
285 lines
11 KiB

import functools
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from BaseClasses import Entrance, CollectionState, Item, Location, MultiWorld, Region, Tutorial
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from . import Items, Locations, Maps, Regions, Rules
from .Options import DOOM1993Options
logger = logging.getLogger("DOOM 1993")
class DOOM1993Location(Location):
game: str = "DOOM 1993"
class DOOM1993Item(Item):
game: str = "DOOM 1993"
class DOOM1993Web(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the DOOM 1993 randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld",
theme = "dirt"
class DOOM1993World(World):
Developed by id Software, and originally released in 1993, DOOM pioneered and popularized the first-person shooter,
setting a standard for all FPS games.
options_dataclass = DOOM1993Options
options: DOOM1993Options
game = "DOOM 1993"
web = DOOM1993Web()
required_client_version = (0, 3, 9)
item_name_to_id = {data["name"]: item_id for item_id, data in Items.item_table.items()}
item_name_groups = Items.item_name_groups
location_name_to_id = {data["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, data in Locations.location_table.items()}
location_name_groups = Locations.location_name_groups
starting_level_for_episode: List[str] = [
"Hangar (E1M1)",
"Deimos Anomaly (E2M1)",
"Hell Keep (E3M1)",
"Hell Beneath (E4M1)"
boss_level_for_espidoes: List[str] = [
"Phobos Anomaly (E1M8)",
"Tower of Babel (E2M8)",
"Dis (E3M8)",
"Unto the Cruel (E4M8)"
# Item ratio that scales depending on episode count. These are the ratio for 3 episode.
items_ratio: Dict[str, float] = {
"Armor": 41,
"Mega Armor": 25,
"Berserk": 12,
"Invulnerability": 10,
"Partial invisibility": 18,
"Supercharge": 28,
"Medikit": 15,
"Box of bullets": 13,
"Box of rockets": 13,
"Box of shotgun shells": 13,
"Energy cell pack": 10
def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.included_episodes = [1, 1, 1, 0]
self.location_count = 0
super().__init__(multiworld, player)
def get_episode_count(self):
return functools.reduce(lambda count, episode: count + episode, self.included_episodes)
def generate_early(self):
# Cache which episodes are included
self.included_episodes[0] = self.options.episode1.value
self.included_episodes[1] = self.options.episode2.value
self.included_episodes[2] = self.options.episode3.value
self.included_episodes[3] = self.options.episode4.value
# If no episodes selected, select Episode 1
if self.get_episode_count() == 0:
self.included_episodes[0] = 1
def create_regions(self):
pro =
# Main regions
menu_region = Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld)
hub_region = Region("Hub", self.player, self.multiworld)
self.multiworld.regions += [menu_region, hub_region]
# Create regions and locations
main_regions = []
connections = []
for region_dict in Regions.regions:
if not self.included_episodes[region_dict["episode"] - 1]:
region_name = region_dict["name"]
if region_dict["connects_to_hub"]:
region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld)
loc["name"]: loc_id
for loc_id, loc in Locations.location_table.items()
if loc["region"] == region_name and self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]
}, DOOM1993Location)
for connection_dict in region_dict["connections"]:
# Check if it's a pro-only connection
if connection_dict["pro"] and not pro:
connections.append((region, connection_dict["target"]))
# Connect main regions to Hub
# Do the other connections between regions (They are not all both ways)
for connection in connections:
source = connection[0]
target = self.multiworld.get_region(connection[1], self.player)
entrance = Entrance(self.player, f"{} -> {}", source)
# Sum locations for items creation
self.location_count = len(self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player))
def completion_rule(self, state: CollectionState):
goal_levels = Maps.map_names
if self.options.goal.value:
goal_levels = self.boss_level_for_espidoes
for map_name in goal_levels:
if map_name + " - Exit" not in self.location_name_to_id:
# Exit location names are in form: Hangar (E1M1) - Exit
loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[map_name + " - Exit"]]
if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]:
# Map complete item names are in form: Hangar (E1M1) - Complete
if not state.has(map_name + " - Complete", self.player, 1):
return False
return True
def set_rules(self):
pro =
allow_death_logic = self.options.allow_death_logic.value
Rules.set_rules(self, self.included_episodes, pro)
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: self.completion_rule(state)
