
160 lines
5.7 KiB

import http.server
import logging
import json
import typing
import socket
import socketserver
import threading
import webbrowser
import asyncio
from functools import partial
from NetUtils import Node
from LttPClient import Context
import Utils
class WebUiClient(Node, logging.Handler):
loader = staticmethod(json.loads)
dumper = staticmethod(json.dumps)
def __init__(self):
super(WebUiClient, self).__init__()
self.manual_snes = None
def build_message(msg_type: str, content: typing.Union[str, dict]) -> dict:
return {'type': msg_type, 'content': content}
def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None:
self.broadcast_all({"type": record.levelname.lower(), "content": str(record.msg)})
def send_chat_message(self, message):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('chat', message))
def send_connection_status(self, ctx: Context):
async def _send_connection_status(self, ctx: Context):
cache = Utils.persistent_load()
cached_address = cache.get("servers", {}).get("default", None)
server_address = ctx.server_address if ctx.server_address else cached_address if cached_address else None
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('connections', {
'snesDevice': ctx.snes_attached_device[1] if ctx.snes_attached_device else None,
'snes': ctx.snes_state,
'serverAddress': server_address,
'server': 1 if ctx.server is not None and not ctx.server.socket.closed else 0,
def send_device_list(self, devices):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('availableDevices', {
'devices': devices,
def poll_for_server_ip(self):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('serverAddress', {}))
def notify_item_sent(self, finder, recipient, item, location, i_am_finder: bool, i_am_recipient: bool,
item_is_unique: bool = False):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('itemSent', {
'finder': finder,
'recipient': recipient,
'item': item,
'location': location,
'iAmFinder': int(i_am_finder),
'iAmRecipient': int(i_am_recipient),
'itemIsUnique': int(item_is_unique),
def notify_item_found(self, finder: str, item: str, location: str, i_am_finder: bool, item_is_unique: bool = False):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('itemFound', {
'finder': finder,
'item': item,
'location': location,
'iAmFinder': int(i_am_finder),
'itemIsUnique': int(item_is_unique),
def notify_item_received(self, finder: str, item: str, location: str, item_index: int, queue_length: int,
item_is_unique: bool = False):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('itemReceived', {
'finder': finder,
'item': item,
'location': location,
'itemIndex': item_index,
'queueLength': queue_length,
'itemIsUnique': int(item_is_unique),
def send_hint(self, finder, recipient, item, location, found, i_am_finder: bool, i_am_recipient: bool,
entrance_location: str = None):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('hint', {
'finder': finder,
'recipient': recipient,
'item': item,
'location': location,
'found': int(found),
'iAmFinder': int(i_am_finder),
'iAmRecipient': int(i_am_recipient),
'entranceLocation': entrance_location,
def send_game_info(self, ctx: Context):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('gameInfo', {
'clientVersion': Utils.__version__,
'hintCost': ctx.hint_cost,
'checkPoints': ctx.check_points,
'forfeitMode': ctx.forfeit_mode,
'remainingMode': ctx.remaining_mode,
def send_location_check(self, ctx: Context, last_check: str):
self.broadcast_all(self.build_message('locationCheck', {
'totalChecks': len(ctx.locations_checked),
'hintPoints': ctx.hint_points,
'lastCheck': last_check,
web_thread = None
PORT = 5050
class RequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
def log_message(self, format, *args):
def log_date_time_string(self):
Handler = partial(RequestHandler,
directory=Utils.local_path("data", "web", "public"))
def start_server(socket_port: int, on_start=lambda: None):
global web_thread
server = socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)
except OSError:
# In most cases "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"
import logging
# If the exception is caused by our desired port being unavailable, assume the web server is already running
# from another client instance
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
if sock.connect_ex(('localhost', PORT)) == 0:"Web server is already running in another client window.")'http://localhost:{PORT}?port={socket_port}')
# If the exception is caused by something else, report on it
logging.exception("Unable to bind port for local web server. The CLI client should work in all cases.")
print("serving at port", PORT)
web_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever).start()