1037 lines
32 KiB
1037 lines
32 KiB
from ..backgroundEditor import BackgroundEditor
from ..roomEditor import RoomEditor, ObjectWarp
from ..assembler import ASM
from ..locations.constants import *
from ..utils import formatText
# Few unused rooms that we can use the room status variables for to store data.
UNUSED_ROOMS = [0x15D, 0x17E, 0x17F, 0x1AD]
next_bit_flag_index = 0
def getUnusedBitFlag():
global next_bit_flag_index
addr = UNUSED_ROOMS[next_bit_flag_index // 8] + 0xD800
bit_nr = next_bit_flag_index & 0x07
mask = 1 << bit_nr
next_bit_flag_index += 1
check_code = checkMemoryMask("$%04x" % (addr), "$%02x" % (mask))
set_code = "ld hl, $%04x\nset %d, [hl]" % (addr, bit_nr)
return check_code, set_code
class Goal:
def __init__(self, description, code, tile_info, *, kill_code=None, group=None, extra_patches=None):
self.description = description
self.code = code
self.tile_info = tile_info
self.kill_code = kill_code
self.group = group
self.extra_patches = extra_patches or []
class TileInfo:
def __init__(self, index1, index2=None, index3=None, index4=None, *, shift4=False, colormap=None, flipH=False):
self.index1 = index1
self.index2 = index2 if index2 is not None else self.index1 + 1
self.index3 = index3
self.index4 = index4
if self.index3 is None:
self.index3 = self.index1 if flipH else self.index1 + 2
if self.index4 is None:
self.index4 = self.index2 if flipH else self.index1 + 3
self.shift4 = shift4
self.colormap = colormap
self.flipH = flipH
def getTile(self, rom, idx):
return rom.banks[0x2C + idx // 0x400][(idx % 0x400) * 0x10:((idx % 0x400) + 1) * 0x10]
def get(self, rom):
data = self.getTile(rom, self.index1) + self.getTile(rom, self.index2) + self.getTile(rom,
self.index3) + self.getTile(
rom, self.index4)
if self.shift4:
a = []
b = []
for c in data[0:32]:
a.append(c >> 4)
b.append((c << 4) & 0xFF)
data = bytes(a + b)
if self.flipH:
a = []
for c in data[32:64]:
d = 0
for bit in range(8):
if c & (1 << bit):
d |= 0x80 >> bit
data = data[0:32] + bytes(a)
if self.colormap:
d = []
for n in range(0, 64, 2):
a = data[n]
b = data[n + 1]
for bit in range(8):
col = 0
if a & (1 << bit):
col |= 1
if b & (1 << bit):
col |= 2
col = self.colormap[col]
a &= ~(1 << bit)
b &= ~(1 << bit)
if col & 1:
a |= 1 << bit
if col & 2:
b |= 1 << bit
data = bytes(d)
return data
BOMB: TileInfo(0x80, shift4=True),
POWER_BRACELET: TileInfo(0x82, shift4=True),
SWORD: TileInfo(0x84, shift4=True),
SHIELD: TileInfo(0x86, shift4=True),
BOW: TileInfo(0x88, shift4=True),
HOOKSHOT: TileInfo(0x8A, shift4=True),
MAGIC_ROD: TileInfo(0x8C, shift4=True),
MAGIC_POWDER: TileInfo(0x8E, shift4=True),
OCARINA: TileInfo(0x4E90, shift4=True),
FEATHER: TileInfo(0x4E92, shift4=True),
FLIPPERS: TileInfo(0x94, shift4=True),
SHOVEL: TileInfo(0x96, shift4=True),
PEGASUS_BOOTS: TileInfo(0x98, shift4=True),
SEASHELL: TileInfo(0x9E, shift4=True),
MEDICINE: TileInfo(0xA0, shift4=True),
BOOMERANG: TileInfo(0xA4, shift4=True),
TOADSTOOL: TileInfo(0x28C, shift4=True),
GOLD_LEAF: TileInfo(0xCA, shift4=True),
def checkMemoryEqualCode(location, value):
return """
ld a, [%s]
cp %s
""" % (location, value)
def checkMemoryNotZero(*locations):
if len(locations) == 1:
return """
ld a, [%s]
and a
jp flipZ
""" % (locations[0])
code = ""
for location in locations:
code += """
ld a, [%s]
and a
jp z, flipZ
""" % (location)
code += "jp flipZ"
return code
def checkMemoryMask(location, mask):
if isinstance(location, tuple):
code = ""
for loc in location:
code += """
ld a, [%s]
and %s
jp z, clearZ
""" % (loc, mask)
code += "jp setZ"
return code
return """
ld a, [%s]
and %s
jp flipZ
""" % (location, mask)
def checkForSeashellsCode(count):
return """
ld a, [wSeashellsCount]
cp $%02x
jp nc, setZ
ld a, [$DAE9]
and $10
jp flipZ
""" % (count)
def checkMemoryEqualGreater(location, count):
return """
ld a, [%s]
cp %s
jp nc, setZ
jp clearZ
""" % (location, count)
def InventoryGoal(item, *, memory_location=None, msg=None, group=None):
if memory_location is not None:
