275 lines
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275 lines
28 KiB
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Callable, NamedTuple
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, CollectionState
from .Options import is_option_enabled
from .PreCalculatedWeights import PreCalculatedWeights
from .LogicExtensions import TimespinnerLogic
EventId: Optional[int] = None
class LocationData(NamedTuple):
region: str
name: str
code: Optional[int]
rule: Callable[[CollectionState], bool] = lambda state: True
def get_location_datas(world: Optional[MultiWorld], player: Optional[int],
precalculated_weights: PreCalculatedWeights) -> Tuple[LocationData, ...]:
flooded: PreCalculatedWeights = precalculated_weights
logic = TimespinnerLogic(world, player, precalculated_weights)
# 1337000 - 1337155 Generic locations
# 1337171 - 1337175 New Pickup checks
# 1337246 - 1337249 Ancient Pyramid
location_table: List[LocationData] = [
# Present item locations
LocationData('Tutorial', 'Tutorial: Yo Momma 1', 1337000),
LocationData('Tutorial', 'Tutorial: Yo Momma 2', 1337001),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Starter chest 2', 1337002),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Starter chest 3', 1337003),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Starter chest 1', 1337004),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Lower): Timespinner Wheel room', 1337005),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Forget me not chest', 1337006, lambda state: logic.has_fire(state) and state.can_reach('Upper Lake Serene', 'Region', player)),
LocationData('Lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Lower): Chicken chest', 1337007, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Lower lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Lower): Not so secret room', 1337008, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Lower lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Tank chest', 1337009, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Oxygen recovery room', 1337010),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Secret room', 1337011, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Double jump cave platform', 1337012, logic.has_doublejump),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Double jump cave floor', 1337013),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Sparrow chest', 1337014),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Crash site pedestal', 1337015),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Crash site chest 1', 1337016, lambda state: state.has_all({'Killed Maw'}, player)),
LocationData('Upper lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation (Upper): Crash site chest 2', 1337017, lambda state: state.has_all({'Killed Maw'}, player)),
LocationData('Eastern lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Kitty Boss', 1337018),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Basement', 1337019),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Warp gate', 1337020),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Librarian', 1337021),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Reading nook chest', 1337022),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Storage room chest 1', 1337023, logic.has_keycard_D),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Storage room chest 2', 1337024, logic.has_keycard_D),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Storage room chest 3', 1337025, logic.has_keycard_D),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room chest 5', 1337026),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room chest 4', 1337027),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room chest 3', 1337028),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room chest 2', 1337029),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room chest 1', 1337030),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Elevator Key not required', 1337031),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Ye olde Timespinner', 1337032),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Bottom floor', 1337033, logic.has_keycard_C),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Air vents secret', 1337034, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Elevator chest', 1337035, lambda state: state.has('Elevator Keycard', player)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (upper)', 'Varndagroth Towers: Bridge', 1337036),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (elevator)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Elevator chest', 1337037),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (upper)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Elevator card chest', 1337038, lambda state: state.has('Elevator Keycard', player) or logic.has_doublejump(state)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (upper)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Air vents right chest', 1337039, lambda state: state.has('Elevator Keycard', player) or logic.has_doublejump(state)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (upper)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Air vents left chest', 1337040, lambda state: state.has('Elevator Keycard', player) or logic.has_doublejump(state)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (lower)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Bottom floor', 1337041),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (elevator)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Varndagroth', 1337042, logic.has_keycard_C),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (elevator)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Spider Hell', 1337043, logic.has_keycard_A),
LocationData('Skeleton Shaft', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Skeleton', 1337044),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Shroom jump room', 1337045, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Double shroom room', 1337046),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Mini jackpot room', 1337047, logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Below mini jackpot room', 1337048),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Secret room', 1337049, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Bottom left room', 1337050),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Last chance before Xarion', 1337051, logic.has_doublejump),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Xarion)', 'Sealed Caves (Xarion): Xarion', 1337052, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_xarion else True),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Sirens)', 'Sealed Caves (Sirens): Water hook', 1337053, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Sirens)', 'Sealed Caves (Sirens): Siren room underwater right', 1337054, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Sirens)', 'Sealed Caves (Sirens): Siren room underwater left', 1337055, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Sirens)', 'Sealed Caves (Sirens): Cave after sirens chest 1', 1337056),
