2) Throne Room AP Boost"
ThroneRoomQueenRecipe = "(LoD2) Throne Room Queen Recipe"
ThroneRoomAPBoost2 = "(LoD2) Throne Room AP Boost 2"
ThroneRoomOgreShield = "(LoD2) Throne Room Ogre Shield"
ThroneRoomMythrilCrystal = "(LoD2) Throne Room Mythril Crystal"
ThroneRoomOrichalcum = "(LoD2) Throne Room Orichalcum"
StormRider = "(LoD2) Storm Rider Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
XigbarDataDefenseBoost = "Data Xigbar"
AgrabahMap = "(AG) Agrabah Map"
AgrabahDarkShard = "(AG) Agrabah Dark Shard"
AgrabahMythrilShard = "(AG) Agrabah Mythril Shard"
AgrabahHiPotion = "(AG) Agrabah Hi-Potion"
AgrabahAPBoost = "(AG) Agrabah AP Boost"
AgrabahMythrilStone = "(AG) Agrabah Mythril Stone"
AgrabahMythrilShard2 = "(AG) Agrabah Mythril Shard 2"
AgrabahSerenityShard = "(AG) Agrabah Serenity Shard"
BazaarMythrilGem = "(AG) Bazaar Mythril Gem"
BazaarPowerShard = "(AG) Bazaar Power Shard"
BazaarHiPotion = "(AG) Bazaar Hi-Potion"
BazaarAPBoost = "(AG) Bazaar AP Boost"
BazaarMythrilShard = "(AG) Bazaar Mythril Shard"
PalaceWallsSkillRing = "(AG) Palace Walls Skill Ring"
PalaceWallsMythrilStone = "(AG) Palace Walls Mythril Stone"
CaveEntrancePowerStone = "(AG) Cave Entrance Power Stone"
CaveEntranceMythrilShard = "(AG) Cave Entrance Mythril Shard"
ValleyofStoneMythrilStone = "(AG) Valley of Stone Mythril Stone"
ValleyofStoneAPBoost = "(AG) Valley of Stone AP Boost"
ValleyofStoneMythrilShard = "(AG) Valley of Stone Mythril Shard"
ValleyofStoneHiPotion = "(AG) Valley of Stone Hi-Potion"
AbuEscort = "(AG) Abu Escort Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
ChasmofChallengesCaveofWondersMap = "(AG) Chasm of Challenges Cave of Wonders Map"
ChasmofChallengesAPBoost = "(AG) Chasm of Challenges AP Boost"
TreasureRoom = "(AG) Treasure Room"
TreasureRoomAPBoost = "(AG) Treasure Room AP Boost"
TreasureRoomSerenityGem = "(AG) Treasure Room Serenity Gem"
ElementalLords = "(AG) Elemental Lords Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
LampCharm = "(AG) Lamp Charm"
RuinedChamberTornPages = "(AG2) Ruined Chamber Torn Pages"
RuinedChamberRuinsMap = "(AG2) Ruined Chamber Ruins Map"
GenieJafar = "(AG2) Genie Jafar"
WishingLamp = "(AG2) Wishing Lamp"
LexaeusBonus = "Lexaeus Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
LexaeusASStrengthBeyondStrength = "AS Lexaeus"
LexaeusDataLostIllusion = "Data Lexaeus"
DCCourtyardMythrilShard = "(DC) Courtyard Mythril Shard"
DCCourtyardStarRecipe = "(DC) Courtyard Star Recipe"
DCCourtyardAPBoost = "(DC) Courtyard AP Boost"
DCCourtyardMythrilStone = "(DC) Courtyard Mythril Stone"
DCCourtyardBlazingStone = "(DC) Courtyard Blazing Stone"
DCCourtyardBlazingShard = "(DC) Courtyard Blazing Shard"
DCCourtyardMythrilShard2 = "(DC) Courtyard Mythril Shard 2"
LibraryTornPages = "(DC) Library Torn Pages"
DisneyCastleMap = "(DC) Disney Castle Map"
MinnieEscort = "(DC) Minnie Escort Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
MinnieEscortGetBonus = "(DC) Minnie Escort Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
CornerstoneHillMap = "(TR) Cornerstone Hill Map"
CornerstoneHillFrostShard = "(TR) Cornerstone Hill Frost Shard"
PierMythrilShard = "(TR) Pier Mythril Shard"
PierHiPotion = "(TR) Pier Hi-Potion"
WaterwayMythrilStone = "(TR) Waterway Mythril Stone"
WaterwayAPBoost = "(TR) Waterway AP Boost"
WaterwayFrostStone = "(TR) Waterway Frost Stone"
WindowofTimeMap = "(TR) Window of Time Map"
BoatPete = "(TR) Boat Pete Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
FuturePete = "(TR) Future Pete Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
FuturePeteGetBonus = "(TR) Future Pete Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
Monochrome = "(TR) Monochrome"
WisdomForm = "(TR) Wisdom Form"
MarluxiaGetBonus = "Marluxia Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
MarluxiaASEternalBlossom = "AS Marluxia"
MarluxiaDataLostIllusion = "Data Marluxia"
LingeringWillBonus = "Lingering Will Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
LingeringWillProofofConnection = "Lingering Will Proof of Connection"
LingeringWillManifestIllusion = "Lingering Will Manifest Illusion"
PoohsHouse100AcreWoodMap = "(100Acre) Pooh's House 100 Acre Wood Map"
PoohsHouseAPBoost = "(100Acre) Pooh's House AP Boost"
PoohsHouseMythrilStone = "(100Acre) Pooh's House Mythril Stone"
PigletsHouseDefenseBoost = "(100Acre) Piglet's House Defense Boost"
PigletsHouseAPBoost = "(100Acre) Piglet's House AP Boost"
PigletsHouseMythrilGem = "(100Acre) Piglet's House Mythril Gem"
