
526 lines
28 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Any, Tuple, TypedDict, ClassVar, Union
from logging import warning
from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification, MultiWorld, CollectionState
from .items import (item_name_to_id, item_table, item_name_groups, fool_tiers, filler_items, slot_data_item_names,
from .locations import location_table, location_name_groups, location_name_to_id, hexagon_locations
from .rules import set_location_rules, set_region_rules, randomize_ability_unlocks, gold_hexagon
from .er_rules import set_er_location_rules
from .regions import tunic_regions
from .er_scripts import create_er_regions
from .er_data import portal_mapping, RegionInfo, tunic_er_regions
from .options import (TunicOptions, EntranceRando, tunic_option_groups, tunic_option_presets, TunicPlandoConnections,
LaurelsLocation, LogicRules, LaurelsZips, IceGrappling, LadderStorage)
from .combat_logic import area_data, CombatState
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from Options import PlandoConnection
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
from settings import Group, Bool
class TunicSettings(Group):
class DisableLocalSpoiler(Bool):
"""Disallows the TUNIC client from creating a local spoiler log."""
disable_local_spoiler: Union[DisableLocalSpoiler, bool] = False
class TunicWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [
tutorial_name="Multiworld Setup Guide",
description="A guide to setting up the TUNIC Randomizer for Archipelago multiworld games.",
theme = "grassFlowers"
game = "TUNIC"
option_groups = tunic_option_groups
options_presets = tunic_option_presets
class TunicItem(Item):
game: str = "TUNIC"
class TunicLocation(Location):
game: str = "TUNIC"
class SeedGroup(TypedDict):
laurels_zips: bool # laurels_zips value
ice_grappling: int # ice_grappling value
ladder_storage: int # ls value
laurels_at_10_fairies: bool # laurels location value
fixed_shop: bool # fixed shop value
plando: TunicPlandoConnections # consolidated plando connections for the seed group
class TunicWorld(World):
Explore a land filled with lost legends, ancient powers, and ferocious monsters in TUNIC, an isometric action game
about a small fox on a big adventure. Stranded on a mysterious beach, armed with only your own curiosity, you will
confront colossal beasts, collect strange and powerful items, and unravel long-lost secrets. Be brave, tiny fox!
game = "TUNIC"
web = TunicWeb()
options: TunicOptions
options_dataclass = TunicOptions
settings: ClassVar[TunicSettings]
item_name_groups = item_name_groups
location_name_groups = location_name_groups
item_name_to_id = item_name_to_id
location_name_to_id = location_name_to_id
ability_unlocks: Dict[str, int]
slot_data_items: List[TunicItem]
tunic_portal_pairs: Dict[str, str]
er_portal_hints: Dict[int, str]
seed_groups: Dict[str, SeedGroup] = {}
shop_num: int = 1 # need to make it so that you can walk out of shops, but also that they aren't all connected
er_regions: Dict[str, RegionInfo] # absolutely needed so outlet regions work
# so we only loop the multiworld locations once
# if these are locations instead of their info, it gives a memory leak error
item_link_locations: Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, str]]]] = {}
player_item_link_locations: Dict[str, List[Location]]
def generate_early(self) -> None:
if self.options.logic_rules >= LogicRules.option_no_major_glitches:
self.options.laurels_zips.value = LaurelsZips.option_true
self.options.ice_grappling.value = IceGrappling.option_medium
if self.options.logic_rules.value == LogicRules.option_unrestricted:
self.options.ladder_storage.value = LadderStorage.option_medium
self.er_regions = tunic_er_regions.copy()
if self.options.plando_connections:
for index, cxn in enumerate(self.options.plando_connections):
# making shops second to simplify other things later
if cxn.entrance.startswith("Shop"):
replacement = PlandoConnection(cxn.exit, "Shop Portal", "both")
self.options.plando_connections.value.insert(index, replacement)
elif cxn.exit.startswith("Shop"):
replacement = PlandoConnection(cxn.entrance, "Shop Portal", "both")
