501 lines
17 KiB
501 lines
17 KiB
import copy
import logging
class World(object):
def __init__(self, shuffle, logic, mode, difficulty, goal, algorithm, place_dungeon_items):
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.logic = logic
self.mode = mode
self.difficulty = difficulty
self.goal = goal
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.regions = []
self.itempool = []
self.seed = None
self.state = CollectionState(self)
self.required_medallions = ['Ether', 'Quake']
self._cached_locations = None
self._entrance_cache = {}
self._region_cache = {}
self._entrance_cache = {}
self._location_cache = {}
self._item_cache = {}
self.spoiler = ''
self.required_locations = []
self.place_dungeon_items = place_dungeon_items # configurable in future
self.agahnim_fix_required = False
self.swamp_patch_required = False
self.sewer_light_cone = mode == 'standard'
self.light_world_light_cone = False
self.dark_world_light_cone = False
self.treasure_hunt_count = 0
self.treasure_hunt_icon = 'Power Star'
self.clock_mode = 'off'
self.aga_randomness = 'off'
self.lock_aga_door_in_escape = False
def get_region(self, regionname):
if isinstance(regionname, Region):
return regionname
return self._region_cache[regionname]
except KeyError:
for region in self.regions:
if region.name == regionname:
self._region_cache[regionname] = region
return region
raise RuntimeError('No such region %s' % regionname)
def get_entrance(self, entrance):
if isinstance(entrance, Entrance):
return entrance
return self._entrance_cache[entrance]
except KeyError:
for region in self.regions:
for exit in region.exits:
if exit.name == entrance:
self._entrance_cache[entrance] = exit
return exit
raise RuntimeError('No such entrance %s' % entrance)
def get_location(self, location):
if isinstance(location, Location):
return location
return self._location_cache[location]
except KeyError:
for region in self.regions:
for r_location in region.locations:
if r_location.name == location:
self._location_cache[location] = r_location
return r_location
raise RuntimeError('No such location %s' % location)
def find_items(self, item):
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None and location.item.name == item]
def push_item(self, location, item, collect=True):
if not isinstance(location, Location):
location = self.get_location(location)
if location.item_rule(item):
location.item = item
item.location = location
if collect:
logging.getLogger('').debug('Placed %s at %s' % (item, location))
raise RuntimeError('Cannot assign item %s to location %s.' % (item, location))
def get_locations(self):
if self._cached_locations is None:
self._cached_locations = []
for region in self.regions:
return self._cached_locations
def get_unfilled_locations(self):
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is None]
def get_reachable_locations(self, state=None):
if state is None:
state = self.state
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if state.can_reach(location)]
def get_placeable_locations(self, state=None):
if state is None:
state = self.state
return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is None and state.can_reach(location)]
def unlocks_new_location(self, item):
temp_state = self.state.copy()
for location in self.get_unfilled_locations():
if temp_state.can_reach(location) and not self.state.can_reach(location):
return True
return False
def can_beat_game(self):
prog_locations = [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None and location.item.advancement]
state = CollectionState(self)
treasure_pieces_collected = 0
while prog_locations:
sphere = []
# build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres
for location in prog_locations:
if state.can_reach(location):
if location.item.name == 'Triforce':
return True
elif location.item.name in ['Triforce Piece', 'Power Star']:
treasure_pieces_collected += 1
if self.goal in ['starhunt', 'triforcehunt'] and treasure_pieces_collected >= self.treasure_hunt_count:
return True
if not sphere:
# ran out of places and did not find triforce yet, quit
return False
for location in sphere:
return False
def option_identifier(self):
logic = 0 if self.logic == 'noglitches' else 1
mode = 0 if self.mode == 'open' else 1
dungeonitems = 0 if self.place_dungeon_items else 1
goal = ['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'starhunt', 'triforcehunt'].index(self.goal)