RabbitsHouseDrawRing = "(100Acre) Rabbit's House Draw Ring"
RabbitsHouseMythrilCrystal = "(100Acre) Rabbit's House Mythril Crystal"
RabbitsHouseAPBoost = "(100Acre) Rabbit's House AP Boost"
KangasHouseMagicBoost = "(100Acre) Kanga's House Magic Boost"
KangasHouseAPBoost = "(100Acre) Kanga's House AP Boost"
KangasHouseOrichalcum = "(100Acre) Kanga's House Orichalcum"
SpookyCaveMythrilGem = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave Mythril Gem"
SpookyCaveAPBoost = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave AP Boost"
SpookyCaveOrichalcum = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave Orichalcum"
SpookyCaveGuardRecipe = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave Guard Recipe"
SpookyCaveMythrilCrystal = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave Mythril Crystal"
SpookyCaveAPBoost2 = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave AP Boost 2"
SweetMemories = "(100Acre) Sweet Memories"
SpookyCaveMap = "(100Acre) Spooky Cave Map"
StarryHillCosmicRing = "(100Acre) Starry Hill Cosmic Ring"
StarryHillStyleRecipe = "(100Acre) Starry Hill Style Recipe"
StarryHillCureElement = "(100Acre) Starry Hill Cure Element"
StarryHillOrichalcumPlus = "(100Acre) Starry Hill Orichalcum+"
PassageMythrilShard = "(OC) Passage Mythril Shard"
PassageMythrilStone = "(OC) Passage Mythril Stone"
PassageEther = "(OC) Passage Ether"
PassageAPBoost = "(OC) Passage AP Boost"
PassageHiPotion = "(OC) Passage Hi-Potion"
InnerChamberUnderworldMap = "(OC) Inner Chamber Underworld Map"
InnerChamberMythrilShard = "(OC) Inner Chamber Mythril Shard"
Cerberus = "(OC) Cerberus Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
ColiseumMap = "(OC) Coliseum Map"
Urns = "(OC) Urns Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
UnderworldEntrancePowerBoost = "(OC) Underworld Entrance Power Boost"
CavernsEntranceLucidShard = "(OC) Caverns Entrance Lucid Shard"
CavernsEntranceAPBoost = "(OC) Caverns Entrance AP Boost"
CavernsEntranceMythrilShard = "(OC) Caverns Entrance Mythril Shard"
TheLostRoadBrightShard = "(OC) The Lost Road Bright Shard"
TheLostRoadEther = "(OC) The Lost Road Ether"
TheLostRoadMythrilShard = "(OC) The Lost Road Mythril Shard"
TheLostRoadMythrilStone = "(OC) The Lost Road Mythril Stone"
AtriumLucidStone = "(OC) Atrium Lucid Stone"
AtriumAPBoost = "(OC) Atrium AP Boost"
DemyxOC = "(OC) Demyx Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
SecretAnsemReport5 = "(OC) Secret Ansem Report 5 (Demyx)"
OlympusStone = "(OC) Olympus Stone"
TheLockCavernsMap = "(OC) The Lock Caverns Map"
TheLockMythrilShard = "(OC) The Lock Mythril Shard"
TheLockAPBoost = "(OC) The Lock AP Boost"
PeteOC = "(OC) Pete OC Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
Hydra = "(OC) Hydra Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
HydraGetBonus = "(OC) Hydra Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
HerosCrest = "(OC) Hero's Crest"
AuronsStatue = "(OC2) Auron's Statue"
Hades = "(OC2) Hades Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
HadesGetBonus = "(OC2) Hades Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
GuardianSoul = "(OC2) Guardian Soul"
ProtectBeltPainandPanicCup = "Protect Belt Pain and Panic Cup"
SerenityGemPainandPanicCup = "Serenity Gem Pain and Panic Cup"
RisingDragonCerberusCup = "Rising Dragon Cerberus Cup"
SerenityCrystalCerberusCup = "Serenity Crystal Cerberus Cup"
GenjiShieldTitanCup = "Genji Shield Titan Cup"
SkillfulRingTitanCup = "Skillful Ring Titan Cup"
FatalCrestGoddessofFateCup = "Fatal Crest Goddess of Fate Cup"
OrichalcumPlusGoddessofFateCup = "Orichalcum+ Goddess of Fate Cup"
HadesCupTrophyParadoxCups = "Hades Cup Trophy Paradox Cups"
ZexionBonus = "Zexion Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
ZexionASBookofShadows = "AS Zexion"
ZexionDataLostIllusion = "Data Zexion"
BCCourtyardAPBoost = "(BC) Courtyard AP Boost"
BCCourtyardHiPotion = "(BC) Courtyard Hi-Potion"
BCCourtyardMythrilShard = "(BC) Courtyard Mythril Shard"
BellesRoomCastleMap = "(BC) Belle's Room Castle Map"
BellesRoomMegaRecipe = "(BC) Belle's Room Mega-Recipe"
TheEastWingMythrilShard = "(BC) The East Wing Mythril Shard"
TheEastWingTent = "(BC) The East Wing Tent"
TheWestHallHiPotion = "(BC) The West Hall Hi-Potion"
TheWestHallPowerShard = "(BC) The West Hall Power Shard"
TheWestHallMythrilShard2 = "(BC) The West Hall Mythril Shard 2"
TheWestHallBrightStone = "(BC) The West Hall Bright Stone"
