import React from 'react'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { is } from 'immutable'; import IconButton from './icon_button'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { isIOS } from 'flavours/glitch/util/is_mobile'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { autoPlayGif, displaySensitiveMedia } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state'; const messages = defineMessages({ hidden: { defaultMessage: 'Media hidden', id: 'status.media_hidden', }, sensitive: { defaultMessage: 'Sensitive', id: 'media_gallery.sensitive', }, toggle: { defaultMessage: 'Click to view', id: 'status.sensitive_toggle', }, toggle_visible: { defaultMessage: 'Toggle visibility', id: 'media_gallery.toggle_visible', }, warning: { defaultMessage: 'Sensitive content', id: 'status.sensitive_warning', }, }); class Item extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { attachment:, standalone: PropTypes.bool, index: PropTypes.number.isRequired, size: PropTypes.number.isRequired, letterbox: PropTypes.bool, onClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, displayWidth: PropTypes.number, }; static defaultProps = { standalone: false, index: 0, size: 1, }; handleMouseEnter = (e) => { if (this.hoverToPlay()) {; } } handleMouseLeave = (e) => { if (this.hoverToPlay()) {; = 0; } } hoverToPlay () { const { attachment } = this.props; return !autoPlayGif && attachment.get('type') === 'gifv'; } handleClick = (e) => { const { index, onClick } = this.props; if (e.button === 0) { e.preventDefault(); onClick(index); } e.stopPropagation(); } render () { const { attachment, index, size, standalone, letterbox, displayWidth } = this.props; let width = 50; let height = 100; let top = 'auto'; let left = 'auto'; let bottom = 'auto'; let right = 'auto'; if (size === 1) { width = 100; } if (size === 4 || (size === 3 && index > 0)) { height = 50; } if (size === 2) { if (index === 0) { right = '2px'; } else { left = '2px'; } } else if (size === 3) { if (index === 0) { right = '2px'; } else if (index > 0) { left = '2px'; } if (index === 1) { bottom = '2px'; } else if (index > 1) { top = '2px'; } } else if (size === 4) { if (index === 0 || index === 2) { right = '2px'; } if (index === 1 || index === 3) { left = '2px'; } if (index < 2) { bottom = '2px'; } else { top = '2px'; } } let thumbnail = ''; if (attachment.get('type') === 'image') { const previewUrl = attachment.get('preview_url'); const previewWidth = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'small', 'width']); const originalUrl = attachment.get('url'); const originalWidth = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'original', 'width']); const hasSize = typeof originalWidth === 'number' && typeof previewWidth === 'number'; const srcSet = hasSize ? `${originalUrl} ${originalWidth}w, ${previewUrl} ${previewWidth}w` : null; const sizes = hasSize && (displayWidth > 0) ? `${displayWidth * (width / 100)}px` : null; const focusX = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'focus', 'x']) || 0; const focusY = attachment.getIn(['meta', 'focus', 'y']) || 0; const x = ((focusX / 2) + .5) * 100; const y = ((focusY / -2) + .5) * 100; thumbnail = ( <a className='media-gallery__item-thumbnail' href={attachment.get('remote_url') || originalUrl} onClick={this.handleClick} target='_blank' > <img className={letterbox ? 'letterbox' : null} src={previewUrl} srcSet={srcSet} sizes={sizes} alt={attachment.get('description')} title={attachment.get('description')} style={{ objectPosition: `${x}% ${y}%` }} /> </a> ); } else if (attachment.get('type') === 'gifv') { const autoPlay = !isIOS() && autoPlayGif; thumbnail = ( <div className={classNames('media-gallery__gifv', { autoplay: autoPlay })}> <video className={`media-gallery__item-gifv-thumbnail${letterbox ? ' letterbox' : ''}`} aria-label={attachment.get('description')} role='application' src={attachment.get('url')} onClick={this.handleClick} onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseLeave} autoPlay={autoPlay} loop muted /> <span className='media-gallery__gifv__label'>GIF</span> </div> ); } return ( <div className={classNames('media-gallery__item', { standalone })} key={attachment.get('id')} style={{ left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, width: `${width}%`, height: `${height}%` }}> {thumbnail} </div> ); } } @injectIntl export default class MediaGallery extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { sensitive: PropTypes.bool, revealed: PropTypes.bool, standalone: PropTypes.bool, letterbox: PropTypes.bool, fullwidth: PropTypes.bool, media: ImmutablePropTypes.list.isRequired, size: PropTypes.object, onOpenMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { standalone: false, }; state = { visible: this.props.revealed === undefined ? (!this.props.sensitive || displaySensitiveMedia) : this.props.revealed, }; componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) { if (!is(, { this.setState({ visible: !nextProps.sensitive }); } } handleOpen = () => { this.setState({ visible: !this.state.visible }); } handleClick = (index) => { this.props.onOpenMedia(, index); } handleRef = (node) => { if (node /*&& this.isStandaloneEligible()*/) { // offsetWidth triggers a layout, so only calculate when we need to this.setState({ width: node.offsetWidth, }); } } isStandaloneEligible() { const { media, standalone } = this.props; return standalone && media.size === 1 && media.getIn([0, 'meta', 'small', 'aspect']); } render () { const { media, intl, sensitive, letterbox, fullwidth } = this.props; const { width, visible } = this.state; const size = media.take(4).size; let children; const style = {}; if (this.isStandaloneEligible() && width) { style.height = width /[0, 'meta', 'small', 'aspect']); } if (!visible) { let warning = <FormattedMessage {...(sensitive ? messages.warning : messages.hidden)} />; children = ( <button className='media-spoiler' type='button' onClick={this.handleOpen}> <span className='media-spoiler__warning'>{warning}</span> <span className='media-spoiler__trigger'><FormattedMessage {...messages.toggle} /></span> </button> ); } else { if (this.isStandaloneEligible()) { children = <Item standalone attachment={media.get(0)} onClick={this.handleClick} displayWidth={width} />; } else { children = media.take(4).map((attachment, i) => <Item key={attachment.get('id')} onClick={this.handleClick} attachment={attachment} index={i} size={size} letterbox={letterbox} displayWidth={width} />); } } const computedClass = classNames('media-gallery', `size-${size}`, { 'full-width': fullwidth }); return ( <div className={computedClass} style={style} ref={this.handleRef}> {visible ? ( <div className='sensitive-info'> <IconButton icon='eye' onClick={this.handleOpen} overlay title={intl.formatMessage(messages.toggle_visible)} /> {sensitive ? ( <span className='sensitive-marker'> <FormattedMessage {...messages.sensitive} /> </span> ) : null} </div> ) : null} {children} </div> ); } }