Deleted irrelevant files

This commit is contained in:
Nanda Scott 2018-10-28 01:49:41 -04:00
parent 72028f3772
commit cd9f7efbc0
7 changed files with 0 additions and 479 deletions

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# **class** `Autocomplete()`
These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`Autocomplete().scryfallJson`).
## Args
|q|string|The query of the autocompletion.|
|format|string, optional|Defaults to \'json\'. Returns data in the specified method.|
|face|string, optional|Defaults to empty string. If you\'re using the `image` format, this will specify if you want the front or back face.|
|version|string, optional|Defaults to empty string. If you\'re using the `image` format, this will specify if you want the small, normal, large, etc version of the image.|
|pretty|string, optional|Defaults to empty string. Returns a prettier version of the json object. Note that this may break functionality with Scrython.|
## Returns
## Raises
|exception type|reason|
|Exception|If the \'q\' parameter is not provided.|
|Exception|If the object returned is an error.|
## Examples
>>> auto ="Thal")
>>> auto.total_items()
## Methods
### `object()`
Returns the type of object it is.
(card, error, etc)
string: The type of object
### `total_values()`
How many items are returned in `data`
int: The number of items in the `data` key
### `data()`
The list of potential autocompletes
list: A list of possible corrections

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
# Cards
Documentation for a card object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`card.scryfallJson`).
## Attributes
All attributes are listed assuming the following
`card =<Class>()` is the current usage.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`card.object()`|String | Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)
|``|String | The scryfall id of the card.
|`card.multiverse_ids()`|List | The associated multiverse ids of the card.
|`card.mtgo_id()`|Integer | The Magic Online id of the card.
|`card.mtgo_foil_id()`|Integer | The Magic Online foil id of the card.
|``|String | The full name of the card. Cards with multiple faces are named with '//' as a seperator.
|`card.uri()`|String | The Scryfall API uri for the card.
|`card.scryfall_uri()`|String | The full Scryfall page of the card.
|`card.layout()`|String | The image layout of the card. (normal, transform, etc)
|`card.highres_image()`|Bool | Returns True if the card has a high res image.
|`card.image_uris()`|Dict | All image uris of the card in various qualities.
|`card.cmc()`|float | A float of the converted mana cost of the card.
|`card.type_line()`|String | The full type line of the card.
|`card.oracle_text()`|String | The official oracle text of a card.
|`card.mana_cost()`|String | The full mana cost using shorthanded mana symbols.
|`card.colors()`|List | An array of strings with all colors found in the mana cost.
|`card.color_identity()`|List | An array of strings with all colors found on the card itself.
|`card.legalities()`|Dict | A dictionary of all formats and their legality.
|`card.reserved()`|Bool | Returns True if the card is on the reserved list.
|`card.reprint()`|Bool | Returns True if the card has been reprinted before.
|`card.set_code()`|String | The 3 letter code for the set of the card.
|`card.set_name()`|String | The full name for the set of the card.
|`card.set_uri()`|String | The API uri for the full set list of the card.
|`card.set_search_uri()`|String | Same output as set_uri.
|`card.scryfall_set_uri()`|String | The full link to the set on Scryfall.
|`card.rulings_uri()`|String | The API uri for the rulings of the card.
|`card.prints_search_uri()`|String | A link to where you can begin paginating all re/prints for this card on Scryfalls API.
|`card.collector_number()`|String | The collector number of the card.
|``|Bool | Returns True if the card is the digital version.
|`card.rarity()`|String | The rarity of the card.
|`card.illuStringation_id()`|String | The related id of the card art.
|`card.artist()`|String | The artist of the card.
|`card.frame()`|String | The year of the card frame.
|`card.full_art()`|Bool | Returns True if the card is considered full art.
|`card.border_color()`|String | The color of the card border.
|`card.timeshifted()`|Bool | Returns True if the card is timeshifted.
|`card.colorshifted()`|Bool | Returns True if the card is colorshifted.
|`card.futureshifted()`|Bool | Returns True if the card is futureshifted.
|`card.edhrec_rank()`|Integer | The rank of the card on
|`card.currency("<mode>")`|String | Takes an argument for a currency, then returns a string of that value. (`currency("usd")>>"1.35"`). Current modes are `usd`, `eur`, and `tix`.
|`card.related_uris()`|Dict | A dictionary of related websites for this card.
|`card.purchase_uris()`|Dict | A dictionary of links to purchase the card.
|`card.life_modifier()`|String | This is the cards life modifier value, assuming it's a Vanguard card.
|`card.hand_modifier()`|String | This cards hand modifier value, assuming it's a Vanguard card.
|`card.color_indicator()`|List | An array of all colors found in this card's color indicator.
|`card.all_parts()`|List | This this card is closely related to other cards, this property will be an array with it.
|`card.card_faces()`|List | If it exists, all parts found on a card's face will be found as an object from this array.
|`card.watermark()`|String | The associated watermark of the card, if any.
|`card.story_spotlight_number()`|Integer | This card's story spotlight number, if any.
|`card.story_spotlight_uri()`|String | The URI for the card's story article, if any.
|`card.power()`|String| The power of the creature, if applicable.
|`card.toughness()`|String| The toughness of the creature, if applicable.
|`card.flavor_text()`|String| The flavor text of the card, if any.
|`card.arena_id()`|Integer| The Arena ID of the card, if any.
|`card.lang()`|String| The language of the card.
|`card.printed_name()`|String| If the card is in a non-English language, this will be the name as it appears on the card.
|`card.printed_type_line()`|String| If the card is in a non-English language, this will be the type line as it appears on the card.
|`card.printed_text()`|String| If the card is in a non-English language, this will be the rules text as it appears on the card.
## *class* `cards.Named()`
Gets a card by the name.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: |
|fuzzy|Yes|string|Uses the fuzzy parameter for the card name.|
|exact|Yes|string|Uses the exact parameter for the card name.|
|set|No|string|Returns the set of the card if specified. If not the card edition will be the most recent printing. Requires the 3 letter set code.
>Since the `/cards/named` endpoint specifically requires the fuzzy or exact markers, they are required to be explicitly denoted.
## *class* `cards.Random()`
Get a random card.
No parameters are required.
## *class* `cards.Multiverse()`
Get a card by Multiverse id
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|id|Yes|Integer or String| This is the associated multiverse id of the given card.
## *class* `cards.Mtgo()`
Get a card by MTGO id.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|id|Yes|String|The required mtgo id of the card.
## *class* `cards.Collector()`
Get a card by collector number.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|code|Yes|String|This is the 3 letter code for the set|
|collector_number|Yes|String|This is the collector number of the card.|
|lang|No|String|A 2-3 letter that denotes to what language you want. Defaults to `en` if not specified.|
## *class* `cards.Id()`
Get a card by the Scryfall id.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|id|Yes|String|The Scryfall Id of the card.|
## *class* `cards.Autocomplete()`
Get a list of potential autocompletion phrases.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|q|Yes|String| The query of the autocompletion.|
|Name|Output Type|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns what kind of object it is.|
|`total_items()`|Integer|How many items are in the list.|
|`data()`|List|The list of potential autocompletes.|
## *class* `cards.Search()`
Uses a search query to gather relevant data.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|`q`|Yes|String| The query to search. This will be updated in the future.|
|`order`|No|String| The order you'd like the data returned.|
|`unique`|No|String|A way to filter similar cards.|
|`dir`|No|String|The direction you'd like to sort. (`asc`, `desc`, `auto`)|
|`include_extras`|No|Boolean|Includes cards that are normally omitted from search results, like Un-sets.|
|`page`|No|Integer|The page number you'd like to search, if any.|
|Name|Output Type|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns what kind of object it is.|
|`total_cards()`|Integer|How many cards are returned from the query.|
|`data()`|List|The list of potential autocompletes.|
|`has_more()`|Boolean|True if there is more than 1 page of results.|
|`next_page()`|String|The API URI to the next page of the query.|
|`warnings()`|List| Provides an array of errors, if any.|
|`data_length()`|Integer| The length of the data returned.|
|`data_tuple()`|Dict| Accesses an object at the specified index.|