TheWestHallMythrilShard = "(BC) The West Hall Mythril Shard"
Thresholder = "(BC) Thresholder Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
DungeonBasementMap = "(BC) Dungeon Basement Map"
DungeonAPBoost = "(BC) Dungeon AP Boost"
SecretPassageMythrilShard = "(BC) Secret Passage Mythril Shard"
SecretPassageHiPotion = "(BC) Secret Passage Hi-Potion"
SecretPassageLucidShard = "(BC) Secret Passage Lucid Shard"
TheWestHallAPBoostPostDungeon = "(BC) The West Hall AP Boost Post Dungeon"
TheWestWingMythrilShard = "(BC) The West Wing Mythril Shard"
TheWestWingTent = "(BC) The West Wing Tent"
Beast = "(BC) Beast Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
TheBeastsRoomBlazingShard = "(BC) The Beast's Room Blazing Shard"
DarkThorn = "(BC) Dark Thorn Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
DarkThornGetBonus = "(BC) Dark Thorn Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
DarkThornCureElement = "(BC) Dark Thorn Cure Element"
RumblingRose = "(BC2) Rumbling Rose"
CastleWallsMap = "(BC2) Castle Walls Map"
Xaldin = "(BC2) Xaldin Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
XaldinGetBonus = "(BC2) Xaldin Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
SecretAnsemReport4 = "(BC2) Secret Ansem Report 4 (Xaldin)"
XaldinDataDefenseBoost = "Data Xaldin"
PitCellAreaMap = "(SP) Pit Cell Area Map"
PitCellMythrilCrystal = "(SP) Pit Cell Mythril Crystal"
CanyonDarkCrystal = "(SP) Canyon Dark Crystal"
CanyonMythrilStone = "(SP) Canyon Mythril Stone"
CanyonMythrilGem = "(SP) Canyon Mythril Gem"
CanyonFrostCrystal = "(SP) Canyon Frost Crystal"
Screens = "(SP) Screens Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
HallwayPowerCrystal = "(SP) Hallway Power Crystal"
HallwayAPBoost = "(SP) Hallway AP Boost"
CommunicationsRoomIOTowerMap = "(SP) Communications Room I/O Tower Map"
CommunicationsRoomGaiaBelt = "(SP) Communications Room Gaia Belt"
HostileProgram = "(SP) Hostile Program Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
HostileProgramGetBonus = "(SP) Hostile Program Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
PhotonDebugger = "(SP) Photon Debugger"
SolarSailer = "(SP2) Solar Sailer"
CentralComputerCoreAPBoost = "(SP2) Central Computer Core AP Boost"
CentralComputerCoreOrichalcumPlus = "(SP2) Central Computer Core Orichalcum+"
CentralComputerCoreCosmicArts = "(SP2) Central Computer Core Cosmic Arts"
CentralComputerCoreMap = "(SP2) Central Computer Core Map"
MCP = "(SP2) MCP Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
MCPGetBonus = "(SP2) MCP Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
LarxeneBonus = "Larxene Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
LarxeneASCloakedThunder = "AS Larxene"
LarxeneDataLostIllusion = "Data Larxene"
GraveyardMythrilShard = "(HT) Graveyard Mythril Shard"
GraveyardSerenityGem = "(HT) Graveyard Serenity Gem"
FinklesteinsLabHalloweenTownMap = "(HT) Finklestein's Lab Halloween Town Map"
TownSquareMythrilStone = "(HT) Town Square Mythril Stone"
TownSquareEnergyShard = "(HT) Town Square Energy Shard"
HinterlandsLightningShard = "(HT) Hinterlands Lightning Shard"
HinterlandsMythrilStone = "(HT) Hinterlands Mythril Stone"
HinterlandsAPBoost = "(HT) Hinterlands AP Boost"
CandyCaneLaneMegaPotion = "(HT) Candy Cane Lane Mega-Potion"
CandyCaneLaneMythrilGem = "(HT) Candy Cane Lane Mythril Gem"
CandyCaneLaneLightningStone = "(HT) Candy Cane Lane Lightning Stone"
CandyCaneLaneMythrilStone = "(HT) Candy Cane Lane Mythril Stone"
SantasHouseChristmasTownMap = "(HT) Santa's House Christmas Town Map"
SantasHouseAPBoost = "(HT) Santa's House AP Boost"
PrisonKeeper = "(HT) Prison Keeper Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
OogieBoogie = "(HT) Oogie Boogie Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
OogieBoogieMagnetElement = "(HT) Oogie Boogie Magnet Element"
Lock = "(HT2) Lock, Shock and Barrel Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
Present = "(HT2) Present"
DecoyPresents = "(HT2) Decoy Presents"
Experiment = "(HT2) Experiment Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
DecisivePumpkin = "(HT2) Decisive Pumpkin"
VexenBonus = "Vexen Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
VexenASRoadtoDiscovery = "AS Vexen"
VexenDataLostIllusion = "Data Vexen"
RampartNavalMap = "(PR) Rampart Naval Map"
RampartMythrilStone = "(PR) Rampart Mythril Stone"
RampartDarkShard = "(PR) Rampart Dark Shard"
TownDarkStone = "(PR) Town Dark Stone"
TownAPBoost = "(PR) Town AP Boost"
TownMythrilShard = "(PR) Town Mythril Shard"
