
65 lines
1.8 KiB

from ..assembler import ASM
def fixSeashell(rom):
# Do not unload if we have the lvl2 sword.
rom.patch(0x03, 0x1FD3, ASM("ld a, [$DB4E]\ncp $02\njp nc, $3F8D"), "", fill_nop=True)
# Do not unload in the ghost house
rom.patch(0x03, 0x1FE8, ASM("ldh a, [$F8]\nand $40\njp z, $3F8D"), "", fill_nop=True)
# Call our special rendering code
rom.patch(0x03, 0x1FF2, ASM("ld de, $5FD1\ncall $3C77"), ASM("ld a, $05\nrst 8"), fill_nop=True)
# Call our special handlers for messages and pickup
rom.patch(0x03, 0x2368, 0x237C, ASM("""
ld a, $0A ; showMessageMultiworld
rst 8
ld a, $06 ; giveItemMultiworld
rst 8
call $512A
"""), fill_nop=True)
def upgradeMansion(rom):
rom.patch(0x19, 0x38EC, ASM("""
ld hl, $78DC
jr $03
"""), "", fill_nop=True)
rom.patch(0x19, 0x38F1, ASM("""
ld hl, $78CC
ld c, $04
call $3CE6
"""), ASM("""
ld a, $0C
rst 8
"""), fill_nop=True)
rom.patch(0x19, 0x3718, ASM("sub $13"), ASM("sub $0D"))
rom.patch(0x19, 0x3697, ASM("""
cp $70
jr c, $15
ld [hl], $70
"""), ASM("""
cp $73
jr c, $15
ld [hl], $73
rom.patch(0x19, 0x36F5, ASM("""
ld a, $02
ld [$DB4E], a
"""), ASM("""
ld a, $0E ; give item and message for current room multiworld
rst 8
"""), fill_nop=True)
rom.patch(0x19, 0x36E6, ASM("""
ld a, $9F
call $2385
"""), "", fill_nop=True)
rom.patch(0x19, 0x31E8, ASM("""
ld a, [$DB4E]
and $02
"""), ASM("""
ld a, [$DAE9]
and $10