shuffle = ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'full', 'madness', 'insanity', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple'].index(self.shuffle)
difficulty = ['normal', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'timed-countdown'].index(self.difficulty)
algorithm = ['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22'].index(self.algorithm)
return logic | (mode << 1) | (dungeonitems << 2) | (goal << 3) | (shuffle << 6) | (difficulty << 10) | (algorithm << 12)
class CollectionState(object):
def __init__(self, parent, has_everything=False):
self.prog_items = []
self.world = parent
self.has_everything = has_everything
self.region_cache = {}
self.location_cache = {}
self.entrance_cache = {}
self.recursion_count = 0
def _clear_cache(self):
# we only need to invalidate results which were False, places we could reach before we can still reach after adding more items
self.region_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.region_cache.items() if v}
self.location_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.location_cache.items() if v}
self.entrance_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.entrance_cache.items() if v}
def copy(self):
ret = CollectionState(self.world, self.has_everything)
ret.prog_items = copy.copy(self.prog_items)
ret.region_cache = copy.copy(self.region_cache)
ret.location_cache = copy.copy(self.location_cache)
ret.entrance_cache = copy.copy(self.entrance_cache)
return ret
def can_reach(self, spot, resolution_hint=None):
spot_type = spot.spot_type
if spot_type == 'Location':
correct_cache = self.location_cache
elif spot_type == 'Region':
correct_cache = self.region_cache
elif spot_type == 'Entrance':
correct_cache = self.entrance_cache
raise AttributeError
except AttributeError:
# try to resolve a name
if resolution_hint == 'Location':
spot = self.world.get_location(spot)
correct_cache = self.location_cache
elif resolution_hint == 'Entrance':
spot = self.world.get_entrance(spot)
correct_cache = self.entrance_cache
# default to Region
spot = self.world.get_region(spot)
correct_cache = self.region_cache
if spot.recursion_count > 0:
return False
if spot not in correct_cache:
# for the purpose of evaluating results, recursion is resolved by always denying recursive access (as that ia what we are trying to figure out right now in the first place
spot.recursion_count += 1
self.recursion_count += 1
can_reach = spot.can_reach(self)
spot.recursion_count -= 1
self.recursion_count -= 1
# we only store qualified false results (i.e. ones not inside a hypothetical)
if not can_reach:
if self.recursion_count == 0:
correct_cache[spot] = can_reach
correct_cache[spot] = can_reach
return can_reach
return correct_cache[spot]
def can_collect(self, item, count=None):
if isinstance(item, Item):
item = item.name
if count is None:
cached = self.world._item_cache.get(item, None)
if cached is None:
candidates = self.world.find_items(item)
if not candidates:
return False
elif len(candidates) == 1:
cached = candidates[0]
self.world._item_cache[item] = cached
# this should probably not happen, wonky item distribution?
return self._can_reach_n(self.world.find_items(item), 1)
return self.can_reach(cached)
return self._can_reach_n(self.world.find_items(item), count)
def _can_reach_n(self, candidates, count):
maxfail = len(candidates) - count
fail = 0
success = 0
for candidate in candidates:
if self.can_reach(candidate):
success += 1
fail += 1
if fail > maxfail:
return False
if success >= count:
return True
return False
def has(self, item):
if self.has_everything:
return True
return item in self.prog_items
def can_lift_rocks(self):
return self.has('Power Glove') or self.has('Titans Mitts')
def can_lift_heavy_rocks(self):
return self.has('Titans Mitts')
def has_sword(self):
return self.has('Fighter Sword') or self.has('Master Sword') or self.has('Tempered Sword') or self.has('Golden Sword')
def has_beam_sword(self):
return self.has('Master Sword') or self.has('Tempered Sword') or self.has('Golden Sword')
def has_blunt_weapon(self):
return self.has_sword() or self.has('Hammer')
def has_Mirror(self):
return self.has('Magic Mirror')
def has_Boots(self):
return self.has('Pegasus Boots')
def has_Pearl(self):
return self.has('Moon Pearl')
def has_fire_source(self):
return self.has('Fire Rod') or self.has('Lamp')
def has_misery_mire_medallion(self):