TownMythrilGem = "(PR) Town Mythril Gem"
CaveMouthBrightShard = "(PR) Cave Mouth Bright Shard"
CaveMouthMythrilShard = "(PR) Cave Mouth Mythril Shard"
IsladeMuertaMap = "(PR) Isla de Muerta Map"
BoatFight = "(PR) Boat Fight Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
InterceptorBarrels = "(PR) Interceptor Barrels Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
PowderStoreAPBoost1 = "(PR) Powder Store AP Boost 1"
PowderStoreAPBoost2 = "(PR) Powder Store AP Boost 2"
MoonlightNookMythrilShard = "(PR) Moonlight Nook Mythril Shard"
MoonlightNookSerenityGem = "(PR) Moonlight Nook Serenity Gem"
MoonlightNookPowerStone = "(PR) Moonlight Nook Power Stone"
Barbossa = "(PR) Barbossa Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
BarbossaGetBonus = "(PR) Barbossa Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
FollowtheWind = "(PR) Follow the Wind"
GrimReaper1 = "(PR2) Grim Reaper 1 Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
InterceptorsHoldFeatherCharm = "(PR2) Interceptor's Hold Feather Charm"
SeadriftKeepAPBoost = "(PR2) Seadrift Keep AP Boost"
SeadriftKeepOrichalcum = "(PR2) Seadrift Keep Orichalcum"
SeadriftKeepMeteorStaff = "(PR2) Seadrift Keep Meteor Staff"
SeadriftRowSerenityGem = "(PR2) Seadrift Row Serenity Gem"
SeadriftRowKingRecipe = "(PR2) Seadrift Row King Recipe"
SeadriftRowMythrilCrystal = "(PR2) Seadrift Row Mythril Crystal"
SeadriftRowCursedMedallion = "(PR2) Seadrift Row Cursed Medallion"
SeadriftRowShipGraveyardMap = "(PR2) Seadrift Row Ship Graveyard Map"
GrimReaper2 = "(PR2) Grim Reaper 2 Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
SecretAnsemReport6 = "(PR2) Secret Ansem Report 6 (Grim Reaper 2)"
LuxordDataAPBoost = "Data Luxord"
MarketplaceMap = "(HB) Marketplace Map"
BoroughDriveRecovery = "(HB) Borough Drive Recovery"
BoroughAPBoost = "(HB) Borough AP Boost"
BoroughHiPotion = "(HB) Borough Hi-Potion"
BoroughMythrilShard = "(HB) Borough Mythril Shard"
BoroughDarkShard = "(HB) Borough Dark Shard"
MerlinsHouseMembershipCard = "(HB) Merlin's House Membership Card"
MerlinsHouseBlizzardElement = "(HB) Merlin's House Blizzard Element"
Bailey = "(HB) Bailey Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
BaileySecretAnsemReport7 = "(HB) Bailey Secret Ansem Report 7"
BaseballCharm = "(HB) Baseball Charm"
PosternCastlePerimeterMap = "(HB2) Postern Castle Perimeter Map"
PosternMythrilGem = "(HB2) Postern Mythril Gem"
PosternAPBoost = "(HB2) Postern AP Boost"
CorridorsMythrilStone = "(HB2) Corridors Mythril Stone"
CorridorsMythrilCrystal = "(HB2) Corridors Mythril Crystal"
CorridorsDarkCrystal = "(HB2) Corridors Dark Crystal"
CorridorsAPBoost = "(HB2) Corridors AP Boost"
AnsemsStudyMasterForm = "(HB2) Ansem's Study Master Form"
AnsemsStudySleepingLion = "(HB2) Ansem's Study Sleeping Lion"
AnsemsStudySkillRecipe = "(HB2) Ansem's Study Skill Recipe"
AnsemsStudyUkuleleCharm = "(HB2) Ansem's Study Ukulele Charm"
RestorationSiteMoonRecipe = "(HB2) Restoration Site Moon Recipe"
RestorationSiteAPBoost = "(HB2) Restoration Site AP Boost"
DemyxHB = "(HB2) Demyx Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
DemyxHBGetBonus = "(HB2) Demyx Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
FFFightsCureElement = "(HB2) FF Fights Cure Element"
CrystalFissureTornPages = "(HB2) Crystal Fissure Torn Pages"
CrystalFissureTheGreatMawMap = "(HB2) Crystal Fissure The Great Maw Map"
CrystalFissureEnergyCrystal = "(HB2) Crystal Fissure Energy Crystal"
CrystalFissureAPBoost = "(HB2) Crystal Fissure AP Boost"
ThousandHeartless = "(HB2) 1000 Heartless"
ThousandHeartlessSecretAnsemReport1 = "(HB2) 1000 Heartless Secret Ansem Report 1"
ThousandHeartlessIceCream = "(HB2) 1000 Heartless Ice Cream"
ThousandHeartlessPicture = "(HB2) 1000 Heartless Picture"
PosternGullWing = "(HB2) Postern Gull Wing"
HeartlessManufactoryCosmicChain = "(HB2) Heartless Manufactory Cosmic Chain"
SephirothBonus = "Sephiroth Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
SephirothFenrir = "Sephiroth Fenrir"
WinnersProof = "(HB2) Winner's Proof"
ProofofPeace = "(HB2) Proof of Peace"
DemyxDataAPBoost = "Data Demyx"
CoRDepthsAPBoost = "(CoR) Depths AP Boost"
CoRDepthsPowerCrystal = "(CoR) Depths Power Crystal"
CoRDepthsFrostCrystal = "(CoR) Depths Frost Crystal"
CoRDepthsManifestIllusion = "(CoR) Depths Manifest Illusion"
CoRDepthsAPBoost2 = "(CoR) Depths AP Boost 2"
CoRMineshaftLowerLevelDepthsofRemembranceMap = "(CoR) Mineshaft Lower Level Depths of Remembrance Map"
