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2022-01-21 21:41:53 +00:00
import typing
import random
from .Locations import location_table, lookup_name_to_id as locations_lookup_name_to_id
from .Items import (createResourcePackName, item_table, progressive_table, progressive_item_list,
lookup_name_to_item, resourcepack_items as resourcePackItems, lookup_name_to_id as items_lookup_name_to_id)
from .Regions import create_regions, getConnectionName
from .Rules import set_rules
from .Options import raft_options
from BaseClasses import Region, RegionType, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, ItemClassification, Tutorial
from ..AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
class RaftWeb(WebWorld):
tutorials = [Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up Raft integration for Archipelago multiworld games.",
["SunnyBat", "Awareqwx"]
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class RaftWorld(World):
Raft is a flooded world exploration game. You're stranded on a small raft in the middle of the
ocean, and you must survive on trash floating by you on the top of the water and around/on any
islands that you come across.
game: str = "Raft"
web = RaftWeb()
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item_name_to_id = items_lookup_name_to_id.copy()
lastItemId = max(filter(lambda val: val is not None, item_name_to_id.values()))
location_name_to_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id
option_definitions = raft_options
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data_version = 2
required_client_version = (0, 3, 4)
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def generate_basic(self):
minRPSpecified = self.multiworld.minimum_resource_pack_amount[self.player].value
maxRPSpecified = self.multiworld.maximum_resource_pack_amount[self.player].value
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minimumResourcePackAmount = min(minRPSpecified, maxRPSpecified)
maximumResourcePackAmount = max(minRPSpecified, maxRPSpecified)
# Generate item pool
pool = []
for item in item_table:
raft_item = self.create_item_replaceAsNecessary(item["name"])
extraItemNamePool = []
extras = len(location_table) - len(item_table) - 1 # Victory takes up 1 unaccounted-for slot
if extras > 0:
if (self.multiworld.filler_item_types[self.player].value != 1): # Use resource packs
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for packItem in resourcePackItems:
for i in range(minimumResourcePackAmount, maximumResourcePackAmount + 1):
extraItemNamePool.append(createResourcePackName(i, packItem))
if self.multiworld.filler_item_types[self.player].value != 0: # Use duplicate items
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dupeItemPool = item_table.copy()
# Remove frequencies if necessary
if self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player].value != 5: # Not completely random locations
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dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if "Frequency" not in itm["name"])
# Remove progression or non-progression items if necessary
if (self.multiworld.duplicate_items[self.player].value == 0): # Progression only
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dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if itm["progression"] == True)
elif (self.multiworld.duplicate_items[self.player].value == 1): # Non-progression only
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dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if itm["progression"] == False)
dupeItemPool = list(dupeItemPool)
# Finally, add items as necessary
if len(dupeItemPool) > 0:
for item in dupeItemPool:
if (len(extraItemNamePool) > 0):
for randomItem in random.choices(extraItemNamePool, k=extras):
raft_item = self.create_item_replaceAsNecessary(randomItem)
self.multiworld.itempool += pool
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def set_rules(self):
set_rules(self.multiworld, self.player)
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def create_regions(self):
create_regions(self.multiworld, self.player)
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def get_pre_fill_items(self):
if self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
return [loc.item for loc in self.multiworld.get_filled_locations()]
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return []
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def create_item_replaceAsNecessary(self, name: str) -> Item:
isFrequency = "Frequency" in name
shouldUseProgressive = ((isFrequency and self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player].value == 4)
or (not isFrequency and self.multiworld.progressive_items[self.player].value))
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if shouldUseProgressive and name in progressive_table:
name = progressive_table[name]
return self.create_item(name)
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item = lookup_name_to_item[name]
return RaftItem(name, ItemClassification.progression if item["progression"] else ItemClassification.filler,
self.item_name_to_id[name], player=self.player)
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def create_resourcePack(self, rpName: str) -> Item:
return RaftItem(rpName, ItemClassification.filler, self.item_name_to_id[rpName], player=self.player)
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def collect_item(self, state, item, remove=False):
