
573 lines
20 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict
from Options import Range, SpecialRange, Toggle, Choice, OptionSet, PerGameCommonOptions, DeathLink, Option
from .mods.mod_data import ModNames
class Goal(Choice):
"""What's your goal with this play-through?
Community Center: Complete the Community Center.
Grandpa's Evaluation: Succeed grandpa's evaluation with 4 lit candles.
Bottom of the Mines: Reach level 120 in the mineshaft.
Cryptic Note: Complete the quest "Cryptic Note" where Mr Qi asks you to reach floor 100 in the Skull Cavern.
Master Angler: Catch every fish in the game. Pairs well with Fishsanity.
Complete Collection: Complete the museum by donating every possible item. Pairs well with Museumsanity.
Full House: Get married and have two children. Pairs well with Friendsanity.
Greatest Walnut Hunter: Find all 130 Golden Walnuts
Perfection: Attain Perfection, based on the vanilla definition.
internal_name = "goal"
display_name = "Goal"
default = 0
option_community_center = 0
option_grandpa_evaluation = 1
option_bottom_of_the_mines = 2
option_cryptic_note = 3
option_master_angler = 4
option_complete_collection = 5
option_full_house = 6
option_greatest_walnut_hunter = 7
# option_junimo_kart =
# option_prairie_king =
# option_fector_challenge =
# option_craft_master =
# option_mystery_of_the_stardrops =
# option_protector_of_the_valley =
# option_full_shipment =
# option_legend =
# option_beloved_farmer =
# option_master_of_the_five_ways =
option_perfection = 25
def get_option_name(cls, value) -> str:
if value == cls.option_grandpa_evaluation:
return "Grandpa's Evaluation"
return super().get_option_name(value)
class StartingMoney(SpecialRange):
"""Amount of gold when arriving at the farm.
Set to -1 or unlimited for infinite money"""
internal_name = "starting_money"
display_name = "Starting Gold"
range_start = -1
range_end = 50000
default = 5000
special_range_names = {
"unlimited": -1,
"vanilla": 500,
"extra": 2000,
"rich": 5000,
"very rich": 20000,
"filthy rich": 50000,
class ProfitMargin(SpecialRange):
"""Multiplier over all gold earned in-game by the player."""
internal_name = "profit_margin"
display_name = "Profit Margin"
range_start = 25
range_end = 400
# step = 25
default = 100
special_range_names = {
"quarter": 25,
"half": 50,
"normal": 100,
"double": 200,
"triple": 300,
"quadruple": 400,
class BundleRandomization(Choice):
"""What items are needed for the community center bundles?
Vanilla: Standard bundles from the vanilla game
Thematic: Every bundle will require random items compatible with their original theme
Shuffled: Every bundle will require random items and follow no particular structure"""
internal_name = "bundle_randomization"
display_name = "Bundle Randomization"
default = 1
option_vanilla = 0
option_thematic = 1
option_shuffled = 2
class BundlePrice(Choice):
"""How many items are needed for the community center bundles?
Very Cheap: Every bundle will require 2 items fewer than usual
Cheap: Every bundle will require 1 item fewer than usual
Normal: Every bundle will require the vanilla number of items
Expensive: Every bundle will require 1 extra item when applicable"""
internal_name = "bundle_price"
display_name = "Bundle Price"
default = 2
option_very_cheap = 0
option_cheap = 1
option_normal = 2
option_expensive = 3
class EntranceRandomization(Choice):
"""Should area entrances be randomized?
Disabled: No entrance randomization is done
Pelican Town: Only doors in the main town area are randomized with each other
Non Progression: Only entrances that are always available are randomized with each other
Buildings: All Entrances that Allow you to enter a building are randomized with each other
Chaos: Same as "Buildings", but the entrances get reshuffled every single day!
# Everything: All buildings and areas are randomized with each other
# Chaos, same as everything: but the buildings are shuffled again every in-game day. You can't learn it!
# Buildings One-way: Entrance pairs are disconnected, they aren't two-way!
# Everything One-way: Entrance pairs are disconnected, and every entrance is in the shuffle
# Chaos One-way: Entrance pairs are disconnected, and they change every day!
internal_name = "entrance_randomization"
display_name = "Entrance Randomization"
default = 0
option_disabled = 0
option_pelican_town = 1
option_non_progression = 2
option_buildings = 3
# option_everything = 4
option_chaos = 5
# option_buildings_one_way = 6
# option_everything_one_way = 7
# option_chaos_one_way = 8
class SeasonRandomization(Choice):
"""Should seasons be randomized?
