import aiohttp import asyncio import urllib.parse class CardsObject(object): def __init__(self, _url, **kwargs): self.params = { 'format': kwargs.get('format', 'json'), 'face': kwargs.get('face', ''), 'version': kwargs.get('version', ''), 'pretty': kwargs.get('pretty', '') } self.encodedParams = urllib.parse.urlencode(self.params) self._url = '' + _url + "&" + self.encodedParams #Find a fix for this later async def getRequest(client, url, **kwargs): async with client.get(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.json() async def main(loop): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as client: self.scryfallJson = await getRequest(client, self._url) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main(loop)) if self.scryfallJson['object'] == 'error': raise Exception(self.scryfallJson['details']) def __checkForKey(self, key): try: return self.scryfallJson[key] except KeyError: return None def object(self): if self.__checkForKey('object') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'object\'") return self.scryfallJson['object'] def id(self): if self.__checkForKey('id') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'id\'") return self.scryfallJson['id'] def multiverse_ids(self): if self.__checkForKey('multiverse_ids') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'multiverse_ids\'") return self.scryfallJson['multiverse_ids'] def mtgo_id(self): if self.__checkForKey('mtgo_id') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'mtgo_id\'") return self.scryfallJson['mtgo_id'] def mtgo_foil_id(self): if self.__checkForKey('mtgo_foil_id') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'mtgo_foil_id\'") return self.scryfallJson['mtgo_foil_id'] def name(self): if self.__checkForKey('name') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'name\'") return self.scryfallJson['name'] def uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['uri'] def scryfall_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('scryfall_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'scryfall_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['scryfall_uri'] def layout(self): if self.__checkForKey('layout') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'layout\'") return self.scryfallJson['layout'] def highres_image(self): if self.__checkForKey('highres_image') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'highres_image\'") return self.scryfallJson['highres_image'] def image_uris(self): if self.__checkForKey('image_uris') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'image_uris\'") return self.scryfallJson['image_uris'] def cmc(self): if self.__checkForKey('cmc') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'cmc\'") return self.scryfallJson['cmc'] def type_line(self): if self.__checkForKey('type_line') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'type_line\'") return self.scryfallJson['type_line'] def oracle_text(self): if self.__checkForKey('oracle_text') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'oracle_text\'") return self.scryfallJson['oracle_text'] def mana_cost(self): if self.__checkForKey('mana_cost') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'mana_cost\'") return self.scryfallJson['mana_cost'] def colors(self): if self.__checkForKey('colors') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'colors\'") return self.scryfallJson['colors'] def color_identity(self): if self.__checkForKey('color_identity') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'color_identity\'") return self.scryfallJson['color_identity'] def legalities(self): if self.__checkForKey('legalities') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'legalities\'") return self.scryfallJson['legalities'] def reserved(self): if self.__checkForKey('reserved') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'reserved\'") return self.scryfallJson['reserved'] def reprint(self): if self.__checkForKey('reprint') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'reprint\'") return self.scryfallJson['reprint'] def set_code(self): if self.__checkForKey('set') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'set\'") return self.scryfallJson['set'] def set_name(self): if self.__checkForKey('set_name') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'set_name\'") return self.scryfallJson['set_name'] def set_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('set_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'set_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['set_uri'] def set_search_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('set_search_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'set_search_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['set_search_uri'] def scryfall_set_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('scryfall_set_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'scryfall_set_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['scryfall_set_uri'] def rulings_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('rulings_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'rulings_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['rulings_uri'] def prints_search_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('prints_search_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'prints_search_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['prints_search_uri'] def collector_number(self): if self.__checkForKey('collector_number') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'collector_number\'") return self.scryfallJson['collector_number'] def digital(self): if self.__checkForKey('digital') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'digital\'") return self.scryfallJson['digital'] def rarity(self): if self.__checkForKey('rarity') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'rarity\'") return self.scryfallJson['rarity'] def illustration_id(self): if self.__checkForKey('illustration_id') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'illustration_id\'") return self.scryfallJson['illustration_id'] def artist(self): if self.__checkForKey('artist') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'artist\'") return self.scryfallJson['artist'] def frame(self): if self.__checkForKey('frame') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'frame\'") return self.scryfallJson['frame'] def full_art(self): if self.__checkForKey('') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'full_art\'") return self.scryfallJson['full_art'] def border_color(self): if self.__checkForKey('border_color') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'border_color\'") return self.scryfallJson['border_color'] def timeshifted(self): if self.__checkForKey('timeshifted') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'timeshifted\'") return self.scryfallJson['timeshifted'] def colorshifted(self): if self.__checkForKey('colorshifted') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'colorshifted\'") return self.scryfallJson['colorshifted'] def futureshifted(self): if self.__checkForKey('futureshifted') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'futureshifted\'") return self.scryfallJson['futureshifted'] def edhrec_rank(self): if self.__checkForKey('edhrec_rank') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'edhrec_rank\'") return self.scryfallJson['edhrec_rank'] def currency(self, mode): modes = ['usd', 'eur', 'tix'] if mode not in modes: raise KeyError("{} is not a key.".format(mode)) if self.__checkForKey(mode) is None: raise KeyError("This card has no currency key {}".format(mode)) return self.scryfallJson[mode] def related_uris(self): if self.__checkForKey('related_uris') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'related_uris\'") return self.scryfallJson['related_uris'] def purchase_uris(self): if self.__checkForKey('purchase_uris') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'purchase_uris\'") return self.scryfallJson['purchase_uris'] def life_modifier(self): if self.__checkForKey('life_modifier') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'life_modifier\'") return self.scryfallJson['life_modifier'] def hand_modifier(self): if self.__checkForKey('hand_modifier') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'hand_modifier\'") return self.scryfallJson['hand_modifier'] def color_indicator(self): if self.__checkForKey('color_indicator') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'color_indicator\'") return self.scryfallJson['color_indicator'] def all_parts(self): if self.__checkForKey('all_parts') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'all_parts\'") return self.scryfallJson['all_parts'] def card_faces(self): if self.__checkForKey('card_faces') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'card_faces\'") return self.scryfallJson['card_faces'] def watermark(self): if self.__checkForKey('watermark') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'watermark\'") return self.scryfallJson['watermark'] def story_spotlight_number(self): if self.__checkForKey('story_spotlight_number') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'story_spotlight_number\'") return self.scryfallJson['story_spotlight_number'] def story_spotlight_uri(self): if self.__checkForKey('story_spotlight_uri') is None: raise KeyError("This card has no key \'story_spotlight_uri\'") return self.scryfallJson['story_spotlight_uri']