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91 lines
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from .requirements import *
from .location import Location
from ..locations.all import *
class Dungeon5:
def __init__(self, options, world_setup, r):
entrance = Location(dungeon=5)
start_hookshot_chest = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x1A0)).connect(entrance, HOOKSHOT)
compass = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x19E)).connect(entrance, r.attack_hookshot_powder)
fourth_stalfos_area = Location(dungeon=5).add(DroppedKey(0x181)).connect(compass, AND(SWORD, FEATHER)) # crystal rocks can only be broken by sword
area2 = Location(dungeon=5).connect(entrance, KEY5)
if options.owlstatues == "both" or options.owlstatues == "dungeon":
Location(dungeon=5).add(OwlStatue(0x19A)).connect(area2, STONE_BEAK5)
Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x19B)).connect(area2, r.attack_hookshot_powder) # map chest
blade_trap_chest = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x197)).connect(area2, HOOKSHOT) # key chest on the left
post_gohma = Location(dungeon=5).connect(area2, AND(HOOKSHOT, r.miniboss_requirements[world_setup.miniboss_mapping[4]], KEY5, FOUND(KEY5,2))) # staircase after gohma
staircase_before_boss = Location(dungeon=5).connect(post_gohma, AND(HOOKSHOT, FEATHER)) # bottom right section pits room before boss door. Path via gohma
after_keyblock_boss = Location(dungeon=5).connect(staircase_before_boss, AND(KEY5, FOUND(KEY5, 3))) # top right section pits room before boss door
after_stalfos = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x196)).connect(area2, AND(SWORD, BOMB)) # Need to defeat master stalfos once for this empty chest; l2 sword beams kill but obscure
if options.owlstatues == "both" or options.owlstatues == "dungeon":
butterfly_owl = Location(dungeon=5).add(OwlStatue(0x18A)).connect(after_stalfos, AND(FEATHER, STONE_BEAK5))
butterfly_owl = None
after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, AND(FEATHER, r.attack_hookshot_powder), one_way=True) # pathway from stalfos to staircase: past butterfly room and push the block
north_of_crossroads = Location(dungeon=5).connect(after_stalfos, FEATHER)
first_bridge_chest = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x18E)).connect(north_of_crossroads, OR(HOOKSHOT, AND(FEATHER, PEGASUS_BOOTS))) # south of bridge
north_bridge_chest = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x188)).connect(north_of_crossroads, HOOKSHOT) # north bridge chest 50 rupees
east_bridge_chest = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x18F)).connect(north_of_crossroads, HOOKSHOT) # east bridge chest small key
third_arena = Location(dungeon=5).connect(north_of_crossroads, AND(SWORD, BOMB)) # can beat 3rd m.stalfos
stone_tablet = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x183)).connect(north_of_crossroads, AND(POWER_BRACELET, r.attack_skeleton)) # stone tablet
boss_key = Location(dungeon=5).add(DungeonChest(0x186)).connect(after_stalfos, AND(FLIPPERS, HOOKSHOT)) # nightmare key
before_boss = Location(dungeon=5).connect(after_keyblock_boss, HOOKSHOT)
boss = Location(dungeon=5).add(HeartContainer(0x185), Instrument(0x182)).connect(before_boss, AND(r.boss_requirements[world_setup.boss_mapping[4]], NIGHTMARE_KEY5))
# When we can reach the stone tablet chest, we can also reach the final location of master stalfos
m_stalfos_drop = Location(dungeon=5).add(HookshotDrop()).connect(third_arena, AND(FEATHER, SWORD, BOMB)) # can reach fourth arena from entrance with feather and sword
if options.logic == 'hard' or options.logic == 'glitched' or options.logic == 'hell':
blade_trap_chest.connect(area2, AND(FEATHER, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # jump past the blade traps
boss_key.connect(after_stalfos, AND(FLIPPERS, r.boots_jump)) # boots jump across
after_stalfos.connect(after_keyblock_boss, AND(FEATHER, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # circumvent stalfos by going past gohma and backwards from boss door
if butterfly_owl:
butterfly_owl.connect(after_stalfos, AND(r.boots_bonk, STONE_BEAK5)) # boots charge + bonk to cross 2d bridge
after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, AND(r.boots_bonk, r.attack_hookshot_powder), one_way=True) # pathway from stalfos to staircase: boots charge + bonk to cross bridge, past butterfly room and push the block
staircase_before_boss.connect(post_gohma, AND(r.boots_bonk, HOOKSHOT)) # boots bonk in 2d section to skip feather