code = checkMemoryNotZero(memory_location)
elif item in INVENTORY_MAP:
code = """
ld hl, $DB00
ld e, INV_SIZE
ldi a, [hl]
cp $%s
ret z ; item found, return with zero flag set to indicate goal done.
dec e
jr nz, .checkLoop
rra ; clear z flag
""" % (INVENTORY_MAP[item])
code = """
rra ; clear z flag
if msg is None:
msg = "Find the {%s}" % (item)
return Goal(msg, code, ITEM_TILES[item], group=group)
def KillGoal(description, entity_id, tile_info):
check_code, set_code = getUnusedBitFlag()
return Goal(description, check_code, tile_info, kill_code="""
cp $%02x
jr nz, skip_%02x
jp done
""" % (entity_id, entity_id, set_code, entity_id))
def MonkeyGoal(description, tile_info):
check_code, set_code = getUnusedBitFlag()
return Goal(description, check_code, tile_info, extra_patches=[
(0x15, 0x36EC, 0x36EF, ASM("jp $7FCE")),
(0x15, 0x3FCE, "00" * 8, ASM("""
ld [hl], $FA
""" % (set_code)))
def BuzzBlobTalkGoal(description, tile_info):
check_code, set_code = getUnusedBitFlag()
return Goal(description, check_code, tile_info, extra_patches=[
(0x18, 0x37C9, ASM("call $237C"), ASM("call $7FDE")),
(0x18, 0x3FDE, "00" * 11, ASM("""
call $237C
ld [hl], $FA
""" % (set_code)))
def KillDethlGoal(description, tile_info):
check_code, set_code = getUnusedBitFlag()
return Goal(description, check_code, tile_info, extra_patches=[
(0x15, 0x0606, 0x060B, ASM(set_code)),
def FishDaPondGoal(description, tile_info):
check_code, set_code = getUnusedBitFlag()
return Goal(description, check_code, tile_info, extra_patches=[
(0x04, 0x21F7, 0x21FC, ASM(set_code)),
Goal("Find the L2 {POWER_BRACELET}", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB43", "2"), TileInfo(0x82, 0x83, 0x06, 0xB2)),
InventoryGoal(FLIPPERS, memory_location="wHasFlippers"),
InventoryGoal(MEDICINE, memory_location="wHasMedicine", msg="Have the {MEDICINE}"),
# InventoryGoal(MAGIC_POWDER),
InventoryGoal(TOADSTOOL, msg="Have the {TOADSTOOL}", group="witch"),
Goal("Find the L2 {SHIELD}", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB44", "2"), TileInfo(0x86, 0x87, 0x06, 0xB2)),
Goal("Find 10 Secret Seashells", checkForSeashellsCode(10), ITEM_TILES[SEASHELL]),
Goal("Find the L2 {SWORD}", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB4E", "2"), TileInfo(0x84, 0x85, 0x06, 0xB2)),
Goal("Find the {TAIL_KEY}", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB11"), TileInfo(0xC0, shift4=True)),
Goal("Find the {SLIME_KEY}", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB15"), TileInfo(0x28E, shift4=True)),
Goal("Find the {ANGLER_KEY}", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB12"), TileInfo(0xC2, shift4=True)),
Goal("Find the {FACE_KEY}", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB13"), TileInfo(0xC4, shift4=True)),
Goal("Find the {BIRD_KEY}", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB14"), TileInfo(0xC6, shift4=True)),
# {"description": "Marin's Cucco Killing Text"},
# {"description": "Pick up Crane Game Owner"},
BuzzBlobTalkGoal("Talk to a buzz blob", TileInfo(0x179C, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
# {"description": "Moblin King"},
Goal("Turtle Rock Entrance Boss", checkMemoryMask("$D810", "$20"),
TileInfo(0x1413, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Kill Master Stalfos", checkMemoryMask("$D980", "$10"), TileInfo(0x1622, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
# {"description": "Gohma"},
# {"description": "Grim Creeper"},
# {"description": "Blaino"},
KillDethlGoal("Kill Dethl", TileInfo(0x1B38, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
# {"description": "Rooster"},
# {"description": "Marin"},
# {"description": "Bow-wow"},
# {"description": "Return Bow-wow"},
# {"description": "8 Heart Pieces"},
# {"description": "12 Heart Pieces"},
Goal("{BOMB} upgrade", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB77", "$60"), TileInfo(0x80, 0x81, 0x06, 0xA3)),
Goal("Arrow upgrade", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB78", "$60"), TileInfo(0x88, 0x89, 0x06, 0xA3)),
