
631 lines
34 KiB

import os
import hashlib
import Utils
import bsdiff4
from copy import deepcopy
from Patch import APDeltaPatch
from .text import encode_text
from .rom_addresses import rom_addresses
from .locations import location_data
import worlds.pokemon_rb.poke_data as poke_data
def choose_forced_type(chances, random):
n = random.randint(1, 100)
for chance in chances:
if chance[0] >= n:
return chance[1]
return None
def filter_moves(moves, type, random):
ret = []
for move in moves:
if poke_data.moves[move]["type"] == type or type is None:
return ret
def get_move(moves, chances, random, starting_move=False):
type = choose_forced_type(chances, random)
filtered_moves = filter_moves(moves, type, random)
for move in filtered_moves:
if poke_data.moves[move]["accuracy"] > 80 and poke_data.moves[move]["power"] > 0 or not starting_move:
return move
return get_move(moves, [], random, starting_move)
def get_encounter_slots(self):
encounter_slots = [location for location in location_data if location.type == "Wild Encounter"]
for location in encounter_slots:
if isinstance(location.original_item, list):
location.original_item = location.original_item[not self.multiworld.game_version[self.player].value]
return encounter_slots
def get_base_stat_total(mon):
return (poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["atk"] + poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["def"]
+ poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["hp"] + poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["spd"]
+ poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["spc"])
def randomize_pokemon(self, mon, mons_list, randomize_type):
if randomize_type in [1, 3]:
type_mons = [pokemon for pokemon in mons_list if any([poke_data.pokemon_data[mon][
"type1"] in [self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type1"], self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type2"]],
poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["type2"] in [self.local_poke_data[pokemon]["type1"],
if not type_mons:
type_mons = mons_list.copy()
if randomize_type == 3:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
type_mons.sort(key=lambda mon: abs(get_base_stat_total(mon) - stat_base))
mon = type_mons[round(self.multiworld.random.triangular(0, len(type_mons) - 1, 0))]
if randomize_type == 2:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
mons_list.sort(key=lambda mon: abs(get_base_stat_total(mon) - stat_base))
mon = mons_list[round(self.multiworld.random.triangular(0, 50, 0))]
elif randomize_type == 4:
mon = self.multiworld.random.choice(mons_list)
return mon
def process_trainer_data(self, data):
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.trainer_legendaries[self.player].value]
address = rom_addresses["Trainer_Data"]
while address < rom_addresses["Trainer_Data_End"]:
if data[address] == 255:
mode = 1
mode = 0
while True:
address += 1
if data[address] == 0:
address += 1
address += mode
mon = None
for i in range(1, 4):
for l in ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]:
if rom_addresses[f"Rival_Starter{i}_{l}"] == address:
mon = " ".join(self.multiworld.get_location(f"Pallet Town - Starter {i}", self.player)[1:])
if l in ["D", "E", "F", "G", "H"] and mon in poke_data.evolves_to:
mon = poke_data.evolves_to[mon]
if l in ["F", "G", "H"] and mon in poke_data.evolves_to:
mon = poke_data.evolves_to[mon]
if mon is None and self.multiworld.randomize_trainer_parties[self.player].value:
mon = poke_data.id_to_mon[data[address]]
mon = randomize_pokemon(self, mon, mons_list, self.multiworld.randomize_trainer_parties[self.player].value)
if mon is not None:
data[address] = poke_data.pokemon_data[mon]["id"]
def process_static_pokemon(self):
starter_slots = [location for location in location_data if location.type == "Starter Pokemon"]
legendary_slots = [location for location in location_data if location.type == "Legendary Pokemon"]
static_slots = [location for location in location_data if location.type in
["Static Pokemon", "Missable Pokemon"]]
legendary_mons = [slot.original_item for slot in legendary_slots]
tower_6F_mons = set()
for i in range(1, 11):
tower_6F_mons.add(self.multiworld.get_location(f"Pokemon Tower 6F - Wild Pokemon - {i}", self.player)
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3]
if self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 0:
for slot in legendary_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item("Missable " + slot.original_item))