LocationData('Sealed Caves (Sirens)', 'Sealed Caves (Sirens): Cave after sirens chest 2', 1337057),
LocationData('Military Fortress', 'Military Fortress: Bomber chest', 1337058, lambda state: state.has('Timespinner Wheel', player) and logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state)),
LocationData('Military Fortress', 'Military Fortress: Close combat room', 1337059),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: Soldiers bridge', 1337060),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: Giantess room', 1337061),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: Giantess bridge', 1337062),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: B door chest 2', 1337063, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) and logic.has_keycard_B(state)),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: B door chest 1', 1337064, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) and logic.has_keycard_B(state)),
LocationData('Military Fortress (hangar)', 'Military Fortress: Pedestal', 1337065, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) or logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state)),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Coffee break', 1337066),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Lower trash right', 1337067, logic.has_doublejump),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Lower trash left', 1337068, logic.has_upwarddash),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Below lab entrance', 1337069, logic.has_doublejump),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Trash jump room', 1337070),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Dynamo Works', 1337071),
LocationData('The lab (upper)', 'Lab: Genza (Blob Mom)', 1337072),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Experiment #13', 1337073),
LocationData('The lab (upper)', 'Lab: Download and chest room chest', 1337074),
LocationData('The lab (upper)', 'Lab: Lab secret', 1337075, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Spider Hell', 1337076, logic.has_keycard_A),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Courtyard bottom chest', 1337077),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Courtyard floor secret', 1337078, lambda state: logic.has_upwarddash(state) and logic.can_break_walls(state)),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Courtyard upper chest', 1337079, lambda state: logic.has_upwarddash(state)),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Galactic sage room', 1337080),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Bottom right tower', 1337081),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Wayyyy up there', 1337082, logic.has_doublejump_of_npc),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Left tower balcony', 1337083),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Emperor\'s Chambers chest', 1337084),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Emperor\'s Chambers pedestal', 1337085),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Killed Emperor', EventId),
# Past item locations
LocationData('Refugee Camp', 'Refugee Camp: Neliste\'s Bra', 1337086),
LocationData('Refugee Camp', 'Refugee Camp: Storage chest 3', 1337087),
LocationData('Refugee Camp', 'Refugee Camp: Storage chest 2', 1337088),
LocationData('Refugee Camp', 'Refugee Camp: Storage chest 1', 1337089),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Refugee camp roof', 1337090),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Bat jump ledge', 1337091, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) or logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or logic.has_fastjump_on_npc(state)),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Green platform secret', 1337092, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Rats guarded chest', 1337093),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Waterfall chest 1', 1337094, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Waterfall chest 2', 1337095, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Batcave', 1337096),
LocationData('Forest', 'Castle Ramparts: In the moat', 1337097, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_moat else True),
LocationData('Left Side forest Caves', 'Forest: Before Serene single bat cave', 1337098),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Upper): Rat nest', 1337099),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Upper): Double jump cave platform', 1337100, logic.has_doublejump),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Upper): Double jump cave floor', 1337101),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Upper): Cave secret', 1337102, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene: Before Big Bird', 1337175),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene: Behind the vines', 1337103),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene: Pyramid keys room', 1337104),
LocationData('Upper Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Upper): Chicken ledge', 1337174),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Deep dive', 1337105),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Under the eels', 1337106),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Water spikes room', 1337107),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Underwater secret', 1337108, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): T chest', 1337109, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) if flooded.dry_lake_serene else True),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Past the eels', 1337110),
