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880 lines
26 KiB
Option definitions for Pokemon Emerald
from dataclasses import dataclass
from Options import (Choice, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, TextChoice, OptionSet, NamedRange, Range, Toggle, FreeText,
from .data import data
class Goal(Choice):
Determines what your goal is to consider the game beaten
Champion: Become the champion and enter the hall of fame
Steven: Defeat Steven in Meteor Falls
Norman: Defeat Norman in Petalburg Gym
Legendary Hunt: Defeat or catch legendary pokemon (or whatever was randomized into their encounters)
display_name = "Goal"
default = 0
option_champion = 0
option_steven = 1
option_norman = 2
option_legendary_hunt = 3
class RandomizeBadges(Choice):
Adds Badges to the pool
Vanilla: Gym leaders give their own badge
Shuffle: Gym leaders give a random badge
Completely Random: Badges can be found anywhere
display_name = "Randomize Badges"
default = 2
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_completely_random = 2
class RandomizeHms(Choice):
Adds HMs to the pool
Vanilla: HMs are at their vanilla locations
Shuffle: HMs are shuffled among vanilla HM locations
Completely Random: HMs can be found anywhere
display_name = "Randomize HMs"
default = 2
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_completely_random = 2
class RandomizeKeyItems(DefaultOnToggle):
Adds most key items to the pool. These are usually required to unlock
a location or region (e.g. Devon Scope, Letter, Basement Key)
display_name = "Randomize Key Items"
class RandomizeBikes(Toggle):
Adds the mach bike and acro bike to the pool
display_name = "Randomize Bikes"
class RandomizeEventTickets(Toggle):
Adds the event tickets to the pool, which let you access legendaries by sailing from Lilycove
display_name = "Randomize Event Tickets"
class RandomizeRods(Toggle):
Adds fishing rods to the pool
display_name = "Randomize Fishing Rods"
class RandomizeOverworldItems(DefaultOnToggle):
Adds items on the ground with a Pokeball sprite to the pool
display_name = "Randomize Overworld Items"
class RandomizeHiddenItems(Toggle):
Adds hidden items to the pool
display_name = "Randomize Hidden Items"
class RandomizeNpcGifts(Toggle):
Adds most gifts received from NPCs to the pool (not including key items or HMs)
display_name = "Randomize NPC Gifts"
class RandomizeBerryTrees(Toggle):
Adds berry trees to the pool. Empty soil patches are converted to locations and contribute Sitrus Berries to the pool.
display_name = "Randomize Berry Trees"
class Dexsanity(Toggle):
Adding a "caught" pokedex entry gives you an item (catching, evolving, trading, etc.).
Defeating gym leaders provides dex info, allowing you to see where on the map you can catch species you need.
Each pokedex entry adds a Poke Ball, Great Ball, or Ultra Ball to the pool.
display_name = "Dexsanity"
class Trainersanity(Toggle):
Defeating a trainer for the first time gives you an item. Trainers are no longer missable.
Trainers no longer give you money for winning. Each trainer adds a valuable item (nugget, stardust, etc.) to the pool.
display_name = "Trainersanity"
class ItemPoolType(Choice):
Determines which non-progression items get put into the item pool
Shuffled: Item pool consists of shuffled vanilla items
Diverse Balanced: Item pool consists of random items approximately proportioned
according to what they're replacing (i.e. more pokeballs, fewer X items, etc.)
Diverse: Item pool consists of uniformly random (non-unique) items
display_name = "Item Pool Type"
default = 0
option_shuffled = 0
option_diverse_balanced = 1
option_diverse = 2
class HiddenItemsRequireItemfinder(DefaultOnToggle):
The Itemfinder is logically required to pick up hidden items
display_name = "Require Itemfinder"
class DarkCavesRequireFlash(Choice):
Determines whether HM05 Flash is logically required to navigate a dark cave
display_name = "Require Flash"
default = 3
option_neither = 0
option_only_granite_cave = 1
option_only_victory_road = 2
option_both = 3
class EliteFourRequirement(Choice):
Sets the requirements to challenge the elite four
Badges: Obtain some number of badges
Gyms: Defeat some number of gyms
display_name = "Elite Four Requirement"
default = 0
option_badges = 0
option_gyms = 1
class EliteFourCount(Range):
Sets the number of badges/gyms required to challenge the elite four
display_name = "Elite Four Count"
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 8
class NormanRequirement(Choice):
Sets the requirements to challenge the Petalburg Gym
Badges: Obtain some number of badges
Gyms: Defeat some number of gyms
display_name = "Norman Requirement"
default = 0
option_badges = 0
option_gyms = 1
class NormanCount(Range):
Sets the number of badges/gyms required to challenge the Petalburg Gym
display_name = "Norman Count"
range_start = 0
range_end = 7
default = 4
class LegendaryHuntCatch(Toggle):
Sets whether legendaries need to be caught to satisfy the Legendary Hunt win condition. Defeated legendaries can be respawned by defeating the Elite 4.