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 1:
for slot in legendary_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item("Missable " + legendary_mons.pop()))
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 2:
static_slots = static_slots + legendary_slots
static_slots.sort(key=lambda s: 0 if == "Pokemon Tower 6F - Restless Soul" else 1)
while legendary_slots:
swap_slot = legendary_slots.pop()
slot = static_slots.pop()
slot_type = slot.type.split()[0]
if slot_type == "Legendary":
slot_type = "Missable"
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + swap_slot.original_item))
swap_slot.original_item = slot.original_item
elif self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3:
static_slots = static_slots + legendary_slots
for slot in static_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
randomize_type = self.multiworld.randomize_static_pokemon[self.player].value
slot_type = slot.type.split()[0]
if slot_type == "Legendary":
slot_type = "Missable"
if not randomize_type:
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + slot.original_item))
mon = self.create_item(slot_type + " " +
randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list, randomize_type))
while == "Pokemon Tower 6F - Restless Soul" and mon in tower_6F_mons:
mon = self.create_item(slot_type + " " + randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list,
for slot in starter_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
randomize_type = self.multiworld.randomize_starter_pokemon[self.player].value
slot_type = "Missable"
if not randomize_type:
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " + slot.original_item))
location.place_locked_item(self.create_item(slot_type + " " +
randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list, randomize_type)))
def process_wild_pokemon(self):
encounter_slots = get_encounter_slots(self)
placed_mons = {pokemon: 0 for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys()}
if self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].value:
mons_list = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon
or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3]
locations = []
for slot in encounter_slots:
mon = randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list, self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].value)
# if static Pokemon are not randomized, we make sure nothing on Pokemon Tower 6F is a Marowak
# if static Pokemon are randomized we deal with that during static encounter randomization
while (self.multiworld.randomize_static_pokemon[self.player].value == 0 and mon == "Marowak"
and "Pokemon Tower 6F" in
# to account for the possibility that only one ground type Pokemon exists, match only stats for this fix
mon = randomize_pokemon(self, slot.original_item, mons_list, 2)
placed_mons[mon] += 1
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
location.item = self.create_item(mon)
location.event = True
location.locked = True
location.item.location = location
mons_to_add = []
remaining_pokemon = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys() if placed_mons[pokemon] == 0 and
(pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3)]
if self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player].value == 1:
mons_to_add = [pokemon for pokemon in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon if placed_mons[pokemon] == 0 and
(pokemon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon or self.multiworld.randomize_legendary_pokemon[self.player].value == 3)]
elif self.multiworld.catch_em_all[self.player].value == 2:
mons_to_add = remaining_pokemon.copy()
logic_needed_mons = max(self.multiworld.oaks_aide_rt_2[self.player].value,
if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] == "minimal":
logic_needed_mons = 0
while (len([pokemon for pokemon in placed_mons if placed_mons[pokemon] > 0])
+ len(mons_to_add) < logic_needed_mons):
for mon in mons_to_add:
stat_base = get_base_stat_total(mon)
candidate_locations = get_encounter_slots(self)
if self.multiworld.randomize_wild_pokemon[self.player].value in [1, 3]:
candidate_locations = [slot for slot in candidate_locations if any([poke_data.pokemon_data[slot.original_item][
"type1"] in [self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"], self.local_poke_data[mon]["type2"]],
poke_data.pokemon_data[slot.original_item]["type2"] in [self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"],
if not candidate_locations:
candidate_locations = location_data