self.options.plando_connections.value.insert(index, replacement)
# Universal tracker stuff, shouldn't do anything in standard gen
if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"]
self.options.start_with_sword.value = passthrough["start_with_sword"]
self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value = passthrough["keys_behind_bosses"]
self.options.sword_progression.value = passthrough["sword_progression"]
self.options.ability_shuffling.value = passthrough["ability_shuffling"]
self.options.laurels_zips.value = passthrough["laurels_zips"]
self.options.ice_grappling.value = passthrough["ice_grappling"]
self.options.ladder_storage.value = passthrough["ladder_storage"]
self.options.ladder_storage_without_items = passthrough["ladder_storage_without_items"]
self.options.lanternless.value = passthrough["lanternless"]
self.options.maskless.value = passthrough["maskless"]
self.options.hexagon_quest.value = passthrough["hexagon_quest"]
self.options.entrance_rando.value = passthrough["entrance_rando"]
self.options.shuffle_ladders.value = passthrough["shuffle_ladders"]
self.options.fixed_shop.value = self.options.fixed_shop.option_false
self.options.laurels_location.value = self.options.laurels_location.option_anywhere
self.options.combat_logic.value = passthrough["combat_logic"]
def stage_generate_early(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld) -> None:
tunic_worlds: Tuple[TunicWorld] = multiworld.get_game_worlds("TUNIC")
for tunic in tunic_worlds:
# setting up state combat logic stuff, see has_combat_reqs for its use
# and this is magic so pycharm doesn't like it, unfortunately
if tunic.options.combat_logic:
multiworld.state.tunic_need_to_reset_combat_from_collect[tunic.player] = False
multiworld.state.tunic_need_to_reset_combat_from_remove[tunic.player] = False
multiworld.state.tunic_area_combat_state[tunic.player] = {}
for area_name in area_data.keys():
multiworld.state.tunic_area_combat_state[tunic.player][area_name] = CombatState.unchecked
# if it's one of the options, then it isn't a custom seed group
if tunic.options.entrance_rando.value in EntranceRando.options.values():
group = tunic.options.entrance_rando.value
# if this is the first world in the group, set the rules equal to its rules
if group not in cls.seed_groups:
cls.seed_groups[group] = \
laurels_at_10_fairies=tunic.options.laurels_location == LaurelsLocation.option_10_fairies,
# off is more restrictive
if not tunic.options.laurels_zips:
cls.seed_groups[group]["laurels_zips"] = False
# lower value is more restrictive
if tunic.options.ice_grappling < cls.seed_groups[group]["ice_grappling"]:
cls.seed_groups[group]["ice_grappling"] = tunic.options.ice_grappling.value
# lower value is more restrictive
if tunic.options.ladder_storage.value < cls.seed_groups[group]["ladder_storage"]:
cls.seed_groups[group]["ladder_storage"] = tunic.options.ladder_storage.value
# laurels at 10 fairies changes logic for secret gathering place placement
if tunic.options.laurels_location == 3:
cls.seed_groups[group]["laurels_at_10_fairies"] = True
# more restrictive, overrides the option for others in the same group, which is better than failing imo
if tunic.options.fixed_shop:
cls.seed_groups[group]["fixed_shop"] = True
if tunic.options.plando_connections:
# loop through the connections in the player's yaml
for cxn in tunic.options.plando_connections:
new_cxn = True
for group_cxn in cls.seed_groups[group]["plando"]:
# if neither entrance nor exit match anything in the group, add to group
if ((cxn.entrance == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.exit == group_cxn.exit)
or (cxn.exit == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.entrance == group_cxn.exit)):
new_cxn = False
# check if this pair is the same as a pair in the group already
is_mismatched = (
cxn.entrance == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.exit != group_cxn.exit
or cxn.entrance == group_cxn.exit and cxn.exit != group_cxn.entrance
or cxn.exit == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.entrance != group_cxn.exit
or cxn.exit == group_cxn.exit and cxn.entrance != group_cxn.entrance
