111 lines
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111 lines
5.0 KiB
from typing import Union
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, CollectionState
from .Options import is_option_enabled
from .PreCalculatedWeights import PreCalculatedWeights
class TimespinnerLogic:
player: int
flag_unchained_keys: bool
flag_eye_spy: bool
flag_specific_keycards: bool
pyramid_keys_unlock: Union[str, None]
present_keys_unlock: Union[str, None]
past_keys_unlock: Union[str, None]
time_keys_unlock: Union[str, None]
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int, precalculated_weights: PreCalculatedWeights):
self.player = player
self.flag_specific_keycards = is_option_enabled(world, player, "SpecificKeycards")
self.flag_eye_spy = is_option_enabled(world, player, "EyeSpy")
self.flag_unchained_keys = is_option_enabled(world, player, "UnchainedKeys")
if precalculated_weights:
if self.flag_unchained_keys:
self.pyramid_keys_unlock = None
self.present_keys_unlock = precalculated_weights.present_key_unlock
self.past_keys_unlock = precalculated_weights.past_key_unlock
self.time_keys_unlock = precalculated_weights.time_key_unlock
self.pyramid_keys_unlock = precalculated_weights.pyramid_keys_unlock
self.present_keys_unlock = None
self.past_keys_unlock = None
self.time_keys_unlock = None
def has_timestop(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_any({'Timespinner Wheel', 'Succubus Hairpin', 'Lightwall', 'Celestial Sash'}, self.player)
def has_doublejump(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_any({'Succubus Hairpin', 'Lightwall', 'Celestial Sash'}, self.player)
def has_forwarddash_doublejump(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return self.has_upwarddash(state) \
or (state.has('Talaria Attachment', self.player) and self.has_doublejump(state))
def has_doublejump_of_npc(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return self.has_upwarddash(state) \
or (state.has('Timespinner Wheel', self.player) and self.has_doublejump(state))
def has_fastjump_on_npc(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_all({'Timespinner Wheel', 'Talaria Attachment'}, self.player)
def has_multiple_small_jumps_of_npc(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has('Timespinner Wheel', self.player) or self.has_upwarddash(state)
def has_upwarddash(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_any({'Lightwall', 'Celestial Sash'}, self.player)
def has_fire(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_any({'Fire Orb', 'Infernal Flames', 'Pyro Ring', 'Djinn Inferno'}, self.player)
def has_pink(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_any({'Plasma Orb', 'Plasma Geyser', 'Royal Ring'}, self.player)
def has_keycard_A(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has('Security Keycard A', self.player)
def has_keycard_B(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if self.flag_specific_keycards:
return state.has('Security Keycard B', self.player)
return state.has_any({'Security Keycard A', 'Security Keycard B'}, self.player)
def has_keycard_C(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if self.flag_specific_keycards:
return state.has('Security Keycard C', self.player)
return state.has_any({'Security Keycard A', 'Security Keycard B', 'Security Keycard C'}, self.player)
def has_keycard_D(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if self.flag_specific_keycards:
return state.has('Security Keycard D', self.player)
return state.has_any({'Security Keycard A', 'Security Keycard B', 'Security Keycard C', 'Security Keycard D'}, self.player)
def can_break_walls(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
if self.flag_eye_spy:
return state.has('Oculus Ring', self.player)
return True
def can_kill_all_3_bosses(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return state.has_all({'Killed Maw', 'Killed Twins', 'Killed Aelana'}, self.player)
def has_teleport(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool:
return self.flag_unchained_keys or state.has('Twin Pyramid Key', self.player)
def can_teleport_to(self, state: CollectionState, era: str, gate: str) -> bool:
if not self.flag_unchained_keys:
return self.pyramid_keys_unlock == gate
if era == "Present":
return self.present_keys_unlock == gate and state.has("Modern Warp Beacon", self.player)
elif era == "Past":
return self.past_keys_unlock == gate and state.has("Timeworn Warp Beacon", self.player)
elif era == "Time":
return self.time_keys_unlock == gate and state.has("Mysterious Warp Beacon", self.player)
raise Exception("Invallid Era: {}".format(era))