CoRMineshaftLowerLevelAPBoost = "(CoR) Mineshaft Lower Level AP Boost"
CoRDepthsUpperLevelRemembranceGem = "(CoR) Depths Upper Level Remembrance Gem"
CoRMiningAreaSerenityGem = "(CoR) Mining Area Serenity Gem"
CoRMiningAreaAPBoost = "(CoR) Mining Area AP Boost"
CoRMiningAreaSerenityCrystal = "(CoR) Mining Area Serenity Crystal"
CoRMiningAreaManifestIllusion = "(CoR) Mining Area Manifest Illusion"
CoRMiningAreaSerenityGem2 = "(CoR) Mining Area Serenity Gem 2"
CoRMiningAreaDarkRemembranceMap = "(CoR) Mining Area Dark Remembrance Map"
CoRMineshaftMidLevelPowerBoost = "(CoR) Mineshaft Mid Level Power Boost"
CoREngineChamberSerenityCrystal = "(CoR) Engine Chamber Serenity Crystal"
CoREngineChamberRemembranceCrystal = "(CoR) Engine Chamber Remembrance Crystal"
CoREngineChamberAPBoost = "(CoR) Engine Chamber AP Boost"
CoREngineChamberManifestIllusion = "(CoR) Engine Chamber Manifest Illusion"
CoRMineshaftUpperLevelMagicBoost = "(CoR) Mineshaft Upper Level Magic Boost"
CoRMineshaftUpperLevelAPBoost = "(CoR) Mineshaft Upper Level AP Boost"
TransporttoRemembrance = "Transport to Remembrance"
GorgeSavannahMap = "(PL) Gorge Savannah Map"
GorgeDarkGem = "(PL) Gorge Dark Gem"
GorgeMythrilStone = "(PL) Gorge Mythril Stone"
ElephantGraveyardFrostGem = "(PL) Elephant Graveyard Frost Gem"
ElephantGraveyardMythrilStone = "(PL) Elephant Graveyard Mythril Stone"
ElephantGraveyardBrightStone = "(PL) Elephant Graveyard Bright Stone"
ElephantGraveyardAPBoost = "(PL) Elephant Graveyard AP Boost"
ElephantGraveyardMythrilShard = "(PL) Elephant Graveyard Mythril Shard"
PrideRockMap = "(PL) Pride Rock Map"
PrideRockMythrilStone = "(PL) Pride Rock Mythril Stone"
PrideRockSerenityCrystal = "(PL) Pride Rock Serenity Crystal"
WildebeestValleyEnergyStone = "(PL) Wildebeest Valley Energy Stone"
WildebeestValleyAPBoost = "(PL) Wildebeest Valley AP Boost"
WildebeestValleyMythrilGem = "(PL) Wildebeest Valley Mythril Gem"
WildebeestValleyMythrilStone = "(PL) Wildebeest Valley Mythril Stone"
WildebeestValleyLucidGem = "(PL) Wildebeest Valley Lucid Gem"
WastelandsMythrilShard = "(PL) Wastelands Mythril Shard"
WastelandsSerenityGem = "(PL) Wastelands Serenity Gem"
WastelandsMythrilStone = "(PL) Wastelands Mythril Stone"
JungleSerenityGem = "(PL) Jungle Serenity Gem"
JungleMythrilStone = "(PL) Jungle Mythril Stone"
JungleSerenityCrystal = "(PL) Jungle Serenity Crystal"
OasisMap = "(PL) Oasis Map"
OasisTornPages = "(PL) Oasis Torn Pages"
OasisAPBoost = "(PL) Oasis AP Boost"
CircleofLife = "(PL) Circle of Life"
Hyenas1 = "(PL) Hyenas 1 Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
Scar = "(PL) Scar Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
ScarFireElement = "(PL) Scar Fire Element"
Hyenas2 = "(PL2) Hyenas 2 Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
Groundshaker = "(PL2) Groundshaker Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
GroundshakerGetBonus = "(PL2) Groundshaker Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
SaixDataDefenseBoost = "Data Saix"
TwilightTownMap = "(STT) Twilight Town Map"
MunnyPouchOlette = "(STT) Munny Pouch Olette"
StationDusks = "(STT) Station Dusks"
StationofSerenityPotion = "(STT) Station of Serenity Potion"
StationofCallingPotion = "(STT) Station of Calling Potion"
TwilightThorn = "(STT) Twilight Thorn"
Axel1 = "(STT) Axel 1"
JunkChampionBelt = "(STT) Junk Champion Belt"
JunkMedal = "(STT) Junk Medal"
TheStruggleTrophy = "(STT) The Struggle Trophy"
CentralStationPotion1 = "(STT) Central Station Potion 1"
STTCentralStationHiPotion = "(STT) Central Station Hi-Potion"
CentralStationPotion2 = "(STT) Central Station Potion 2"
SunsetTerraceAbilityRing = "(STT) Sunset Terrace Ability Ring"
SunsetTerraceHiPotion = "(STT) Sunset Terrace Hi-Potion"
SunsetTerracePotion1 = "(STT) Sunset Terrace Potion 1"
SunsetTerracePotion2 = "(STT) Sunset Terrace Potion 2"
MansionFoyerHiPotion = "(STT) Mansion Foyer Hi-Potion"
MansionFoyerPotion1 = "(STT) Mansion Foyer Potion 1"
MansionFoyerPotion2 = "(STT) Mansion Foyer Potion 2"
MansionDiningRoomElvenBandanna = "(STT) Mansion Dining Room Elven Bandanna"
MansionDiningRoomPotion = "(STT) Mansion Dining Room Potion"
NaminesSketches = "(STT) Namine's Sketches"
MansionMap = "(STT) Mansion Map"
MansionLibraryHiPotion = "(STT) Mansion Library Hi-Potion"
Axel2 = "(STT) Axel 2"
MansionBasementCorridorHiPotion = "(STT) Mansion Basement Corridor Hi-Potion"
RoxasDataMagicBoost = "Data Roxas"
OldMansionPotion = "(TT) Old Mansion Potion"