Goal("{MAGIC_POWDER} upgrade", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB76", "$40"), TileInfo(0x8E, 0x8F, 0x06, 0xA3)),
# {"description": "Steal From Shop 5 Times"},
KillGoal("Kill the giant ghini", 0x11, TileInfo(0x08A6, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got the Ballad of the Wind Fish", checkMemoryMask("$DB49", "4"),
TileInfo(0x298, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got the Manbo's Mambo", checkMemoryMask("$DB49", "2"), TileInfo(0x29A, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got the Frog's Song of Soul", checkMemoryMask("$DB49", "1"),
TileInfo(0x29C, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Map and Compass in Tail Cave", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB16", "$DB17"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB1)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Bottle Grotto", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB1B", "$DB1C"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB2)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Key Cavern", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB20", "$DB21"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB3)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Angler's Tunnel", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB25", "$DB26"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB4)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Catfish's Maw", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB2A", "$DB2B"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB5)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Face Shrine", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB2F", "$DB30"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB6)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Eagle's Tower", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB34", "$DB35"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB7)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Turtle Rock", checkMemoryNotZero("$DB39", "$DB3A"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB8)),
Goal("Map and Compass in Color Dungeon", checkMemoryNotZero("$DDDA", "$DDDB"), TileInfo(0x1BD0, index4=0xB0)),
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Tail Cave"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Bottle Grotto"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Key Cavern"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Angler's Tunnel"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Catfish's Maw"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Face Shrine"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Eagle's Tower"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Turtle Rock"},
# {"description": "Talk to all Owl Statues in Color Dungeon"},
# {"description": "Defeat 2 Sets of 3-Of-A-Kind (D1, D7)"},
# {"description": "Stand 6 HorseHeads in D6"},
Goal("Find the 5 Golden Leaves", checkMemoryEqualGreater("wGoldenLeaves", "5"), ITEM_TILES[GOLD_LEAF]),
# {"description": "Defeat Mad Bomber (outside Kanalet Castle)"},
# {"description": "Totaka's Song in Richard's Villa"},
Goal("Get the Yoshi Doll", checkMemoryMask("$DAA0", "$20"), TileInfo(0x9A)),
# {"description": "Save Papahl on the mountain"},
Goal("Give the banana to Kiki", checkMemoryMask("$D87B", "$20"), TileInfo(0x1670, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Have 99 or less rupees", checkMemoryEqualCode("$DB5D", "0"), TileInfo(0xA6, 0xA7, shift4=True), group="rupees"),
Goal("Have 900 or more rupees", checkMemoryEqualGreater("$DB5D", "9"), TileInfo(0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA6, 0xA7), group="rupees"),
MonkeyGoal("Bonk the Beach Monkey", TileInfo(0x1946, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
# {"description": "Kill an enemy after transforming"},
Goal("Got the Red Tunic", checkMemoryMask("wCollectedTunics", "1"),