display_name = "Legendary Hunt Requires Catching"
class LegendaryHuntCount(Range):
Sets the number of legendaries that must be caught/defeated for the Legendary Hunt goal
display_name = "Legendary Hunt Count"
range_start = 1
range_end = 12
default = 3
class AllowedLegendaryHuntEncounters(OptionSet):
Sets which legendary encounters can contribute to the Legendary Hunt goal.
Latios will always be the roamer. Latias will always be at Southern Island.
Possible values are:
display_name = "Allowed Legendary Hunt Encounters"
valid_keys = frozenset([
default = valid_keys.copy()
class RandomizeWildPokemon(Choice):
Randomizes wild pokemon encounters (grass, caves, water, fishing)
Vanilla: Wild encounters are unchanged
Match Base Stats: Wild pokemon are replaced with species with approximately the same bst
Match Type: Wild pokemon are replaced with species that share a type with the original
Match Base Stats and Type: Apply both Match Base Stats and Match Type
Completely Random: There are no restrictions
display_name = "Randomize Wild Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_base_stats = 1
option_match_type = 2
option_match_base_stats_and_type = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class WildEncounterBlacklist(OptionSet):
Prevents listed species from appearing in the wild when wild encounters are randomized.
May be overridden if enforcing other restrictions in combination with this blacklist is impossible.
Use "_Legendaries" as a shortcut for legendary pokemon.
display_name = "Wild Encounter Blacklist"
valid_keys = frozenset(species.label for species in data.species.values()) | {"_Legendaries"}
class RandomizeStarters(Choice):
Randomizes the starter pokemon in Professor Birch's bag
Vanilla: Starters are unchanged
Match Base Stats: Starters are replaced with species with approximately the same bst
Match Type: Starters are replaced with species that share a type with the original
Match Base Stats and Type: Apply both Match Base Stats and Match Type
Completely Random: There are no restrictions
display_name = "Randomize Starters"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_base_stats = 1
option_match_type = 2
option_match_base_stats_and_type = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class StarterBlacklist(OptionSet):
Prevents listed species from appearing as starters when starters are randomized.
May be overridden if enforcing other restrictions in combination with this blacklist is impossible.
Use "_Legendaries" as a shortcut for legendary pokemon.
display_name = "Starter Blacklist"
valid_keys = frozenset(species.label for species in data.species.values()) | {"_Legendaries"}
class RandomizeTrainerParties(Choice):
Randomizes the parties of all trainers.
Vanilla: Parties are unchanged
Match Base Stats: Trainer pokemon are replaced with species with approximately the same bst
Match Type: Trainer pokemon are replaced with species that share a type with the original
Match Base Stats and Type: Apply both Match Base Stats and Match Type
Completely Random: There are no restrictions
display_name = "Randomize Trainer Parties"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_base_stats = 1
option_match_type = 2
option_match_base_stats_and_type = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class TrainerPartyBlacklist(OptionSet):
Prevents listed species from appearing in opponent trainers' parties if opponent parties are randomized.
May be overridden if enforcing other restrictions in combination with this blacklist is impossible.
Use "_Legendaries" as a shortcut for legendary pokemon.
display_name = "Trainer Party Blacklist"
valid_keys = frozenset(species.label for species in data.species.values()) | {"_Legendaries"}
class ForceFullyEvolved(Range):
When an opponent uses a pokemon of the specified level or higher, restricts the species to only fully evolved pokemon.
display_name = "Force Fully Evolved"
range_start = 1
range_end = 100
default = 100
class RandomizeLegendaryEncounters(Choice):
Randomizes legendary encounters (Rayquaza, Regice, Latias, etc.). The roamer will always be Latios during legendary hunts.
