95 lines
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95 lines
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from .datatypes import RoomAndDoor
from .player_logic import AccessRequirements, PlayerLocation
from . import LingoWorld
def lingo_can_use_entrance(state: CollectionState, room: str, door: RoomAndDoor, world: "LingoWorld"):
if door is None:
return True
effective_room = room if door.room is None else door.room
return _lingo_can_open_door(state, effective_room, door.door, world)
def lingo_can_do_pilgrimage(state: CollectionState, world: "LingoWorld"):
return all(_lingo_can_open_door(state, "Sunwarps", f"{i} Sunwarp", world) for i in range(1, 7))
def lingo_can_use_location(state: CollectionState, location: PlayerLocation, world: "LingoWorld"):
return _lingo_can_satisfy_requirements(state, location.access, world)
def lingo_can_use_mastery_location(state: CollectionState, world: "LingoWorld"):
satisfied_count = 0
for access_req in world.player_logic.mastery_reqs:
if _lingo_can_satisfy_requirements(state, access_req, world):
satisfied_count += 1
return satisfied_count >= world.options.mastery_achievements.value
def lingo_can_use_level_2_location(state: CollectionState, world: "LingoWorld"):
counted_panels = 0
for region in state.reachable_regions[world.player]:
for access_req, panel_count in world.player_logic.counting_panel_reqs.get(region.name, []):
if _lingo_can_satisfy_requirements(state, access_req, world):
counted_panels += panel_count
if counted_panels >= world.options.level_2_requirement.value - 1:
return True
# THE MASTER has to be handled separately, because it has special access rules.
if state.can_reach("Orange Tower Seventh Floor", "Region", world.player)\
and lingo_can_use_mastery_location(state, world):
counted_panels += 1
if counted_panels >= world.options.level_2_requirement.value - 1:
return True
return False
def _lingo_can_satisfy_requirements(state: CollectionState, access: AccessRequirements, world: "LingoWorld"):
for req_room in access.rooms:
if not state.can_reach(req_room, "Region", world.player):
return False
for req_door in access.doors:
if not _lingo_can_open_door(state, req_door.room, req_door.door, world):
return False
if len(access.colors) > 0 and world.options.shuffle_colors:
for color in access.colors:
if not state.has(color.capitalize(), world.player):
return False
return True
def _lingo_can_open_door(state: CollectionState, room: str, door: str, world: "LingoWorld"):
Determines whether a door can be opened
if door not in world.player_logic.item_by_door.get(room, {}):
return _lingo_can_satisfy_requirements(state, world.player_logic.door_reqs[room][door], world)
item_name = world.player_logic.item_by_door[room][door]
if item_name in PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS:
progression = PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM[room][door]
return state.has(item_name, world.player, progression.index)
return state.has(item_name, world.player)
def make_location_lambda(location: PlayerLocation, world: "LingoWorld"):
if location.name == world.player_logic.mastery_location:
return lambda state: lingo_can_use_mastery_location(state, world)
if world.options.level_2_requirement > 1\
and (location.name == "Second Room - ANOTHER TRY" or location.name == world.player_logic.level_2_location):
return lambda state: lingo_can_use_level_2_location(state, world)
return lambda state: lingo_can_use_location(state, location, world)