TileInfo(0x2400, 0x0D11, 0x2400, 0x2401, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got the Blue Tunic", checkMemoryMask("wCollectedTunics", "2"),
TileInfo(0x2400, 0x0D01, 0x2400, 0x2401, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Buy the first shop item", checkMemoryMask("$DAA1", "$10"), TileInfo(0x0880, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Buy the second shop item", checkMemoryMask("$DAA1", "$20"), TileInfo(0x0880, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT1}", checkMemoryMask("$DB65", "2"), TileInfo(0x1500, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT2}", checkMemoryMask("$DB66", "2"), TileInfo(0x1504, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT3}", checkMemoryMask("$DB67", "2"), TileInfo(0x1508, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT4}", checkMemoryMask("$DB68", "2"), TileInfo(0x150C, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT5}", checkMemoryMask("$DB69", "2"), TileInfo(0x1510, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT6}", checkMemoryMask("$DB6A", "2"), TileInfo(0x1514, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT7}", checkMemoryMask("$DB6B", "2"), TileInfo(0x1518, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Find the {INSTRUMENT8}", checkMemoryMask("$DB6C", "2"), TileInfo(0x151C, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
# {"description": "Moldorm", "group": "d1"},
# {"description": "Genie in a Bottle", "group": "d2"},
# {"description": "Slime Eyes", "group": "d3"},
# {"description": "Angler Fish", "group": "d4"},
# {"description": "Slime Eel", "group": "d5"},
# {"description": "Facade", "group": "d6"},
# {"description": "Evil Eagle", "group": "d7"},
# {"description": "Hot Head", "group": "d8"},
# {"description": "2 Followers at the same time", "group": "multifollower"},
# {"description": "3 Followers at the same time", "group": "multifollower"},
Goal("Visit the 4 Fountain Fairies", checkMemoryMask(("$D853", "$D9AC", "$D9F3", "$D9FB"), "$80"),
TileInfo(0x20, shift4=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Have at least 8 Heart Containers", checkMemoryEqualGreater("$DB5B", "8"), TileInfo(0xAA, flipH=True), group="Health"),
Goal("Have at least 9 Heart Containers", checkMemoryEqualGreater("$DB5B", "9"), TileInfo(0xAA, flipH=True), group="Health"),
Goal("Have at least 10 Heart Containers", checkMemoryEqualGreater("$DB5B", "10"), TileInfo(0xAA, flipH=True), group="Health"),
Goal("Got photo 1: Here Stands A Brave Man", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$01"), TileInfo(0x3008, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 2: Looking over the sea with Marin", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$02"), TileInfo(0x08F0, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 3: Heads up!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$04"), TileInfo(0x0E6A, 0x0D0F, 0x0E6B, 0x0E7B)),
Goal("Got photo 4: Say Mushroom!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$08"), TileInfo(0x0E60, 0x0D0F, 0x0E61, 0x0E71)),
Goal("Got photo 5: Ulrira's Secret!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$10"),
TileInfo(0x1461, 0x1464, 0x1463, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 6: Playing with Bowwow!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$20"),
TileInfo(0x1A42, 0x0D0F, 0x1A42, 0x1A43, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 7: Thief!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$40"), TileInfo(0x0880, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 8: Be more careful next time!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0C", "$80"), TileInfo(0x14E0, index4=0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 9: I Found Zora!", checkMemoryMask("$DC0D", "$01"),
