2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass
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from typing import List
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2024-08-31 11:15:00 +00:00
from Options import DeathLinkMixin, Choice, Toggle, OptionDict, Range, PlandoBosses, DefaultOnToggle, \
PerGameCommonOptions, Visibility, NamedRange, OptionGroup, PlandoConnections
from .names import location_name
class RemoteItems(DefaultOnToggle):
Enables receiving items from your own world, primarily for co-op play.
display_name = "Remote Items"
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2024-06-01 11:34:41 +00:00
class KDL3PlandoConnections(PlandoConnections):
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entrances = exits = {f"{i} {j}" for i in location_name.level_names for j in range(1, 7)}
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2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
class Goal(Choice):
Zero: collect the Heart Stars, and defeat Zero in the Hyper Zone.
Boss Butch: collect the Heart Stars, and then complete the boss rematches in the Boss Butch mode.
MG5: collect the Heart Stars, and then complete a perfect run through the minigame gauntlet within the Super MG5
Jumping: collect the Heart Stars, and then reach a designated score within the Jumping sub-game
display_name = "Goal"
option_zero = 0
option_boss_butch = 1
option_MG5 = 2
option_jumping = 3
default = 0
def get_option_name(cls, value: int) -> str:
if value == 2:
return cls.name_lookup[value].upper()
return super().get_option_name(value)
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class GoalSpeed(Choice):
Normal: the goal is unlocked after purifying the five bosses
Fast: the goal is unlocked after acquiring the target number of Heart Stars
display_name = "Goal Speed"
option_normal = 0
option_fast = 1
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class MaxHeartStars(Range):
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Maximum number of heart stars to include in the pool of items.
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If fewer available locations exist in the pool than this number, the number of available locations will be used instead.
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display_name = "Max Heart Stars"
range_start = 5 # set to 5 so strict bosses does not degrade
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range_end = 99 # previously set to 50, set to highest it can be should there be less locations than heart stars
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default = 30
class HeartStarsRequired(Range):
Percentage of heart stars required to purify the five bosses and reach Zero.
Each boss will require a differing amount of heart stars to purify.
display_name = "Required Heart Stars"
range_start = 1
range_end = 100
default = 50
class LevelShuffle(Choice):
None: No stage shuffling.
Same World: shuffles stages around their world.
Pattern: shuffles stages according to the stage pattern (stage 3 will always be a minigame stage, etc.)
Shuffled: shuffles stages across all worlds.
display_name = "Stage Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_same_world = 1
option_pattern = 2
option_shuffled = 3
default = 0
class BossShuffle(PlandoBosses):
None: Bosses will remain in their vanilla locations
Shuffled: Bosses will be shuffled amongst each other
Full: Bosses will be randomized
Singularity: All (non-Zero) bosses will be replaced with a single boss
Supports plando placement.
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bosses = frozenset(location_name.boss_names.keys())
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locations = frozenset(location_name.level_names.keys())
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duplicate_bosses = True
def can_place_boss(cls, boss: str, location: str) -> bool:
# Kirby has no logic about requiring bosses in specific locations (since we load in their stage)
return True
display_name = "Boss Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_full = 2
option_singularity = 3
class BossShuffleAllowBB(Choice):
Allow Boss Butch variants of bosses in Boss Shuffle.
Enabled: any boss placed will have a 50% chance of being the Boss Butch variant, including bosses not present
Enforced: all bosses will be their Boss Butch variant.
Boss Butch boss changes are only visual.
display_name = "Allow Boss Butch Bosses"
option_disabled = 0
option_enabled = 1
option_enforced = 2
default = 0
class AnimalRandomization(Choice):
Disabled: all animal positions will be vanilla.
Shuffled: all animal positions will be shuffled amongst each other.
Full: random animals will be placed across the levels. At least one of each animal is guaranteed.
display_name = "Animal Randomization"
option_disabled = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_full = 2
default = 0
class CopyAbilityRandomization(Choice):
Disabled: enemies give regular copy abilities and health.
Enabled: all enemies will have the copy ability received from them randomized.