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# Catalog
Documentation for a catalog object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`catalog.scryfallJson`).
## Classes
|`ArtifactTypes()`|Returns all unique types of artifacts printed.|
|`CardNames()`|Returns all unique card names printed.|
|`CreatureTypes()`|Returns all unique creature types printed.|
|`LandTypes()`|Returns all unique land types printed.|
|`Loyalties()`|Returns all unique starting loyalties printed.|
|`PlaneswalkerTypes()`|Returns all unique planeswalker types printed.|
|`Powers()`|Returns all unique power values printed.|
|`SpellTypes()`|Returns all unique spell types printed.|
|`Toughnesses()`|Returns all unique toughness values printed.|
|`Watermarks()`|Returns the name of all unique watermarks printed.|
|`WordBanks()`|Returns all unique words ever printed on a card.|
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Description |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: |
|format|No|String|The format to return. Defaults to JSON.|
|pretty|No|Boolean|Makes the returned JSON prettier. The library may not work properly with this setting.|
All attributes are listed assuming the following
`catalog = scrython.catalog.<Class>()` is the current usage.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`catalog.object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`catalog.uri()`|String|The API URI for the endpoint you've called.|
|`catalog.total_values()`|Integer|The number of items in `data()`.|
|``|List|A list of all types returned by the endpoint.|

