# Before running you need to provide a token to run. # For safety it's reccommended that you save the token as a variable # in another file; in this case BotUtils.py import discord, scrython, BotUtils, asyncio from discord.ext import commands bot = commands.Bot(description='FetchBot', command_prefix="?") @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print(bot.user.name) print(bot.user.id) print('------') @bot.command() async def mtg(*, name): getCard = str(name) await asyncio.sleep(0.05) card = scrython.cards.Named(fuzzy=getCard) if card.type_line() == 'Creature': PT = "({}/{})".format(card.power(), card.toughness()) else: PT = "" if card.cmc() == 0: mana_cost = "" else: mana_cost = card.mana_cost() string = """ {cardname} {mana_cost} {type_line} {set_code} {rarity} {oracle_text}{power_toughness} """.format( cardname=card.name(), mana_cost=mana_cost, type_line=card.type_line(), set_code=card.set_code().upper(), rarity=card.rarity(), oracle_text=card.oracle_text(), power_toughness=PT ) await bot.say(string) bot.run(BotUtils.AUTH_TOKEN)