TileInfo(0x1906, 0x0D0F, 0x1906, 0x1907, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 10: Richard at Kanalet Castle", checkMemoryMask("$DC0D", "$02"), TileInfo(0x15B0, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 11: Ghost", checkMemoryMask("$DC0D", "$04"), TileInfo(0x1980, 0x0D0F, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Got photo 12: Close Call", checkMemoryMask("$DC0D", "$08"), TileInfo(0x0FED, 0x0D0F, 0x0FED, 0x0FFD)),
# {"description": "Collect 4 Pictures", "group": "pics"},
# {"description": "Collect 5 Pictures", "group": "pics"},
# {"description": "Collect 6 Pictures", "group": "pics"},
Goal("Open the 4 Overworld Warp Holes", checkMemoryMask(("$D801", "$D82C", "$D895", "$D8EC"), "$80"),
TileInfo(0x3E, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x3E, colormap=[2, 1, 3, 0])),
Goal("Finish the Raft Minigame", checkMemoryMask("$D87F", "$80"), TileInfo(0x087C, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Kill the Ball and Chain Trooper", checkMemoryMask("$DAC6", "$10"), TileInfo(0x09A4, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Destroy all Pillars with the Ball", checkMemoryMask(("$DA14", "$DA15", "$DA18", "$DA19"), "$20"),
TileInfo(0x166C, flipH=True)),
FishDaPondGoal("Fish the pond empty", TileInfo(0x0A00, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill the Anti-Kirby", 0x91, TileInfo(0x1550, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Rolling Bones", 0x81, TileInfo(0x0AB6, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Hinox", 0x89, TileInfo(0x1542, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Stone Hinox", 0xF4, TileInfo(0x2482, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Dodongo", 0x60, TileInfo(0x0AA0, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Cue Ball", 0x8E, TileInfo(0x1566, flipH=True, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
KillGoal("Kill a Smasher", 0x92, TileInfo(0x1576, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Save Marin on the Mountain Bridge", checkMemoryMask("$D808", "$10"), TileInfo(0x1A6C, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Save Raccoon Tarin", checkMemoryMask("$D851", "$10"), TileInfo(0x1888, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0])),
Goal("Trade the {TOADSTOOL} with the witch", checkMemoryMask("$DAA2", "$20"), TileInfo(0x0A30, colormap=[2, 3, 1, 0]), group="witch"),
def randomizeGoals(rnd, options):
goals = BINGO_GOALS.copy()
has_group = set()
for n in range(len(goals)):
if goals[n].group:
if goals[n].group in has_group:
goals[n] = None
goals = [goal for goal in goals if goal is not None]
return goals[:25]
def setBingoGoal(rom, goals, mode):
assert len(goals) == 25
for goal in goals:
for bank, addr, current, target in goal.extra_patches:
rom.patch(bank, addr, current, target)
# Setup the bingo card visuals
be = BackgroundEditor(rom, 0x15)
ba = BackgroundEditor(rom, 0x15, attributes=True)
for y in range(18):
for x in range(20):
be.tiles[0x9800 + x + y * 0x20] = (x + (y & 2)) % 4 | ((y % 2) * 4)
ba.tiles[0x9800 + x + y * 0x20] = 0x01
for y in range(5):
for x in range(5):
idx = x + y * 5
be.tiles[0x9843 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 8 + idx * 4
be.tiles[0x9844 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 10 + idx * 4
be.tiles[0x9863 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 9 + idx * 4
be.tiles[0x9864 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 11 + idx * 4
ba.tiles[0x9843 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 0x03
ba.tiles[0x9844 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 0x03
ba.tiles[0x9863 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 0x03
ba.tiles[0x9864 + x * 3 + y * 3 * 0x20] = 0x03
tiles = rom.banks[0x30][0x3000:0x3040] + rom.banks[0x30][0x3100:0x3140]
for goal in goals:
tiles += goal.tile_info.get(rom)
rom.banks[0x30][0x3000:0x3000 + len(tiles)] = tiles
# Patch the mural palette to have more useful entries for us
rom.patch(0x21, 0x36EE, ASM("dw $7C00, $7C00, $7C00, $7C00"), ASM("dw $7FFF, $56b5, $294a, $0000"))
rom.patch(0x21, 0x36F6, ASM("dw $7C00, $7C00, $7C00, $7C00"), ASM("dw $43f0, $32ac, $1946, $0000"))
