70 lines
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70 lines
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import json
import portpicker
class Portconfig:
A data class for ports used by participants to join a match.
EVERY participant joining the match must send the same sets of ports to join successfully.
SC2 needs 2 ports per connection (one for data, one as a 'header'), which is why the ports come in pairs.
:param guests: number of non-hosting participants in a match (i.e. 1 less than the number of participants)
:param server_ports: [int portA, int portB]
:param player_ports: [[int port1A, int port1B], [int port2A, int port2B], ... ]
.shared is deprecated, and should TODO be removed soon (once ladderbots' __init__.py doesnt specify them).
.server contains the pair of ports used by the participant 'hosting' the match
.players contains a pair of ports for every 'guest' (non-hosting participants) in the match
E.g. for 1v1, there will be only 1 guest. For 2v2 (coming soonTM), there would be 3 guests.
def __init__(self, guests=1, server_ports=None, player_ports=None):
self.shared = None
self._picked_ports = []
if server_ports:
self.server = server_ports
self.server = [portpicker.pick_unused_port() for _ in range(2)]
if player_ports:
self.players = player_ports
self.players = [[portpicker.pick_unused_port() for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(guests)]
self._picked_ports.extend(port for player in self.players for port in player)
def clean(self):
while self._picked_ports:
def __str__(self):
return f"Portconfig(shared={self.shared}, server={self.server}, players={self.players})"
def as_json(self):
return json.dumps({"shared": self.shared, "server": self.server, "players": self.players})
def contiguous_ports(cls, guests=1, attempts=40):
"""Returns a Portconfig with adjacent ports"""
for _ in range(attempts):
start = portpicker.pick_unused_port()
others = [start + j for j in range(1, 2 + guests * 2)]
if all(portpicker.is_port_free(p) for p in others):
server_ports = [start, others.pop(0)]
player_ports = []
while others:
player_ports.append([others.pop(0), others.pop(0)])
pc = cls(server_ports=server_ports, player_ports=player_ports)
return pc
raise portpicker.NoFreePortFoundError()
def from_json(cls, json_data):
data = json.loads(json_data)
return cls(server_ports=data["server"], player_ports=data["players"])