
429 lines
17 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import json
import zipfile
from enum import IntEnum
import os
import threading
from typing import ClassVar, Dict, List, Literal, Tuple, Any, Optional, Union, BinaryIO, overload, Sequence
import bsdiff4
semaphore = threading.Semaphore(os.cpu_count() or 4)
del threading
del os
class AutoPatchRegister(abc.ABCMeta):
patch_types: ClassVar[Dict[str, AutoPatchRegister]] = {}
file_endings: ClassVar[Dict[str, AutoPatchRegister]] = {}
def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoPatchRegister:
# construct class
new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
if "game" in dct:
AutoPatchRegister.patch_types[dct["game"]] = new_class
if not dct["patch_file_ending"]:
raise Exception(f"Need an expected file ending for {name}")
AutoPatchRegister.file_endings[dct["patch_file_ending"]] = new_class
return new_class
def get_handler(file: str) -> Optional[AutoPatchRegister]:
for file_ending, handler in AutoPatchRegister.file_endings.items():
if file.endswith(file_ending):
return handler
return None
class AutoPatchExtensionRegister(abc.ABCMeta):
extension_types: ClassVar[Dict[str, AutoPatchExtensionRegister]] = {}
required_extensions: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoPatchExtensionRegister:
# construct class
new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
if "game" in dct:
AutoPatchExtensionRegister.extension_types[dct["game"]] = new_class
return new_class
def get_handler(game: Optional[str]) -> Union[AutoPatchExtensionRegister, List[AutoPatchExtensionRegister]]:
if not game:
return APPatchExtension
handler = AutoPatchExtensionRegister.extension_types.get(game, APPatchExtension)
if handler.required_extensions:
handlers = [handler]
for required in handler.required_extensions:
ext = AutoPatchExtensionRegister.extension_types.get(required)
if not ext:
raise NotImplementedError(f"No handler for {required}.")
return handlers
return handler
container_version: int = 6
class InvalidDataError(Exception):
Since games can override `read_contents` in APContainer,
this is to report problems in that process.
class APContainer:
"""A zipfile containing at least archipelago.json"""
version: int = container_version
compression_level: int = 9
compression_method: int = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
game: Optional[str] = None
# instance attributes:
path: Optional[str]
player: Optional[int]
player_name: str
server: str
def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None, player: Optional[int] = None,
player_name: str = "", server: str = ""):
self.path = path
self.player = player
self.player_name = player_name
self.server = server
def write(self, file: Optional[Union[str, BinaryIO]] = None) -> None:
zip_file = file if file else self.path
if not zip_file:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot write {self.__class__.__name__} due to no path provided.")
with semaphore: # TODO: remove semaphore once generate_output has a thread limit
with zipfile.ZipFile(
zip_file, "w", self.compression_method, True, self.compression_level) as zf:
if file:
self.path = zf.filename
def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:
manifest = self.get_manifest()
manifest_str = json.dumps(manifest)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Manifest {manifest} did not convert to json.") from e
opened_zipfile.writestr("archipelago.json", manifest_str)
def read(self, file: Optional[Union[str, BinaryIO]] = None) -> None:
"""Read data into patch object. file can be file-like, such as an outer zip file's stream."""
zip_file = file if file else self.path
if not zip_file:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot read {self.__class__.__name__} due to no path provided.")
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r") as zf:
if file:
self.path = zf.filename
except Exception as e:
message = ""
if len(e.args):
arg0 = e.args[0]
if isinstance(arg0, str):
message = f"{arg0} - "
raise InvalidDataError(f"{message}This might be the incorrect world version for this file") from e
def read_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:
with"archipelago.json", "r") as f:
manifest = json.load(f)
if manifest["compatible_version"] > self.version:
raise Exception(f"File (version: {manifest['compatible_version']}) too new "
f"for this handler (version: {self.version})")
self.player = manifest["player"]
self.server = manifest["server"]
self.player_name = manifest["player_name"]
def get_manifest(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"server": self.server, # allow immediate connection to server in multiworld. Empty string otherwise
"player": self.player,
"player_name": self.player_name,
# minimum version of patch system expected for patching to be successful
"compatible_version": 5,
"version": container_version,
class APPatch(APContainer):
An `APContainer` that represents a patch file.
It includes the `procedure` key in the manifest to indicate that it is a patch.
