
251 lines
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2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
import tkinter as tk
import argparse
import logging
import os
import zipfile
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from itertools import chain
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from Options import Choice, Range, Toggle
from worlds.oot import OOTWorld
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from worlds.oot.Cosmetics import patch_cosmetics
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from worlds.oot.Options import cosmetic_options, sfx_options
from worlds.oot.Rom import Rom, compress_rom_file
from worlds.oot.N64Patch import apply_patch_file
from worlds.oot.Utils import data_path
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from Utils import local_path
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger('OoTAdjuster')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--rom', default='',
help='Path to an OoT randomized ROM to adjust.')
parser.add_argument('--vanilla_rom', default='',
help='Path to a vanilla OoT ROM for patching.')
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
for name, option in chain(cosmetic_options.items(), sfx_options.items()):
parser.add_argument('--'+name, default=None,
parser.add_argument('--is_glitched', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Setting this to true will enable protection on kokiri tunic colors for weirdshot.')
help='Enable DeathLink system', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.isfile(args.rom):
def adjustGUI():
from tkinter import Tk, LEFT, BOTTOM, TOP, E, W, \
StringVar, IntVar, Checkbutton, Frame, Label, X, Entry, Button, \
OptionMenu, filedialog, messagebox, ttk
from argparse import Namespace
from Utils import __version__ as MWVersion
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window = tk.Tk()
window.wm_title(f"Archipelago {MWVersion} OoT Adjuster")
opts = Namespace()
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# Select ROM
romDialogFrame = Frame(window)
romLabel = Label(romDialogFrame, text='Rom/patch to adjust')
vanillaLabel = Label(romDialogFrame, text='OoT Base Rom')
opts.rom = StringVar()
opts.vanilla_rom = StringVar(value="The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64")
romEntry = Entry(romDialogFrame, textvariable=opts.rom)
vanillaEntry = Entry(romDialogFrame, textvariable=opts.vanilla_rom)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
def RomSelect():
rom = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Rom Files", (".z64", ".n64", ".apz5")), ("All Files", "*")])
def VanillaSelect():
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
rom = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Rom Files", (".z64", ".n64")), ("All Files", "*")])
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
romSelectButton = Button(romDialogFrame, text='Select Rom', command=RomSelect)
vanillaSelectButton = Button(romDialogFrame, text='Select Rom', command=VanillaSelect)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
romDialogFrame.pack(side=TOP, expand=True, fill=X)
romEntry.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True, fill=X)
vanillaEntry.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True, fill=X)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
# Cosmetic options
romSettingsFrame = Frame(window)
def dropdown_option(type, option_name, row, column):
if type == 'cosmetic':
option = cosmetic_options[option_name]
elif type == 'sfx':
option = sfx_options[option_name]
optionFrame = Frame(romSettingsFrame)
optionFrame.grid(row=row, column=column, sticky=E)
optionLabel = Label(optionFrame, text=option.display_name)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
setattr(opts, option_name, StringVar())
getattr(opts, option_name).set(option.name_lookup[option.default])
optionMenu = OptionMenu(optionFrame, getattr(opts, option_name), *option.name_lookup.values())
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'default_targeting', 0, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'display_dpad', 0, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'correct_model_colors', 0, 2)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'background_music', 1, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'fanfares', 1, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'ocarina_fanfares', 1, 2)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'kokiri_color', 2, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'goron_color', 2, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'zora_color', 2, 2)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'silver_gauntlets_color', 3, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'golden_gauntlets_color', 3, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'mirror_shield_frame_color', 3, 2)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_default_inner', 4, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_default_outer', 4, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_enemy_inner', 5, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_enemy_outer', 5, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_npc_inner', 6, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_npc_outer', 6, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_prop_inner', 7, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'navi_color_prop_outer', 7, 1)
