114 lines
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114 lines
7.3 KiB
from test.inverted_owg.TestInvertedOWG import TestInvertedOWG
class TestDungeons(TestInvertedOWG):
def testFirstDungeonChests(self):
["Hyrule Castle - Map Chest", False, []],
["Hyrule Castle - Map Chest", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']],
["Hyrule Castle - Map Chest", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Hyrule Castle - Map Chest", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Sanctuary", False, []],
["Sanctuary", False, ['Beat Agahnim 1']],
["Sanctuary", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Beat Agahnim 1']],
["Sanctuary", True, ['Lamp', 'Beat Agahnim 1', 'Small Key (Escape)']],
["Sanctuary", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Sanctuary", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Sewers - Secret Room - Left", False, []],
["Sewers - Secret Room - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Progressive Glove', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Sewers - Secret Room - Left", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Lamp', 'Small Key (Escape)']],
["Sewers - Secret Room - Left", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Lamp', 'Small Key (Escape)']],
["Sewers - Secret Room - Left", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Lamp', 'Small Key (Escape)']],
["Eastern Palace - Compass Chest", False, []],
["Eastern Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Eastern Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Eastern Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1']],
["Desert Palace - Map Chest", False, []],
["Desert Palace - Map Chest", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Desert Palace - Map Chest", True, ['Book of Mudora', 'Magic Mirror', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Desert Palace - Boss", False, []],
["Desert Palace - Boss", False, [], ['Small Key (Desert Palace)']],
["Desert Palace - Boss", False, [], ['Big Key (Desert Palace)']],
["Desert Palace - Boss", False, [], ['Lamp', 'Fire Rod']],
["Desert Palace - Boss", True, ['Progressive Sword', 'Small Key (Desert Palace)', 'Big Key (Desert Palace)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Lamp']],
["Desert Palace - Boss", True, ['Progressive Sword', 'Small Key (Desert Palace)', 'Big Key (Desert Palace)', 'Moon Pearl', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Fire Rod']],
["Tower of Hera - Basement Cage", False, []],
["Tower of Hera - Basement Cage", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']],
["Tower of Hera - Basement Cage", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl']],
["Castle Tower - Room 03", False, []],
["Castle Tower - Room 03", False, [], ['Progressive Sword', 'Hammer', 'Progressive Bow', 'Fire Rod', 'Ice Rod', 'Cane of Somaria', 'Cane of Byrna']],
["Castle Tower - Room 03", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Castle Tower - Room 03", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Bow']],
#todo: Qirn Jump
#["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, []],
["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, ['Pegasus Boots']],
["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, ['Hammer']],
["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, ['Flippers']],
["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Progressive Glove']],
["Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror']],
["Swamp Palace - Entrance", False, []],
["Swamp Palace - Entrance", False, [], ['Magic Mirror']],
["Swamp Palace - Entrance", False, [], ['Flippers']],
["Swamp Palace - Entrance", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Flippers', 'Pegasus Boots']],
["Swamp Palace - Entrance", True, ['Magic Mirror', 'Flippers', 'Beat Agahnim 1']],
["Skull Woods - Compass Chest", True, []],
["Skull Woods - Big Chest", False, []],
["Skull Woods - Big Chest", False, [], ['Big Key (Skull Woods)']],
["Skull Woods - Big Chest", True, ['Big Key (Skull Woods)']],
["Skull Woods - Big Key Chest", True, []],
["Skull Woods - Bridge Room", False, []],
["Skull Woods - Bridge Room", False, [], ['Fire Rod']],
["Skull Woods - Bridge Room", True, ['Fire Rod']],
["Thieves' Town - Map Chest", True, []],
["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", False, []],
["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", False, [], ['Fire Rod', 'Bombos', 'Progressive Sword']],
#todo: Qirn Jump
#["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Fire Rod']],
#["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Bombos', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Fire Rod']],
["Ice Palace - Compass Chest", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Bombos', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Misery Mire - Bridge Chest", False, []],
["Misery Mire - Bridge Chest", False, [], ['Ether']],
["Misery Mire - Bridge Chest", False, [], ['Progressive Sword']],
["Misery Mire - Bridge Chest", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Ether', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Turtle Rock - Compass Chest", False, []],
["Turtle Rock - Compass Chest", False, [], ['Cane of Somaria']],
["Turtle Rock - Compass Chest", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl', 'Cane of Somaria', 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)']],
["Turtle Rock - Compass Chest", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Progressive Sword', 'Cane of Somaria']],
["Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps", False, []],
["Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl']],
["Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room", False, []],
["Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl', 'Big Key (Turtle Rock)']],
["Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl', 'Lamp', 'Cane of Somaria']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, []],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 1']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 2']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 3']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 4']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 5']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 6']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", False, [], ['Crystal 7']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Hookshot', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Crystal 7']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Magic Mirror', 'Hookshot', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Crystal 7']],
["Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left", True, ['Pegasus Boots', 'Moon Pearl', 'Hookshot', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Crystal 7']],
]) |