2018-02-14 02:02:48 +00:00
import scrython, time
def keyCheck(key, _dict):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def nameBar(name, manaCost):
return "{} {}".format(name, manaCost)
def typeBar(typeLine, rarity):
return "{} | {}".format(typeLine, rarity[:1].upper())
def powerAndToughness(power, toughness):
return "{}/{}".format(power, toughness)
query = input("Enter a set: ")
currentSetSize = 0
lastList = []
currentList = []
while query is not None:
#Grab the data
spoilers = scrython.cards.Search(q="++e:{}".format(query), order='spoiled')
#If the total cards has increased
if spoilers.total_cards() > currentSetSize:
#Dump if currentList already exists
if currentList:
del currentList[:]
#If there aren't enough spoilers we iterate through the whole list.
#Otherwise we only want the first 15
if spoilers.total_cards() > 15:
maxIteration = 15
maxIteration = spoilers.total_cards()
for i in range(maxIteration):
#Iterate through data
for card in reversed(spoilers.data()):
if card['id'] in lastList:
print("~~~~~~~~~~\nNew card:")
#Grab the relevant keys
if keyCheck('card_faces', card):
print(nameBar(card['name'], card['card_faces'][0]['mana_cost']))
2018-03-03 17:10:57 +00:00
print(typeBar(card['card_faces'][0]['mana_cost'], card['card_faces'][0]['rarity']))
2018-02-14 02:02:48 +00:00
print(nameBar(card['name'], card['mana_cost']))
print(typeBar(card['type_line'], card['rarity']))
if keyCheck('oracle_text', card):
if keyCheck('power', card) and keyCheck('toughness', card):
print(powerAndToughness(card['power'], card['toughness']))
#Update card count
currentSetSize = spoilers.total_cards()
#Dump all in last list
if lastList:
del lastList[:]
#Add the first 15 ids in current list to last list
for i in range(maxIteration):