Disabled: Start in Spring with all seasons unlocked.
Randomized: Start in a random season and the other 3 must be unlocked randomly.
Randomized Not Winter: Same as randomized, but the start season is guaranteed not to be winter.
Progressive: Start in Spring and unlock the seasons in their original order.
internal_name = "season_randomization"
display_name = "Season Randomization"
default = 1
option_disabled = 0
option_randomized = 1
option_randomized_not_winter = 2
option_progressive = 3
class Cropsanity(Choice):
"""Formerly named "Seed Shuffle"
Pierre now sells a random amount of seasonal seeds and Joja sells them without season requirements, but only in huge packs.
Disabled: All the seeds are unlocked from the start, there are no location checks for growing and harvesting crops
Shuffled: Seeds are unlocked as archipelago items, for each seed there is a location check for growing and harvesting that crop
internal_name = "cropsanity"
display_name = "Cropsanity"
default = 1
option_disabled = 0
option_enabled = 1
alias_shuffled = option_enabled
class BackpackProgression(Choice):
"""Shuffle the backpack?
Vanilla: You can buy backpacks at Pierre's General Store.
Progressive: You will randomly find Progressive Backpack upgrades.
Early Progressive: Same as progressive, but one backpack will be placed early in the multiworld.
internal_name = "backpack_progression"
display_name = "Backpack Progression"
default = 2
option_vanilla = 0
option_progressive = 1
option_early_progressive = 2
class ToolProgression(Choice):
"""Shuffle the tool upgrades?
Vanilla: Clint will upgrade your tools with metal bars.
Progressive: You will randomly find Progressive Tool upgrades."""
internal_name = "tool_progression"
display_name = "Tool Progression"
default = 1
option_vanilla = 0
option_progressive = 1
class ElevatorProgression(Choice):
"""Shuffle the elevator?
Vanilla: Reaching a mineshaft floor unlocks the elevator for it
Progressive: You will randomly find Progressive Mine Elevators to go deeper.
Progressive from previous floor: Same as progressive, but you cannot use the elevator to check elevator locations.
You must reach elevator floors on your own."""
internal_name = "elevator_progression"
display_name = "Elevator Progression"
default = 2
option_vanilla = 0
option_progressive = 1
option_progressive_from_previous_floor = 2
class SkillProgression(Choice):
"""Shuffle skill levels?
Vanilla: Leveling up skills is normal
Progressive: Skill levels are unlocked randomly, and earning xp sends checks"""
internal_name = "skill_progression"
display_name = "Skill Progression"
default = 1
option_vanilla = 0
option_progressive = 1
class BuildingProgression(Choice):
"""Shuffle Carpenter Buildings?
Vanilla: You can buy each building normally.
Progressive: You will receive the buildings and will be able to build the first one of each type for free,
once it is received. If you want more of the same building, it will cost the vanilla price.
Progressive early shipping bin: Same as Progressive, but the shipping bin will be placed early in the multiworld.
internal_name = "building_progression"
display_name = "Building Progression"
default = 2
option_vanilla = 0
option_progressive = 1
option_progressive_early_shipping_bin = 2
class FestivalLocations(Choice):
"""Shuffle Festival Activities?
Disabled: You do not need to attend festivals
Easy: Every festival has checks, but they are easy and usually only require attendance
Hard: Festivals have more checks, and many require performing well, not just attending
internal_name = "festival_locations"
display_name = "Festival Locations"
default = 1
option_disabled = 0
option_easy = 1
option_hard = 2
class ArcadeMachineLocations(Choice):
"""Shuffle the arcade machines?
Disabled: The arcade machines are not included.
Victories: Each Arcade Machine will contain one check on victory
Victories Easy: Same as Victories, but both games are made considerably easier.
Full Shuffling: The arcade machines will contain multiple checks each, and different buffs that make the game
easier are in the item pool. Junimo Kart has one check at the end of each level.
Journey of the Prairie King has one check after each boss, plus one check for each vendor equipment.
internal_name = "arcade_machine_locations"
display_name = "Arcade Machine Locations"
default = 3
option_disabled = 0
option_victories = 1
option_victories_easy = 2
option_full_shuffling = 3
class SpecialOrderLocations(Choice):
"""Shuffle Special Orders?
Disabled: The special orders are not included in the Archipelago shuffling.