north_of_crossroads.connect(after_stalfos, r.hookshot_over_pit) # hookshot to the right block to cross pits
first_bridge_chest.connect(north_of_crossroads, AND(r.wall_clip, r.tight_jump)) # tight jump from bottom wall clipped to make it over the pits
after_keyblock_boss.connect(after_stalfos, AND(FEATHER, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # jump from bottom left to top right, skipping the keyblock
before_boss.connect(after_stalfos, AND(r.boots_jump, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # cross pits room from bottom left to top left with boots jump
if options.logic == 'glitched' or options.logic == 'hell':
start_hookshot_chest.connect(entrance, r.pit_buffer) # 1 pit buffer to clip bottom wall and jump across the pits
post_gohma.connect(area2, HOOKSHOT) # glitch through the blocks/pots with hookshot. Zoomerang can be used but has no logical implications because of 2d section requiring hookshot
north_bridge_chest.connect(north_of_crossroads, r.pit_buffer) # 1 pit buffer to clip bottom wall and jump across the pits
east_bridge_chest.connect(first_bridge_chest, r.pit_buffer) # 1 pit buffer to clip bottom wall and jump across the pits
#after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, AND(r.text_clip, r.super_jump)) # use the keyblock to get a wall clip in right wall to perform a superjump over the pushable block
after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, r.super_jump_boots) # charge a boots dash in bottom right corner to the right, jump before hitting the wall and use weapon to the left side before hitting the wall
if options.logic == 'hell':
start_hookshot_chest.connect(entrance, r.pit_buffer_boots) # use pit buffer to clip into the bottom wall and boots bonk off the wall again
fourth_stalfos_area.connect(compass, AND(r.boots_bonk_2d_hell, SWORD)) # do an incredibly hard boots bonk setup to get across the hanging platforms in the 2d section
blade_trap_chest.connect(area2, AND(r.pit_buffer_boots, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # boots bonk + pit buffer past the blade traps
post_gohma.connect(area2, AND(PEGASUS_BOOTS, FEATHER, POWER_BRACELET, r.attack_hookshot_powder)) # use boots jump in room with 2 zols + flying arrows to pit buffer above pot, then jump across. Sideways block push + pick up pots to reach post_gohma
staircase_before_boss.connect(post_gohma, r.boots_jump) # to pass 2d section, tight jump on left screen: hug left wall on little platform, then dash right off platform and jump while in midair to bonk against right wall
after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, r.super_jump_sword) # unclipped superjump in bottom right corner of staircase before boss room, jumping left over the pushable block. reverse is push block
after_stalfos.connect(area2, SWORD) # knock master stalfos down 255 times (about 23 minutes)
after_stalfos.connect(staircase_before_boss, r.zoomerang) # use zoomerang dashing left to get an unclipped boots superjump off the right wall over the block. reverse is push block
north_bridge_chest.connect(north_of_crossroads, r.boots_bonk_pit) # boots bonk across the pits with pit buffering
first_bridge_chest.connect(north_of_crossroads, r.boots_bonk_pit) # get to first chest via the north chest with pit buffering
east_bridge_chest.connect(first_bridge_chest, r.boots_bonk_pit) # boots bonk across the pits with pit buffering
third_arena.connect(north_of_crossroads, SWORD) # can beat 3rd m.stalfos with 255 sword spins
m_stalfos_drop.connect(third_arena, AND(FEATHER, SWORD)) # beat master stalfos by knocking it down 255 times x 4 (takes about 1.5h total)
m_stalfos_drop.connect(third_arena, AND(r.boots_bonk_2d_hell, SWORD)) # can reach fourth arena from entrance with pegasus boots and sword
boss_key.connect(after_stalfos, AND(r.pit_buffer_itemless, FLIPPERS)) # pit buffer across
if butterfly_owl:
after_keyblock_boss.connect(butterfly_owl, AND(r.pit_buffer_itemless, STONE_BEAK5), one_way=True) # pit buffer from top right to bottom in right pits room
before_boss.connect(after_stalfos, r.super_jump_sword) # cross pits room from bottom left to top left by unclipped superjump on bottom wall on top of side wall, then jump across
self.entrance = entrance
class NoDungeon5:
def __init__(self, options, world_setup, r):
entrance = Location(dungeon=5)
Location(dungeon=5).add(HeartContainer(0x185), Instrument(0x182)).connect(entrance, r.boss_requirements[
self.entrance = entrance