64 lines
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64 lines
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forest_of_silence = "Forest of Silence"
forest_start = "Forest of Silence: first half"
forest_mid = "Forest of Silence: second half"
forest_end = "Forest of Silence: end area"
castle_wall = "Castle Wall"
cw_start = "Castle Wall: main area"
cw_exit = "Castle Wall: exit room"
cw_ltower = "Castle Wall: left tower"
villa = "Villa"
villa_start = "Villa: dog gates"
villa_main = "Villa: main interior"
villa_storeroom = "Villa: storeroom"
villa_archives = "Villa: archives"
villa_maze = "Villa: maze"
villa_servants = "Villa: servants entrance"
villa_crypt = "Villa: crypt"
tunnel = "Tunnel"
tunnel_start = "Tunnel: first half"
tunnel_end = "Tunnel: second half"
underground_waterway = "Underground Waterway"
uw_main = "Underground Waterway: main area"
uw_end = "Underground Waterway: end"
castle_center = "Castle Center"
cc_main = "Castle Center: main area"
cc_crystal = "Castle Center: big crystal"
cc_torture_chamber = "Castle Center: torture chamber"
cc_library = "Castle Center: library"
cc_elev_top = "Castle Center: elevator top"
duel_tower = "Duel Tower"
dt_main = "Duel Tower"
tower_of_sorcery = "Tower of Sorcery"
tosor_main = "Tower of Sorcery"
tower_of_execution = "Tower of Execution"
toe_main = "Tower of Execution: main area"
toe_ledge = "Tower of Execution: gated ledge"
tower_of_science = "Tower of Science"
tosci_start = "Tower of Science: turret lab"
tosci_three_doors = "Tower of Science: locked key1 room"
tosci_conveyors = "Tower of Science: spiky conveyors"
tosci_key3 = "Tower of Science: locked key3 room"
room_of_clocks = "Room of Clocks"
roc_main = "Room of Clocks"
clock_tower = "Clock Tower"
ct_start = "Clock Tower: start"
ct_middle = "Clock Tower: middle"
ct_end = "Clock Tower: end"
castle_keep = "Castle Keep"
ck_main = "Castle Keep: exterior"
ck_drac_chamber = "Castle Keep: Dracula's chamber"
renon = "Renon's shop"