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# Rulings
Documentation for a rulings object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`rulings.scryfallJson`).
## Attributes
All attributes are listed assuming the following
`rule = scrython.rulings.<Class>()` is the current usage.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`had_more()`|Bool| If true, this ruling object has more rules than it currently displays.|
|`data()`|List|A list of ruling objects.
|`data_length()`|Integer|The length of the `data` list.|
|`ruling_object()`|String|The type of object for a given ruling. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`ruling_source()`|String|The source of the ruling. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`ruling_published_at()`|String|The date when the ruling was published. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`ruling_comment()`|String|The effective ruling. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
## *class* `rulings.Id()`
Gets the ruling of a card by the Scryfall Id.
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Description |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: |
|id|Yes|String|The id of the card you want rulings for.|
## *class* `rulings.Mtgo()`
Gets the ruling of a card by the Mtgo Id.
|Param|Required [y/n]|Input type|Description|
|id|Yes|String|The Mtgo id of the card you want rulings for.|
## *class* `rulings.Multiverse()`
Gets the ruling of a card by the Multiverse Id.
|Param|Required [y/n]|Input type|Description|
|id|Yes|String|The Multiverse Id of the card you want rulings for.|
## *class* `rulings.Code()`
Gets the ruling of a card by the set code and collector number.
|Param|Required [y/n]|Input type|Description|
|code|Yes|String|The 3 letter set code of the card.|
|collector_number|Yes|String|The collector number of the card.|

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# Sets
Documentation for a sets object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`sets.scryfallJson`).
## *class* `Code()`
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Description |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |:---: |
|code|Yes|String|The three letter set code of the set you want.|
All attributes are listed assuming the following
`card = scrython.sets.<Class>()` is the current usage.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`code()`|String|The three letter set code of the set|
|`mtgo_code()`|String|The mtgo equivalent of `code()`|
|`name()`|String|The full name of the set.|
|`set_type()`|String|The type of the set (expansion, commander, etc)|
|`released_at()`|String|The date the set was launched.|
|`block_code()`|String|The the letter code for the block the set was in.|
|`block()`|String|The full name of the block a set was in.|
|`parent_set_code()`|String| The set code for the parent set.|
|`card_count()`|Integer| The number of cards in the set.|
|`digital()`|Boolean| True if this set is only featured on MTGO.|
|`foil()`|Boolean|True if this set only has foils.|
|`icon_svg_uri()`|String| A URI to the SVG of the set symbol.|
|`search_uri()`|String|The scryfall API url for the search.|
## *class* `Sets()`
`Sets()` gets it's own special attributes that don't match with the normal set attributes.
No parameters are required.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`has_more()`|Boolean| True if there are more pages available.|
|`data()`|List| List of all data returned.|
|`data_length()`|Integer|The length of the data returned.|
|`set_object(num)`|String| The set object. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_code(num)`|String|The three letter set code of the set Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_mtgo_code(num)`|String|The mtgo equivalent of `code()` Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_name(num)`|String|The full name of the set. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_set_type(num)`|String|The type of the set (expansion, commander, etc) Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_released_at(num)`|String|The date the set was launched. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_block_code(num)`|String|The the letter code for the block the set was in. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_block(num)`|String|The full name of the block a set was in. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_parent_set_code(num)`|String| The set code for the parent set. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_card_count(num)`|Integer| The number of cards in the set. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_digital(num)`|Boolean| True if this set is only featured on MTGO. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_foil(num)`|Boolean|True if this set only has foils. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_icon_svg_uri(num)`|String| A URI to the SVG of the set symbol. Requires an integer as a parameter.|
|`set_search_uri(num)`|String|The scryfall API url for the search. Requires an integer as a parameter.|

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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# Symbology
Documentation for a sets object. These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`symbology.scryfallJson`).
## *class* `Symbology()`
There are no parameters needed to call this class.
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`has_more()`|Boolean|True if there are more pages to the object.|
|`data()`|List|A list of all data returned.|
|`data_length()`|Integer|The length of the data returned.|
|`symbol_symbol(num)`|String|The plaintext symbol, usually written with curly braces. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_loose_variant(num)`|String|The alternate version of the symbol, without curly braces. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_transposable(num)`|Boolean|True if it's possibly to write the symbol backwards. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_represents_mana(num)`|Boolean|True if this is a mana symbol. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_cmc(num)`|Float|The total converted mana cost of the symbol. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_appears_in_mana_costs(num)`|Boolean|True if the symbol appears on the mana cost of any card.Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_funny(num)`|Boolean|True if the symbol is featured on any funny cards. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
|`symbol_colors(num)`|List|An array of all colors in the given symbol. Requires an integer as a parameter, which acts as a tuple.|
## *class* `ParseMana()`
| Param |Required [y/n]| Input type | Function |
|cost|Yes|String|The given mana cost you want. (`RUG`)|
|Name|Data type returned|Description|
|`object()`|String|Returns the type of object it is. (card, error, etc)|
|`mana_cost()`|String|The formatted mana cost.|
|`cmc()`|Float|The converted mana cost of the card.|
|`colors()`|List|A list of all colors in the mana cost.|
|`colorless()`|Boolean|True if the mana cost is colorless.|
|`monocolored()`|Boolean|True if the mana cost is mono colored.|
|`multicolored()`|Boolean|True if the mana cost is a multicolored cost.|

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# **class** `{Class_name}()`
These docs will likely not be as detailed as the official Scryfall Documentation, and you should reference that for more information.
>In the event that a key isn't found or has been changed, you can access the full JSON output with the `scryfallJson` variable (`{Class_name}().scryfallJson`).
## Args
|{arg} ({type})|{description}|
## Raises
|exception type|reason|
## Example usage