206 lines
9.8 KiB
206 lines
9.8 KiB
import json
import logging
import os
import typing
import Options
from Utils import local_path
from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister
handled_in_js = {"start_inventory", "local_items", "non_local_items", "start_hints", "start_location_hints",
"exclude_locations", "priority_locations"}
def create():
target_folder = local_path("WebHostLib", "static", "generated")
yaml_folder = os.path.join(target_folder, "configs")
def get_html_doc(option_type: type(Options.Option)) -> str:
if not option_type.__doc__:
return "Please document me!"
return "\n".join(line.strip() for line in option_type.__doc__.split("\n")).strip()
weighted_options = {
"baseOptions": {
"description": "Generated by https://archipelago.gg/",
"name": "",
"game": {},
"games": {},
for game_name, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items():
all_options: typing.Dict[str, Options.AssembleOptions] = world.options_dataclass.type_hints
# Generate JSON files for player-options pages
player_options = {
"baseOptions": {
"description": f"Generated by https://archipelago.gg/ for {game_name}",
"game": game_name,
"name": "",
game_options = {}
visible: typing.Set[str] = set()
visible_weighted: typing.Set[str] = set()
for option_name, option in all_options.items():
if option.visibility & Options.Visibility.simple_ui:
if option.visibility & Options.Visibility.complex_ui:
if option_name in handled_in_js:
elif issubclass(option, Options.Choice) or issubclass(option, Options.Toggle):
game_options[option_name] = this_option = {
"type": "select",
"displayName": option.display_name if hasattr(option, "display_name") else option_name,
"description": get_html_doc(option),
"defaultValue": None,
"options": []
for sub_option_id, sub_option_name in option.name_lookup.items():
if sub_option_name != "random":
"name": option.get_option_name(sub_option_id),
"value": sub_option_name,
if sub_option_id == option.default:
this_option["defaultValue"] = sub_option_name
if not this_option["defaultValue"]:
this_option["defaultValue"] = "random"
elif issubclass(option, Options.Range):
game_options[option_name] = {
"type": "range",
"displayName": option.display_name if hasattr(option, "display_name") else option_name,
"description": get_html_doc(option),
"defaultValue": option.default if hasattr(
option, "default") and option.default != "random" else option.range_start,
"min": option.range_start,
"max": option.range_end,
if issubclass(option, Options.NamedRange):
game_options[option_name]["type"] = 'named_range'
game_options[option_name]["value_names"] = {}
for key, val in option.special_range_names.items():
game_options[option_name]["value_names"][key] = val
elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemSet):
game_options[option_name] = {
"type": "items-list",
"displayName": option.display_name if hasattr(option, "display_name") else option_name,
"description": get_html_doc(option),
"defaultValue": list(option.default)
elif issubclass(option, Options.LocationSet):
game_options[option_name] = {
"type": "locations-list",
"displayName": option.display_name if hasattr(option, "display_name") else option_name,
"description": get_html_doc(option),
"defaultValue": list(option.default)
elif issubclass(option, Options.VerifyKeys) and not issubclass(option, Options.OptionDict):
if option.valid_keys:
game_options[option_name] = {
"type": "custom-list",
"displayName": option.display_name if hasattr(option, "display_name") else option_name,
"description": get_html_doc(option),
"options": list(option.valid_keys),
"defaultValue": list(option.default) if hasattr(option, "default") else []
logging.debug(f"{option} not exported to Web Options.")
player_options["presetOptions"] = {}
for preset_name, preset in world.web.options_presets.items():
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name] = {}
for option_name, option_value in preset.items():
# Random range type settings are not valid.
assert (not str(option_value).startswith("random-")), \
f"Invalid preset value '{option_value}' for '{option_name}' in '{preset_name}'. Special random " \
f"values are not supported for presets."
# Normal random is supported, but needs to be handled explicitly.
if option_value == "random":
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name][option_name] = option_value
option = world.options_dataclass.type_hints[option_name].from_any(option_value)
if isinstance(option, Options.NamedRange) and isinstance(option_value, str):
assert option_value in option.special_range_names, \
f"Invalid preset value '{option_value}' for '{option_name}' in '{preset_name}'. " \
f"Expected {option.special_range_names.keys()} or {option.range_start}-{option.range_end}."
# Still use the true value for the option, not the name.
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name][option_name] = option.value
elif isinstance(option, Options.Range):
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name][option_name] = option.value
elif isinstance(option_value, str):
# For Choice and Toggle options, the value should be the name of the option. This is to prevent
# setting a preset for an option with an overridden from_text method that would normally be okay,
# but would not be okay for the webhost's current implementation of player options UI.
assert option.name_lookup[option.value] == option_value, \
f"Invalid option value '{option_value}' for '{option_name}' in preset '{preset_name}'. " \
f"Values must not be resolved to a different option via option.from_text (or an alias)."
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name][option_name] = option.current_key
# int and bool values are fine, just resolve them to the current key for webhost.
player_options["presetOptions"][preset_name][option_name] = option.current_key
os.makedirs(os.path.join(target_folder, 'player-options'), exist_ok=True)
filtered_player_options = player_options
filtered_player_options["gameOptions"] = {
option_name: option_data for option_name, option_data in game_options.items()
if option_name in visible
with open(os.path.join(target_folder, 'player-options', game_name + ".json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(filtered_player_options, f, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
filtered_player_options["gameOptions"] = {
option_name: option_data for option_name, option_data in game_options.items()
if option_name in visible_weighted
if not world.hidden and world.web.options_page is True:
# Add the random option to Choice, TextChoice, and Toggle options
for option in filtered_player_options["gameOptions"].values():
if option["type"] == "select":
option["options"].append({"name": "Random", "value": "random"})
if not option["defaultValue"]:
option["defaultValue"] = "random"
weighted_options["baseOptions"]["game"][game_name] = 0
weighted_options["games"][game_name] = {
"gameSettings": filtered_player_options["gameOptions"],
"gameItems": tuple(world.item_names),
"gameItemGroups": [
group for group in world.item_name_groups.keys() if group != "Everything"
"gameItemDescriptions": world.item_descriptions,
"gameLocations": tuple(world.location_names),
"gameLocationGroups": [
group for group in world.location_name_groups.keys() if group != "Everywhere"
"gameLocationDescriptions": world.location_descriptions,
with open(os.path.join(target_folder, 'weighted-options.json'), "w") as f:
json.dump(weighted_options, f, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))