# Patch the face shrine mural handler stage 4, we want to jump to bank 0x0C, which normally contains
# DMG graphics, but gives us a lot of room for our own code and graphics.
rom.patch(0x01, 0x2B81, 0x2B99, ASM("""
ld a, $0D
ld hl, $4000
push hl
jp $080C ; switch bank
"""), fill_nop=True)
# Fix that the mural is always centered on screen, instead offset it properly
rom.patch(0x18, 0x1E3D, ASM("add hl, bc\nld [hl], $50"), ASM("call $7FD6"))
rom.patch(0x18, 0x3FD6, "00" * 8, ASM("""
add hl, bc
ld a, [hl]
and $F0
add a, $0F
ld [hl], a
# In stage 5, just exit the mural without waiting for a button press.
rom.patch(0x01, 0x2B9E, ASM("jr z, $07"), "", fill_nop=True)
# Our custom stage 4
rom.patch(0x0D, 0x0000, 0x3000, ASM("""
wState := $C3C4 ; Our internal state, guaranteed to be 0 on the first entry.
wCursorX := $D100
wCursorY := $D101
call mainHandler
; Make sure we return with bank 1 active.
ld a, $01
jp $080C ; switch bank
ld a, [wState]
rst 0
dw init
dw checkGoalDone
dw chooseSquare
dw waitDialogDone
dw finishGame
xor a
ld [wCursorX], a
ld [wCursorY], a
inc a
ld [wState], a
ldh [$4F], a ; 2nd vram bank
ld hl, $9843
ld c, 25
ld b, $00
push bc
push hl
ld a, b
call goalCheck
pop hl
jr nz, .notDone
ldh a, [$41] ;STAT
and $02
jr nz, .statWait1
ld a, $04
ldi [hl], a
ldd [hl], a
ld bc, $0020
add hl, bc
ldh a, [$41] ;STAT
and $02
jr nz, .statWait2
ld a, $04
ldi [hl], a
ldd [hl], a
ld bc, $FFE0
add hl, bc
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
ld a, l
and $1F
cp $12
jr nz, .noRowSkip
ld bc, $0060 - 5*3
add hl, bc
pop bc
inc b
dec c
jr nz, .checkDoneLoop
xor a
ldh [$4F], a ; 1st vram bank
ld a, $02
ld [wState], a
; Check if the egg event is already triggered
ld a, [$D806]
and $10
ret nz
call checkAnyGoal
ret nz
; Goal done, give a message and goto state to finish the game
ld a, $04
ld [wState], a
ld a, $E7
call $2385 ; open dialog
ld hl, $C000 ; oam buffer
; Draw the cursor
ld a, [wCursorY]
call multiA24
add a, $27
ldi [hl], a
ld a, [wCursorX]
call multiA24
add a, $24
ldi [hl], a
ld a, $A2
ldi [hl], a
ld a, $02
ldi [hl], a
ldh a, [$CC] ; button presses
bit 0, a
jr nz, .right
bit 1, a
jr nz, .left
bit 2, a
jr nz, .up
bit 3, a
jr nz, .down
bit 4, a
jr nz, .showText
bit 5, a
jr nz, exitMural
bit 7, a
jr nz, exitMural
ld a, [wCursorX]
cp $04
ret z
inc a
ld [wCursorX], a
ld a, [wCursorX]
and a
ret z
dec a
ld [wCursorX], a
ld a, [wCursorY]
cp $04
ret z
inc a
ld [wCursorY], a
ld a, [wCursorY]
and a
ret z
dec a
ld [wCursorY], a
ld a, [wCursorY]
ld c, a
add a, a
add a, a
add a, c
ld c, a
ld a, [wCursorX]
add a, c
add a, a
ld l, a
ld h, $00
ld de, messageTable
add hl, de
ldi a, [hl]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld de, wCustomMessage
ldi a, [hl]
ld [de], a
inc de
inc a
jr nz, .copyLoop
ld a, $C9
call $2385 ; open dialog
ld a, $03
ld [wState], a
ld a, [$C19F] ; dialog state
and a
ret nz
ld a, $02 ; choose square
ld [wState], a
ld a, [$C19F] ; dialog state
and a
ret nz
ldh a, [$CC] ; button presses
and a
