import asyncio, aiohttp import json class Autocomplete(object): """ cards/autocomplete Parameters: query: str The string to autocomplete. format: str The data format to return. Currently only supports JSON. pretty: bool If true, the returned JSON will be prettified. Avoid using for production code. Attributes: object: str Returns the type of object it is. total_items: int Returns the number of items in data. data: arr The full autocompleted list. """ def __init__(self, query, pretty=None, _format=None): self.query = query self.pretty = pretty self.format = _format loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) async def getRequest(url, **kwargs): async with self.session.get(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.json() self.scryfallJson = loop.run_until_complete(getRequest( url='', params={'q':self.query, 'pretty':self.pretty, 'format':self.format})) if self.scryfallJson['object'] == 'error': raise Exception(self.scryfallJson['details']) self.session.close() self.session.close() def object(self): return self.scryfallJson['object'] def total_items(self): return self.scryfallJson['total_items'] def data(self): return self.scryfallJson['data']