OldMansionMythrilShard = "(TT) Old Mansion Mythril Shard"
TheWoodsPotion = "(TT) The Woods Potion"
TheWoodsMythrilShard = "(TT) The Woods Mythril Shard"
TheWoodsHiPotion = "(TT) The Woods Hi-Potion"
TramCommonHiPotion = "(TT) Tram Common Hi-Potion"
TramCommonAPBoost = "(TT) Tram Common AP Boost"
TramCommonTent = "(TT) Tram Common Tent"
TramCommonMythrilShard1 = "(TT) Tram Common Mythril Shard 1"
TramCommonPotion1 = "(TT) Tram Common Potion 1"
TramCommonMythrilShard2 = "(TT) Tram Common Mythril Shard 2"
TramCommonPotion2 = "(TT) Tram Common Potion 2"
StationPlazaSecretAnsemReport2 = "(TT) Station Plaza Secret Ansem Report 2"
MunnyPouchMickey = "(TT) Munny Pouch Mickey"
CrystalOrb = "(TT) Crystal Orb"
CentralStationTent = "(TT) Central Station Tent"
TTCentralStationHiPotion = "(TT) Central Station Hi-Potion"
CentralStationMythrilShard = "(TT) Central Station Mythril Shard"
TheTowerPotion = "(TT) The Tower Potion"
TheTowerHiPotion = "(TT) The Tower Hi-Potion"
TheTowerEther = "(TT) The Tower Ether"
TowerEntrywayEther = "(TT) Tower Entryway Ether"
TowerEntrywayMythrilShard = "(TT) Tower Entryway Mythril Shard"
SorcerersLoftTowerMap = "(TT) Sorcerer's Loft Tower Map"
TowerWardrobeMythrilStone = "(TT) Tower Wardrobe Mythril Stone"
StarSeeker = "(TT) Star Seeker"
ValorForm = "(TT) Valor Form"
SeifersTrophy = "(TT2) Seifer's Trophy"
Oathkeeper = "(TT2) Oathkeeper"
LimitForm = "(TT2) Limit Form"
UndergroundConcourseMythrilGem = "(TT3) Underground Concourse Mythril Gem"
UndergroundConcourseOrichalcum = "(TT3) Underground Concourse Orichalcum"
UndergroundConcourseAPBoost = "(TT3) Underground Concourse AP Boost"
UndergroundConcourseMythrilCrystal = "(TT3) Underground Concourse Mythril Crystal"
TunnelwayOrichalcum = "(TT3) Tunnelway Orichalcum"
TunnelwayMythrilCrystal = "(TT3) Tunnelway Mythril Crystal"
SunsetTerraceOrichalcumPlus = "(TT3) Sunset Terrace Orichalcum+"
SunsetTerraceMythrilShard = "(TT3) Sunset Terrace Mythril Shard"
SunsetTerraceMythrilCrystal = "(TT3) Sunset Terrace Mythril Crystal"
SunsetTerraceAPBoost = "(TT3) Sunset Terrace AP Boost"
MansionNobodies = "(TT3) Mansion Nobodies Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
MansionFoyerMythrilCrystal = "(TT3) Mansion Foyer Mythril Crystal"
MansionFoyerMythrilStone = "(TT3) Mansion Foyer Mythril Stone"
MansionFoyerSerenityCrystal = "(TT3) Mansion Foyer Serenity Crystal"
MansionDiningRoomMythrilCrystal = "(TT3) Mansion Dining Room Mythril Crystal"
MansionDiningRoomMythrilStone = "(TT3) Mansion Dining Room Mythril Stone"
MansionLibraryOrichalcum = "(TT3) Mansion Library Orichalcum"
BeamSecretAnsemReport10 = "(TT3) Beam Secret Ansem Report 10"
MansionBasementCorridorUltimateRecipe = "(TT3) Mansion Basement Corridor Ultimate Recipe"
BetwixtandBetween = "(TT3) Betwixt and Between"
BetwixtandBetweenBondofFlame = "(TT3) Betwixt and Between Bond of Flame"
AxelDataMagicBoost = "Data Axel"
FragmentCrossingMythrilStone = "(TWTNW) Fragment Crossing Mythril Stone"
FragmentCrossingMythrilCrystal = "(TWTNW) Fragment Crossing Mythril Crystal"
FragmentCrossingAPBoost = "(TWTNW) Fragment Crossing AP Boost"
FragmentCrossingOrichalcum = "(TWTNW) Fragment Crossing Orichalcum"
Roxas = "(TWTNW) Roxas Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
RoxasGetBonus = "(TWTNW) Roxas Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
RoxasSecretAnsemReport8 = "(TWTNW) Roxas Secret Ansem Report 8"
TwoBecomeOne = "(TWTNW) Two Become One"
MemorysSkyscaperMythrilCrystal = "(TWTNW) Memory's Skyscaper Mythril Crystal"
MemorysSkyscaperAPBoost = "(TWTNW) Memory's Skyscaper AP Boost"
MemorysSkyscaperMythrilStone = "(TWTNW) Memory's Skyscaper Mythril Stone"
TheBrinkofDespairDarkCityMap = "(TWTNW) The Brink of Despair Dark City Map"
TheBrinkofDespairOrichalcumPlus = "(TWTNW) The Brink of Despair Orichalcum+"
NothingsCallMythrilGem = "(TWTNW) Nothing's Call Mythril Gem"
NothingsCallOrichalcum = "(TWTNW) Nothing's Call Orichalcum"
TwilightsViewCosmicBelt = "(TWTNW) Twilight's View Cosmic Belt"
XigbarBonus = "(TWTNW) Xigbar Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
XigbarSecretAnsemReport3 = "(TWTNW) Xigbar Secret Ansem Report 3"
NaughtsSkywayMythrilGem = "(TWTNW) Naught's Skyway Mythril Gem"
NaughtsSkywayOrichalcum = "(TWTNW) Naught's Skyway Orichalcum"
NaughtsSkywayMythrilCrystal = "(TWTNW) Naught's Skyway Mythril Crystal"
Oblivion = "(TWTNW) Oblivion"
CastleThatNeverWasMap = "(TWTNW) Castle That Never Was Map"
Luxord = "(TWTNW) Luxord"