Vanilla: Legendary encounters are unchanged
Shuffle: Legendary encounters are shuffled between each other
Match Base Stats: Legendary encounters are replaced with species with approximately the same bst
Match Type: Legendary encounters are replaced with species that share a type with the original
Match Base Stats and Type: Apply both Match Base Stats and Match Type
Completely Random: There are no restrictions
display_name = "Randomize Legendary Encounters"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_type = 3
option_match_base_stats_and_type = 4
option_completely_random = 5
class RandomizeMiscPokemon(Choice):
Randomizes non-legendary static encounters. May grow to include other pokemon like trades or gifts.
Vanilla: Species are unchanged
Shuffle: Species are shuffled between each other
Match Base Stats: Species are replaced with species with approximately the same bst
Match Type: Species are replaced with species that share a type with the original
Match Base Stats and Type: Apply both Match Base Stats and Match Type
Completely Random: There are no restrictions
display_name = "Randomize Misc Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_type = 3
option_match_base_stats_and_type = 4
option_completely_random = 5
class RandomizeTypes(Choice):
Randomizes the type(s) of every pokemon. Each species will have the same number of types.
Vanilla: Types are unchanged
Shuffle: Types are shuffled globally for all species (e.g. every Water-type pokemon becomes Fire-type)
Completely Random: Each species has its type(s) randomized
Follow Evolutions: Types are randomized per evolution line instead of per species
display_name = "Randomize Types"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_completely_random = 2
option_follow_evolutions = 3
class RandomizeAbilities(Choice):
Randomizes abilities of every species. Each species will have the same number of abilities.
Vanilla: Abilities are unchanged
Completely Random: Each species has its abilities randomized
Follow Evolutions: Abilities are randomized, but if a pokemon would normally retain its ability
when evolving, the random ability will also be retained
display_name = "Randomize Abilities"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_completely_random = 1
option_follow_evolutions = 2
class AbilityBlacklist(OptionSet):
A list of abilities which no pokemon should have if abilities are randomized.
For example, you could exclude Wonder Guard and Arena Trap like this:
["Wonder Guard", "Arena Trap"]
display_name = "Ability Blacklist"
valid_keys = frozenset([ability.label for ability in data.abilities])
class LevelUpMoves(Choice):
Randomizes the moves a pokemon learns when they reach a level where they would learn a move.
Your starter is guaranteed to have a usable damaging move.
Vanilla: Learnset is unchanged
Randomized: Moves are randomized
Start with Four Moves: Moves are randomized and all Pokemon know 4 moves at level 1
display_name = "Level Up Moves"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_randomized = 1
option_start_with_four_moves = 2
class MoveMatchTypeBias(Range):
Sets the probability that a learned move will be forced match one of the types of a pokemon.
If a move is not forced to match type, it will roll for Normal type bias.
display_name = "Move Match Type Bias"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class MoveNormalTypeBias(Range):
After it has been decided that a move will not be forced to match types, sets the probability that a learned move
will be forced to be the Normal type.
If a move is not forced to be Normal, it will be completely random.
display_name = "Move Normal Type Bias"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class MoveBlacklist(OptionSet):
A list of moves which should be excluded from learnsets, TMs, and move tutors.
display_name = "Move Blacklist"
valid_keys = frozenset(data.move_labels.keys())
class HmCompatibility(NamedRange):
Sets the percent chance that a given HM is compatible with a species
display_name = "HM Compatibility"
default = -1
range_start = 50
range_end = 100
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": -1
class TmTutorCompatibility(NamedRange):
Sets the percent chance that a given TM or move tutor is compatible with a species
display_name = "TM/Tutor Compatibility"
default = -1
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": -1
class TmTutorMoves(Toggle):
Randomizes the moves taught by TMs and move tutors
display_name = "TM/Tutor Moves"
class ReusableTmsTutors(Toggle):
Sets TMs to not break after use (they remain sellable). Sets move tutors to infinite use.
display_name = "Reusable TMs and Tutors"
class MinCatchRate(Range):
Sets the minimum catch rate a pokemon can have. Any pokemon with a catch rate below this floor will have it raised to this value.
Legendaries are often in the single digits
Fully evolved pokemon are often double digits
Pidgey is 255
display_name = "Minimum Catch Rate"
range_start = 3
range_end = 255
default = 3
class GuaranteedCatch(Toggle):
Every throw is guaranteed to catch a wild pokemon
display_name = "Guaranteed Catch"
class NormalizeEncounterRates(Toggle):
Make every slot on an encounter table approximately equally likely.