ret z
; Goto "credits"
xor a
ld [$DB96], a
inc a
ld [$DB95], a
ld hl, $DB96 ;gameplay subtype
inc [hl]
ld c, a
add a, a
add a, c
add a, a
add a, a
add a, a
jr nz, setZ
cp a
#IF {mode}
call goalcheck_0
ret nz
call goalcheck_1
ret nz
call goalcheck_2
ret nz
call goalcheck_3
ret nz
call goalcheck_4
ret nz
call goalcheck_5
ret nz
call goalcheck_6
ret nz
call goalcheck_7
ret nz
call goalcheck_8
ret nz
call goalcheck_9
ret nz
call goalcheck_10
ret nz
call goalcheck_11
ret nz
call goalcheck_12
ret nz
call goalcheck_13
ret nz
call goalcheck_14
ret nz
call goalcheck_15
ret nz
call goalcheck_16
ret nz
call goalcheck_17
ret nz
call goalcheck_18
ret nz
call goalcheck_19
ret nz
call goalcheck_20
ret nz
call goalcheck_21
ret nz
call goalcheck_22
ret nz
call goalcheck_23
ret nz
call goalcheck_24
call checkGoalRow1
ret z
call checkGoalRow2
ret z
call checkGoalRow3
ret z
call checkGoalRow4
ret z
call checkGoalRow5
ret z
call checkGoalCol1
ret z
call checkGoalCol2
ret z
call checkGoalCol3
ret z
call checkGoalCol4
ret z
call checkGoalCol5
ret z
call checkGoalDiagonal0
ret z
call checkGoalDiagonal1
call goalcheck_0
ret nz
call goalcheck_1
ret nz
call goalcheck_2
ret nz
call goalcheck_3
ret nz
call goalcheck_4
call goalcheck_5
ret nz
call goalcheck_6
ret nz
call goalcheck_7
ret nz
call goalcheck_8
ret nz
call goalcheck_9
call goalcheck_10
ret nz
call goalcheck_11
ret nz
call goalcheck_12
ret nz
call goalcheck_13
ret nz
call goalcheck_14
call goalcheck_15
ret nz
call goalcheck_16
ret nz
call goalcheck_17
ret nz
call goalcheck_18
ret nz
call goalcheck_19
call goalcheck_20
ret nz
call goalcheck_21
ret nz
call goalcheck_22
ret nz
call goalcheck_23
ret nz
call goalcheck_24
call goalcheck_0
ret nz
call goalcheck_5
ret nz
call goalcheck_10
ret nz
call goalcheck_15
ret nz
call goalcheck_20
call goalcheck_1
ret nz
call goalcheck_6
ret nz
call goalcheck_11
ret nz
call goalcheck_16
ret nz
call goalcheck_21
call goalcheck_2
ret nz
call goalcheck_7
ret nz
call goalcheck_12
ret nz
call goalcheck_17
ret nz
call goalcheck_22
call goalcheck_3
ret nz
call goalcheck_8
ret nz
call goalcheck_13
ret nz
call goalcheck_18
ret nz
call goalcheck_23
call goalcheck_4
ret nz
call goalcheck_9
ret nz
call goalcheck_14
ret nz
call goalcheck_19
ret nz
call goalcheck_24
call goalcheck_0
ret nz
call goalcheck_6
ret nz
call goalcheck_12
ret nz
call goalcheck_18
ret nz
call goalcheck_24
call goalcheck_4
ret nz
call goalcheck_8
ret nz
call goalcheck_12
ret nz
call goalcheck_16
ret nz
call goalcheck_20
""".format(mode=1 if mode == "bingo-full" else 0) +
"\n".join(["dw message_%d" % (n) for n in range(25)]) + "\n" +
"\n".join(["message_%d:\n db m\"%s\"" % (n, goal.description) for n, goal in
enumerate(goals)]) + "\n" +
rst 0
""" +
"\n".join(["dw goalcheck_%d" % (n) for n in range(25)]) + "\n" +
"\n".join(["goalcheck_%d:\n %s\n" % (n, goal.code) for n, goal in
enumerate(goals)]) + "\n", 0x4000), fill_nop=True)
rom.texts[0xE7] = formatText("BINGO!\nPress any button to finish.")
