WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% extends 'pageWrapper.html' %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{% import 'playerOptions/macros.html' as inputs with context %}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% block head %}
< title > {{ world_name }} Options< / title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "{{ url_for('static', filename=" styles / playerOptions / playerOptions . css " ) } } " / >
< script type = "application/ecmascript" src = "{{ url_for('static', filename=" assets / md5 . min . js " ) } } " > < / script >
< script type = "application/ecmascript" src = "{{ url_for('static', filename=" assets / js-yaml . min . js " ) } } " > < / script >
< script type = "application/ecmascript" src = "{{ url_for('static', filename=" assets / playerOptions . js " ) } } " > < / script >
< noscript >
< style >
display: none;
< / style >
< / noscript >
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include 'header/'+theme+'Header.html' %}
< div id = "player-options" class = "markdown" data-game = "{{ world_name }}" data-presets = "{{ presets }}" >
< noscript >
< div class = "js-warning-banner" >
This page has reduced functionality without JavaScript.
< / div >
< / noscript >
< div id = "user-message" > {{ message }}< / div >
< div id = "player-options-header" >
< h1 > {{ world_name }}< / h1 >
< h1 > Player Options< / h1 >
< / div >
< p > Choose the options you would like to play with! You may generate a single-player game from this page,
or download an options file you can use to participate in a MultiWorld.< / p >
< p >
A more advanced options configuration for all games can be found on the
< a href = "weighted-options" > Weighted options< / a > page.
< br / >
A list of all games you have generated can be found on the < a href = "/user-content" > User Content Page< / a > .
< br / >
You may also download the
< a href = "/static/generated/configs/{{ world_name }}.yaml" > template file for this game< / a > .
< / p >
< form id = "options-form" method = "post" enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action = "generate-yaml" >
< div id = "meta-options" >
< div >
< label for = "player-name" >
Player Name: < span class = "interactive" data-tooltip = "This is the name you use to connect with your game. This is also known as your 'slot name'." > (?)< / span >
< / label >
< input id = "player-name" placeholder = "Player" name = "name" maxlength = "16" / >
< / div >
< div class = "js-required" >
< label for = "game-options-preset" >
Options Preset: < span class = "interactive" data-tooltip = "Select from a list of developer-curated presets (if any) or reset all options to their defaults." > (?)< / span >
< / label >
< select id = "game-options-preset" name = "game-options-preset" disabled >
< option value = "default" > Default< / option >
{% for preset_name in world.web.options_presets %}
< option value = "{{ preset_name }}" > {{ preset_name }}< / option >
{% endfor %}
< option value = "custom" hidden > Custom< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "option-groups" >
{% for group_name, group_options in option_groups.items() %}
2024-05-24 05:18:21 +00:00
< details class = "group-container" { % if not start_collapsed [ group_name ] % } open { % endif % } >
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
< summary class = "h2" > {{ group_name }}< / summary >
< div class = "game-options" >
< div class = "left" >
{% for option_name, option in group_options.items() %}
{% if loop.index < = (loop.length / 2)|round(0,"ceil") %}
{% if issubclass(option, Options.Toggle) %}
{{ inputs.Toggle(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.TextChoice) %}
{{ inputs.TextChoice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Choice) %}
{{ inputs.Choice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.NamedRange) %}
{{ inputs.NamedRange(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Range) %}
{{ inputs.Range(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.FreeText) %}
{{ inputs.FreeText(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemDict) and option.verify_item_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.ItemDict(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionList) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionList(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.LocationSet) and option.verify_location_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.LocationSet(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemSet) and option.verify_item_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.ItemSet(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionSet) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionSet(option_name, option) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
< / div >
< div class = "right" >
{% for option_name, option in group_options.items() %}
{% if loop.index > (loop.length / 2)|round(0,"ceil") %}
{% if issubclass(option, Options.Toggle) %}
{{ inputs.Toggle(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.TextChoice) %}
{{ inputs.TextChoice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Choice) %}
{{ inputs.Choice(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.NamedRange) %}
{{ inputs.NamedRange(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.Range) %}
{{ inputs.Range(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.FreeText) %}
{{ inputs.FreeText(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemDict) and option.verify_item_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.ItemDict(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionList) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionList(option_name, option) }}
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.LocationSet) and option.verify_location_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.LocationSet(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.ItemSet) and option.verify_item_name %}
2024-06-14 22:53:42 +00:00
{{ inputs.ItemSet(option_name, option) }}
WebHost: Massive overhaul of options pages (#2614)
* Implement support for option groups. WebHost options pages still need to be updated.
