
145 lines
6.8 KiB

{% extends "tablepage.html" %}
{% block head %}
{{ super() }}
<title>Multiworld Tracker</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for("static", filename="styles/tracker.css") }}" />
<script type="application/ecmascript" src="{{ url_for("static", filename="assets/trackerCommon.js") }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include "header/dirtHeader.html" %}
{% include "multitrackerNavigation.html" %}
<div id="tracker-wrapper" data-tracker="{{ room.tracker | suuid }}">
<div id="tracker-header-bar">
<input placeholder="Search" id="search" />
{% if not videos %}style="display: none"{% endif %}
{%- for platform, link in videos.values() | unique(False, 1) -%}
{%- if platform == "Twitch" -%}t{%- else -%}yt{%- endif -%}:{{- link -}}/
{%- endfor -%}"
► Multistream
<div class="info">
Clicking on a slot&apos;s number will bring up the slot-specific tracker.
This tracker will automatically update itself periodically.
<div id="tables-container">
{%- for team, players in room_players.items() -%}
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table id="checks-table" class="table non-unique-item-table">
{% if current_tracker == "Generic" %}<th>Game</th>{% endif %}
{% block custom_table_headers %}
{# Implement this block in game-specific multi-trackers. #}
{% endblock %}
<th class="center-column">Checks</th>
<th class="center-column">&percnt;</th>
<th class="center-column hours last-activity">Last<br>Activity</th>
{%- for player in players -%}
{%- if current_tracker == "Generic" or games[(team, player)] == current_tracker -%}
<a href="{{ url_for("get_player_tracker", tracker=room.tracker, tracked_team=team, tracked_player=player) }}">
{{ player }}
<td>{{ player_names_with_alias[(team, player)] | e }}</td>
{%- if current_tracker == "Generic" -%}
<td>{{ games[(team, player)] }}</td>
{%- endif -%}
0: "Disconnected",
5: "Connected",
10: "Ready",
20: "Playing",
30: "Goal Completed"
}.get(states[(team, player)], "Unknown State")
{% block custom_table_row scoped %}
{# Implement this block in game-specific multi-trackers. #}
{% endblock %}
{% set location_count = locations[(team, player)] | length %}
<td class="center-column" data-sort="{{ locations_complete[(team, player)] }}">
{{ locations_complete[(team, player)] }}/{{ location_count }}
<td class="center-column">
{%- if locations[(team, player)] | length > 0 -%}
{% set percentage_of_completion = locations_complete[(team, player)] / location_count * 100 %}
{{ "{0:.2f}".format(percentage_of_completion) }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if activity_timers[(team, player)] -%}
<td class="center-column">{{ activity_timers[(team, player)].total_seconds() }}</td>
{%- else -%}
<td class="center-column">None</td>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if not self.custom_table_headers() | trim -%}
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: right">Total</td>
<td>All Games</td>
<td>{{ completed_worlds[team] }}/{{ players | length }} Complete</td>
<td class="center-column">
{{ total_team_locations_complete[team] }}/{{ total_team_locations[team] }}
<td class="center-column">
{%- if total_team_locations[team] == 0 -%}
{%- else -%}
{{ "{0:.2f}".format(total_team_locations_complete[team] / total_team_locations[team] * 100) }}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="center-column last-activity"></td>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% block custom_tables %}
{# Implement this block to create custom tables in game-specific multi-trackers. #}
{% endblock %}
{% include "multitrackerHintTable.html" with context %}
{% endblock %}