LocationData('Lower Lake Serene', 'Lake Serene (Lower): Underwater pedestal', 1337111, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) if flooded.dry_lake_serene else True),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Shroom jump room', 1337112, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) if not flooded.flood_maw else True),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Secret room', 1337113, lambda state: logic.can_break_walls(state) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Bottom left room', 1337114, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Single shroom room', 1337115),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Jackpot room chest 1', 1337116, lambda state: logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or flooded.flood_maw),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Jackpot room chest 2', 1337117, lambda state: logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or flooded.flood_maw),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Jackpot room chest 3', 1337118, lambda state: logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or flooded.flood_maw),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Jackpot room chest 4', 1337119, lambda state: logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or flooded.flood_maw),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (upper)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Pedestal', 1337120, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Maw)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Last chance before Maw', 1337121, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else logic.has_doublejump(state)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Maw)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Plasma Crystal', 1337173, lambda state: state.has_any({'Gas Mask', 'Talaria Attachment'}, player) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Maw)', 'Killed Maw', EventId, lambda state: state.has('Gas Mask', player) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Maw)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Mineshaft', 1337122, lambda state: state.has_any({'Gas Mask', 'Talaria Attachment'}, player) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Wyvern room', 1337123),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Siren room above water chest', 1337124),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Siren room underwater left chest', 1337125, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Siren room underwater right chest', 1337126, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Siren room underwater right ground', 1337172, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Sirens)', 'Caves of Banishment (Sirens): Water hook', 1337127, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player)),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Bomber chest', 1337128, logic.has_multiple_small_jumps_of_npc),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Freeze the engineer', 1337129, lambda state: state.has('Talaria Attachment', player) or logic.has_timestop(state)),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Giantess guarded room', 1337130),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Knight and archer guarded room', 1337131),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Pedestal', 1337132),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Secret pedestal', 1337133, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Clean the castle basement', 1337134),
LocationData('Royal towers (lower)', 'Castle Keep: Yas queen room', 1337135, logic.has_pink),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Giantess guarded chest', 1337136),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Omelette chest', 1337137),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Just an egg', 1337138),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Castle Keep: Under the twins', 1337139),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Killed Twins', EventId, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Castle Keep: Advisor jump', 1337171, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Castle Keep: Twins', 1337140, logic.has_timestop),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Castle Keep: Royal guard tiny room', 1337141, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) or logic.has_fastjump_on_npc(state)),
LocationData('Royal towers (lower)', 'Royal Towers: Floor secret', 1337142, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump(state) and logic.can_break_walls(state)),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Pre-climb gap', 1337143),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Long balcony', 1337144, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_courtyard else True),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Past bottom struggle juggle', 1337145, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) if not flooded.flood_courtyard else True),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Bottom struggle juggle', 1337146, logic.has_doublejump_of_npc),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Top struggle juggle', 1337147, logic.has_doublejump_of_npc),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: No struggle required', 1337148, logic.has_doublejump_of_npc),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Right tower freebie', 1337149),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Left tower small balcony', 1337150),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Left tower royal guard', 1337151),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Before Aelana', 1337152),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Killed Aelana', EventId),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Aelana\'s attic', 1337153, logic.has_upwarddash),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Aelana\'s chest', 1337154),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Aelana\'s pedestal', 1337155),
# Ancient pyramid locations
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (entrance)', 'Ancient Pyramid: Why not it\'s right there', 1337246),
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (left)', 'Ancient Pyramid: Conviction guarded room', 1337247),
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (left)', 'Ancient Pyramid: Pit secret room', 1337248, lambda state: logic.can_break_walls(state) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_pyramid_shaft else True)),
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (left)', 'Ancient Pyramid: Regret chest', 1337249, lambda state: logic.can_break_walls(state) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_pyramid_shaft else True)),