Your implementation should inherit from this if your output file
represents a patch file, but will not be applied with AP's ``
procedure: Union[Literal["custom"], List[Tuple[str, List[Any]]]] = "custom"
def get_manifest(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
manifest = super(APPatch, self).get_manifest()
manifest["procedure"] = self.procedure
manifest["compatible_version"] = 6
return manifest
class APAutoPatchInterface(APPatch, abc.ABC, metaclass=AutoPatchRegister):
An abstract `APPatch` that defines the requirements for a patch
to be applied with AP's ``
result_file_ending: str = ".sfc"
def patch(self, target: str) -> None:
""" create the output file with the file name `target` """
class APProcedurePatch(APAutoPatchInterface):
An APPatch that defines a procedure to produce the desired file.
hash: Optional[str] # base checksum of source file
source_data: bytes
patch_file_ending: str = ""
files: Dict[str, bytes]
def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes:
"""Get Base data"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_source_data_with_cache(cls) -> bytes:
if not hasattr(cls, "source_data"):
cls.source_data = cls.get_source_data()
return cls.source_data
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
super(APProcedurePatch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.files = {}
def get_manifest(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
manifest = super(APProcedurePatch, self).get_manifest()
manifest["base_checksum"] = self.hash
manifest["result_file_ending"] = self.result_file_ending
manifest["patch_file_ending"] = self.patch_file_ending
manifest["procedure"] = self.procedure
if self.procedure == APDeltaPatch.procedure:
manifest["compatible_version"] = 5
return manifest
def read_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:
super(APProcedurePatch, self).read_contents(opened_zipfile)
with"archipelago.json", "r") as f:
manifest = json.load(f)
if "procedure" not in manifest:
# support patching files made before moving to procedures
self.procedure = [("apply_bsdiff4", ["delta.bsdiff4"])]
self.procedure = manifest["procedure"]
for file in opened_zipfile.namelist():
if file not in ["archipelago.json"]:
self.files[file] =
def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:
super(APProcedurePatch, self).write_contents(opened_zipfile)
for file in self.files:
opened_zipfile.writestr(file, self.files[file],
compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED if file.endswith(".bsdiff4") else None)
def get_file(self, file: str) -> bytes:
""" Retrieves a file from the patch container."""
if file not in self.files:
return self.files[file]
def write_file(self, file_name: str, file: bytes) -> None:
""" Writes a file to the patch container, to be retrieved upon patching. """
self.files[file_name] = file
def patch(self, target: str) -> None:
base_data = self.get_source_data_with_cache()
patch_extender = AutoPatchExtensionRegister.get_handler(
assert not isinstance(self.procedure, str), f"{type(self)} must define procedures"
for step, args in self.procedure:
if isinstance(patch_extender, list):
extension = next((item for item in [getattr(extender, step, None) for extender in patch_extender]
if item is not None), None)
extension = getattr(patch_extender, step, None)
if extension is not None:
base_data = extension(self, base_data, *args)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown procedure {step} for {}.")
with open(target, 'wb') as f:
class APDeltaPatch(APProcedurePatch):
"""An APProcedurePatch that additionally has delta.bsdiff4
containing a delta patch to get the desired file, often a rom."""
procedure = [
("apply_bsdiff4", ["delta.bsdiff4"])
def __init__(self, *args: Any, patched_path: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None:
super(APDeltaPatch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.patched_path = patched_path
def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:
bsdiff4.diff(self.get_source_data_with_cache(), open(self.patched_path, "rb").read()))
super(APDeltaPatch, self).write_contents(opened_zipfile)
class APTokenTypes(IntEnum):
COPY = 1
RLE = 2
AND_8 = 3
OR_8 = 4
XOR_8 = 5
class APTokenMixin:
A class that defines functions for generating a token binary, for use in patches.
_tokens: Sequence[
Tuple[APTokenTypes, int, Union[
bytes, # WRITE
Tuple[int, int], # COPY, RLE
int # AND_8, OR_8, XOR_8
]]] = ()
def get_token_binary(self) -> bytes:
Returns the token binary created from stored tokens.