candidate_locations = [self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player) for location in candidate_locations]
candidate_locations.sort(key=lambda slot: abs(get_base_stat_total( - stat_base))
for location in candidate_locations:
if placed_mons[] > 1 or not in poke_data.first_stage_pokemon:
placed_mons[] -= 1
location.item = self.create_item(mon)
location.item.location = location
placed_mons[mon] += 1
for slot in encounter_slots:
location = self.multiworld.get_location(, self.player)
location.item = self.create_item(slot.original_item)
location.event = True
location.locked = True
location.item.location = location
placed_mons[] += 1
def process_pokemon_data(self):
local_poke_data = deepcopy(poke_data.pokemon_data)
learnsets = deepcopy(poke_data.learnsets)
for mon, mon_data in local_poke_data.items():
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_stats[self.player].value == 1:
stats = [mon_data["hp"], mon_data["atk"], mon_data["def"], mon_data["spd"], mon_data["spc"]]
mon_data["hp"] = stats[0]
mon_data["atk"] = stats[1]
mon_data["def"] = stats[2]
mon_data["spd"] = stats[3]
mon_data["spc"] = stats[4]
elif self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_stats[self.player].value == 2:
old_stats = mon_data["hp"] + mon_data["atk"] + mon_data["def"] + mon_data["spd"] + mon_data["spc"] - 5
stats = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
while old_stats > 0:
stat = self.multiworld.random.randint(0, 4)
if stats[stat] < 255:
old_stats -= 1
stats[stat] += 1
mon_data["hp"] = stats[0]
mon_data["atk"] = stats[1]
mon_data["def"] = stats[2]
mon_data["spd"] = stats[3]
mon_data["spc"] = stats[4]
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_types[self.player].value:
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_types[self.player].value == 1 and mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
type1 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type1"]
type2 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type2"]
if type1 == type2:
if self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value == -1:
if mon_data["type1"] != mon_data["type2"]:
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
elif self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type1 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type2 = type1
if ((self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value == -1 and mon_data["type1"]
!= mon_data["type2"]) or self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100)
<= self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value):
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
mon_data["type1"] = type1
mon_data["type2"] = type2
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_movesets[self.player].value:
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_movesets[self.player].value == 1:
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" and mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
chances = [[75, "Normal"]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" or mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal":
second_type = mon_data["type2"]
second_type = mon_data["type1"]
chances = [[30, "Normal"], [85, second_type]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == mon_data["type2"]:
chances = [[60, mon_data["type1"]], [80, "Normal"]]
chances = [[50, mon_data["type1"]], [80, mon_data["type2"]], [85, "Normal"]]
chances = []
moves = list(poke_data.moves.keys())
for move in ["No Move"] + poke_data.hm_moves:
mon_data["start move 1"] = get_move(moves, chances, self.multiworld.random, True)
for i in range(2, 5):
if mon_data[f"start move {i}"] != "No Move" or self.multiworld.start_with_four_moves[
self.player].value == 1:
mon_data[f"start move {i}"] = get_move(moves, chances, self.multiworld.random)
if mon in learnsets:
for move_num in range(0, len(learnsets[mon])):
learnsets[mon][move_num] = get_move(moves, chances, self.multiworld.random)
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_catch_rates[self.player].value:
mon_data["catch rate"] = self.multiworld.random.randint(self.multiworld.minimum_catch_rate[self.player], 255)
mon_data["catch rate"] = max(self.multiworld.minimum_catch_rate[self.player], mon_data["catch rate"])
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from.keys() and mon_data["type1"] == local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type1"] and mon_data["type2"] == local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type2"]:
mon_data["tms"] = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["tms"]
elif mon != "Mew":
tms_hms = poke_data.tm_moves + poke_data.hm_moves
for flag, tm_move in enumerate(tms_hms):
if (flag < 50 and self.multiworld.tm_compatibility[self.player].value == 1) or (flag >= 50 and self.multiworld.hm_compatibility[self.player].value == 1):
type_match = poke_data.moves[tm_move]["type"] in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]]
bit = int(self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) < [[90, 50, 25], [100, 75, 25]][flag >= 50][0 if type_match else 1 if poke_data.moves[tm_move]["type"] == "Normal" else 2])
elif (flag < 50 and self.multiworld.tm_compatibility[self.player].value == 2) or (flag >= 50 and self.multiworld.hm_compatibility[self.player].value == 2):
bit = [0, 1][self.multiworld.random.randint(0, 1)]
elif (flag < 50 and self.multiworld.tm_compatibility[self.player].value == 3) or (flag >= 50 and self.multiworld.hm_compatibility[self.player].value == 3):
bit = 1
if bit:
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] &= ~(1 << (flag % 8))
self.local_poke_data = local_poke_data
self.learnsets = learnsets
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
random = self.multiworld.slot_seeds[self.player]
game_version = self.multiworld.game_version[self.player].current_key
data = bytes(get_base_rom_bytes(game_version))
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f'basepatch_{game_version}.bsdiff4'), 'rb') as stream:
base_patch = bytes(
data = bytearray(bsdiff4.patch(data, base_patch))
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
for location in self.multiworld.get_locations():
if location.player != self.player or location.rom_address is None:
if location.item and location.item.player == self.player:
if location.rom_address:
rom_address = location.rom_address
if not isinstance(rom_address, list):
rom_address = [rom_address]
for address in rom_address:
if in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys():
data[address] = poke_data.pokemon_data[]["id"]
elif " ".join([1:]) in poke_data.pokemon_data.keys():
data[address] = poke_data.pokemon_data[" ".join([1:])]["id"]
data[address] = self.item_name_to_id[] - 172000000
data[location.rom_address] = 0x2C # AP Item
data[rom_addresses['Fly_Location']] = self.fly_map_code
if self.multiworld.tea[self.player].value:
data[rom_addresses["Option_Tea"]] = 1
data[rom_addresses["Guard_Drink_List"]] = 0x54
data[rom_addresses["Guard_Drink_List"] + 1] = 0
data[rom_addresses["Guard_Drink_List"] + 2] = 0
if self.multiworld.extra_key_items[self.player].value:
data[rom_addresses['Options']] |= 4
data[rom_addresses["Option_Blind_Trainers"]] = round(self.multiworld.blind_trainers[self.player].value * 2.55)
data[rom_addresses['Option_Cerulean_Cave_Condition']] = self.multiworld.cerulean_cave_condition[self.player].value
data[rom_addresses['Option_Encounter_Minimum_Steps']] = self.multiworld.minimum_steps_between_encounters[self.player].value
data[rom_addresses['Option_Victory_Road_Badges']] = self.multiworld.victory_road_condition[self.player].value
data[rom_addresses['Option_Pokemon_League_Badges']] = self.multiworld.elite_four_condition[self.player].value
data[rom_addresses['Option_Viridian_Gym_Badges']] = self.multiworld.viridian_gym_condition[self.player].value
data[rom_addresses['Option_EXP_Modifier']] = self.multiworld.exp_modifier[self.player].value
if not self.multiworld.require_item_finder[self.player].value:
data[rom_addresses['Option_Itemfinder']] = 0
if self.multiworld.extra_strength_boulders[self.player].value:
for i in range(0, 3):
data[rom_addresses['Option_Boulders'] + (i * 3)] = 0x15
if self.multiworld.extra_key_items[self.player].value:
for i in range(0, 4):
data[rom_addresses['Option_Rock_Tunnel_Extra_Items'] + (i * 3)] = 0x15
if self.multiworld.old_man[self.player].value == 2:
data[rom_addresses['Option_Old_Man']] = 0x11
data[rom_addresses['Option_Old_Man_Lying']] = 0x15
money = str(self.multiworld.starting_money[self.player].value)
while len(money) < 6:
money = "0" + money
data[rom_addresses["Starting_Money_High"]] = int(money[:2], 16)
data[rom_addresses["Starting_Money_Middle"]] = int(money[2:4], 16)
data[rom_addresses["Starting_Money_Low"]] = int(money[4:], 16)
data[rom_addresses["Text_Badges_Needed_Viridian_Gym"]] = encode_text(
data[rom_addresses["Text_Badges_Needed"]] = encode_text(
if self.multiworld.badges_needed_for_hm_moves[self.player].value == 0:
for hm_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