if in progressive_item_list:
prog_table = progressive_item_list[]
if remove:
for item_name in reversed(prog_table):
if state.has(item_name, item.player):
return item_name
for item_name in prog_table:
if not state.has(item_name, item.player):
return item_name
return super(RaftWorld, self).collect_item(state, item, remove)
def pre_fill(self):
if self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] == 0:
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self.setLocationItem("Radio Tower Frequency to Vasagatan", "Vasagatan Frequency")
self.setLocationItem("Vasagatan Frequency to Balboa", "Balboa Island Frequency")
self.setLocationItem("Relay Station quest", "Caravan Island Frequency")
self.setLocationItem("Caravan Island Frequency to Tangaroa", "Tangaroa Frequency")
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self.setLocationItem("Tangaroa Frequency to Varuna Point", "Varuna Point Frequency")
self.setLocationItem("Varuna Point Frequency to Temperance", "Temperance Frequency")
self.setLocationItem("Temperance Frequency to Utopia", "Utopia Frequency")
elif self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] == 1:
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self.setLocationItemFromRegion("RadioTower", "Vasagatan Frequency")
self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Vasagatan", "Balboa Island Frequency")
self.setLocationItemFromRegion("BalboaIsland", "Caravan Island Frequency")
self.setLocationItemFromRegion("CaravanIsland", "Tangaroa Frequency")
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self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Tangaroa", "Varuna Point Frequency")
self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Varuna Point", "Temperance Frequency")
self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Temperance", "Utopia Frequency")
elif self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] in [2, 3]:
locationToFrequencyItemMap = {
"Vasagatan": "Vasagatan Frequency",
"BalboaIsland": "Balboa Island Frequency",
"CaravanIsland": "Caravan Island Frequency",
"Tangaroa": "Tangaroa Frequency",
"Varuna Point": "Varuna Point Frequency",
"Temperance": "Temperance Frequency",
"Utopia": "Utopia Frequency"
locationToVanillaFrequencyLocationMap = {
"RadioTower": "Radio Tower Frequency to Vasagatan",
"Vasagatan": "Vasagatan Frequency to Balboa",
"BalboaIsland": "Relay Station quest",
"CaravanIsland": "Caravan Island Frequency to Tangaroa",
"Tangaroa": "Tangaroa Frequency to Varuna Point",
"Varuna Point": "Varuna Point Frequency to Temperance",
"Temperance": "Temperance Frequency to Utopia"
# Utopia is never chosen until the end, otherwise these are chosen randomly
availableLocationList = ["Vasagatan", "BalboaIsland", "CaravanIsland", "Tangaroa", "Varuna Point", "Temperance", "Utopia"]
previousLocation = "RadioTower"
while (len(availableLocationList) > 0):
if (len(availableLocationList) > 1):
currentLocation = availableLocationList[random.randint(0, len(availableLocationList) - 2)]
currentLocation = availableLocationList[0] # Utopia (only one left in list)
if self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] == 2:
self.setLocationItem(locationToVanillaFrequencyLocationMap[previousLocation], locationToFrequencyItemMap[currentLocation])
elif self.multiworld.island_frequency_locations[self.player] == 3:
self.setLocationItemFromRegion(previousLocation, locationToFrequencyItemMap[currentLocation])
previousLocation = currentLocation
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# Victory item
self.multiworld.get_location("Utopia Complete", self.player).place_locked_item(
RaftItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, player=self.player))
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def setLocationItem(self, location: str, itemName: str):
itemToUse = next(filter(lambda itm: == itemName, self.multiworld.itempool))
self.multiworld.get_location(location, self.player).place_locked_item(itemToUse)
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def setLocationItemFromRegion(self, region: str, itemName: str):
itemToUse = next(filter(lambda itm: == itemName, self.multiworld.itempool))
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location = random.choice(list(loc for loc in location_table if loc["region"] == region))
self.multiworld.get_location(location["name"], self.player).place_locked_item(itemToUse)
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def fill_slot_data(self):
return {
"IslandGenerationDistance": self.multiworld.island_generation_distance[self.player].value,
"ExpensiveResearch": bool(self.multiworld.expensive_research[self.player].value),
"DeathLink": bool(self.multiworld.death_link[self.player].value)
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def create_region(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None):
ret = Region(name, RegionType.Generic, name, player)
ret.multiworld = world
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if locations:
for location in locations:
loc_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id.get(location, 0)
locationObj = RaftLocation(player, location, loc_id, ret)
if exits:
for exit in exits:
ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, getConnectionName(name, exit), ret))
return ret
class RaftLocation(Location):
game = "Raft"
class RaftItem(Item):
game = "Raft"