LuxordGetBonus = "(TWTNW) Luxord Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
LuxordSecretAnsemReport9 = "(TWTNW) Luxord Secret Ansem Report 9"
SaixBonus = "(TWTNW) Saix Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
SaixSecretAnsemReport12 = "(TWTNW) Saix Secret Ansem Report 12"
PreXemnas1SecretAnsemReport11 = "(TWTNW) Secret Ansem Report 11 (Pre-Xemnas 1)"
RuinandCreationsPassageMythrilStone = "(TWTNW) Ruin and Creation's Passage Mythril Stone"
RuinandCreationsPassageAPBoost = "(TWTNW) Ruin and Creation's Passage AP Boost"
RuinandCreationsPassageMythrilCrystal = "(TWTNW) Ruin and Creation's Passage Mythril Crystal"
RuinandCreationsPassageOrichalcum = "(TWTNW) Ruin and Creation's Passage Orichalcum"
Xemnas1 = "(TWTNW) Xemnas 1 Bonus: Sora Slot 1"
Xemnas1GetBonus = "(TWTNW) Xemnas 1 Bonus: Sora Slot 2"
Xemnas1SecretAnsemReport13 = "(TWTNW) Xemnas 1 Secret Ansem Report 13"
FinalXemnas = "Final Xemnas"
XemnasDataPowerBoost = "Data Xemnas"
Lvl1 ="Level 01"
Lvl2 ="Level 02"
Lvl3 ="Level 03"
Lvl4 ="Level 04"
Lvl5 ="Level 05"
Lvl6 ="Level 06"
Lvl7 ="Level 07"
Lvl8 ="Level 08"
Lvl9 ="Level 09"
Lvl10 ="Level 10"
Lvl11 ="Level 11"
Lvl12 ="Level 12"
Lvl13 ="Level 13"
Lvl14 ="Level 14"
Lvl15 ="Level 15"
Lvl16 ="Level 16"
Lvl17 ="Level 17"
Lvl18 ="Level 18"
Lvl19 ="Level 19"
Lvl20 ="Level 20"
Lvl21 ="Level 21"
Lvl22 ="Level 22"
Lvl23 ="Level 23"
Lvl24 ="Level 24"
Lvl25 ="Level 25"
Lvl26 ="Level 26"
Lvl27 ="Level 27"
Lvl28 ="Level 28"
Lvl29 ="Level 29"
Lvl30 ="Level 30"
Lvl31 ="Level 31"
Lvl32 ="Level 32"
Lvl33 ="Level 33"
Lvl34 ="Level 34"
Lvl35 ="Level 35"
Lvl36 ="Level 36"
Lvl37 ="Level 37"
Lvl38 ="Level 38"
Lvl39 ="Level 39"
Lvl40 ="Level 40"
Lvl41 ="Level 41"
Lvl42 ="Level 42"
Lvl43 ="Level 43"
Lvl44 ="Level 44"
Lvl45 ="Level 45"
Lvl46 ="Level 46"
Lvl47 ="Level 47"
Lvl48 ="Level 48"
Lvl49 ="Level 49"
Lvl50 ="Level 50"
Lvl51 ="Level 51"
Lvl52 ="Level 52"
Lvl53 ="Level 53"
Lvl54 ="Level 54"
Lvl55 ="Level 55"
Lvl56 ="Level 56"
Lvl57 ="Level 57"
Lvl58 ="Level 58"
Lvl59 ="Level 59"
Lvl60 ="Level 60"
Lvl61 ="Level 61"
Lvl62 ="Level 62"
Lvl63 ="Level 63"
Lvl64 ="Level 64"
Lvl65 ="Level 65"
Lvl66 ="Level 66"
Lvl67 ="Level 67"
Lvl68 ="Level 68"
Lvl69 ="Level 69"
Lvl70 ="Level 70"
Lvl71 ="Level 71"
Lvl72 ="Level 72"
Lvl73 ="Level 73"
Lvl74 ="Level 74"
Lvl75 ="Level 75"
Lvl76 ="Level 76"
Lvl77 ="Level 77"
Lvl78 ="Level 78"
Lvl79 ="Level 79"
Lvl80 ="Level 80"
Lvl81 ="Level 81"
Lvl82 ="Level 82"
Lvl83 ="Level 83"
Lvl84 ="Level 84"
Lvl85 ="Level 85"
Lvl86 ="Level 86"
Lvl87 ="Level 87"
Lvl88 ="Level 88"
Lvl89 ="Level 89"
Lvl90 ="Level 90"
Lvl91 ="Level 91"
Lvl92 ="Level 92"
Lvl93 ="Level 93"
Lvl94 ="Level 94"
Lvl95 ="Level 95"
Lvl96 ="Level 96"
Lvl97 ="Level 97"
Lvl98 ="Level 98"
Lvl99 ="Level 99"
Valorlvl1 ="Valor level 1"
Valorlvl2 ="Valor level 2"
Valorlvl3 ="Valor level 3"
Valorlvl4 ="Valor level 4"
Valorlvl5 ="Valor level 5"
Valorlvl6 ="Valor level 6"
Valorlvl7 ="Valor level 7"
Wisdomlvl1 ="Wisdom level 1"
Wisdomlvl2 ="Wisdom level 2"
Wisdomlvl3 ="Wisdom level 3"
Wisdomlvl4 ="Wisdom level 4"
Wisdomlvl5 ="Wisdom level 5"
Wisdomlvl6 ="Wisdom level 6"
Wisdomlvl7 ="Wisdom level 7"
Limitlvl1 ="Limit level 1"
Limitlvl2 ="Limit level 2"
Limitlvl3 ="Limit level 3"
Limitlvl4 ="Limit level 4"
Limitlvl5 ="Limit level 5"
Limitlvl6 ="Limit level 6"
Limitlvl7 ="Limit level 7"
Masterlvl1 ="Master level 1"
Masterlvl2 ="Master level 2"
Masterlvl3 ="Master level 3"
Masterlvl4 ="Master level 4"
Masterlvl5 ="Master level 5"
Masterlvl6 ="Master level 6"
Masterlvl7 ="Master level 7"
Finallvl1 ="Final level 1"
Finallvl2 ="Final level 2"
Finallvl3 ="Final level 3"
Finallvl4 ="Final level 4"
Finallvl5 ="Final level 5"
Finallvl6 ="Final level 6"
Finallvl7 ="Final level 7"
GardenofAssemblageMap ="Garden of Assemblage Map"
GoALostIllusion ="GoA Lost Illusion"
ProofofNonexistence ="Proof of Nonexistence Location"
test= "test"
Crit_1 ="Critical Starting Ability 1"
Crit_2 ="Critical Starting Ability 2"
Crit_3 ="Critical Starting Ability 3"
Crit_4 ="Critical Starting Ability 4"
Crit_5 ="Critical Starting Ability 5"
Crit_6 ="Critical Starting Ability 6"
Crit_7 ="Critical Starting Ability 7"
DonaldStarting1 ="Donald Starting Item 1"
DonaldStarting2 ="Donald Starting Item 2"
GoofyStarting1 ="Goofy Starting Item 1"
GoofyStarting2 ="Goofy Starting Item 2"
DonaldScreens ="(SP) Screens Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldDemyxHBGetBonus ="(HB) Demyx Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldDemyxOC ="(OC) Demyx Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldBoatPete ="(TR) Boat Pete Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldBoatPeteGetBonus ="(TR) Boat Pete Bonus: Donald Slot 2"
