2023-03-05 12:31:31 +00:00
from BaseClasses import ItemClassification
import typing
from typing import Dict
progression = ItemClassification.progression
filler = ItemClassification.filler
useful = ItemClassification.useful
trap = ItemClassification.trap
class ItemData(typing.NamedTuple):
code: typing.Optional[int]
classification: ItemClassification
item_table: Dict[str, ItemData] = {
"Boomerang": ItemData(100, useful),
"Bow": ItemData(101, progression),
"Magical Boomerang": ItemData(102, useful),
"Raft": ItemData(103, progression),
"Stepladder": ItemData(104, progression),
"Recorder": ItemData(105, progression),
"Magical Rod": ItemData(106, progression),
"Red Candle": ItemData(107, progression),
"Book of Magic": ItemData(108, progression),
"Magical Key": ItemData(109, useful),
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"Red Ring": ItemData(110, progression),
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"Silver Arrow": ItemData(111, progression),
"Sword": ItemData(112, progression),
"White Sword": ItemData(113, progression),
"Magical Sword": ItemData(114, progression),
"Heart Container": ItemData(115, progression),
"Letter": ItemData(116, progression),
"Magical Shield": ItemData(117, useful),
"Candle": ItemData(118, progression),
"Arrow": ItemData(119, progression),
"Food": ItemData(120, progression),
"Water of Life (Blue)": ItemData(121, useful),
"Water of Life (Red)": ItemData(122, useful),
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"Blue Ring": ItemData(123, progression),
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"Triforce Fragment": ItemData(124, progression),
"Power Bracelet": ItemData(125, useful),
"Small Key": ItemData(126, filler),
"Bomb": ItemData(127, filler),
"Recovery Heart": ItemData(128, filler),
"Five Rupees": ItemData(129, filler),
"Rupee": ItemData(130, filler),
"Clock": ItemData(131, filler),
"Fairy": ItemData(132, filler)
item_game_ids = {
"Bomb": 0x00,
"Sword": 0x01,
"White Sword": 0x02,
"Magical Sword": 0x03,
"Food": 0x04,
"Recorder": 0x05,
"Candle": 0x06,
"Red Candle": 0x07,
"Arrow": 0x08,
"Silver Arrow": 0x09,
"Bow": 0x0A,
"Magical Key": 0x0B,
"Raft": 0x0C,
"Stepladder": 0x0D,
"Five Rupees": 0x0F,
"Magical Rod": 0x10,
"Book of Magic": 0x11,
"Blue Ring": 0x12,
"Red Ring": 0x13,
"Power Bracelet": 0x14,
"Letter": 0x15,
"Small Key": 0x19,
"Heart Container": 0x1A,
"Triforce Fragment": 0x1B,
"Magical Shield": 0x1C,
"Boomerang": 0x1D,
"Magical Boomerang": 0x1E,
"Water of Life (Blue)": 0x1F,
"Water of Life (Red)": 0x20,
"Recovery Heart": 0x22,
"Rupee": 0x18,
"Clock": 0x21,
"Fairy": 0x23
# Item prices are going to get a bit of a writeup here, because these are some seemingly arbitrary
# design decisions and future contributors may want to know how these were arrived at.
# First, I based everything off of the Blue Ring. Since the Red Ring is twice as good as the Blue Ring,
# logic dictates it should cost twice as much. Since you can't make something cost 500 rupees, the only
# solution was to halve the price of the Blue Ring. Correspondingly, everything else sold in shops was
# also cut in half.
# Then, I decided on a factor for swords. Since each sword does double the damage of its predecessor, each
# one should be at least double. Since the sword saves so much time when upgraded (as, unlike other items,
# you don't need to switch to it), I wanted a bit of a premium on upgrades. Thus, a 4x multiplier was chosen,
# allowing the basic Sword to stay cheap while making the Magical Sword be a hefty upgrade you'll
# feel the price of.
# Since arrows do the same amount of damage as the White Sword and silver arrows are the same with the Magical Sword.
# they were given corresponding costs.
# Utility items were based on the prices of the shield, keys, and food. Broadly useful utility items should cost more,
# while limited use utility items should cost less. After eyeballing those, a few editorial decisions were made as
# deliberate thumbs on the scale of game balance. Those exceptions will be noted below. In general, prices were chosen
# based on how a player would feel spending that amount of money as opposed to how useful an item actually is.
item_prices = {
"Bomb": 10,
"Sword": 10,
"White Sword": 40,
"Magical Sword": 160,
"Food": 30,
"Recorder": 45,
"Candle": 30,
"Red Candle": 60,
"Arrow": 40,
"Silver Arrow": 160,
"Bow": 40,
"Magical Key": 250, # Replacing all small keys commands a high premium
"Raft": 80,
"Stepladder": 80,
"Five Rupees": 255, # This could cost anything above 5 Rupees and be fine, but 255 is the funniest
"Magical Rod": 100, # White Sword with forever beams should cost at least more than the White Sword itself
"Book of Magic": 60,
"Blue Ring": 125,
"Red Ring": 250,
"Power Bracelet": 25,
"Letter": 20,
"Small Key": 40,
"Heart Container": 80,
"Triforce Fragment": 200, # Since I couldn't make Zelda 1 track shop purchases, this is how to discourage repeat
# Triforce purchases. The punishment for endless Rupee grinding to avoid searching out
# Triforce pieces is that you're doing endless Rupee grinding to avoid playing the game
"Magical Shield": 45,
"Boomerang": 5,
"Magical Boomerang": 20,
"Water of Life (Blue)": 20,
"Water of Life (Red)": 34,
"Recovery Heart": 5,
"Rupee": 50,
"Clock": 0,
"Fairy": 10