# Forbid progression items to locations that can be missed and can't be picked up. (e.g. One-time timed
# platform) Unless the user allows for it.
if not allow_death_logic:
for death_logic_location in Locations.death_logic_locations:
def create_item(self, name: str) -> DOOM1993Item:
item_id: int = self.item_name_to_id[name]
return DOOM1993Item(name, Items.item_table[item_id]["classification"], item_id, self.player)
def create_items(self):
itempool: List[DOOM1993Item] = []
start_with_computer_area_maps: bool = self.options.start_with_computer_area_maps.value
# Items
for item_id, item in Items.item_table.items():
if item["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_LEVEL_COMPLETE:
continue # We'll fill it manually later
if item["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_COMPUTER_AREA_MAP and start_with_computer_area_maps:
continue # We'll fill it manually, and we will put fillers in place
if item["episode"] != -1 and not self.included_episodes[item["episode"] - 1]:
count = item["count"] if item["name"] not in self.starting_level_for_episode else item["count"] - 1
itempool += [self.create_item(item["name"]) for _ in range(count)]
# Place end level items in locked locations
for map_name in Maps.map_names:
loc_name = map_name + " - Exit"
item_name = map_name + " - Complete"
if loc_name not in self.location_name_to_id:
if item_name not in self.item_name_to_id:
loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[loc_name]]
if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]:
self.multiworld.get_location(loc_name, self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_item(item_name))
self.location_count -= 1
# Give starting levels right away
for i in range(len(self.included_episodes)):
if self.included_episodes[i]:
# Give Computer area maps if option selected
if self.options.start_with_computer_area_maps.value:
for item_id, item_dict in Items.item_table.items():
item_episode = item_dict["episode"]
if item_episode > 0:
if item_dict["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_COMPUTER_AREA_MAP and self.included_episodes[item_episode - 1]:
# Fill the rest starting with powerups, then fillers
self.create_ratioed_items("Armor", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Mega Armor", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Berserk", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Invulnerability", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Partial invisibility", itempool)
self.create_ratioed_items("Supercharge", itempool)
while len(itempool) < self.location_count:
# add itempool to multiworld
self.multiworld.itempool += itempool
def get_filler_item_name(self):
return self.multiworld.random.choice([
"Box of bullets",
"Box of rockets",
"Box of shotgun shells",
"Energy cell pack"
def create_ratioed_items(self, item_name: str, itempool: List[DOOM1993Item]):
remaining_loc = self.location_count - len(itempool)
ep_count = self.get_episode_count()
# Was balanced for 3 episodes (We added 4th episode, but keep same ratio)
count = min(remaining_loc, max(1, int(round(self.items_ratio[item_name] * ep_count / 3))))
if count == 0:
logger.warning("Warning, no ", item_name, " will be placed.")
for i in range(count):
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
slot_data = self.options.as_dict("goal", "difficulty", "random_monsters", "random_pickups", "random_music", "flip_levels", "allow_death_logic", "pro", "start_with_computer_area_maps", "death_link", "reset_level_on_death", "episode1", "episode2", "episode3", "episode4")
# E2M6 and E3M9 each have one way keydoor. You can enter, but required the keycard to get out.
# We used to force place the keycard behind those doors. Limiting the randomness for those items. A change
# was made to make those specific doors 2-ways keydoors. So the keycards are not shuffled in the pool like the
# rest. The client needs to know about this so it can modify the door. If the multiworld was generated with
# an older version, the player would end up stuck.
slot_data["two_ways_keydoors"] = True
return slot_data