'Free trial of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, including the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavenasward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime!',
'Can of Compressed Air',
'Striped Kitten',
'USB Power Adapter',
'Fortune Cookie',
'Nintendo Power Glove',
'The Lampshade of No Real Significance',
'Kneepads of Allure',
'Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card',
'Box Set of Stargate SG-1 Season 4',
'The Missing Left Sock',
'Poster Tube',
'Electronic Picture Frame',
'Bottle of Shampoo',
'Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It',
'Fanny Pack',
'Robocop T-Shirt',
'Suspiciously Small Monocle',
'Table Saw',
'Cookies and Cream Milkshake',
'Deflated Accordion',
'Grandma\'s Homemade Pie',
'Invisible Lego on the Floor',
'Pitfall Trap',
'Flathead Screwdriver',
'Leftover Pizza',
'Voodoo Doll that Looks Like You',
'Pink Shoelaces',
'Half a Bottle of Scotch',
'Reminder Not to Forget Aginah',
'Medicine Ball',
'Yoga Mat',
'Chocolate Orange',
'Old Concert Tickets',
'The Pick of Destiny',
'Just a Regular McMuffin',
'34 Tacos',
'Duct Tape',
'Copy of Untitled Goose Game',
'Partially Used Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Card',
'Mostly Popped Bubble Wrap',
'Expired Driver\'s License',
'The Look, You Know the One',
'Transformers Lunch Box',
'MP3 Player',
'Dry Sharpie',
'Chalkboard Eraser',
'Overhead Projector',
'Physical Copy of the Japanese 1.0 Link to the Past',