DonaldPrisonKeeper ="(HT) Prison Keeper Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldScar ="(PL) Scar Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldSolarSailer ="(SP2) Solar Sailer Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldExperiment ="(HT2) Experiment Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldBoatFight ="(PR) Boat Fight Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldMansionNobodies ="(TT3) Mansion Nobodies Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldThresholder ="(BC) Thresholder Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldXaldinGetBonus ="(BC2) Xaldin Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaladGrimReaper2 ="(PR2) Grim Reaper 2 Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
DonaldAbuEscort ="(AG) Abu Escort Bonus: Donald Slot 1"
GoofyBarbossa ="(PR) Barbossa Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyBarbossaGetBonus ="(PR) Barbossa Bonus: Goofy Slot 2"
GoofyGrimReaper1 ="(PR2) Grim Reaper 1 Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyHostileProgram ="(SP) Hostile Program Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyHyenas1 ="(PL) Hyenas 1 Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyHyenas2 ="(PL2) Hyenas 2 Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyLock ="(HT2) Lock, Shock and Barrel Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyOogieBoogie ="(HT) Oogie Boogie Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyPeteOC ="(OC) Pete Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyFuturePete ="(TR) Future Pete Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyShanYu ="(LoD) Shan-Yu Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyStormRider ="(LoD2) Storm Rider Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyBeast ="(BC) Beast Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyInterceptorBarrels ="(PR) Interceptor Barrels Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyTreasureRoom ="(AG) Treasure Room Heartless Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
GoofyZexion ="Zexion Bonus: Goofy Slot 1"
AdamantShield ="Adamant Shield Slot"
AkashicRecord ="Akashic Record Slot"
ChainGear ="Chain Gear Slot"
DreamCloud ="Dream Cloud Slot"
FallingStar ="Falling Star Slot"
FrozenPride2 ="Frozen Pride+ Slot"
GenjiShield ="Genji Shield Slot"
KnightDefender ="Knight Defender Slot"
KnightsShield ="Knight's Shield Slot"
MajesticMushroom ="Majestic Mushroom Slot"
MajesticMushroom2 ="Majestic Mushroom+ Slot"
NobodyGuard ="Nobody Guard Slot"
OgreShield ="Ogre Shield Slot"
SaveTheKing2 ="Save The King+ Slot"
UltimateMushroom ="Ultimate Mushroom Slot"
HammerStaff ="Hammer Staff Slot"
LordsBroom ="Lord's Broom Slot"
MagesStaff ="Mages Staff Slot"
MeteorStaff ="Meteor Staff Slot"
CometStaff ="Comet Staff Slot"
Centurion2 ="Centurion+ Slot"
MeteorStaff ="Meteor Staff Slot"
NobodyLance ="Nobody Lance Slot"
PreciousMushroom ="Precious Mushroom Slot"
PreciousMushroom2 ="Precious Mushroom+ Slot"
PremiumMushroom ="Premium Mushroom Slot"
RisingDragon ="Rising Dragon Slot"
SaveTheQueen2 ="Save The Queen+ Slot"
ShamansRelic ="Shaman's Relic Slot"
VictoryBell ="Victory Bell Slot"
WisdomWand ="Wisdom Wand Slot"
#Keyblade Slots
FAKESlot ="FAKE Slot"
DetectionSaberSlot ="Detection Saber Slot"
EdgeofUltimaSlot ="Edge of Ultima Slot"
KingdomKeySlot ="Kingdom Key Slot"
OathkeeperSlot ="Oathkeeper Slot"
OblivionSlot ="Oblivion Slot"
StarSeekerSlot ="Star Seeker Slot"
HiddenDragonSlot ="Hidden Dragon Slot"
HerosCrestSlot ="Hero's Crest Slot"
MonochromeSlot ="Monochrome Slot"
FollowtheWindSlot ="Follow the Wind Slot"
CircleofLifeSlot ="Circle of Life Slot"
PhotonDebuggerSlot ="Photon Debugger Slot"
GullWingSlot ="Gull Wing Slot"
RumblingRoseSlot ="Rumbling Rose Slot"
GuardianSoulSlot ="Guardian Soul Slot"
WishingLampSlot ="Wishing Lamp Slot"
DecisivePumpkinSlot ="Decisive Pumpkin Slot"
SweetMemoriesSlot ="Sweet Memories Slot"
MysteriousAbyssSlot ="Mysterious Abyss Slot"
SleepingLionSlot ="Sleeping Lion Slot"
BondofFlameSlot ="Bond of Flame Slot"
TwoBecomeOneSlot ="Two Become One Slot"
FatalCrestSlot ="Fatal Crest Slot"
FenrirSlot ="Fenrir Slot"
UltimaWeaponSlot ="Ultima Weapon Slot"
WinnersProofSlot ="Winner's Proof Slot"
PurebloodSlot ="Pureblood Slot"
#Final_Region ="Final Form"