Enabled Plus Minus: enemies (except minibosses) can additionally give you anywhere from +2 health to -1 health when eaten.
display_name = "Copy Ability Randomization"
option_disabled = 0
option_enabled = 1
option_enabled_plus_minus = 2
class StrictBosses(DefaultOnToggle):
If enabled, one will not be able to move onto the next world until the previous world's boss has been purified.
display_name = "Strict Bosses"
class OpenWorld(DefaultOnToggle):
If enabled, all 6 stages will be unlocked upon entering a world for the first time. A certain amount of stages
will need to be completed in order to unlock the bosses
display_name = "Open World"
class OpenWorldBossRequirement(Range):
The amount of stages completed needed to unlock the boss of a world when Open World is turned on.
display_name = "Open World Boss Requirement"
range_start = 1
range_end = 6
default = 3
class BossRequirementRandom(Toggle):
If enabled, boss purification will require a random amount of Heart Stars. Depending on options, this may have
boss purification unlock in a random order.
display_name = "Randomize Purification Requirement"
class JumpingTarget(Range):
The required score needed to complete the Jumping minigame.
display_name = "Jumping Target Score"
range_start = 1
range_end = 25
default = 10
class GameLanguage(Choice):
The language that the game should display. This does not have to match the given rom.
display_name = "Game Language"
option_japanese = 0
option_english = 1
default = 1
class FillerPercentage(Range):
Percentage of non-required Heart Stars to be converted to filler items (1-Ups, Maxim Tomatoes, Invincibility Candy).
display_name = "Filler Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class TrapPercentage(Range):
Percentage of filler items to be converted to trap items (Gooey Bags, Slowness, Eject Ability).
display_name = "Trap Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class GooeyTrapPercentage(Range):
Chance that any given trap is a Gooey Bag (spawns Gooey when you receive it).
display_name = "Gooey Trap Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class SlowTrapPercentage(Range):
Chance that any given trap is Slowness (halves your max speed for 15 seconds when you receive it).
display_name = "Slowness Trap Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class AbilityTrapPercentage(Range):
Chance that any given trap is an Eject Ability (ejects your ability when you receive it).
display_name = "Ability Trap Percentage"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 50
class ConsumableChecks(Toggle):
When enabled, adds all 1-Ups and Maxim Tomatoes as possible locations.
display_name = "Consumable-sanity"
class StarChecks(Toggle):
When enabled, every star in a given stage will become a check.
Will increase the possible filler pool to include 1/3/5 stars.
display_name = "Starsanity"
class KirbyFlavorPreset(Choice):
The color of Kirby, from a list of presets.
display_name = "Kirby Flavor"
option_default = 0
option_bubblegum = 1
option_cherry = 2
option_blueberry = 3
option_lemon = 4
option_kiwi = 5
option_grape = 6
option_chocolate = 7
option_marshmallow = 8
option_licorice = 9
option_watermelon = 10
option_orange = 11
option_lime = 12
option_lavender = 13
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option_miku = 14
option_custom = 15
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default = 0
def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Choice:
text = text.lower()
if text == "random":
choice_list = list(cls.name_lookup)
return cls(random.choice(choice_list))
return super().from_text(text)
class KirbyFlavor(OptionDict):
A custom color for Kirby. To use a custom color, set the preset to Custom and then define a dict of keys from "1" to
"15", with their values being an HTML hex color.
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display_name = "Custom Kirby Flavor"
2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
default = {
"1": "B01810",
"2": "F0E0E8",
"3": "C8A0A8",
"4": "A87070",
"5": "E02018",
"6": "F0A0B8",
"7": "D07880",
"8": "A85048",
"9": "E8D0D0",
"10": "E85048",
"11": "D0C0C0",
"12": "B08888",
"13": "E87880",
"14": "F8F8F8",
"15": "B03830",
2024-08-31 11:15:00 +00:00
visibility = Visibility.template | Visibility.spoiler # likely never supported on guis
2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
class GooeyFlavorPreset(Choice):
The color of Gooey, from a list of presets.
display_name = "Gooey Flavor"
option_default = 0
option_bubblegum = 1
option_cherry = 2
option_blueberry = 3
option_lemon = 4
option_kiwi = 5
option_grape = 6
option_chocolate = 7
option_marshmallow = 8
option_licorice = 9
option_watermelon = 10
option_orange = 11
option_lime = 12
option_lavender = 13
option_custom = 14
default = 0
def from_text(cls, text: str) -> Choice:
text = text.lower()
if text == "random":
choice_list = list(cls.name_lookup)
return cls(random.choice(choice_list))
return super().from_text(text)
class GooeyFlavor(OptionDict):
A custom color for Gooey. To use a custom color, set the preset to Custom and then define a dict of keys from "1" to
"15", with their values being an HTML hex color.