* Remove debug output
* In-progress conversion of player-options to Jinja rendering
* Support "Randomize" button without JS, transpile SCSS to CSS, include map file for later editors
* Un-alphabetize options, add default group name for item/location Option classes, implement more option types
* Re-flow UI generation to avoid printing rows with unsupported or invalid option types, add support for TextChoice options
* Support all remaining option types
* Rendering improvements and CSS fixes for prettiness
* Wrap options in a form, update button styles, fix labels, disable inputs where the default is random, nuke the JS
* Minor CSS tweaks, as recommended by the designer
* Hide JS-required elements in noscript tag. Add JS reactivity to range, named-range, and randomize buttons.
* Fix labels, add JS handling for TextChoice
* Make option groups collapsable
* PEP8 current option_groups progress (#2604)
* Make the python more PEP8 and remove unneeded imports
* remove LocationSet from `Item & Location Options` group
* It's ugly, but YAML generation is working
* Stop generating JSON files for player-options pages
* Do not include ItemDict entries whose values are zero
* Properly format yaml output
* Save options when form is submitted, load options on page load
* Fix options being omitted from the page if a group has an even number of options
* Implement generate-game, escape option descriptions
* Fix "randomize" checkboxes not properly setting YAML options to "random"
* Add a separator between item/location groups and items/locations in their respective lists
* Implement option presets
* Fix docs to detail what actually ended up happening
* implement option groups on webworld to allow dev sorting (#2616)
* Force extremely long item/location/option names with no spaces to text-wrap
* Fix "randomize" button being too wide in single-column display, change page header to include game name
* Update preset select to read "custom" when updating form inputs. Show error message if the user doesn't input a name
* Un-break weighted-options, add option group names to weighted options
* Nuke weighted-options. Set up framework to rebuild it in Jinja.
* Generate styles with scss, remove styles which will be replaced, add placeholders for worlds
* Support Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, and Choice options in weighted-options
* Implement expand/collapse without JS for worlds and option groups
* Properly style set options
* Implement Range and NamedRange. Also, CSS is hard.
* Add support for remaining option types. JS and backend still forthcoming.
* Add JS functionality for collapsing game divs, populating span values on range updates. Add <noscript> tag to warn users with JS disabled.
* Support showing/hiding game divs based on range value for game
* Add support for adding/deleting range rows
* Save settings to localStorage on form submission
* Save deleted options on form submission
* Break weighted-options into a per-game page.
- Break weighted-options into a per-game page
- Add "advanced options" links to supported games page
- Use details/summary tags on supported games, player-options, and weighted-options
- Fix bug preventing previously deleted rows from being removed on page load if JS is enabled
- Move route handling for options pages to options.py
- Remove world handling from weighted-options
* Implement loading previous settings from localStorage on page load if JS is enabled
* Weighted options can now generate YAML files and single-player games
* options pages now respect option visibility settings for simple and complex pages
* Remove `/weighted-settings` redirect, fix weighted-options link on player-options page
* Fix instance of AutoWorld not having access to proper `random`
* Catch instances of frozenset along with set
* Restore word-wrap in tooltips
* Fix word wrap in player-options labels
* Add `dedent` filter to help with formatting tooltips in player-options
* Do not change the ordering of keys when printing yaml files
* Move necessary import out of conditional statement
* Expand only the first option group by default on both options pages
* Respect option visibility when generating yaml template files
* Swap to double quotes
* Replace instances of `/weighted-settings` with `/weighted-options`, swap out incomplete links
* Strip newlines and spaces after applying dedent filter
* Fix documentation for option groups
* Update site map
* Update various docs
* Sort OptionSet lists alphabetically
* Minor style tweak
* Fix extremely long text overflowing tooltips
* Convert player-options to use CSS grid instead of tables
* Do not display link to weighted-options page on supported games if the options page is an external link
* Update worlds/AutoWorld.py
Bugfix by @alwaysintreble
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
* Fix NamedRange options not being properly set if a preset it loaded
* Move option-presets route into options.py
* Include preset name in YAML if not "default" and not "custom"
* Removed macros for PlandoBosses and DefaultOnToggle, as they were handled by their parent classes
* Fix not disabling custom inputs when the randomize button is clicked
* Only sort OptionList and OptionSet valid_keys if they are unordered
* Quick style fixes for player-settings to give `select` elements `text-overflow: ellipsis` and increase base size of left-column
* Prevent showing a horizontal scroll bar on player-options if the browser width was beneath a certain threshold
* Fix a bug in weighted-options which prevented inputting a negative value for new range inputs
Co-authored-by: Aaron Wagener <mmmcheese158@gmail.com>
2024-05-18 04:11:57 +00:00
{% elif issubclass(option, Options.OptionSet) and option.valid_keys %}
{{ inputs.OptionSet(option_name, option) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
< / div >
< / div >
< / details >
{% endfor %}
< / div >
< div id = "player-options-button-row" >
< input type = "submit" name = "intent-export" value = "Export Options" / >
< input type = "submit" name = "intent-generate" value = "Generate Single-Player Game" >
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
{% endblock %}