147 lines
6.6 KiB
147 lines
6.6 KiB
import string
from .Items import RiskOfRainItem, item_table, item_pool_weights
from .Locations import location_table, RiskOfRainLocation, base_location_table
from .Rules import set_rules
from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Item, MultiWorld
from .Options import ror2_options
from ..AutoWorld import World
client_version = 1
class RiskOfRainWorld(World):
Escape a chaotic alien planet by fighting through hordes of frenzied monsters – with your friends, or on your own.
Combine loot in surprising ways and master each character until you become the havoc you feared upon your
first crash landing.
game: str = "Risk of Rain 2"
options = ror2_options
topology_present = False
item_name_to_id = item_table
location_name_to_id = location_table
data_version = 3
forced_auto_forfeit = True
def generate_basic(self):
# shortcut for starting_inventory... The start_with_revive option lets you start with a Dio's Best Friend
if self.world.start_with_revive[self.player].value:
self.world.push_precollected(self.world.create_item("Dio's Best Friend", self.player))
# if presets are enabled generate junk_pool from the selected preset
pool_option = self.world.item_weights[self.player].value
if self.world.item_pool_presets[self.player].value:
# generate chaos weights if the preset is chosen
if pool_option == 5:
junk_pool = {
"Item Scrap, Green": self.world.random.randint(0, 80),
"Item Scrap, Red": self.world.random.randint(0, 45),
"Item Scrap, Yellow": self.world.random.randint(0, 30),
"Item Scrap, White": self.world.random.randint(0, 100),
"Common Item": self.world.random.randint(0, 100),
"Uncommon Item": self.world.random.randint(0, 70),
"Legendary Item": self.world.random.randint(0, 30),
"Boss Item": self.world.random.randint(0, 20),
"Lunar Item": self.world.random.randint(0, 60),
"Equipment": self.world.random.randint(0, 40)
junk_pool = item_pool_weights[pool_option].copy()
else: # generate junk pool from user created presets
junk_pool = {
"Item Scrap, Green": self.world.green_scrap[self.player].value,
"Item Scrap, Red": self.world.red_scrap[self.player].value,
"Item Scrap, Yellow": self.world.yellow_scrap[self.player].value,
"Item Scrap, White": self.world.white_scrap[self.player].value,
"Common Item": self.world.common_item[self.player].value,
"Uncommon Item": self.world.uncommon_item[self.player].value,
"Legendary Item": self.world.legendary_item[self.player].value,
"Boss Item": self.world.boss_item[self.player].value,
"Lunar Item": self.world.lunar_item[self.player].value,
"Equipment": self.world.equipment[self.player].value
# remove lunar items from the pool if they're disabled in the yaml unless lunartic is rolled
if not self.world.enable_lunar[self.player]:
if not pool_option == 4:
junk_pool.pop("Lunar Item")
# Generate item pool
itempool = []
# Add revive items for the player
itempool += ["Dio's Best Friend"] * int(self.world.total_revivals[self.player] / 100 * self.world.total_locations[self.player])
# Fill remaining items with randomly generated junk
itempool += self.world.random.choices(list(junk_pool.keys()), weights=list(junk_pool.values()),
k=self.world.total_locations[self.player] -
int(self.world.total_revivals[self.player] / 100 * self.world.total_locations[self.player]))
# Convert itempool into real items
itempool = list(map(lambda name: self.create_item(name), itempool))
self.world.itempool += itempool
def set_rules(self):
set_rules(self.world, self.player)
def create_regions(self):
create_regions(self.world, self.player)
create_events(self.world, self.player, int(self.world.total_locations[self.player]))
def fill_slot_data(self):
return {
"itemPickupStep": self.world.item_pickup_step[self.player].value,
"seed": "".join(self.world.slot_seeds[self.player].choice(string.digits) for i in range(16)),
"totalLocations": self.world.total_locations[self.player].value,
"totalRevivals": self.world.total_revivals[self.player].value,
"startWithDio": self.world.start_with_revive[self.player].value
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item_id = item_table[name]
item = RiskOfRainItem(name, name == "Dio's Best Friend", item_id, self.player)
return item
def create_events(world: MultiWorld, player: int, total_locations: int):
num_of_events = total_locations // 25
if total_locations / 25 == num_of_events:
num_of_events -= 1
for i in range(num_of_events):
event_loc = RiskOfRainLocation(player, f"Pickup{(i + 1) * 25}", None, world.get_region('Petrichor V', player))
event_loc.place_locked_item(RiskOfRainItem(f"Pickup{(i + 1) * 25}", True, None, player))
event_loc.access_rule(lambda state, i=i: state.can_reach(f"ItemPickup{((i + 1) * 25) - 1}", player))
world.get_region('Petrichor V', player).locations.append(event_loc)
# generate locations based on player setting
def create_regions(world, player: int):
world.regions += [
create_region(world, player, 'Menu', None, ['Lobby']),
create_region(world, player, 'Petrichor V',
[location for location in base_location_table] +
[f"ItemPickup{i}" for i in range(1, 1 + world.total_locations[player])])
world.get_entrance("Lobby", player).connect(world.get_region("Petrichor V", player))
world.get_location("Victory", player).place_locked_item(RiskOfRainItem("Victory", True, None, player))
def create_region(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None):
ret = Region(name, None, name, player)
ret.world = world
if locations:
for location in locations:
loc_id = location_table[location]
location = RiskOfRainLocation(player, location, loc_id, ret)
if exits:
for exit in exits:
ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret))
return ret