2023-04-08 20:52:34 +00:00
from ..logic.smbool import SMBool
2021-11-12 13:00:11 +00:00
# layout patches added by randomizers
class RomPatches:
#### Patches definitions
### Layout
# blue door to access the room with etank+missile
BlueBrinstarBlueDoor = 10
# missile in the first room is a major item and accessible and ceiling is a minor
BlueBrinstarMissile = 11
# shot block instead of bomb blocks for spazer access
SpazerShotBlock = 20
# climb back up red tower from bottom no matter what
RedTowerLeftPassage = 21
# exit red tower top to crateria
RedTowerBlueDoors = 22
# shot block in crumble blocks at early supers
EarlySupersShotBlock = 23
# brinstar reserve area door blue
BrinReserveBlueDoors = 24
# red tower top PB door to hellway
HellwayBlueDoor = 25
# etecoon supers blue door
EtecoonSupersBlueDoor = 26
# shot block to exit hi jump area
HiJumpShotBlock = 30
# access main upper norfair without anything
CathedralEntranceWallJump = 31
# graph blue doors
HiJumpAreaBlueDoor = 32
SpeedAreaBlueDoors = 33
# LN start
LowerNorfairPBRoomHeatDisable = 34
FirefleasRemoveFune = 35
# moat bottom block
MoatShotBlock = 41
#graph+forgotten hiway anti softlock
SpongeBathBlueDoor = 42
# forgotten hiway anti softlock
EastOceanPlatforms = 43
# maridia
MaridiaTubeOpened = 51
MamaTurtleBlueDoor = 52
# ws start
WsEtankBlueDoor = 53
## Area rando patches
# remove crumble block for reverse lower norfair door access
SingleChamberNoCrumble = 101
# remove green gates for reverse maridia access
AreaRandoGatesBase = 102
# remove crab green gate in maridia and blue gate in green brinstar
AreaRandoGatesOther = 103
# disable Green Hill Yellow, Noob Bridge Green, Coude Yellow, and Kronic Boost yellow doors
AreaRandoBlueDoors = 104
# crateria key hunter yellow, green pirates shaft red
AreaRandoMoreBlueDoors = 105
# croc green+grey doors
CrocBlueDoors = 106
# maridia crab shaft AP door
CrabShaftBlueDoor = 107
# wrap door from sand halls left to under botwoon
MaridiaSandWarp = 108
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# Replace PB blocks at Aqueduct entrance with bomb blocks
AqueductBombBlocks = 109
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## Minimizer Patches
NoGadoras = 200
TourianSpeedup = 201
OpenZebetites = 202
### Other
# Gravity no longer protects from environmental damage (heat, spikes...)
NoGravityEnvProtection = 1000
# Wrecked Ship etank accessible when Phantoon is alive
WsEtankPhantoonAlive = 1001
# Lower Norfair chozo (vanilla access to GT/Screw Area) : disable space jump check
LNChozoSJCheckDisabled = 1002
# Progressive suits patch, mutually exclusive with NoGravityEnvProtection
ProgressiveSuits = 1003
# Nerfed charge beam available from the start
NerfedCharge = 1004
# Nerfed rainbow beam for ultra sparse energy qty
NerfedRainbowBeam = 1005
# Red doors open with one missile, and don't react to supers: part of door color rando
RedDoorsMissileOnly = 1006
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# Escape auto-trigger on objectives completion (no Tourian)
NoTourian = 1007
# BT wakes up on its item instead of bombs
BombTorizoWake = 1008
# Round-Robin Crystal Flash patch
RoundRobinCF = 1009
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### Hacks
# rotation hack
RotationHack = 10000
#### Patch sets
# total randomizer
TotalBase = [ BlueBrinstarBlueDoor, RedTowerBlueDoors, NoGravityEnvProtection ]
# tournament and full
TotalLayout = [ MoatShotBlock, EarlySupersShotBlock,
SpazerShotBlock, RedTowerLeftPassage,
HiJumpShotBlock, CathedralEntranceWallJump ]
Total = TotalBase + TotalLayout
# casual
TotalCasual = [ BlueBrinstarMissile ] + Total
# area rando patch set
AreaBaseSet = [ SingleChamberNoCrumble, AreaRandoGatesBase,
AreaRandoBlueDoors, AreaRandoMoreBlueDoors,
CrocBlueDoors, CrabShaftBlueDoor, MaridiaSandWarp ]
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AreaComfortSet = [ AreaRandoGatesOther, SpongeBathBlueDoor, EastOceanPlatforms, AqueductBombBlocks ]
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AreaSet = AreaBaseSet + AreaComfortSet
# VARIA specific patch set
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VariaTweaks = [ WsEtankPhantoonAlive, LNChozoSJCheckDisabled, BombTorizoWake ]
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# Tourian speedup in minimizer mode
MinimizerTourian = [ TourianSpeedup, OpenZebetites ]
# dessyreqt randomizer
Dessy = []
### Active patches
ActivePatches = {}
def has(player, patch):
return SMBool(patch in RomPatches.ActivePatches[player])
def setDefaultPatches(startLocation):
# called by the isolver in seedless mode.
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# activate only layout patch (the most common one), red tower blue doors, startLocation's patches and balanced suits.
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from graph.graph_utils import GraphUtils
2023-04-09 22:35:46 +00:00
RomPatches.ActivePatches[0] = [RomPatches.RedTowerBlueDoors] + RomPatches.TotalLayout + GraphUtils.getGraphPatches(startLocation) + [RomPatches.NoGravityEnvProtection]