Board Only: The Special Orders on the board in town are location checks
Board and Qi: The Special Orders from Mr Qi's walnut room are checks, in addition to the board in town
internal_name = "special_order_locations"
display_name = "Special Order Locations"
default = 1
option_disabled = 0
option_board_only = 1
option_board_qi = 2
class HelpWantedLocations(SpecialRange):
"""Include location checks for Help Wanted quests
Out of every 7 quests, 4 will be item deliveries, and then 1 of each for: Fishing, Gathering and Slaying Monsters.
Choosing a multiple of 7 is recommended."""
internal_name = "help_wanted_locations"
default = 7
range_start = 0
range_end = 56
# step = 7
display_name = "Number of Help Wanted locations"
special_range_names = {
"none": 0,
"minimum": 7,
"normal": 14,
"lots": 28,
"maximum": 56,
class Fishsanity(Choice):
"""Locations for catching a fish the first time?
None: There are no locations for catching fish
Legendaries: Each of the 5 legendary fish are checks
Special: A curated selection of strong fish are checks
Randomized: A random selection of fish are checks
All: Every single fish in the game is a location that contains an item. Pairs well with the Master Angler Goal
Exclude Legendaries: Every fish except legendaries
Exclude Hard Fish: Every fish under difficulty 80
Only Easy Fish: Every fish under difficulty 50
internal_name = "fishsanity"
display_name = "Fishsanity"
default = 0
option_none = 0
option_legendaries = 1
option_special = 2
option_randomized = 3
alias_random_selection = option_randomized
option_all = 4
option_exclude_legendaries = 5
option_exclude_hard_fish = 6
option_only_easy_fish = 7
class Museumsanity(Choice):
"""Locations for museum donations?
None: There are no locations for donating artifacts and minerals to the museum
Milestones: The donation milestones from the vanilla game are checks
Randomized: A random selection of minerals and artifacts are checks
All: Every single donation is a check
internal_name = "museumsanity"
display_name = "Museumsanity"
default = 1
option_none = 0
option_milestones = 1
option_randomized = 2
option_all = 3
class Friendsanity(Choice):
"""Shuffle Friendships?
None: Friendship hearts are earned normally
Bachelors: Hearts with bachelors are shuffled
Starting NPCs: Hearts for NPCs available immediately are checks
All: Hearts for all npcs are checks, including Leo, Kent, Sandy, etc
All With Marriage: Hearts for all npcs are checks, including romance hearts up to 14 when applicable
internal_name = "friendsanity"
display_name = "Friendsanity"
default = 0
option_none = 0
# option_marry_one_person = 1
option_bachelors = 2
option_starting_npcs = 3
option_all = 4
option_all_with_marriage = 5
# Conditional Setting - Friendsanity not None
class FriendsanityHeartSize(Range):
"""If using friendsanity, how many hearts are received per heart item, and how many hearts must be earned to send a check
A higher value will lead to fewer heart items in the item pool, reducing bloat"""
internal_name = "friendsanity_heart_size"
display_name = "Friendsanity Heart Size"
range_start = 1
range_end = 8
default = 4
# step = 1
class NumberOfMovementBuffs(Range):
"""Number of movement speed buffs to the player that exist as items in the pool.
Each movement speed buff is a +25% multiplier that stacks additively"""
internal_name = "movement_buff_number"
display_name = "Number of Movement Buffs"
range_start = 0
range_end = 12
default = 4
# step = 1
class NumberOfLuckBuffs(Range):
"""Number of luck buffs to the player that exist as items in the pool.
Each luck buff is a bonus to daily luck of 0.025"""
internal_name = "luck_buff_number"
display_name = "Number of Luck Buffs"
range_start = 0
range_end = 12
default = 4
# step = 1
class ExcludeGingerIsland(Toggle):
"""Exclude Ginger Island?
This option will forcefully exclude everything related to Ginger Island from the slot.
If you pick a goal that requires Ginger Island, you cannot exclude it and it will get included anyway"""
internal_name = "exclude_ginger_island"
display_name = "Exclude Ginger Island"
default = 0
class TrapItems(Choice):
"""When rolling filler items, including resource packs, the game can also roll trap items.