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (right)', 'Ancient Pyramid: Nightmare Door chest', 1337236, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_pyramid_back else True),
LocationData('Ancient Pyramid (right)', 'Killed Nightmare', EventId, lambda state: state.has_all({'Timespinner Wheel', 'Timespinner Spindle', 'Timespinner Gear 1', 'Timespinner Gear 2', 'Timespinner Gear 3'}, player) and (state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_pyramid_back else True))
# 1337156 - 1337170 Downloads
if not world or is_option_enabled(world, player, "DownloadableItems"):
location_table += (
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Terminal 2 (Lachiem)', 1337156, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Terminal 1 (Windaria)', 1337157, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
# 1337158 Is lost in time
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Terminal 3 (Emporer Nuvius)', 1337159, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: V terminal 1 (War of the Sisters)', 1337160, lambda state: state.has_all({'Tablet', 'Library Keycard V'}, player)),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: V terminal 2 (Lake Desolation Map)', 1337161, lambda state: state.has_all({'Tablet', 'Library Keycard V'}, player)),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: V terminal 3 (Vilete)', 1337162, lambda state: state.has_all({'Tablet', 'Library Keycard V'}, player)),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Backer room terminal (Vandagray Metropolis Map)', 1337163, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (elevator)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Medbay terminal (Bleakness Research)', 1337164, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player) and logic.has_keycard_B(state)),
LocationData('The lab (upper)', 'Lab: Download and chest room terminal (Experiment #13)', 1337165, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Middle terminal (Amadeus Laboratory Map)', 1337166, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Sentry platform terminal (Origins)', 1337167, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Experiment 13 terminal (W.R.E.C Farewell)', 1337168, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Left terminal (Biotechnology)', 1337169, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player)),
LocationData('The lab (power off)', 'Lab: Right terminal (Experiment #11)', 1337170, lambda state: state.has('Tablet', player))
# 1337176 - 1337176 Cantoran
if not world or is_option_enabled(world, player, "Cantoran"):
location_table += (
LocationData('Left Side forest Caves', 'Lake Serene: Cantoran', 1337176),
# 1337177 - 1337198 Lore Checks
if not world or is_option_enabled(world, player, "LoreChecks"):
location_table += (
LocationData('Lower lake desolation', 'Lake Desolation: Memory - Coyote Jump (Time Messenger)', 1337177),
LocationData('Library', 'Library: Memory - Waterway (A Message)', 1337178),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Memory - Library Gap (Lachiemi Sun)', 1337179),
LocationData('Library top', 'Library: Memory - Mr. Hat Portrait (Moonlit Night)', 1337180),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower left', 'Varndagroth Towers (Left): Memory - Elevator (Nomads)', 1337181, lambda state: state.has('Elevator Keycard', player)),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (lower)', 'Varndagroth Towers: Memory - Siren Elevator (Childhood)', 1337182, logic.has_keycard_B),
LocationData('Varndagroth tower right (lower)', 'Varndagroth Towers (Right): Memory - Bottom (Faron)', 1337183),
LocationData('Military Fortress', 'Military Fortress: Memory - Bomber Climb (A Solution)', 1337184, lambda state: state.has('Timespinner Wheel', player) and logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state)),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Memory - Genza\'s Secret Stash 1 (An Old Friend)', 1337185, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('The lab', 'Lab: Memory - Genza\'s Secret Stash 2 (Twilight Dinner)', 1337186, logic.can_break_walls),
LocationData('Emperors tower', 'Emperor\'s Tower: Memory - Way Up There (Final Circle)', 1337187, logic.has_doublejump_of_npc),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Journal - Rats (Lachiem Expedition)', 1337188),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Journal - Bat Jump Ledge (Peace Treaty)', 1337189, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) or logic.has_forwarddash_doublejump(state) or logic.has_fastjump_on_npc(state)),
LocationData('Forest', 'Forest: Journal - Floating in Moat (Prime Edicts)', 1337190, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_moat else True),
LocationData('Castle Ramparts', 'Castle Ramparts: Journal - Archer + Knight (Declaration of Independence)', 1337191),
LocationData('Castle Keep', 'Castle Keep: Journal - Under the Twins (Letter of Reference)', 1337192),
LocationData('Castle Basement', 'Castle Basement: Journal - Castle Loop Giantess (Political Advice)', 1337193),
LocationData('Royal towers (lower)', 'Royal Towers: Journal - Aelana\'s Room (Diplomatic Missive)', 1337194, logic.has_pink),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Journal - Top Struggle Juggle Base (War of the Sisters)', 1337195),
LocationData('Royal towers (upper)', 'Royal Towers: Journal - Aelana Boss (Stained Letter)', 1337196),
LocationData('Royal towers', 'Royal Towers: Journal - Near Bottom Struggle Juggle (Mission Findings)', 1337197, lambda state: logic.has_doublejump_of_npc(state) if not flooded.flood_courtyard else True),
LocationData('Caves of Banishment (Maw)', 'Caves of Banishment (Maw): Journal - Lower Left Caves (Naivety)', 1337198, lambda state: state.has('Water Mask', player) if flooded.flood_maw else True)
# 1337199 - 1337236 Reserved for future use
# 1337237 - 1337245 GyreArchives
if not world or is_option_enabled(world, player, "GyreArchives"):
location_table += (
LocationData('Ravenlord\'s Lair', 'Ravenlord: Post fight (pedestal)', 1337237),
LocationData('Ifrit\'s Lair', 'Ifrit: Post fight (pedestal)', 1337238),
LocationData('Temporal Gyre', 'Temporal Gyre: Chest 1', 1337239),
LocationData('Temporal Gyre', 'Temporal Gyre: Chest 2', 1337240),
LocationData('Temporal Gyre', 'Temporal Gyre: Chest 3', 1337241),
LocationData('Ravenlord\'s Lair', 'Ravenlord: Pre fight', 1337242),
LocationData('Ravenlord\'s Lair', 'Ravenlord: Post fight (chest)', 1337243),
LocationData('Ifrit\'s Lair', 'Ifrit: Pre fight', 1337244),
LocationData('Ifrit\'s Lair', 'Ifrit: Post fight (chest)', 1337245),
return tuple(location_table)