if is_mismatched:
raise Exception(f"TUNIC: Conflict between seed group {group}'s plando "
f"connection {group_cxn.entrance} <-> {group_cxn.exit} and "
f"{tunic.player_name}'s plando connection {cxn.entrance} <-> {cxn.exit}")
if new_cxn:
def create_item(self, name: str, classification: ItemClassification = None) -> TunicItem:
item_data = item_table[name]
# if item_data.combat_ic is None, it'll take item_data.classification instead
itemclass: ItemClassification = ((item_data.combat_ic if self.options.combat_logic else None)
or item_data.classification)
return TunicItem(name, classification or itemclass, self.item_name_to_id[name], self.player)
def create_items(self) -> None:
tunic_items: List[TunicItem] = []
self.slot_data_items = []
items_to_create: Dict[str, int] = {item: data.quantity_in_item_pool for item, data in item_table.items()}
for money_fool in fool_tiers[self.options.fool_traps]:
items_to_create["Fool Trap"] += items_to_create[money_fool]
items_to_create[money_fool] = 0
if self.options.start_with_sword:
if self.options.sword_progression:
items_to_create["Stick"] = 0
items_to_create["Sword"] = 0
items_to_create["Sword Upgrade"] = 0
if self.options.laurels_location:
laurels = self.create_item("Hero's Laurels")
if self.options.laurels_location == "6_coins":
self.get_location("Coins in the Well - 6 Coins").place_locked_item(laurels)
elif self.options.laurels_location == "10_coins":
self.get_location("Coins in the Well - 10 Coins").place_locked_item(laurels)
elif self.options.laurels_location == "10_fairies":
self.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - 10 Fairy Reward").place_locked_item(laurels)
items_to_create["Hero's Laurels"] = 0
if self.options.keys_behind_bosses:
for rgb_hexagon, location in hexagon_locations.items():
hex_item = self.create_item(gold_hexagon if self.options.hexagon_quest else rgb_hexagon)
items_to_create[rgb_hexagon] = 0
items_to_create[gold_hexagon] -= 3
# Filler items in the item pool
available_filler: List[str] = [filler for filler in items_to_create if items_to_create[filler] > 0 and
item_table[filler].classification == ItemClassification.filler]
# Remove filler to make room for other items
def remove_filler(amount: int) -> None:
for _ in range(amount):
if not available_filler:
fill = "Fool Trap"
fill = self.random.choice(available_filler)
if items_to_create[fill] == 0:
raise Exception("No filler items left to accommodate options selected. Turn down fool trap amount.")
items_to_create[fill] -= 1
if items_to_create[fill] == 0:
if self.options.shuffle_ladders:
ladder_count = 0
for item_name, item_data in item_table.items():
if item_data.item_group == "Ladders":
items_to_create[item_name] = 1
ladder_count += 1
if self.options.hexagon_quest:
# Calculate number of hexagons in item pool
hexagon_goal = self.options.hexagon_goal
extra_hexagons = self.options.extra_hexagon_percentage
items_to_create[gold_hexagon] += int((Decimal(100 + extra_hexagons) / 100 * hexagon_goal).to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP))
# Replace pages and normal hexagons with filler
for replaced_item in list(filter(lambda item: "Pages" in item or item in hexagon_locations, items_to_create)):
filler_name = self.get_filler_item_name()
items_to_create[filler_name] += items_to_create[replaced_item]
if items_to_create[filler_name] >= 1 and filler_name not in available_filler:
items_to_create[replaced_item] = 0
# Sort for deterministic order
for hero_relic in sorted(item_name_groups["Hero Relics"]):
tunic_items.append(self.create_item(hero_relic, ItemClassification.useful))
items_to_create[hero_relic] = 0
if not self.options.ability_shuffling:
# Sort for deterministic order
for page in sorted(item_name_groups["Abilities"]):
if items_to_create[page] > 0:
tunic_items.append(self.create_item(page, ItemClassification.useful))
items_to_create[page] = 0
# if ice grapple logic is on, probably really want icebolt
elif self.options.ice_grappling:
page = "Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)"
if items_to_create[page] > 0:
tunic_items.append(self.create_item(page, ItemClassification.progression | ItemClassification.useful))