This does NOT mean every species is equally likely. But it will make rarer encounters less rare overall.
display_name = "Normalize Encounter Rates"
class ExpModifier(Range):
Multiplies gained experience by a percentage
100 is default
50 is half
200 is double
display_name = "Exp Modifier"
range_start = 0
range_end = 1000
default = 100
class BlindTrainers(Toggle):
Causes trainers to not start a battle with you unless you talk to them
display_name = "Blind Trainers"
class PurgeSpinners(Toggle):
Trainers will rotate in predictable patterns on a set interval instead of randomly and don't turn toward you when you run
display_name = "Purge Spinners"
class MatchTrainerLevels(Choice):
When you start a battle with a trainer, your party's levels will be automatically set to match that trainer's highest level pokemon.
The experience you receive will match your party's average actual level, and will only be awarded when you win the battle.
This is a pseudo-replacement for a level cap and makes every trainer battle a fair fight while still allowing you to level up.
Off: The vanilla experience
Additive: The modifier you apply to your team is a flat bonus
Multiplicative: The modifier you apply to your team is a percent bonus
display_name = "Match Trainer Levels"
default = 0
option_off = 0
option_additive = 1
option_multiplicative = 2
class MatchTrainerLevelsBonus(Range):
A level bonus (or penalty) to apply to your team when matching an opponent's levels.
When the match trainer levels option is "additive", this value is added to your team's levels during a battle.
For example, if this value is 5 (+5 levels), you'll have a level 25 team against a level 20 team, and a level 45 team against a level 40 team.
When the match trainer levels option is "multiplicative", this is a percent bonus.
For example, if this value is 5 (+5%), you'll have a level 21 team against a level 20 team, and a level 42 team against a level 40 team.
display_name = "Match Trainer Levels Modifier"
range_start = -100
range_end = 100
default = 0
class DoubleBattleChance(Range):
The percent chance that a trainer with more than 1 pokemon will be converted into a double battle.
If these trainers would normally approach you, they will only do so if you have 2 unfainted pokemon.
They can be battled by talking to them no matter what.
display_name = "Double Battle Chance"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class BetterShops(Toggle):
Pokemarts sell every item that can be obtained in a pokemart (except mail, which is still unique to the relevant city)
display_name = "Better Shops"
class RemoveRoadblocks(OptionSet):
Removes specific NPCs that normally stand in your way until certain events are completed.
This can open up the world a bit and make your playthrough less linear, but careful how many you remove; it may make too much of your world accessible upon receiving Surf.
Possible values are:
"Route 110 Aqua Grunts"
"Route 112 Magma Grunts"
"Route 119 Aqua Grunts"
"Safari Zone Construction Workers"
"Lilycove City Wailmer"
"Aqua Hideout Grunts"
"Seafloor Cavern Aqua Grunt"
display_name = "Remove Roadblocks"
valid_keys = frozenset([
"Route 110 Aqua Grunts",
"Route 112 Magma Grunts",
"Route 119 Aqua Grunts",
"Safari Zone Construction Workers",
"Lilycove City Wailmer",
"Aqua Hideout Grunts",
"Seafloor Cavern Aqua Grunt",
class ExtraBoulders(Toggle):
Places strength boulders on Route 115 which block access to Meteor Falls from the beach.
This aims to take some power away from Surf by restricting how much it allows you to access.
display_name = "Extra Boulders"
class ExtraBumpySlope(Toggle):
Adds a bumpy slope to Route 115 which allows access to Meteor Falls if you have the Acro Bike.
This aims to take some power away from Surf by adding a new way to exit the Rustboro area.
display_name = "Extra Bumpy Slope"
class ModifyRoute118(Toggle):
Changes the layout of Route 118 so that it must be crossed with the Acro Bike instead of Surf.
This aims to take some power away from Surf by restricting how much it allows you to access.
display_name = "Modify Route 118"
class FreeFlyLocation(Toggle):
Enables flying to one random location when Mom gives you the running shoes (excluding cities reachable with no items)
display_name = "Free Fly Location"
class HmRequirements(TextChoice):
Sets the requirements to use HMs outside of battle
display_name = "HM Requirements"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_fly_without_badge = 1
class TurboA(Toggle):
Holding A will advance most text automatically
display_name = "Turbo A"
class ReceiveItemMessages(Choice):
Determines whether you receive an in-game notification when receiving an item. Items can still only be received in the overworld.
