203 lines
7.3 KiB
203 lines
7.3 KiB
import bisect
import logging
import pathlib
import weakref
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Optional, Callable, List, Iterable, Tuple
from Utils import local_path, open_filename
class Type(Enum):
TOOL = auto()
MISC = auto()
CLIENT = auto()
ADJUSTER = auto()
FUNC = auto() # do not use anymore
HIDDEN = auto()
class Component:
display_name: str
type: Type
script_name: Optional[str]
frozen_name: Optional[str]
icon: str # just the name, no suffix
cli: bool
func: Optional[Callable]
file_identifier: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]
def __init__(self, display_name: str, script_name: Optional[str] = None, frozen_name: Optional[str] = None,
cli: bool = False, icon: str = 'icon', component_type: Optional[Type] = None,
func: Optional[Callable] = None, file_identifier: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None):
self.display_name = display_name
self.script_name = script_name
self.frozen_name = frozen_name or f'Archipelago{script_name}' if script_name else None
self.icon = icon
self.cli = cli
if component_type == Type.FUNC:
from Utils import deprecate
deprecate(f"Launcher Component {self.display_name} is using Type.FUNC Type, which is pending removal.")
component_type = Type.MISC
self.type = component_type or (
Type.CLIENT if "Client" in display_name else
Type.ADJUSTER if "Adjuster" in display_name else Type.MISC)
self.func = func
self.file_identifier = file_identifier
def handles_file(self, path: str):
return self.file_identifier(path) if self.file_identifier else False
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.display_name})"
processes = weakref.WeakSet()
def launch_subprocess(func: Callable, name: str = None):
global processes
import multiprocessing
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=func, name=name)
class SuffixIdentifier:
suffixes: Iterable[str]
def __init__(self, *args: str):
self.suffixes = args
def __call__(self, path: str) -> bool:
if isinstance(path, str):
for suffix in self.suffixes:
if path.endswith(suffix):
return True
return False
def launch_textclient():
import CommonClient
launch_subprocess(CommonClient.run_as_textclient, name="TextClient")
def _install_apworld(apworld_src: str = "") -> Optional[Tuple[pathlib.Path, pathlib.Path]]:
if not apworld_src:
apworld_src = open_filename('Select APWorld file to install', (('APWorld', ('.apworld',)),))
if not apworld_src:
# user closed menu
if not apworld_src.endswith(".apworld"):
raise Exception(f"Wrong file format, looking for .apworld. File identified: {apworld_src}")
apworld_path = pathlib.Path(apworld_src)
module_name = pathlib.Path(apworld_path.name).stem
import zipfile
zipfile.ZipFile(apworld_path).open(module_name + "/__init__.py")
except ValueError as e:
raise Exception("Archive appears invalid or damaged.") from e
except KeyError as e:
raise Exception("Archive appears to not be an apworld. (missing __init__.py)") from e
import worlds
if worlds.user_folder is None:
raise Exception("Custom Worlds directory appears to not be writable.")
for world_source in worlds.world_sources:
if apworld_path.samefile(world_source.resolved_path):
# Note that this doesn't check if the same world is already installed.
# It only checks if the user is trying to install the apworld file
# that comes from the installation location (worlds or custom_worlds)
raise Exception(f"APWorld is already installed at {world_source.resolved_path}.")
# TODO: run generic test suite over the apworld.
# TODO: have some kind of version system to tell from metadata if the apworld should be compatible.
target = pathlib.Path(worlds.user_folder) / apworld_path.name
import shutil
shutil.copyfile(apworld_path, target)
# If a module with this name is already loaded, then we can't load it now.
# TODO: We need to be able to unload a world module,
# so the user can update a world without restarting the application.
found_already_loaded = False
for loaded_world in worlds.world_sources:
loaded_name = pathlib.Path(loaded_world.path).stem
if module_name == loaded_name:
found_already_loaded = True
if found_already_loaded:
raise Exception(f"Installed APWorld successfully, but '{module_name}' is already loaded,\n"
"so a Launcher restart is required to use the new installation.")
world_source = worlds.WorldSource(str(target), is_zip=True)
bisect.insort(worlds.world_sources, world_source)
return apworld_path, target
def install_apworld(apworld_path: str = "") -> None:
res = _install_apworld(apworld_path)
if res is None:
logging.info("Aborting APWorld installation.")
source, target = res
except Exception as e:
import Utils
Utils.messagebox(e.__class__.__name__, str(e), error=True)
import Utils
logging.info(f"Installed APWorld successfully, copied {source} to {target}.")
Utils.messagebox("Install complete.", f"Installed APWorld from {source}.")
components: List[Component] = [
# Launcher
Component('Launcher', 'Launcher', component_type=Type.HIDDEN),
# Core
Component('Host', 'MultiServer', 'ArchipelagoServer', cli=True,
file_identifier=SuffixIdentifier('.archipelago', '.zip')),
Component('Generate', 'Generate', cli=True),
Component("Install APWorld", func=install_apworld, file_identifier=SuffixIdentifier(".apworld")),
Component('Text Client', 'CommonClient', 'ArchipelagoTextClient', func=launch_textclient),
Component('Links Awakening DX Client', 'LinksAwakeningClient',
Component('LttP Adjuster', 'LttPAdjuster'),
# Minecraft
Component('Minecraft Client', 'MinecraftClient', icon='mcicon', cli=True,
# Ocarina of Time
Component('OoT Client', 'OoTClient',
Component('OoT Adjuster', 'OoTAdjuster'),
# FF1
Component('FF1 Client', 'FF1Client'),
# TLoZ
Component('Zelda 1 Client', 'Zelda1Client', file_identifier=SuffixIdentifier('.aptloz')),
# ChecksFinder
Component('ChecksFinder Client', 'ChecksFinderClient'),
# Starcraft 2
Component('Starcraft 2 Client', 'Starcraft2Client'),
# Wargroove
Component('Wargroove Client', 'WargrooveClient'),
# Zillion
Component('Zillion Client', 'ZillionClient',
#MegaMan Battle Network 3
Component('MMBN3 Client', 'MMBN3Client', file_identifier=SuffixIdentifier('.apbn3'))
icon_paths = {
'icon': local_path('data', 'icon.png'),
'mcicon': local_path('data', 'mcicon.png'),
'discord': local_path('data', 'discord-mark-blue.png'),