331 lines
9.5 KiB
331 lines
9.5 KiB
text_addresses = {'Altar': (0x180300, 256),
'Triforce': (0x180400, 256),
'Uncle': (0x180500, 256),
'Ganon1': (0x180600, 256),
'Ganon2': (0x180700, 256),
'Blind': (0x180800, 256),
'TavernMan': (0x180C00, 256),
'Sahasrahla1': (0x180A00, 256),
'Sahasrahla2': (0x180B00, 256),
'BombShop1': (0x180E00, 256),
'BombShop2': (0x180D00, 256),
'PyramidFairy': (0x180900, 256)}
credits_addresses = {'KingsReturn': (0x76928, 22),
'Sanctuary': (0x76964, 16),
'Kakariko': (0x76997, 23),
'DesertPalace': (0x769D4, 24),
'MountainTower': (0x76A12, 24),
'LinksHouse': (0x76A52, 19),
'Zora': (0x76A85, 20),
'MagicShop': (0x76AC5, 23),
'Lumberjacks': (0x76AFC, 16),
'FluteBoy': (0x76B34, 23),
'WishingWell': (0x76B71, 23),
'Blacksmiths': (0x76BAC, 23),
'SickKid': (0x76BDF, 20),
'DeathMountain': (0x76C19, 16),
'LostWoods': (0x76C51, 16),
'Altar': (0x76C81, 20)}
Uncle_texts = ['Good Luck!\nYou will need it.',
Triforce_texts = ['Product has Hole in center. Bad seller, 0 out of 5.',
'\n Well Done!']
BombShop2_texts = ['Bombs!\nBombs!\nBiggest!\nBestest!\nGreatest!\nBoomest!']
PyramidFairy_texts = ['May I talk to you about our lord and savior, Ganon?']
Sahasrahla2_texts = ['You already got my item, idiot.']
Blind_texts = ['I bet you expected a vision related pun?\n\nNot Today.\n Didn\'t see that coming, did you?']
Ganon1_texts = ['\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhy are you reading an empty textbox?',
TavernMan_texts = ['Did you know that talking to random NPCs wastes time in a race? I hope this information may be of use to you in the future.']
KingsReturn_texts = ['Who is this even']
Sanctuary_texts = ['A Priest\'s love']
Kakariko_texts = ['Shasschahshahsahahrahsashsa']
Blacksmiths_texts = ['frogs for bread']
DeathMountain_texts = ['lost again']
LostWoods_texts = ['thieves\' stump']
WishingWell_texts = ['Bottle for Bottle']
DesertPalace_texts = ['literacy moves']
MountainTower_texts = ['up up and away']
LinksHouse_texts = ['Home Sweet Home']
Lumberjacks_texts = ['agahnim\'s axes']
SickKid_texts = ['Next Time Stay Down']
Zora_texts = ['Splashes For Sale']
MagicShop_texts = ['Drug deal']
FluteBoy_texts = ['Stumped']
def string_to_credits(s, length):
buf = bytearray()
if len(s) > length:
s = s[:length]
padding = length - len(s)
leftpadding = padding // 2
rightpadding = padding - leftpadding
s = ' '*leftpadding + s + ' '*rightpadding
for char in s.lower():
return buf
def string_to_alttp_text(s, maxbytes=256):
lines = s.upper().split('\n')
outbuf = bytearray()
lineindex = 0
while lines:
linespace = 14
line = lines.pop(0)
words = line.split(' ')
outbuf.append(0x74 if lineindex == 0 else 0x75 if lineindex == 1 else 0x76) # line starter
while words:
word = words.pop(0)
# sanity check: if the word we have is more than 14 characters, we take as much as we can still fit and push the rest back for later
if len(word) > 14:
if linespace < 14:
word = ' ' + word
word_first = word[:linespace]
words.insert(0, word[linespace:])