# sword_trail_duration, 8, 2
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'sword_trail_color_inner', 8, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'sword_trail_color_outer', 8, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'bombchu_trail_color_inner', 9, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'bombchu_trail_color_outer', 9, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'boomerang_trail_color_inner', 10, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'boomerang_trail_color_outer', 10, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'heart_color', 11, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'magic_color', 12, 0)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'a_button_color', 11, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'b_button_color', 11, 2)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'c_button_color', 12, 1)
dropdown_option('cosmetic', 'start_button_color', 12, 2)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_navi_overworld', 14, 0)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_navi_enemy', 14, 1)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_low_hp', 14, 2)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_menu_cursor', 15, 0)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_menu_select', 15, 1)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_nightfall', 15, 2)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_horse_neigh', 16, 0)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_hover_boots', 16, 1)
dropdown_option('sfx', 'sfx_ocarina', 16, 2)
# Special cases
# Sword trail duration is a range
option = cosmetic_options['sword_trail_duration']
optionFrame = Frame(romSettingsFrame)
optionFrame.grid(row=8, column=2, sticky=E)
optionLabel = Label(optionFrame, text=option.display_name)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
setattr(opts, 'sword_trail_duration', StringVar())
getattr(opts, 'sword_trail_duration').set(option.default)
optionMenu = OptionMenu(optionFrame, getattr(opts, 'sword_trail_duration'), *range(4, 21))
# Glitched is a checkbox
opts.is_glitched = IntVar(value=0)
glitched_checkbox = Checkbutton(romSettingsFrame, text="Glitched Logic?", variable=opts.is_glitched)
glitched_checkbox.grid(row=17, column=0, sticky=W)
# Deathlink is a checkbox
opts.deathlink = IntVar(value=0)
deathlink_checkbox = Checkbutton(romSettingsFrame, text="DeathLink (Team Deaths)", variable=opts.deathlink)
deathlink_checkbox.grid(row=17, column=1, sticky=W)
def adjustRom():
guiargs = Namespace()
options = vars(opts)
for o in options:
result = options[o].get()
if result == 'true':
result = True
if result == 'false':
result = False
setattr(guiargs, o, result)
guiargs.sword_trail_duration = int(guiargs.sword_trail_duration)
path = adjust(guiargs)
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror(title="Error while adjusting Rom", message=str(e))
messagebox.showinfo(title="Success", message=f"Rom patched successfully to {path}")
# Adjust button
bottomFrame = Frame(window)
adjustButton = Button(bottomFrame, text='Adjust Rom', command=adjustRom)
adjustButton.pack(side=BOTTOM, padx=(5, 5))
bottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=(5, 5))
def set_icon(window):
logo = tk.PhotoImage(file=local_path('data', 'icon.png'))'wm', 'iconphoto', window._w, logo)
def adjust(args):
# Create a fake multiworld and OOTWorld to use as a base
multiworld = MultiWorld(1)
ootworld = OOTWorld(multiworld, 1)
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
# Set options in the fake OOTWorld
for name, option in chain(cosmetic_options.items(), sfx_options.items()):
result = getattr(args, name, None)
if result is None:
if issubclass(option, Choice):
result = option.name_lookup[option.default]
elif issubclass(option, Range) or issubclass(option, Toggle):
result = option.default
raise Exception("Unsupported option type")
setattr(ootworld, name, result)
ootworld.logic_rules = 'glitched' if args.is_glitched else 'glitchless'
ootworld.death_link = args.deathlink
delete_zootdec = False
if os.path.splitext(args.rom)[-1] in ['.z64', '.n64']:
# Load up the ROM
rom = Rom(file=args.rom, force_use=True)
delete_zootdec = True
elif os.path.splitext(args.rom)[-1] in ['.apz5', '.zpf']:
# Load vanilla ROM
rom = Rom(file=args.vanilla_rom, force_use=True)
apz5_file = args.rom
base_name = os.path.splitext(apz5_file)[0]
# Patch file
apply_patch_file(rom, apz5_file,
sub_file=(os.path.basename(base_name) + '.zpf'
if zipfile.is_zipfile(apz5_file)
else None))
2021-11-15 14:14:55 +00:00
raise Exception("Invalid file extension; requires .n64, .z64, .apz5, .zpf")
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
# Call patch_cosmetics
patch_cosmetics(ootworld, rom)
rom.write_byte(rom.sym('DEATH_LINK'), args.deathlink)
# Output new file
path_pieces = os.path.splitext(args.rom)
decomp_path = path_pieces[0] + '-adjusted-decomp.n64'
comp_path = path_pieces[0] + '-adjusted.n64'
compress_rom_file(decomp_path, comp_path)
if delete_zootdec:
2021-11-14 22:50:49 +00:00
return comp_path
if __name__ == '__main__':