items_to_create[page] = 0
# logically relevant if you have ladder storage enabled
if self.options.ladder_storage and not self.options.ladder_storage_without_items:
tunic_items.append(self.create_item("Shield", ItemClassification.progression))
items_to_create["Shield"] = 0
if self.options.maskless:
tunic_items.append(self.create_item("Scavenger Mask", ItemClassification.useful))
items_to_create["Scavenger Mask"] = 0
if self.options.lanternless:
tunic_items.append(self.create_item("Lantern", ItemClassification.useful))
items_to_create["Lantern"] = 0
for item, quantity in items_to_create.items():
for _ in range(quantity):
for tunic_item in tunic_items:
if in slot_data_item_names:
self.multiworld.itempool += tunic_items
def create_regions(self) -> None:
self.tunic_portal_pairs = {}
self.er_portal_hints = {}
self.ability_unlocks = randomize_ability_unlocks(self.random, self.options)
# stuff for universal tracker support, can be ignored for standard gen
if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Prayer"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Holy Cross"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Icebolt"]
# Ladders and Combat Logic uses ER rules with vanilla connections for easier maintenance
if self.options.entrance_rando or self.options.shuffle_ladders or self.options.combat_logic:
portal_pairs = create_er_regions(self)
if self.options.entrance_rando:
# these get interpreted by the game to tell it which entrances to connect
for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items():
self.tunic_portal_pairs[portal1.scene_destination()] = portal2.scene_destination()
# uses the original rules, easier to navigate and reference
for region_name in tunic_regions:
region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld)
for region_name, exits in tunic_regions.items():
region = self.get_region(region_name)
for location_name, location_id in self.location_name_to_id.items():
region = self.get_region(location_table[location_name].region)
location = TunicLocation(self.player, location_name, location_id, region)
victory_region = self.get_region("Spirit Arena")
victory_location = TunicLocation(self.player, "The Heir", None, victory_region)
victory_location.place_locked_item(TunicItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player))
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", self.player)
def set_rules(self) -> None:
# same reason as in create_regions, could probably be put into create_regions
if self.options.entrance_rando or self.options.shuffle_ladders or self.options.combat_logic:
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choice(filler_items)
# cache whether you can get through combat logic areas
def collect(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
change = super().collect(state, item)
if change and self.options.combat_logic and in combat_items:
state.tunic_need_to_reset_combat_from_collect[self.player] = True
return change
def remove(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
change = super().remove(state, item)
if change and self.options.combat_logic and in combat_items:
state.tunic_need_to_reset_combat_from_remove[self.player] = True
return change
def extend_hint_information(self, hint_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, str]]) -> None:
if self.options.entrance_rando:
hint_data.update({self.player: {}})
# all state seems to have efficient paths
all_state = self.multiworld.get_all_state(True)
paths = all_state.path
portal_names = [ for portal in portal_mapping]
for location in self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player):
# skipping event locations
if not location.address:
path_to_loc = []
previous_name = "placeholder"
name, connection = paths[location.parent_region]
except KeyError:
# logic bug, proceed with warning since it takes a long time to update AP
warning(f"{} is not logically accessible for {self.player_name}. "
"Creating entrance hint Inaccessible. Please report this to the TUNIC rando devs. "
"If you are using Plando Items (excluding early locations), then this is likely the cause.")