:return: A bytes object representing the token data.
data = bytearray()
data.extend(len(self._tokens).to_bytes(4, "little"))
for token_type, offset, args in self._tokens:
data.extend(offset.to_bytes(4, "little"))
if token_type in [APTokenTypes.AND_8, APTokenTypes.OR_8, APTokenTypes.XOR_8]:
assert isinstance(args, int), f"Arguments to AND/OR/XOR must be of type int, not {type(args)}"
data.extend(int.to_bytes(1, 4, "little"))
elif token_type in [APTokenTypes.COPY, APTokenTypes.RLE]:
assert isinstance(args, tuple), f"Arguments to COPY/RLE must be of type tuple, not {type(args)}"
data.extend(int.to_bytes(8, 4, "little"))
data.extend(args[0].to_bytes(4, "little"))
data.extend(args[1].to_bytes(4, "little"))
elif token_type == APTokenTypes.WRITE:
assert isinstance(args, bytes), f"Arguments to WRITE must be of type bytes, not {type(args)}"
data.extend(len(args).to_bytes(4, "little"))
raise ValueError(f"Unknown token type {token_type}")
return bytes(data)
def write_token(self,
token_type: Literal[APTokenTypes.AND_8, APTokenTypes.OR_8, APTokenTypes.XOR_8],
offset: int,
data: int) -> None:
def write_token(self,
token_type: Literal[APTokenTypes.COPY, APTokenTypes.RLE],
offset: int,
data: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
def write_token(self,
token_type: Literal[APTokenTypes.WRITE],
offset: int,
data: bytes) -> None:
def write_token(self, token_type: APTokenTypes, offset: int, data: Union[bytes, Tuple[int, int], int]) -> None:
Stores a token to be used by patching.
if not isinstance(self._tokens, list):
assert len(self._tokens) == 0, f"{type(self)}._tokens was tampered with."
self._tokens = []
self._tokens.append((token_type, offset, data))
class APPatchExtension(metaclass=AutoPatchExtensionRegister):
"""Class that defines patch extension functions for a given game.
Patch extension functions must have the following two arguments in the following order:
caller: APProcedurePatch (used to retrieve files from the patch container)
rom: bytes (the data to patch)
Further arguments are passed in from the procedure as defined.
Patch extension functions must return the changed bytes.
game: str
required_extensions: ClassVar[Tuple[str, ...]] = ()
def apply_bsdiff4(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes, patch: str) -> bytes:
"""Applies the given bsdiff4 from the patch onto the current file."""
return bsdiff4.patch(rom, caller.get_file(patch))
def apply_tokens(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes, token_file: str) -> bytes:
"""Applies the given token file from the patch onto the current file."""
token_data = caller.get_file(token_file)
rom_data = bytearray(rom)
token_count = int.from_bytes(token_data[0:4], "little")
bpr = 4
for _ in range(token_count):
token_type = token_data[bpr:bpr + 1][0]
offset = int.from_bytes(token_data[bpr + 1:bpr + 5], "little")
size = int.from_bytes(token_data[bpr + 5:bpr + 9], "little")
data = token_data[bpr + 9:bpr + 9 + size]
if token_type in [APTokenTypes.AND_8, APTokenTypes.OR_8, APTokenTypes.XOR_8]:
arg = data[0]
if token_type == APTokenTypes.AND_8:
rom_data[offset] = rom_data[offset] & arg
elif token_type == APTokenTypes.OR_8:
rom_data[offset] = rom_data[offset] | arg
rom_data[offset] = rom_data[offset] ^ arg
elif token_type in [APTokenTypes.COPY, APTokenTypes.RLE]:
length = int.from_bytes(data[:4], "little")
value = int.from_bytes(data[4:], "little")
if token_type == APTokenTypes.COPY:
rom_data[offset: offset + length] = rom_data[value: value + length]
rom_data[offset: offset + length] = bytes([value] * length)
rom_data[offset:offset + len(data)] = data
bpr += 9 + size
return bytes(rom_data)
def calc_snes_crc(caller: APProcedurePatch, rom: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Calculates and applies a valid CRC for the SNES rom header."""
rom_data = bytearray(rom)
if len(rom) < 0x8000:
raise Exception("Tried to calculate SNES CRC on file too small to be a SNES ROM.")
crc = (sum(rom_data[:0x7FDC] + rom_data[0x7FE0:]) + 0x01FE) & 0xFFFF
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
rom_data[0x7FDC:0x7FE0] = [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF]
return bytes(rom_data)