All: Every item shows a message
Progression: Only progression items show a message
None: All items are added to your bag silently (badges will still show)
display_name = "Receive Item Messages"
default = 0
option_all = 0
option_progression = 1
option_none = 2
class RemoteItems(Toggle):
Instead of placing your own items directly into the ROM, all items are received from the server, including items you find for yourself.
This enables co-op of a single slot and recovering more items after a lost save file (if you're so unlucky).
But it changes pickup behavior slightly and requires connection to the server to receive any items.
display_name = "Remote Items"
class RandomizeMusic(Toggle):
Shuffles music played in any situation where it loops. Includes many FRLG tracks.
display_name = "Randomize Music"
class RandomizeFanfares(Toggle):
Shuffles fanfares for item pickups, healing at the pokecenter, etc.
When this option is enabled, pressing B will interrupt most fanfares.
display_name = "Randomize Fanfares"
class WonderTrading(DefaultOnToggle):
Allows participation in wonder trading with other players in your current multiworld. Speak with the center receptionist on the second floor of any pokecenter.
Wonder trading NEVER affects logic.
Certain aspects of a pokemon species are per-game, not per-pokemon.
As a result, some things are not retained during a trade, including type, ability, level up learnset, and so on.
Receiving a pokemon this way does not mark it as found in your pokedex.
Trade evolutions do not evolve this way; they retain their modified methods (level ups and item use).
display_name = "Wonder Trading"
class EasterEgg(FreeText):
Enter certain phrases and something special might happen.
All secret phrases are something that could be a trendy phrase in Dewford Town. They are case insensitive.
default = "EMERALD SECRET"
class PokemonEmeraldOptions(PerGameCommonOptions):
goal: Goal
badges: RandomizeBadges
hms: RandomizeHms
key_items: RandomizeKeyItems
bikes: RandomizeBikes
event_tickets: RandomizeEventTickets
rods: RandomizeRods
overworld_items: RandomizeOverworldItems
hidden_items: RandomizeHiddenItems
npc_gifts: RandomizeNpcGifts
berry_trees: RandomizeBerryTrees
dexsanity: Dexsanity
trainersanity: Trainersanity
item_pool_type: ItemPoolType
require_itemfinder: HiddenItemsRequireItemfinder
require_flash: DarkCavesRequireFlash
elite_four_requirement: EliteFourRequirement
elite_four_count: EliteFourCount
norman_requirement: NormanRequirement
norman_count: NormanCount
legendary_hunt_catch: LegendaryHuntCatch
legendary_hunt_count: LegendaryHuntCount
allowed_legendary_hunt_encounters: AllowedLegendaryHuntEncounters
wild_pokemon: RandomizeWildPokemon
wild_encounter_blacklist: WildEncounterBlacklist
starters: RandomizeStarters
starter_blacklist: StarterBlacklist
trainer_parties: RandomizeTrainerParties
trainer_party_blacklist: TrainerPartyBlacklist
force_fully_evolved: ForceFullyEvolved
legendary_encounters: RandomizeLegendaryEncounters
misc_pokemon: RandomizeMiscPokemon
types: RandomizeTypes
abilities: RandomizeAbilities
ability_blacklist: AbilityBlacklist
level_up_moves: LevelUpMoves
move_match_type_bias: MoveMatchTypeBias
move_normal_type_bias: MoveNormalTypeBias
tm_tutor_compatibility: TmTutorCompatibility
hm_compatibility: HmCompatibility
tm_tutor_moves: TmTutorMoves
reusable_tms_tutors: ReusableTmsTutors
move_blacklist: MoveBlacklist
min_catch_rate: MinCatchRate
guaranteed_catch: GuaranteedCatch
normalize_encounter_rates: NormalizeEncounterRates
exp_modifier: ExpModifier
blind_trainers: BlindTrainers
purge_spinners: PurgeSpinners
match_trainer_levels: MatchTrainerLevels
match_trainer_levels_bonus: MatchTrainerLevelsBonus
double_battle_chance: DoubleBattleChance
better_shops: BetterShops
remove_roadblocks: RemoveRoadblocks
extra_boulders: ExtraBoulders
extra_bumpy_slope: ExtraBumpySlope
modify_118: ModifyRoute118
free_fly_location: FreeFlyLocation
hm_requirements: HmRequirements
turbo_a: TurboA
receive_item_messages: ReceiveItemMessages
remote_items: RemoteItems
music: RandomizeMusic
fanfares: RandomizeFanfares
death_link: DeathLink
enable_wonder_trading: WonderTrading
easter_egg: EasterEgg