return self.has(self.world.required_medallions[0])
def has_turtle_rock_medallion(self):
return self.has(self.world.required_medallions[1])
def collect(self, item):
changed = False
if item.name.startswith('Progressive '):
if 'Sword' in item.name:
if self.has('Golden Sword'):
elif self.has('Tempered Sword'):
self.prog_items.append('Golden Sword')
changed = True
elif self.has('Master Sword'):
self.prog_items.append('Tempered Sword')
changed = True
elif self.has('Fighter Sword'):
self.prog_items.append('Master Sword')
changed = True
self.prog_items.append('Fighter Sword')
changed = True
elif 'Glove' in item.name:
if self.has('Titans Mitts'):
elif self.has('Power Glove'):
self.prog_items.append('Titans Mitts')
changed = True
self.prog_items.append('Power Glove')
changed = True
elif item.advancement:
changed = True
if changed:
def remove(self, item):
if item.advancement:
to_remove = item.name
if to_remove.startswith('Progressive '):
if 'Sword' in to_remove:
if self.has('Golden Sword'):
to_remove = 'Golden Sword'
elif self.has('Tempered Sword'):
to_remove = 'Tempered Sword'
elif self.has('Master Sword'):
to_remove = 'Master Sword'
elif self.has('Fighter Sword'):
to_remove = 'Fighter Sword'
to_remove = None
elif 'Glove' in item.name:
if self.has('Titans Mitts'):
to_remove = 'Titans Mitts'
elif self.has('Power Glove'):
to_remove = 'Power Glove'
to_remove = None
if to_remove is not None:
except IndexError:
# invalidate caches, nothing can be trusted anymore now
self.region_cache = {}
self.location_cache = {}
self.entrance_cache = {}
self.recursion_count = 0
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item.startswith('can_reach_'):
return self.can_reach(item[10])
elif item.startswith('has_'):
return self.has(item[4])
raise RuntimeError('Cannot parse %s.' % item)
class Region(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.entrances = []
self.exits = []
self.locations = []
self.spot_type = 'Region'
self.hint_text = 'Hyrule'
self.recursion_count = 0
def can_reach(self, state):
for entrance in self.entrances:
if state.can_reach(entrance):
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__unicode__())
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % self.name
class Entrance(object):
def __init__(self, name='', parent=None):
self.name = name
self.parent_region = parent
self.connected_region = None
self.target = None
self.addresses = None
self.spot_type = 'Entrance'
self.recursion_count = 0
def access_rule(self, state):
return True
def can_reach(self, state):
if self.access_rule(state) and state.can_reach(self.parent_region):
return True
return False
def connect(self, region, addresses=None, target=None):
self.connected_region = region
self.target = target
self.addresses = addresses
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__unicode__())
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % self.name
class Location(object):
def __init__(self, name='', address=None, crystal=False, hint_text=None, parent=None):
self.name = name
self.parent_region = parent
self.item = None
self.crystal = crystal
self.address = address
self.spot_type = 'Location'
self.hint_text = hint_text if hint_text is not None else 'Hyrule'
self.recursion_count = 0
self.staleness_count = 0
def access_rule(self, state):
return True
def item_rule(self, item):
return True
def can_reach(self, state):
if self.access_rule(state) and state.can_reach(self.parent_region):
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__unicode__())
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % self.name
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, name='', advancement=False, priority=False, key=False, crystal=False, code=None, altar_hint=None, altar_credit=None, sickkid_credit=None, zora_credit=None, witch_credit=None, fluteboy_credit=None):
self.name = name
self.advancement = advancement
self.priority = priority
self.key = key
self.crystal = crystal
self.altar_hint_text = altar_hint
self.altar_credit_text = altar_credit
self.sickkid_credit_text = sickkid_credit
self.zora_credit_text = zora_credit
self.magicshop_credit_text = witch_credit
self.fluteboy_credit_text = fluteboy_credit
self.code = code
self.location = None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__unicode__())
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % self.name
# have 6 address that need to be filled
class Crystal(Item):