60 lines
1.9 KiB
60 lines
1.9 KiB
from ..assembler import ASM
from ..utils import formatText
from ..locations.constants import CHEST_ITEMS
def fixChests(rom):
# Patch the chest code, so it can give a lvl1 sword.
# Normally, there is some code related to the owl event when getting the tail key,
# as we patched out the owl. We use it to jump to our custom code in bank $3E to handle getting the item
rom.patch(0x03, 0x109C, ASM("""
cp $11 ; if not tail key, skip
jr nz, end
push af
ld a, [$C501]
ld e, a
ld hl, $C2F0
add hl, de
ld [hl], $38
pop af
ld e, a
cp $21 ; if is message chest or higher number, next instruction is to skip giving things.
"""), ASM("""
ld a, $06 ; GiveItemMultiworld
rst 8
and a ; clear the carry flag to always skip giving stuff.
"""), fill_nop=True)
# Instead of the normal logic to on which sprite data to show, we jump to our custom code in bank 3E.
rom.patch(0x07, 0x3C36, None, ASM("""
ld a, $01
rst 8
jp $7C5E
"""), fill_nop=True)
# Instead of the normal logic of showing the proper dialog, we jump to our custom code in bank 3E.
rom.patch(0x07, 0x3C9C, None, ASM("""
ld a, $0A ; showItemMessageMultiworld
rst 8
jp $7CE9
# Sound to play is normally loaded from a table, which is no longer big enough. So always use the same sound.
rom.patch(0x07, 0x3C81, ASM("""
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
"""), ASM("ld a, $01"), fill_nop=True)
# Always spawn seashells even if you have the L2 sword
rom.patch(0x14, 0x192F, ASM("ld a, $1C"), ASM("ld a, $20"))
rom.texts[0x9A] = formatText("You found 10 {BOMB}!")
def setMultiChest(rom, option):
room = 0x2F2
addr = room + 0x560
rom.banks[0x14][addr] = CHEST_ITEMS[option]