
58 lines
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import unittest
from ..MuseDashCollection import MuseDashCollections
class CollectionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_all_names_are_ascii(self) -> None:
bad_names = list()
collection = MuseDashCollections()
for name in collection.song_items.keys():
for c in name:
# This is taken directly from OoT. Represents the generally excepted characters.
if (0x20 <= ord(c) < 0x7e):
self.assertEqual(len(bad_names), 0, f"Muse Dash has {len(bad_names)} songs with non-ASCII characters.\n{bad_names}")
def test_ids_dont_change(self) -> None:
collection = MuseDashCollections()
itemsBefore = {name: code for name, code in collection.item_names_to_id.items()}
locationsBefore = {name: code for name, code in collection.location_names_to_id.items()}
itemsAfter = {name: code for name, code in collection.item_names_to_id.items()}
locationsAfter = {name: code for name, code in collection.location_names_to_id.items()}
self.assertDictEqual(itemsBefore, itemsAfter, "Item ID changed after secondary init.")
self.assertDictEqual(locationsBefore, locationsAfter, "Location ID changed after secondary init.")
def test_free_dlc_included_in_base_songs(self) -> None:
collection = MuseDashCollections()
songs = collection.get_songs_with_settings(set(), False, 0, 12)
self.assertIn("Glimmer", songs, "Budget Is Burning Vol.1 is not being included in base songs")
self.assertIn("Out of Sense", songs, "Budget Is Burning: Nano Core is not being included in base songs")
def test_dlcs(self) -> None:
collection = MuseDashCollections()
free_song_count = len(collection.get_songs_with_settings(set(), False, 0, 12))
known_mp_song = "The Happycore Idol"
for dlc in collection.DLC:
songs_with_dlc = collection.get_songs_with_settings({dlc}, False, 0, 12)
self.assertGreater(len(songs_with_dlc), free_song_count, f"DLC {dlc} did not include extra songs.")
if dlc == collection.MUSE_PLUS_DLC:
self.assertIn(known_mp_song, songs_with_dlc, f"Muse Plus missing muse plus song.")
self.assertNotIn(known_mp_song, songs_with_dlc, f"DLC {dlc} includes Muse Plus songs.")
def test_remove_songs_are_not_generated(self) -> None:
collection = MuseDashCollections()
songs = collection.get_songs_with_settings({x for x in collection.DLC}, False, 0, 12)
for song_name in collection.REMOVED_SONGS:
self.assertNotIn(song_name, songs, f"Song '{song_name}' wasn't removed correctly.")