lines.insert(0, ' '.join(words))
write_word(outbuf, word_first)
if len(word) <= (linespace if linespace == 14 else linespace - 1):
if linespace < 14:
word = ' ' + word
linespace -= len(word)
write_word(outbuf, word)
# ran out of space, push word and lines back and continue with next line
words.insert(0, word)
lines.insert(0, ' '.join(words))
lineindex += 1
if lineindex % 3 == 0 and lines:
if lineindex >= 3 and lines:
# check for max length
if len(outbuf) > maxbytes - 1:
outbuf = outbuf[:maxbytes - 1]
# make sure we interpret the end of box character
if outbuf[-1] == 0x00:
outbuf[-1] = 0x73
return outbuf
def write_word(buf, word):
for char in word:
buf.extend([0x00, char_to_alttp_char(char)])
char_map = {' ': 0xFF,
'?': 0xC6,
'!': 0xC7,
',': 0xC8,
'-': 0xC9,
'…': 0xCC,
'.': 0xCD,
'~': 0xCE,
'~': 0xCE,
"'": 0xD8,
'’': 0xD8,
'↑': 0xE0,
'↓': 0xE1,
'→': 0xE2,
'←': 0xE3,
'あ': 0x00,
'い': 0x01,
'う': 0x02,
'え': 0x03,
'お': 0x04,
'や': 0x05,
'ゆ': 0x06,
'よ': 0x07,
'か': 0x08,
'き': 0x09,
'く': 0x0A,
'け': 0x0B,
'こ': 0x0C,
'わ': 0x0D,
'を': 0x0E,
'ん': 0x0F,
'さ': 0x10,
'し': 0x11,
'す': 0x12,
'せ': 0x13,
'そ': 0x14,
'が': 0x15,
'ぎ': 0x16,
'ぐ': 0x17,
'た': 0x18,
'ち': 0x19,
'つ': 0x1A,
'て': 0x1B,
'と': 0x1C,
'げ': 0x1D,
'ご': 0x1E,
'ざ': 0x1F,
'な': 0x20,
'に': 0x21,
'ぬ': 0x22,
'ね': 0x23,
'の': 0x24,
'じ': 0x25,
'ず': 0x26,
'ぜ': 0x27,
'は': 0x28,
'ひ': 0x29,
'ふ': 0x2A,
'へ': 0x2B,
'ほ': 0x2C,
'ぞ': 0x2D,
'だ': 0x2E,
'ぢ': 0x2F,
'ま': 0x30,
'み': 0x31,
'む': 0x32,
'め': 0x33,
'も': 0x34,
'づ': 0x35,
'で': 0x36,
'ど': 0x37,
'ら': 0x38,
'り': 0x39,
'る': 0x3A,
'れ': 0x3B,
'ろ': 0x3C,
'ば': 0x3D,
'び': 0x3E,
'ぶ': 0x3F,
'べ': 0x40,
'ぼ': 0x41,
'ぱ': 0x42,
'ぴ': 0x43,
'ぷ': 0x44,
'ぺ': 0x45,
'ぽ': 0x46,
'ゃ': 0x47,
'ゅ': 0x48,
'ょ': 0x49,
'っ': 0x4A,
'ぁ': 0x4B,
'ぃ': 0x4C,
'ぅ': 0x4D,
'ぇ': 0x4E,
'ぉ': 0x4F,
'ア': 0x50,
'イ': 0x51,
'ウ': 0x52,
'エ': 0x53,
'オ': 0x54,
'ヤ': 0x55,
'ユ': 0x56,
'ヨ': 0x57,
'カ': 0x58,
'キ': 0x59,
'ク': 0x5A,
'ケ': 0x5B,
'コ': 0x5C,
'ワ': 0x5D,
'ヲ': 0x5E,
'ン': 0x5F,
'サ': 0x60,
'シ': 0x61,
'ス': 0x62,
'セ': 0x63,
'ソ': 0x64,
'ガ': 0x65,
'ギ': 0x66,
'グ': 0x67,
'タ': 0x68,
'チ': 0x69,
'ツ': 0x6A,
'テ': 0x6B,
'ト': 0x6C,
'ゲ': 0x6D,
'ゴ': 0x6E,
'ザ': 0x6F,
'ナ': 0x70,
'ニ': 0x71,
'ヌ': 0x72,
'ネ': 0x73,
'ノ': 0x74,
'ジ': 0x75,
'ズ': 0x76,
'ゼ': 0x77,
'ハ': 0x78,
'ヒ': 0x79,
'フ': 0x7A,
'ヘ': 0x7B,
'ホ': 0x7C,
'ゾ': 0x7D,
'ダ': 0x7E,
'マ': 0x80,
'ミ': 0x81,
'ム': 0x82,
'メ': 0x83,
'モ': 0x84,
'ヅ': 0x85,
'デ': 0x86,
'ド': 0x87,
'ラ': 0x88,
'リ': 0x89,
'ル': 0x8A,
'レ': 0x8B,
'ロ': 0x8C,
'バ': 0x8D,
'ビ': 0x8E,
'ブ': 0x8F,
'ベ': 0x90,
'ボ': 0x91,
'パ': 0x92,
'ピ': 0x93,
'プ': 0x94,
'ペ': 0x95,
'ポ': 0x96,
'ャ': 0x97,
'ュ': 0x98,
'ョ': 0x99,
'ッ': 0x9A,
'ァ': 0x9B,
'ィ': 0x9C,
'ゥ': 0x9D,
'ェ': 0x9E,
'ォ': 0x9F}
credit_char_map = {' ': 0x9F,
',': 0x37,
'.': 0x37,
'-': 0x36,
"'": 0x35}
def char_to_alttp_char(char):
if 0x30 <= ord(char) <= 0x39:
return ord(char) + 0x70
if 0x41 <= ord(char) <= 0x5A:
return ord(char) + 0x69
return char_map.get(char, 0xFF)
def char_to_credit_char(char):
if 0x61 <= ord(char) <= 0x7A:
return ord(char) - 0x47
return credit_char_map.get(char, 0x9F)