write_bytes(data, bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]),
rom_addresses["HM_" + hm_move + "_Badge_a"])
elif self.extra_badges:
written_badges = {}
for hm_move, badge in self.extra_badges.items():
data[rom_addresses["HM_" + hm_move + "_Badge_b"]] = {"Boulder Badge": 0x47, "Cascade Badge": 0x4F,
"Thunder Badge": 0x57, "Rainbow Badge": 0x5F,
"Soul Badge": 0x67, "Marsh Badge": 0x6F,
"Volcano Badge": 0x77, "Earth Badge": 0x7F}[badge]
move_text = hm_move
if badge not in ["Marsh Badge", "Volcano Badge", "Earth Badge"]:
move_text = ", " + move_text
rom_address = rom_addresses["Badge_Text_" + badge.replace(" ", "_")]
if badge in written_badges:
rom_address += len(written_badges[badge])
move_text = ", " + move_text
write_bytes(data, encode_text(move_text.upper()), rom_address)
written_badges[badge] = move_text
for badge in ["Marsh Badge", "Volcano Badge", "Earth Badge"]:
if badge not in written_badges:
write_bytes(data, encode_text("Nothing"), rom_addresses["Badge_Text_" + badge.replace(" ", "_")])
chart = deepcopy(poke_data.type_chart)
if self.multiworld.randomize_type_matchup_types[self.player].value == 1:
attacking_types = []
defending_types = []
for matchup in chart:
matchups = []
while len(attacking_types) > 0:
if [attacking_types[0], defending_types[0]] not in matchups:
matchups.append([attacking_types.pop(0), defending_types.pop(0)])
matchup = matchups.pop(0)
for matchup, chart_row in zip(matchups, chart):
chart_row[0] = matchup[0]
chart_row[1] = matchup[1]
elif self.multiworld.randomize_type_matchup_types[self.player].value == 2:
used_matchups = []
for matchup in chart:
matchup[0] = random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
matchup[1] = random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
while [matchup[0], matchup[1]] in used_matchups:
matchup[0] = random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
matchup[1] = random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
used_matchups.append([matchup[0], matchup[1]])
if self.multiworld.randomize_type_matchup_type_effectiveness[self.player].value == 1:
effectiveness_list = []
for matchup in chart:
for (matchup, effectiveness) in zip(chart, effectiveness_list):
matchup[2] = effectiveness
elif self.multiworld.randomize_type_matchup_type_effectiveness[self.player].value == 2:
for matchup in chart:
matchup[2] = random.choice([0] + ([5, 20] * 5))
elif self.multiworld.randomize_type_matchup_type_effectiveness[self.player].value == 3:
for matchup in chart:
matchup[2] = random.choice([i for i in range(0, 21) if i != 10])
type_loc = rom_addresses["Type_Chart"]
for matchup in chart:
data[type_loc] = poke_data.type_ids[matchup[0]]
data[type_loc + 1] = poke_data.type_ids[matchup[1]]
data[type_loc + 2] = matchup[2]
type_loc += 3
# sort so that super-effective matchups occur first, to prevent dual "not very effective" / "super effective"
# matchups from leading to damage being ultimately divided by 2 and then multiplied by 2, which can lead to
# damage being reduced by 1 which leads to a "not very effective" message appearing due to my changes
# to the way effectiveness messages are generated.
self.type_chart = sorted(chart, key=lambda matchup: 0 - matchup[2])
if self.multiworld.normalize_encounter_chances[self.player].value:
chances = [25, 51, 77, 103, 129, 155, 180, 205, 230, 255]
for i, chance in enumerate(chances):
data[rom_addresses['Encounter_Chances'] + (i * 2)] = chance
for mon, mon_data in self.local_poke_data.items():
if mon == "Mew":
address = rom_addresses["Base_Stats_Mew"]
address = rom_addresses["Base_Stats"] + (28 * (mon_data["dex"] - 1))
data[address + 1] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["hp"]
data[address + 2] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["atk"]
data[address + 3] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["def"]
data[address + 4] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["spd"]
data[address + 5] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["spc"]
data[address + 6] = poke_data.type_ids[self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"]]
data[address + 7] = poke_data.type_ids[self.local_poke_data[mon]["type2"]]
data[address + 8] = self.local_poke_data[mon]["catch rate"]
data[address + 15] = poke_data.moves[self.local_poke_data[mon]["start move 1"]]["id"]
data[address + 16] = poke_data.moves[self.local_poke_data[mon]["start move 2"]]["id"]
data[address + 17] = poke_data.moves[self.local_poke_data[mon]["start move 3"]]["id"]
