
115 lines
4.7 KiB

{% from "macros.lua" import dict_to_recipe %}
-- this file gets written automatically by the Archipelago Randomizer and is in its raw form a Jinja2 Template
{%- for recipe_name, recipe in custom_recipes.items() %}
data.raw["recipe"]["{{recipe_name}}"].ingredients = {{ dict_to_recipe(recipe.ingredients) }}
{%- endfor %}
local technologies = data.raw["technology"]
local original_tech
local new_tree_copy
allowed_ingredients = {}
{%- for tech_name, technology in custom_technologies.items() %}
allowed_ingredients["{{ tech_name }}"] = {
{%- for ingredient in technology.ingredients %}
["{{ingredient}}"] = 1,
{%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}
local template_tech = table.deepcopy(technologies["automation"])
{#- ensure the copy unlocks nothing #}
template_tech.unlocks = {}
template_tech.upgrade = false
template_tech.effects = {}
template_tech.prerequisites = {}
function prep_copy(new_copy, old_tech)
old_tech.hidden = true
new_copy.unit = table.deepcopy(old_tech.unit)
local ingredient_filter = allowed_ingredients[]
if ingredient_filter ~= nil then
new_copy.unit.ingredients = filter_ingredients(new_copy.unit.ingredients, ingredient_filter)
function set_ap_icon(tech)
tech.icon = "__{{ mod_name }}__/graphics/icons/ap.png"
tech.icons = nil
tech.icon_size = 128
function set_ap_unimportant_icon(tech)
tech.icon = "__{{ mod_name }}__/graphics/icons/ap_unimportant.png"
tech.icons = nil
tech.icon_size = 128
function copy_factorio_icon(tech, tech_source)
tech.icon = table.deepcopy(technologies[tech_source].icon)
tech.icons = table.deepcopy(technologies[tech_source].icons)
tech.icon_size = table.deepcopy(technologies[tech_source].icon_size)
function adjust_energy(recipe_name, factor)
local recipe = data.raw.recipe[recipe_name]
local energy = recipe.energy_required
if (energy ~= nil) then
data.raw.recipe[recipe_name].energy_required = energy * factor
if (recipe.normal ~= nil and recipe.normal.energy_required ~= nil) then
energy = recipe.normal.energy_required
recipe.normal.energy_required = energy * factor
if (recipe.expensive ~= nil and recipe.expensive.energy_required ~= nil) then
energy = recipe.expensive.energy_required
recipe.expensive.energy_required = energy * factor
data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-1"].crafting_categories = table.deepcopy(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-3"].crafting_categories)
data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-2"].crafting_categories = table.deepcopy(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-3"].crafting_categories)
data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-1"].fluid_boxes = table.deepcopy(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-2"].fluid_boxes)
data.raw["ammo"]["artillery-shell"].stack_size = 10
{# each randomized tech gets set to be invisible, with new nodes added that trigger those #}
{%- for original_tech_name, item_name, receiving_player, advancement in locations %}
original_tech = technologies["{{original_tech_name}}"]
{#- the tech researched by the local player #}
new_tree_copy = table.deepcopy(template_tech) = "ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-"{# use AP ID #}
prep_copy(new_tree_copy, original_tech)
{% if tech_cost_scale != 1 %}
new_tree_copy.unit.count = math.max(1, math.floor(new_tree_copy.unit.count * {{ tech_cost_scale }}))
{% endif %}
{%- if (tech_tree_information == 2 or original_tech_name in static_nodes) and item_name in base_tech_table -%}
{#- copy Factorio Technology Icon -#}
copy_factorio_icon(new_tree_copy, "{{ item_name }}")
{%- elif (tech_tree_information == 2 or original_tech_name in static_nodes) and item_name in progressive_technology_table -%}
copy_factorio_icon(new_tree_copy, "{{ progressive_technology_table[item_name][0] }}")
{%- else -%}
{#- use default AP icon if no Factorio graphics exist -#}
{% if advancement or not tech_tree_information %}set_ap_icon(new_tree_copy){% else %}set_ap_unimportant_icon(new_tree_copy){% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{#- connect Technology #}
{%- if original_tech_name in tech_tree_layout_prerequisites %}
{%- for prerequesite in tech_tree_layout_prerequisites[original_tech_name] %}
table.insert(new_tree_copy.prerequisites, "ap-{{ tech_table[prerequesite] }}-")
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{#- add new Technology to game #}
{% endfor %}
{% if recipe_time_scale %}
{%- for recipe_name, recipe in recipes.items() %}
{%- if recipe.category != "mining" %}
adjust_energy("{{ recipe_name }}", {{ random.triangular(*recipe_time_scale) }})
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{%- if silo==2 %}
-- disable silo research for pre-placed silo
technologies["rocket-silo"].hidden = true
{%- endif %}