2024-08-31 11:15:00 +00:00
display_name = "Custom Gooey Flavor"
2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
default = {
"1": "000808",
"2": "102838",
"3": "183048",
"4": "183878",
"5": "1838A0",
"6": "B01810",
"7": "E85048",
"8": "D0C0C0",
"9": "F8F8F8",
2024-08-31 11:15:00 +00:00
visibility = Visibility.template | Visibility.spoiler # likely never supported on guis
2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
class MusicShuffle(Choice):
None: default music will play
Shuffled: music will be shuffled amongst each other
Full: random music will play in each room
Note that certain songs will not be chosen in shuffled or full
display_name = "Music Randomization"
option_none = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_full = 2
default = 0
class VirtualConsoleChanges(Choice):
Adds the ability to enable 2 of the Virtual Console changes.
Flash Reduction: reduces the flashing during the Zero battle.
Color Changes: changes the color of the background within the Zero Boss Butch rematch.
display_name = "Virtual Console Changes"
option_none = 0
option_flash_reduction = 1
option_color_changes = 2
option_both = 3
default = 1
class Gifting(Toggle):
When enabled, the goal game item will be sent to other compatible games as a gift,
and you can receive gifts from other players. This can be enabled during gameplay
using the client.
display_name = "Gifting"
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class TotalHeartStars(NamedRange):
Deprecated. Use max_heart_stars instead. Supported for only one version.
default = -1
range_start = 5
range_end = 99
special_range_names = {
"default": -1
visibility = Visibility.none
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2024-08-31 11:15:00 +00:00
class KDL3Options(PerGameCommonOptions, DeathLinkMixin):
remote_items: RemoteItems
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plando_connections: KDL3PlandoConnections
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game_language: GameLanguage
goal: Goal
goal_speed: GoalSpeed
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max_heart_stars: MaxHeartStars
2024-03-05 15:59:55 +00:00
heart_stars_required: HeartStarsRequired
filler_percentage: FillerPercentage
trap_percentage: TrapPercentage
gooey_trap_weight: GooeyTrapPercentage
slow_trap_weight: SlowTrapPercentage
ability_trap_weight: AbilityTrapPercentage
jumping_target: JumpingTarget
stage_shuffle: LevelShuffle
boss_shuffle: BossShuffle
allow_bb: BossShuffleAllowBB
animal_randomization: AnimalRandomization
copy_ability_randomization: CopyAbilityRandomization
strict_bosses: StrictBosses
open_world: OpenWorld
ow_boss_requirement: OpenWorldBossRequirement
boss_requirement_random: BossRequirementRandom
consumables: ConsumableChecks
starsanity: StarChecks
gifting: Gifting
kirby_flavor_preset: KirbyFlavorPreset
kirby_flavor: KirbyFlavor
gooey_flavor_preset: GooeyFlavorPreset
gooey_flavor: GooeyFlavor
music_shuffle: MusicShuffle
virtual_console: VirtualConsoleChanges
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total_heart_stars: TotalHeartStars # remove in 2 versions
kdl3_option_groups: List[OptionGroup] = [
OptionGroup("Goal Options", [Goal, GoalSpeed, MaxHeartStars, HeartStarsRequired, JumpingTarget, ]),
OptionGroup("World Options", [RemoteItems, StrictBosses, OpenWorld, OpenWorldBossRequirement, ConsumableChecks,
StarChecks, FillerPercentage, TrapPercentage, GooeyTrapPercentage,
SlowTrapPercentage, AbilityTrapPercentage, LevelShuffle, BossShuffle,
AnimalRandomization, CopyAbilityRandomization, BossRequirementRandom,
Gifting, ]),
OptionGroup("Cosmetic Options", [GameLanguage, BossShuffleAllowBB, KirbyFlavorPreset, KirbyFlavor,
GooeyFlavorPreset, GooeyFlavor, MusicShuffle, VirtualConsoleChanges, ]),