data[address + 18] = poke_data.moves[self.local_poke_data[mon]["start move 4"]]["id"]
write_bytes(data, self.local_poke_data[mon]["tms"], address + 20)
if mon in self.learnsets:
address = rom_addresses["Learnset_" + mon.replace(" ", "")]
for i, move in enumerate(self.learnsets[mon]):
data[(address + 1) + i * 2] = poke_data.moves[move]["id"]
data[rom_addresses["Option_Aide_Rt2"]] = self.multiworld.oaks_aide_rt_2[self.player]
data[rom_addresses["Option_Aide_Rt11"]] = self.multiworld.oaks_aide_rt_11[self.player]
data[rom_addresses["Option_Aide_Rt15"]] = self.multiworld.oaks_aide_rt_15[self.player]
if self.multiworld.safari_zone_normal_battles[self.player].value == 1:
data[rom_addresses["Option_Safari_Zone_Battle_Type"]] = 255
if self.multiworld.reusable_tms[self.player].value:
data[rom_addresses["Option_Reusable_TMs"]] = 0xC9
process_trainer_data(self, data)
mons = [mon["id"] for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data.values()]
data[rom_addresses['Title_Mon_First']] = mons.pop()
for mon in range(0, 16):
data[rom_addresses['Title_Mons'] + mon] = mons.pop()
if self.multiworld.game_version[self.player].value:
mons.sort(key=lambda mon: 0 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 1", self.player)
else 1 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 2", self.player) else
2 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 3", self.player) else 3)
mons.sort(key=lambda mon: 0 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 2", self.player)
else 1 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 1", self.player) else
2 if mon == self.multiworld.get_location("Pallet Town - Starter 3", self.player) else 3)
write_bytes(data, encode_text(self.multiworld.seed_name[-20:], 20, True), rom_addresses['Title_Seed'])
slot_name = self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]
slot_name.replace("@", " ")
slot_name.replace("<", " ")
slot_name.replace(">", " ")
write_bytes(data, encode_text(slot_name, 16, True, True), rom_addresses['Title_Slot_Name'])
write_bytes(data, self.trainer_name, rom_addresses['Player_Name'])
write_bytes(data, self.rival_name, rom_addresses['Rival_Name'])
write_bytes(data, self.multiworld.seed_name.encode(), 0xFFDB)
write_bytes(data, self.multiworld.player_name[self.player].encode(), 0xFFF0)
outfilepname = f'_P{self.player}'
outfilepname += f"_{self.multiworld.get_file_safe_player_name(self.player).replace(' ', '_')}" \
if self.multiworld.player_name[self.player] != 'Player%d' % self.player else ''
rompath = os.path.join(output_directory, f'AP_{self.multiworld.seed_name}{outfilepname}.gb')
with open(rompath, 'wb') as outfile:
if self.multiworld.game_version[self.player].current_key == "red":
patch = RedDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(rompath)[0] + RedDeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=self.player,
player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player], patched_path=rompath)
patch = BlueDeltaPatch(os.path.splitext(rompath)[0] + BlueDeltaPatch.patch_file_ending, player=self.player,
player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player], patched_path=rompath)
def write_bytes(data, byte_array, address):
for byte in byte_array:
data[address] = byte
address += 1
def get_base_rom_bytes(game_version: str, hash: str="") -> bytes:
file_name = get_base_rom_path(game_version)
with open(file_name, "rb") as file:
base_rom_bytes = bytes(
if hash:
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if hash != basemd5.hexdigest():
raise Exception('Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for US(1.0) release. '
'Get the correct game and version, then dump it')
return base_rom_bytes
def get_base_rom_path(game_version: str) -> str:
options = Utils.get_options()
file_name = options["pokemon_rb_options"][f"{game_version}_rom_file"]
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
file_name = Utils.local_path(file_name)
return file_name
class BlueDeltaPatch(APDeltaPatch):
patch_file_ending = ".apblue"
hash = "50927e843568814f7ed45ec4f944bd8b"
game_version = "blue"
game = "Pokemon Red and Blue"
result_file_ending = ".gb"
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_bytes(cls.game_version, cls.hash)
class RedDeltaPatch(APDeltaPatch):
patch_file_ending = ".apred"
hash = "3d45c1ee9abd5738df46d2bdda8b57dc"
game_version = "red"
game = "Pokemon Red and Blue"
result_file_ending = ".gb"
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
return get_base_rom_bytes(cls.game_version, cls.hash)