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import os
import shutil
import asyncio
2021-03-09 05:08:20 +00:00
import re
import json
import atoot
from debug import *
async def startup():
log('Starting up...')
if not os.path.exists(''):
log('Config file not found, copying', Severity.WARNING)
shutil.copyfile('', '')
import config
async with atoot.client(config.instance, access_token=config.access_token) as c:
log('Connected to server!')
me = await c.verify_account_credentials()
log('Credentials verified!')
tasks = []
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(listen(c, me)))
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(repeat(5 * 60, update_followers, c, me)))
for t in tasks:
await t
async def update_followers(c, me):
log('Updating followed accounts...')
accounts_following_me = set(map(lambda a: a['id'], await c.account_followers(me)))
accounts_i_follow = set(map(lambda a: a['id'], await c.account_following(me)))
# accounts that follow me that i don't follow
to_follow = accounts_following_me - accounts_i_follow
# accounts i follow that don't follow me
to_unfollow = accounts_i_follow - accounts_following_me
if to_follow:
log(f'{len(to_follow)} accounts to follow:')
for account in to_follow:
await c.account_follow(account)
log(f'Followed {account}')
log('No accounts to follow.')
if to_unfollow:
log(f'{len(to_unfollow)} accounts to unfollow:')
for account in to_unfollow:
await c.account_unfollow(account)
log(f'Unfollowed {account}')
log('No accounts to unfollow.')
async def listen(c, me):
async with c.streaming('user') as stream:
async for msg in stream:
2021-03-09 05:08:20 +00:00
status = json.loads(msg.json()['payload'])
# two events come in for the statuses, one of them has the status nested deeper
# just ignore that one
if 'status' in status: continue
# ignore any events we don't know how to handle
status_id = status['id']
status_author = '@' + status['account']['acct']
status_text = status['content']
status_visibility = status['visibility']
cards = re.findall(r'\[\[(.+?)\]\]', status_text)
# ignore any statuses without cards in them
if not cards: continue
reply_text = status_author + ' ' + ', '.join(cards)
reply_visibility = min(('unlisted', status_visibility), key=['direct', 'private', 'unlisted', 'public'].index)
log('Sending reply...')
await c.create_status(status=reply_text, in_reply_to_id=status_id, visibility=reply_visibility)
async def repeat(interval, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run func every interval seconds.
If func has not finished before *interval*, will run again
immediately when the previous iteration finished.
*args and **kwargs are passed as the arguments to func.
while True:
await asyncio.gather(
func(*args, **kwargs),
if __name__ == '__main__':