# Patch the game to call a bit of our code when an enemy is killed by patching into the drop item handling
rom.patch(0x00, 0x3F50, ASM("ld a, $03\nld [$C113], a\nld [$2100], a\ncall $55CF"), ASM("""
ld a, $0D
ld [$C113], a
ld [$2100], a
call $7000
rom.patch(0x0D, 0x3000, 0x4000, ASM("""
ldh a, [$EB] ; active entity
""" + "\n".join([goal.kill_code for goal in goals if goal.kill_code is not None]) + """
done: ; Return to normal item drop handler
ld a, $03 ;normal drop item handler bank
ld hl, $55CF ;normal drop item handler address
push hl
jp $080F ; switch bank
""", 0x7000), fill_nop=True)
# Patch Dethl to warp you outside
rom.patch(0x15, 0x0682, 0x069B, ASM("""
ld a, $0B
ld [$DB95], a
call $0C7D
ld a, $07
ld [$DB96], a
"""), fill_nop=True)
re = RoomEditor(rom, 0x274)
re.objects += [ObjectWarp(0, 0, 0x06, 0x58, 0x40)] * 4
# Patch the egg to be always open
rom.patch(0x00, 0x31f5, ASM("ld a, [$D806]\nand $10\njr z, $25"), ASM(""), fill_nop=True)
rom.patch(0x20, 0x2dea, ASM("ld a, [$D806]\nand $10\njr z, $29"), ASM(""), fill_nop=True)
# Patch unused entity 4C into our bingo board.
rom.patch(0x03, 0x004C, "41", "82")
rom.patch(0x03, 0x0147, "00", "98")
rom.patch(0x20, 0x00e4, "000000", ASM("dw $5e1b\ndb $18"))
# Add graphics for our bingo board to 2nd WRAM bank.
rom.banks[0x3F][0x3700:0x3780] = rom.banks[0x32][0x1500:0x1580]
rom.banks[0x3F][0x3728:0x373A] = b'\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x00\xFF'
rom.banks[0x3F][0x3748:0x375A] = b'\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x00\xFF\x00\xFF'
rom.patch(0x18, 0x1E0B,
"00F85003" + "00005203" + "00085403" + "00105603",
"00F8F00B" + "0000F20B" + "0008F40B" + "0010F60B")
# Add the bingo board to marins house
re = RoomEditor(rom, 0x2A3)
re.entities.append((2, 0, 0x4C))
# Add the bingo board to the room before the egg
re = RoomEditor(rom, 0x016)
re.removeObject(4, 5)
re.entities.append((3, 4, 0x4C))
# Remove the egg event from the egg room (no bomb triggers for you!)
re = RoomEditor(rom, 0x006)
re.entities = []
rom.texts[0xCF] = formatText("""
Young lad, I mean... #####, the hero!
You have bingo!
You have proven your wisdom, courage and power!
... ... ... ...
As part of the Wind Fish's spirit, I am the guardian of his dream world...
But one day, we decided to have a bingo game.
Then you, #####, came to win the bingo...
Thank you, #####...
My work is done...
The Wind Fish will wake soon.
Good bye...Bingo!
rom.texts[0xCE] = rom.texts[0xCF]