hint_text = "Inaccessible"
while connection != ("Menu", None):
name, connection = connection
# for LS entrances, we just want to give the portal name
if "(LS)" in name:
name = name.split(" (LS) ", 1)[0]
# was getting some cases like Library Grave -> Library Grave -> other place
if name in portal_names and name != previous_name:
previous_name = name
hint_text = " -> ".join(reversed(path_to_loc))
if hint_text:
hint_data[self.player][location.address] = hint_text
def get_real_location(self, location: Location) -> Tuple[str, int]:
# if it's not in a group, it's not in an item link
if location.player not in self.multiworld.groups or not location.item:
return, location.player
loc = self.player_item_link_locations[].pop()
return, loc.player
except IndexError:
warning(f"TUNIC: Failed to parse item location for in-game hints for {self.player_name}. "
f"Using a potentially incorrect location name instead.")
return, location.player
def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
slot_data: Dict[str, Any] = {
"seed": self.random.randint(0, 2147483647),
"start_with_sword": self.options.start_with_sword.value,
"keys_behind_bosses": self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value,
"sword_progression": self.options.sword_progression.value,
"ability_shuffling": self.options.ability_shuffling.value,
"hexagon_quest": self.options.hexagon_quest.value,
"fool_traps": self.options.fool_traps.value,
"laurels_zips": self.options.laurels_zips.value,
"ice_grappling": self.options.ice_grappling.value,
"ladder_storage": self.options.ladder_storage.value,
"ladder_storage_without_items": self.options.ladder_storage_without_items.value,
"lanternless": self.options.lanternless.value,
"maskless": self.options.maskless.value,
"entrance_rando": int(bool(self.options.entrance_rando.value)),
"shuffle_ladders": self.options.shuffle_ladders.value,
"combat_logic": self.options.combat_logic.value,
"Hexagon Quest Prayer": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"],
"Hexagon Quest Holy Cross": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"],
"Hexagon Quest Icebolt": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)"],
"Hexagon Quest Goal": self.options.hexagon_goal.value,
"Entrance Rando": self.tunic_portal_pairs,
"disable_local_spoiler": int(self.settings.disable_local_spoiler or self.multiworld.is_race),
# this would be in a stage if there was an appropriate stage for it
self.player_item_link_locations = {}
groups = self.multiworld.get_player_groups(self.player)
# checking if groups so that this doesn't run if the player isn't in a group
if groups:
if not self.item_link_locations:
tunic_worlds: Tuple[TunicWorld] = self.multiworld.get_game_worlds("TUNIC")
# figure out our groups and the items in them
for tunic in tunic_worlds:
for group in self.multiworld.get_player_groups(tunic.player):
self.item_link_locations.setdefault(group, {})
for location in self.multiworld.get_locations():
if location.item and location.item.player in self.item_link_locations.keys():
(self.item_link_locations[location.item.player].setdefault(, [])
# if item links are on, set up the player's personal item link locations, so we can pop them as needed
for group, item_links in self.item_link_locations.items():
if group in groups:
for item_name, locs in item_links.items():
self.player_item_link_locations[item_name] = \
[self.multiworld.get_location(location_name, player) for player, location_name in locs]
for tunic_item in filter(lambda item: item.location is not None and item.code is not None, self.slot_data_items):
if not in slot_data:
slot_data[] = []
if == gold_hexagon and len(slot_data[gold_hexagon]) >= 6:
for start_item in self.options.start_inventory_from_pool:
if start_item in slot_data_item_names:
if start_item not in slot_data:
slot_data[start_item] = []
for _ in range(self.options.start_inventory_from_pool[start_item]):
slot_data[start_item].extend(["Your Pocket", self.player])
for plando_item in self.multiworld.plando_items[self.player]:
if plando_item["from_pool"]:
items_to_find = set()
for item_type in [key for key in ["item", "items"] if key in plando_item]:
for item in plando_item[item_type]:
for item in items_to_find:
if item in slot_data_item_names:
slot_data[item] = []
for item_location in self.multiworld.find_item_locations(item, self.player):
return slot_data
# for the universal tracker, doesn't get called in standard gen
# docs:
def interpret_slot_data(slot_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# returning slot_data so it regens, giving it back in multiworld.re_gen_passthrough
# we are using re_gen_passthrough over modifying the world here due to complexities with ER
return slot_data