Trap items are negative items that cause problems or annoyances for the player
This setting is for choosing if traps will be in the item pool, and if so, how punishing they will be.
internal_name = "trap_items"
display_name = "Trap Items"
default = 2
option_no_traps = 0
option_easy = 1
option_medium = 2
option_hard = 3
option_hell = 4
option_nightmare = 5
class MultipleDaySleepEnabled(Toggle):
"""Enable the ability to sleep automatically for multiple days straight?"""
internal_name = "multiple_day_sleep_enabled"
display_name = "Multiple Day Sleep Enabled"
default = 1
class MultipleDaySleepCost(SpecialRange):
"""How much gold it will cost to use MultiSleep. You will have to pay that amount for each day skipped."""
internal_name = "multiple_day_sleep_cost"
display_name = "Multiple Day Sleep Cost"
range_start = 0
range_end = 200
# step = 25
special_range_names = {
"free": 0,
"cheap": 10,
"medium": 25,
"expensive": 50,
"very expensive": 100,
class ExperienceMultiplier(SpecialRange):
"""How fast you want to earn skill experience.
A lower setting mean less experience.
A higher setting means more experience."""
internal_name = "experience_multiplier"
display_name = "Experience Multiplier"
range_start = 25
range_end = 800
# step = 25
default = 200
special_range_names = {
"half": 50,
"vanilla": 100,
"double": 200,
"triple": 300,
"quadruple": 400,
class FriendshipMultiplier(SpecialRange):
"""How fast you want to earn friendship points with villagers.
A lower setting mean less friendship per action.
A higher setting means more friendship per action."""
internal_name = "friendship_multiplier"
display_name = "Friendship Multiplier"
range_start = 25
range_end = 800
# step = 25
default = 200
special_range_names = {
"half": 50,
"vanilla": 100,
"double": 200,
"triple": 300,
"quadruple": 400,
class DebrisMultiplier(Choice):
"""How much debris will spawn on the player's farm?
Vanilla: debris spawns normally
Half: debris will spawn at half the normal rate
Quarter: debris will spawn at one quarter of the normal rate
None: No debris will spawn on the farm, ever
Start Clear: debris will spawn at the normal rate, but the farm will be completely clear when starting the game
internal_name = "debris_multiplier"
display_name = "Debris Multiplier"
default = 1
option_vanilla = 0
option_half = 1
option_quarter = 2
option_none = 3
option_start_clear = 4
class QuickStart(Toggle):
"""Do you want the quick start package? You will get a few items to help early game automation,
so you can use the multiple day sleep at its maximum."""
internal_name = "quick_start"
display_name = "Quick Start"
default = 1
class Gifting(Toggle):
"""Do you want to enable gifting items to and from other Archipelago slots?
Items can only be sent to games that also support gifting"""
internal_name = "gifting"
display_name = "Gifting"
default = 1
class Mods(OptionSet):
"""List of mods that will be included in the shuffling."""
internal_name = "mods"
display_name = "Mods"
valid_keys = {
ModNames.deepwoods, ModNames.tractor, ModNames.big_backpack,
ModNames.luck_skill, ModNames.magic, ModNames.socializing_skill, ModNames.archaeology,
ModNames.cooking_skill, ModNames.binning_skill, ModNames.juna,
ModNames.jasper, ModNames.alec, ModNames.yoba, ModNames.eugene,
ModNames.wellwick, ModNames.ginger, ModNames.shiko, ModNames.delores,
ModNames.ayeisha, ModNames.riley, ModNames.skull_cavern_elevator
class StardewValleyOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
goal: Goal
starting_money: StartingMoney
profit_margin: ProfitMargin
bundle_randomization: BundleRandomization
bundle_price: BundlePrice
entrance_randomization: EntranceRandomization
season_randomization: SeasonRandomization
cropsanity: Cropsanity
backpack_progression: BackpackProgression
tool_progression: ToolProgression
skill_progression: SkillProgression
building_progression: BuildingProgression
festival_locations: FestivalLocations
elevator_progression: ElevatorProgression
arcade_machine_locations: ArcadeMachineLocations
special_order_locations: SpecialOrderLocations
help_wanted_locations: HelpWantedLocations
fishsanity: Fishsanity
museumsanity: Museumsanity
friendsanity: Friendsanity
friendsanity_heart_size: FriendsanityHeartSize
movement_buff_number: NumberOfMovementBuffs
luck_buff_number: NumberOfLuckBuffs
exclude_ginger_island: ExcludeGingerIsland
trap_items: TrapItems
multiple_day_sleep_enabled: MultipleDaySleepEnabled
multiple_day_sleep_cost: MultipleDaySleepCost
experience_multiplier: ExperienceMultiplier
friendship_multiplier: FriendshipMultiplier
debris_multiplier: DebrisMultiplier
quick_start: QuickStart
gifting: Gifting
mods: Mods
death_link: DeathLink